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Moyamoya disease in children

Article in Child s Nervous System October 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s00381-010-1209-8 Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Edward S Ahn
Johns Hopkins Medicine


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Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308
DOI 10.1007/s00381-010-1209-8


Moyamoya disease in children

David M. Ibrahimi & Rafael J. Tamargo &
Edward S. Ahn

Received: 8 June 2010 / Accepted: 12 June 2010 / Published online: 4 July 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Keywords Moyamoya disease . Stroke .

Purpose Moyamoya disease, a rare cause of pediatric Cerebral revascularization . Pial synangiosis . Pediatric
stroke, is a cerebrovascular occlusive disorder resulting
from progressive stenosis of the distal intracranial carotid
arteries and their proximal branches. In response to brain Introduction
ischemia, there is the development of basal collateral
vessels, which give rise to the characteristic angiographic Moyamoya disease is a cerebrovascular arteriopathy of
appearance of moyamoya. If left untreated, the disease can unknown origin characterized by progressive stenosis and,
result in overwhelming permanent neurological and cogni- ultimately, occlusion of the distal intracranial internal
tive deficits. carotid arteries (ICA) and the proximal branches of the
Methods Whereas moyamoya disease refers to the idio- anterior and middle cerebral arteries. To perfuse the
pathic form, moyamoya syndrome refers to the condition in ischemic brain distal to the occlusion, there is parallel
which children with moyamoya also have a recognized development of collateral vessels from the leptomeninges
clinical disorder. As opposed to adults who typically as well as both the external and intracranial ICAs. It is the
present in the setting of intracranial hemorrhage, the classic dilated basal collateral vessels arising from the intracranial
pediatric presentation is recurrent transient ischemic attacks ICAs, which normally supply the optic nerves, pituitary
and/or completed ischemic strokes. gland, anterior perforated substance, dura, and other skull
Results Surgical revascularization, including direct and base structures [1], that lead to the characteristic angio-
indirect techniques, remains the mainstay of treatment, graphic appearance likened to a puff of smoke.
and has been shown to improve long-term outcome in Moyamoya disease was first described in the Japanese
children with moyamoya. literature in 1957 by Takeuchi and Shimizu [2] as a case of
Conclusion The authors discuss the diagnosis and treat- hypoplasia of the bilateral internal carotid arteries.
ment of moyamoya disease in the pediatric population. However, it was not until 1969 when Suzuki and Takaku
[3] coined the term moyamoya signifying something
hazy, like a puff of cigarette smoke to describe the
D. M. Ibrahimi : R. J. Tamargo : E. S. Ahn
angiographic appearance that would both describe and
Department of Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, USA define the illness.

D. M. Ibrahimi
Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, USA
Though initial descriptions and studies initially centered on
E. S. Ahn (*) Japanese populations, presently, moyamoya disease is
Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins Hospital,
observed throughout the world, affecting children and
600 N. Wolfe St., Harvey 811,
Baltimore, MD 21287, USA adults of various ethnic backgrounds [4, 5]. With this
e-mail: observation, moyamoya disease is becoming more widely
1298 Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308

recognized, and currently accounts for approximately 6% of suspected in children who present with ischemic symptoms
all causes of pediatric ischemic stroke [6, 7]. There are prompted by common childhood behaviors including,
striking differences between the incidences of moyamoya hyperventilation, crying, coughing, or blowing. Ischemia
disease among pediatric populations based upon ethnic and in the setting of these activities results from hypocapnia-
geographic background. For example, moyamoya remains induced cerebral vasoconstriction of already maximally
the most common cause of pediatric cerebrovascular events dilated cerebral blood vessels (in the face of chronic
in Japan, and in a recent European study by Yonekawa et ischemia), further reducing cerebral blood flow and prompting
al. [79], the incidence of moyamoya disease in Europe worsening ischemia [21]. Though rare, visual symptoms
was 0.3 patients per center per year, nearly one tenth that of related to posterior circulation stenosis and ischemia have
the incidence found in Japan. The reported incidence in the been well documented and include temporary and permanent
USA is approximately 0.086 per 100,000 patients, as blindness, visual field deficits, homonymous hemianopsia,
compared to 0.35 per 100,000 found in the Japanese quadrantanopsia, scintillating scotomata, blurred vision, and
literature [10, 11]. In the past, moyamoya disease was an amaurosis fuguax [22]. Disturbances in the visual pathway
under-recognized cause of pediatric stroke within the USA, are more likely to occur in children as opposed to adults. For
as evidenced by a review published by Numaguchi et al. example, in a study by Miyamoto et al. [22], visual
[12] that showed there were only 46 definitive and 52 abnormalities attributed to moyamoya disease were found
presumptive cases of moyamoya disease published in the in 43 of 178 patients reviewed, and 79.1% of these cases
American literature prior to 1997. More recently, there have were in children.
been considerably more reports on both cases of and Intracranial hemorrhage associated with moyamoya is
surgical treatment for moyamoya disease in the USA, as it infrequently encountered in the pediatric population. More
is now considered in the differential diagnosis for any child commonly seen in adults, the hemorrhage can be located
with ischemic cerebrovascular disease [13, 14]. There is a within the intracerebral, intraventricular, and/or subarach-
bimodal age distribution of moyamoya disease, with the noid spaces. Specifically, 40% are within the basal ganglia,
first peak occurring in the pediatric population, typically in 30% are intraventricular, and 15% are thalamic with
the first decade of life, and a second peak between 30 and intraventricular extension [23]. Traditionally, hemorrhage
40 years of age [8]. Moyamoya is found in both females associated with moyamoya disease has been attributed to
and males; however, there is a clear female preponderance, rupture of the fragile intracranial ICA collaterals that
with affected females outnumbering males nearly 2:1 [15]. develop to perfuse the ischemic brain distal to the occluded
Lastly, familial occurrence has been reported in Japan to vessels [19]. However, more recently, there have been
range from 7% to 12%, and similarly, approximately 6% in reports of intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage
the USA [1, 16, 17]. related to moyamoya-induced aneurysms and arteriovenous
malformations [2426]. Aneurysms associated with moya-
moya are likely induced from the increased flow and
Clinical presentation subsequent shear stress on the fragile basal collateral
vessels, and are likely to be found at the basilar apex and
There are a multitude of symptoms associated with posterior communicating artery [25, 26]. It is also thought
moyamoya disease, including TIAs, ischemic strokes, that the hyperangiogenic state of moyamoya induces the
intracranial hemorrhages, seizures, headaches, choreiform formation of arteriovenous shunts that mimic traditional
movements, and cognitive deficits. In contrast to adults arteriovenous malformations [27]. There has even been a
who often present within the setting of intracranial case report of a non-traumatic subdural hematoma resulting
hemorrhage (46%) [18], children affected with moyamoya from spontaneous rupture of a transdural collateral vessel
disease typically exhibit signs and symptoms of cerebral [8].
ischemia secondary to TIAs and/or cerebral infarctions. Headache is a common presenting symptom of moya-
Ischemia to the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes are moya, although its etiology remains unclear. It is postulated
associated with hemiplegia or paresis, sensory loss or that headaches arise from hypoperfusion-induced activation
parasthesias, aphasia, and/or cognitive impairments [19]. of pain-sensitive structures such as both intracranial and
Following a TIA, children have a much higher rate of extracranial vasculature, dura, orbital contents, and mucous
completed infarcts when compared to their adult counter- membranes of the oral and nasal cavities [28]. Concomi-
parts. This tendency is likely due to immature verbal skills tantly, other mechanisms such as dilation of the meningeal
in younger children making it difficult to communicate collaterals stimulating dural nociceptors and ischemia
symptoms associated with TIAs, delaying the diagnosis of induced lowering of the migraine threshold have also been
moyamoya and increasing likelihood of completed stroke suggested [8, 29]. Seizures, both focal and generalized,
upon presentation [20]. Moyamoya disease should be have been associated with moyamoya and are likely related
Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308 1299

to hypoperfusion. Choreiform movements have been There have been several reports of children presenting
associated with moyamoya disease, occurring in 36% of with unilateral moyamoya, and the obvious concern in
patients, and are attributed to any dysfunction of the basal these cases becomes contralateral progression of disease.
ganglia-thalamocortical circuits, including infarctions and The rate of progression of contralateral disease is variable.
mechanical compression by traversing dilated collateral For example, Smith and Scott [8] report that of 16 children
vessels [30]. with unilateral disease, nine developed contralateral steno-
Moyamoya disease refers to the idiopathic variant, sis over a 6-month to 4-year follow-up period, whereas the
whereas moyamoya syndrome refers a condition in which remainder of children were disease free up to 7 years after
children with a recognized clinical disorder also have initial angiogram. In a single-center review of 157 patients
moyamoya. There are multiple documented clinical syn- by Kelly et al. [32], there were 28 patients with unilateral
dromes and conditions that have been associated with moyamoya, 18 of which had clinical follow up of greater
moyamoya. These entities include: prior radiotherapy to the than 5 months. Seven went on to develop contralateral
head or neck for tumors, including craniopharyngiomas, findings of moyamoya, and the authors noted that equivocal
pituitary tumors, optic gliomas; genetic disorders including or mild stenosis in the contralateral hemisphere was a good
Down syndrome, neurofibromatosis type 1 (with or without predictor for the development of contralateral moyamoya.
hypothalamic-optic pathway tumors), tuberous sclerosis, Mean time to development of contralateral disease varies
primordial dwarfism, large facial hemangiomas, Fanconis by study, and has been reported as 12.7 months (range of
anemia, sickle cell disease, and other hemoglobinopathies; 5-22 months) to 3.1 years (0.5-7 years) [32, 33].
autoimmune disorders including Graves disease; collagen
vascular disorders including Marfans syndrome; congenital
cardiac anomalies; renal artery stenosis; infections includ- Pathology and pathophysiology
ing tuberculous meningitis and leptospirosis; and fibromus-
cular dysplasia [15, 19]. These clinical associations and Pathologically, the stenosis associated with moyamoya
syndromes represent a risk factor for both the development arises in the supraclinoid ICA, extends distally to the
and progression of moyamoya. bifurcation, and in the latter stages, involves the proximal
branches of both the anterior and middle cerebral arteries.
In rare cases, stenosis has also been observed in vessels of
Natural history and progression the posterior circulation, most commonly affecting the
proximal portion of the posterior cerebral arteries or the
The natural history of untreated moyamoya ranges from basilar artery [22]. Histologically, vascular changes involve
a slow progression with intermittent events, to rapid endothelial hyperplasia, fibrocellular thickening of the
neurological and cognitive decline, with overall mortality intima, and torturosity and duplication of the internal elastic
rates in the Japanese literature as high as 4.3% [1]. The lamina [15, 19, 34, 35]. There is neither evidence of an
long-term outcome of moyamoya disease is poor, as inflammatory infiltrate nor atheromatous plaque within the
inevitable progression occurs in the majority of patients, vascular walls [34]. Rather, occlusion results from progres-
with up to 66% having symptomatic progression over a sive narrowing of vessel diameter from a combination of
5-year period following diagnosis [19, 31]. However, smooth muscle cell hyperplasia and the formation of an
various studies have shown a significant impact on long- intraluminal thrombus [19, 35].
term outcome in those patients undergoing surgical Collateral vessels form in moyamoya disease in response
revascularization. Fung et al. [70] conducted a literature to brain ischemia distal to the ICA stenosis. They originate
review of all cases of reported pediatric moyamoya from from various perforating vessels including the lateral and
1966 to 2004, and found a total of 1,156 symptomatic medial lenticulostriate, anterior and posterior choroidal,
patients treated surgically. Post-operatively, 592 (51.2%) thalamoperforating, and thalamogeniculate arteries [22, 36].
were completely asymptomatic, 411 (35.5%) had defini- In the latter stages of moyamoya, transdural collaterals
tive improvement (defined as decreased frequency and/or derived from the external carotid arteries (ECA) including
severity of symptoms), and 122 (10.5%) remained static. the middle meningeal, superficial temporal, occipital, and
Only 31 (2.7%) of 1,156 patients had definitive deterio- internal maxillary arteries, and from the ophthalmic arteries
ration following surgical revascularization. As far as including the anterior and posterior ethmoid, recurrent
clinical indicators for favorable long-term prognosis in meningeal, and anterior falx arteries are noted [36].
children undergoing surgical revascularization, it is appar- Histological study of postmortem collateral vessel speci-
ent that neurological status at the time of surgery holds the mens reveal overall thinned walls, atrophy of the media
most prognostic value (as opposed to age at time of secondary to damaged smooth muscle cells and increased
surgery) [19]. matrix deposition with cellular debris, and torturosity,
1300 Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308

fragmentation, and thinning of the internal elastic lamina of bFGF within the STA and dura may play a role in the
[37]. Microaneurysm formation within the weakened development of collateral moyamoya vessels. Further-
moyamoya vessels are a potential source of intracranial more, Malek et al. [40] found elevations of bFGF in the
hemorrhage, and have been found on both the anterior and cerebrospinal fluid of children with moyamoya when
posterior choroidal arteries [15]. compared to matched samples in patients with hydroceph-
Exact pathogenesis and etiology of moyamoya disease alus and controls, further signifying the role of bFGF in
are currently unknown; however, several studies have moyamoya disease. A further link to the genetic basis of
shown both environmental and genetic associations. Envi- moyamoya was revealed in a study by Minehaura et al.
ronmentally, moyamoya disease has been diagnosed in [41] were a major locus for the autosomal dominant form
children who underwent prior head and neck irradiation for of moyamoya was found in the telomeric region of 17q25.
neoplastic disease. Vascular stenosis is a documented Four candidate genes were selected from this locus based
finding after radiation therapy. In addition, moyamoya on their biological properties, including BAIAP2, which
disease has been found in children with prior skull base interacts with BAI1 (brain angiogenesis inhibitor-1),
infections, including tuberculosis meningitis. Finally, in the which is an inhibitor of bFGF [41]. Overall, further
series from Boston Childrens Hospital, there were two sets studies need to be performed to elucidate both the genetic
of identical twin, each with only one affected sibling, and environmental roles in the development of moyamoya
indicating an environmental influence [1]. disease.
Moyamoya is most highly associated with Japanese
populations where a familial occurrence has been reported
to range from 7% to 12%, with a slightly lower occurrence Diagnosis
in the USA, suggesting a genetic linkage [1, 16, 17].
Furthermore, moyamoya has been associated with certain Moyamoya disease should be taken into consideration and
genetic disorders including Downs syndrome, neurofibro- worked up in any child presenting with ischemic symp-
matosis one, and sickle cell disease [1, 15, 19, 38]. Similar toms, especially in the setting of hyperventilation, crying,
histological changes in the extracranial vasculature, includ- and/or physical exertion. A suspected diagnosis of moya-
ing pulmonary, renal, and pancreatic arteries, have been moya disease is confirmed with radiological studies.
documented in patients with moyamoya disease [35]. There
have been linkages between moyamoya and genetic Head computed tomography
markers/foci on chromosomes 3p, 6q, 8q, and 17q [39
41]. Chromosome 3p includes a locus for the Von-Hippel- Workup of a child with moyamoya disease typically begins
Lindau tumor suppressor gene as well as a locus for with a head computed tomography (CT) to assess for more
Marfans syndrome. Though a gene product has not been common pathology including tumors and/or hydrocephalus.
discovered from the 3p locus as of yet, in light of its Classically, findings on a head CT in pediatric patients with
linkage to both Von-Hippel-Lindau and Marfans, it is moyamoya include hypodensities suggestive of prior
likely involved in the formation and maintenance of normal infarctions in watershed areas (especially in the distribution
vessel walls [15]. of the middle cerebral artery), basal ganglia, deep white
Several studies have investigated the molecular basis of mater, and periventricular regions [8, 15, 19]. Although rare
moyamoya disease, and even though a direct genetic in the pediatric population, head CT imaging will also
abnormality has not been recognized, multiple cellular reveal hemorrhagic pathology, including intracerebral,
aspects of the disease have been elucidated. Basic fibroblast intraventricular, subarachnoid, and subdural hemorrhages
growth factor (bFGF), an angiogenic substance, has been [8, 2427]. Depending upon the severity of prior infarc-
studied in moyamoya disease. Hoshumaru et al. [39] using tions, cerebral atrophy and encephalomalacia may also be
immunohistochemistry examined two sections of superfi- detected. Recent advances in the field of CT angiography
cial temporal artery (STA) and four samples of dura in the has led to its use in both the diagnosis of moyamoya
postmortem study of four patients with moyamoya disease. disease and to evaluate neovascularization after surgical
The vascular and meningeal cells exhibited more intense bypass [42].
staining for bFGF than controls, and multiple associations
were postulated [39]. First, intimal thickening, the under- Magnetic resonance imaging/angiography
lying histology of moyamoya, may be caused by the
migration and activation of smooth muscle cells containing Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become a reliable
abnormally large amounts of bFGF. Secondly, endogenous diagnostic modality in moyamoya disease. Acute cerebral
production of bFGF is required for movement of vascular infarctions are easily recognized on diffusion-weighted
endothelial cells during neovascularization. Larger amounts imaging, with chronic infarcts delineated by both T1- and
Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308 1301

T2-weighted imaging [43]. Fluid attenuated inversion- testing when moyamoya is suspected in a child, reserving
recovery MRI which demonstrates linear high signal conventional angiography for pre-operative planning.
intensity following a sulcal pattern (ivy sign) has been
used to infer cortical ischemia and is felt to represent slow Conventional angiography
flow in the poorly perfused cortical circulation in children
with moyamoya [19, 44]. Magnetic resonance angiography Conventional angiography remains the gold standard for
(MRA) has been used to accurately characterize both the both the diagnosis and surgical planning for patients with
stenosis and basal collateral formation associated with suspected moyamoya disease. A five- or six-vessel study
moyamoya disease [45]. The MR findings most suggestive should be performed, including imaging of the bilateral
of moyamoya disease remains diminished flow voids in the ECA, ICA, and one or two vertebral injections. Angio-
ICA, ACA, and MCA bilaterally, with concurrent large graphic imaging of the bilateral external carotid arteries is
flow voids in the basal ganglia and thalamus representing of utmost importance for pre-operative planning to prevent
collateral moyamoya vessel formation [45, 46]. Recently, disruption of these collaterals during the surgical revascu-
MRI/MRA has been suggested as a reliable alternative to larization. Classical findings on angiogram include stenosis
conventional angiography for diagnosis of moyamoya, of the supraclinoid ICA, proximal ACA and MCA,
based on the ease and fewer procedural associated risks associated with basal ICA, leptomeningeal, and transdural
in the pediatric population (Fig. 1). In studies by Yamada collaterals giving rise to the classic puff of smoke
et al. [45, 46], compared to conventional angiography, appearance [3] (Fig. 2). Furthermore, angiography is
stenosis was accurately diagnosed via MRA in 88%, 83%, functional in both the detection and anatomical descriptions
and 88% of ICA, ACA, and MCA vessels, respectively. of aneurysms and AVM associated with moyamoya disease
An overall sensitivity and specificity for accurate diagno- [2427]. Angiographic appearance of moyamoya disease
sis of vascular stenosis was 100%, 93% and 100%, 77%, progresses through one of six stages as originally defined
respectively, for MRA and MRI. In addition, 75% of by Suzuki and Takaku [4] in 1969: (1) carotid stenosis
moyamoya collateral vessels diagnosed on MRA corrob- without the presence of moyamoya collaterals; (2) initial
orated with angiographic findings, concluding that MRA appearance of basal collateral vessels; (3) progressive
is beneficial in diagnosing larger basal ICA, leptomenin- stenosis of the distal ICA, with increasing prominence of
geal, and transdural collaterals, whereas smaller collateral the basal collaterals; (4) severe stenosis or occlusion of the
remain underestimated. Of note, the average age of the anterior circulation with the formation of ECA collaterals;
patient population in these studies was older, likely (5) prominence of the ECA collaterals, reduction, and
leading to better quality imaging without motion artifact. stenosis of the basal moyamoya collaterals; and (6)
The authors concluded that when MRA and MRI imaging complete occlusion of the ICA, disappearance of the basal
are performed in tandem, a more complete diagnosis and moyamoya collaterals, with cortical blood supply solely
evaluation of moyamoya disease is obtained. Although provided though ECA collaterals. Angiography can play an
MRA and MRI are not the gold standard, they are sensitive important role in post-operative imaging after surgical
and specific enough for reliable diagnosis without invasive bypass as it is frequently used in addition to MRI/A as a

Fig. 1 T2-weighted axial MR

images in a child with moya-
moya disease showing incom-
plete flow voids in bilateral
suprasellar cisterns indicating
severe stenosis of the supracli-
noid ICAs (left, white arrows).
There are multiple small flow
voids throughout the bilateral
basal ganglia which represent
moyamoya collateral vessels
(right, black arrows) and peri-
ventricular ischemic changes
1302 Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308

found to be present in greater than 50% of children with

diagnosed moyamoya.
Additional imaging studies have been used to monitor
cerebral blood flow in children diagnosed with moya-
moya, both as a pre-operative measure and following
surgical bypass to assess neovascularization induced
cortical perfusion. These studies include transcranial
Doppler ultrasonography, CT and MR perfusion imaging,
xenon enhanced CT, positron-emission tomography, and
single-photon-emission CT [4952].

Treatment options

After a significant stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage, the

Fig. 2 ICA injection in a conventional cerebral angiogram in a child pediatric patient with moyamoya is often left with
with moyamoya disease revealing stenosis of the supraclinoid ICA devastating permanent neurological and cognitive impair-
(white arrow) with formation of an extensive network of collateral ments [1, 15, 5355]. Neurological status at the time of
surgical interventions remains the most significant prog-
nostic indicator for long term outcome [19]. Therefore,
early diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment provide the
means of assessing neovascularization and cortical perfu- best chances to improve neurological outcome.
sion. A grading scheme has been developed to assess
synangiosis-induced collateral formations by Matsushima et
al. [47], with grade A representing synangiosis-induced Medical treatment
filling of greater than two thirds of the MCA circulation,
grade B between one third and two thirds, and grade C Currently, there is no definitive medical treatment to reverse
signifying less than one third filling. or stabilize the course of moyamoya disease. There are
two classes of medications that play an adjuvant role in
Electroencephalography and cerebral blood flow studies the treatment of moyamoya; antiplatelet agents and
calcium channel blockers [5355]. A proportion of the
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a diagnostic tool used ischemic symptoms associated with moyamoya disease
in the evaluation of moyamoya, as specific alterations are have been attributed to microthrombus formation due to
found in children affected with this condition. Charac- emboli arising from sites of arterial stenosis [8, 15, 19].
teristic findings include posterior and/or centrotemporal Daily, lifelong aspirin use is prescribed to prevent the
slowing, and a re-buildup phenomenon after the end of ischemia associated with this embolic phenomenon.
hyperventilation [48]. In all children, hyperventilation Patients less than 6 years of age receive 81 mg/day, with
induces a diffuse pattern of high voltage, monophasic the dose gradually increased into adolescence and adjusted
slow waves, referred to as build up, that terminate after appropriately if there are any signs of the known side
hyperventilation has ceased. In pediatric patients with effects, including easy bruising and bleeding [15]. Anti-
moyamoya, there is a return of the high voltage, mono- coagulants, such as warfarin (Coumadin), are rarely used
phasic slow waves following the end of hyperventilation, in the pediatric population due to the difficultly in
termed re-buildup, which is thought to represent a maintaining steady therapeutic levels, though there have
diminished cerebral perfusion reserve [8, 15, 19, 48]. been some successes in the use of low-molecular weight
Essentially, hyperventilation induces cerebral vasocon- heparin (Lovenox) for select children [8, 19]. The second
striction, and upon its cessation, cerebrovascular dilation class of medications used in moyamoya disease is calcium
(buildup). In children with moyamoya, re-buildup occurs channel blockers, and evidence exists to support their use
as a steal phenomenon as blood is diverted from the in the treatment of persistent postoperative TIAs and
dilated cortical vessels to the moyamoya-associated intractable headaches [8, 15, 19]. The mechanism of
collaterals, creating a cortical ischemic state, represented action remains unknown, but calcium channel blockers
as the reappearance of the high voltage, monophasic slow are shown to reduce the frequency and severity of
waves on the EEG [21, 48]. Over time, re-buildup resolves refractory TIAs, with a low side-effect profile in children
and the EEG returns to baseline. Re-buildup has been [8, 15, 19].
Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308 1303

Surgical treatment pediatric population. In addition, direct bypass procedures

may result in transient hypervascular edema of the
Results from several published studies have shown a revascularized hemisphere, which typically resolves with
favorable response to surgical intervention in moyamoya no sequelae. While the treatment addresses the MCA
disease, especially in the reduction of ischemic events [56, distribution, there is no direct effect upon ACA or PCA
57]. Although there is no published prospective randomized territories. Temporary clipping of the MCA, which may
controlled clinical trial to define a superior surgical interfere with already present leptomeningeal and transdural
procedure in children with moyamoya, there have been collaterals, can lead to peri-operative stroke. Furthermore,
several reported successes using a variety of the surgical the STA-MCA bypass provides only a limited amount of
revascularization procedures. Revascularization can be meaningful blood flow to the entire MCA distribution, thus
divided into two groups, direct and indirect types. Direct placing the child at risk for refractory ischemic events [8,
bypass provides rapid, instant increases in cerebral perfu- 15].
sion, whereas indirect procedures rely on delayed neo-
vascularization through a variety of processes. The most Encephalomyosynangiosis
common direct and indirect revascularization procedures
will be discussed, as well as the surgical outcomes from the Indirect procedures were developed as an alternative to
two largest published pediatric series, in addition to the data bypass due to the difficulties encountered in the pediatric
from our institution. population with direct STA-MCA anastomosis. Indirect
procedures tend to be less invasive, are technically easier
Superficial temporal artery-to-middle cerebral artery bypass and result in a shorter operative time, do not restrict
(STA-MCA) treatment to solely the MCA distribution, and most
importantly, do not involve clamping of recipient vessels
Yasargil and Donaghy were the first to perform direct [8, 15, 19, 59]. Encephalomyosynangiosis (EMS) was first
extracranial-to-intracranial bypass in 1967 for the treatment used in the treatment of moyamoya disease in the late
of cerebral ischemia, and Yasargil then performed the first 1970s, and involves a frontotemporal craniotomy, dural
reported case of direct superficial temporal artery-to-middle opening, followed by the removal of the arachnoid over the
cerebral artery bypass (STA-MCA) bypass in a child with region to be treated [63]. The temporalis muscle is placed
moyamoya [57, 58]. Surgical technique begins with the over the exposed pia and the dura approximated over the
identification and dissection of the frontal and/or parietal muscle. Care must be taken to avoid disruption of the
branches of the STA [59, 60]. A frontotemporal craniotomy temporalis blood supply both during opening and closing.
is carried out over the Sylvian fissure, dura is opened, and a Angiogenesis occurs over several weeks to months due to
suitable M3 or M4 recipient vessel is identified. The the rich blood supply of the temporalis muscle by the deep
recipient vessel is clamped proximally and distally to the temporal artery [63, 64]. Even though EMS is a less
site of anastomosis, as well as distal clamping of the donor invasive procedure, there are distinct disadvantages, includ-
STA. An end-to-side anastomosis is performed. The ing the necessity of a larger craniotomy and dural opening,
temporary clips are removed, and the patency and hemo- cosmetic deformation, and more importantly, post-operative
stasis of the bypass is assessed. Dura, bone flap, and skin complications such as seizure, brain edema, and symptom-
closure are then carried out with care taken to avoid atic mass effect associated with the large space-occupying
compression of the donor STA. In a study by Schick et al. muscle [59, 63].
[61], long-term patency of STA-MCA bypass, irregardless
of clinical indication, was 91% at a 5.6 year follow up Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis
period. STA-MCA bypass remains the most common direct
revascularization procedure for childhood moyamoya, Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis (EDAS) was introduced
though occipital artery-to-middle cerebral artery bypass as a surgical alternative for the treatment of moyamoya
has been used in cases where the STA does not provide a disease in 1980 [65]. In this technique, the intact donor
suitable donor [62]. The use of STA-MCA bypass in STA (parietal branch) is dissected free, a craniotomy flap is
combination with indirect procedures, including EMA and turned, and the STA is sutured by its adventitia/galeal cuff
EDAMS, has also encountered success as reported in the to a linear opening in the dura [8, 15, 59]. The donor STA
literature. is left intact, as opposed to its sacrifice in the STA-MCA
The major advantage of the direct bypass procedure is an bypass. In modified variants, the dura near the middle
immediate increase in blood flow to the ischemic brain. meningeal artery is either inverted onto the cortical surface,
Disadvantages include technical difficulty due in part to the or it is split into both an outer and inner layer with the
small diameter of the donor and recipient vessels in the heavily vascular outer layer placed in direct contact with
1304 Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308

the cortex [8, 59]. This modification derives from the sutured to the dural edges. This procedure provides
finding that the vascular dura near the middle meningeal multiple sources for the development of collateralization,
artery has been shown to be more inclined to form vascular including the highly vascular outer dural layer, the STA and
collaterals in patients with moyamoya disease [66]. A its galeal cuff, and the temporalis muscle via the deep
further modification, encephalomyoarteriosynangiosis temporal artery. In one study, EDAS was compared to
(EMAS) consists of a combination of both EMS and EDAMS, and EDAMS with STA-MCA bypass both clinically
EDAS. In this procedure, the temporalis muscle along with and radiographically. EDAMS, regardless of the combined
a superficial branch of the STA is placed in contact with the STA-MCA anastomosis, was more effective in achieving
cerebral cortex. Besides the typical disadvantages of the angiographic revascularization and reduction of pre-operative
indirect procedure, failure of EDAS and EMAS (in addition ischemic symptoms compared to EDAS alone [68].
to EDAMS and pial synangiosis) typically render the STA
ineffective for use in future direct bypass procedures. Omental transplantation

Pial synangiosis Omental transplantation is a rarely used technique used to

treat pediatric moyamoya disease, and is classically
Scott [1, 8], first introduced pial synangiosis as a reserved for cases in which both direct and indirect
modification to the EDAS procedure. This technical revascularization procedures have failed. Omental trans-
modification was derived from the thought that the plantation was first introduced in 1973 as a treatment for
arachnoid layer served as a preventative barrier to vascular cerebral ischemia as studies in a canine model showed
in-growth in the standard EDAS procedure [59]. The neovascularization between the omentum and underlying
technique involves the following steps [8]: (1) a suitable neural tissue; several years later it became a viable option
donor vessel, typically the parietal branch of the STA, is for the treatment of moyamoya disease [69]. In this
dissected from distal to proximal along with a galeal cuff procedure, either an intact omental flap is tunneled from
and surrounding soft tissue; (2) a large craniotomy is turned the abdomen, thru the chest and neck, and placed on the
in the region adjacent to the donor vessel; (3) the dura is cortical surface, or a free flap is anastomosed via the
opened in a stellate fashion into a minimum of six flaps gastroepiploic artery and vein to the superficial temporal
to increase the surface area of dural to pial contact, and artery and vein, respectively [15]. The patency rate for
avoiding disruption of potential meningeal collateral omental grafts have been reported to be as high as 70% and
vessels; (4) the arachnoid is opened widely and removed neovascularization is attributed to lipid factors in the
in the area exposed by the dural opening; (5) the intact omentum that may have intrinsic angiogenic properties [59].
donor artery is sutured through its adventitia, using four to
six interrupted 10-0 nylon sutures, to the pial surface; and Cranial bur holes
(6) the bone flap is replaced over a Gelfoam cover of dura,
the temporalis muscle and skin are closed paying close Multiple cranial bur holes have been used as adjuncts to
attention to avoid compression of the donor vessel. Despite other revascularization procedures, including STA-MCA
opening the arachnoid widely and no dural closure, risk of bypass, EMS, EDAMS, and pial synangiosis [1]. Typically,
CSF leak remains extremely low [1]. the bur holes are placed, the underlying dura, arachnoid,
and pia are opened, and a pericranial flap is placed in
Encephaloduroarteriomyosynangiosis contact with the cortex. In a study by Sainte-Rose et al.
[71], 14 children underwent placement of 1024 bur holes
Encephaloduroarteriomyosynangiosis (EDAMS) was intro- per hemisphere. Follow-up MR perfusion and correlation
duced in 1984 as a combination of multiple indirect with conventional angiography, in the five most recent
procedures to provide the greatest chance for neovascula- cases showed excellent revascularization of the ischemic
rization. The technique involves the following procedures cortex by ECA collaterals, with no postoperative ischemic
[67]: (1) dissection and isolation of a branch of the STA events in these children.
with a galeal cuff, (2) a large craniotomy and dural opening
into multiple leaflets avoiding disruption of the middle Peri-and postoperative considerations
meningeal artery, (3) opening of the arachnoid overlying
the entire craniotomy, (4) the outer surface of the dural Regardless of surgical procedure, there are specific peri-
leaflets are folded inward to contact the pial surface and operative risks for children undergoing revascularization for
sutured in place, (5) the STA and galeal cuff are laid onto moyamoya. The risk of stroke is highest in the first 30 days
the pial surface and affixed to the dural margin, and (6) the following surgery. Then, the risk decreases noticeably after
temporalis muscle is stretched to cover the brain and the first month with a 96% probability of remaining stroke-
Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308 1305

Table 1 Children treated with moyamoya at the Johns Hopkins free over the subsequent 5-year period [8]. Focus has
Childrens Center
concentrated on preventing ischemic events in the initial
Variables Johns Hopkins Hospital 30 days following surgery. Methods to reduce pain, crying,
and hyperventilation induced cerebral vasoconstriction
No. of pediatric patients (age 14 (0.113.92 years) include effective pain control with peri-operative sedation
range at time of surgery)
No. of surgical procedures 23
and the use of painless wound dressings and absorbable
sutures [8, 19]. Intra-operatively, hypotension, hypovole-
1. Pial synangiosis 13
mia, hyperthermia, hypercapnia, and hypocapnia should be
2. EDAMS 7
avoided. The use of intra-operative scalp EEG to detect
3. Combined STA-MCA and 3
EDAMS ischemic events during the induction and maintenance of
Moyamoya type general anesthesia has also been employed [8]. Addition-
1. Disease 8 ally, the use of aspirin in both the peri-operative period and
2. Syndrome 6 (sickle cell disease 3, Downs long-term has become routine care.
syndrome 2, NF1 1)
Presenting symptoms Surgical outcome data
1. Ischemic (TIA & CVA) 12 (85.8%)
2. Seizure 1 (7.1%) To date, there have been two large published series in the
3. Headache 0 (0%) English language dealing with the surgical treatment of
4. Hemorrhage 0 (0%) moyamoya in the pediatric population. Each has docu-
5. Incidental 1 (7.1%) mented success with surgical revascularization, one via the
Postoperative complications 3 indirect method, and one via the direct. The largest series is
1. TIA 2 reported by Scott et al. from The Childrens Hospital,
2. Pseudomeningocele 1 (non-operative) Boston in which 143 patients underwent 271 revasculari-
zation procedures (96 in whom both hemispheres were
treated in the same sitting), all with pial synangiosis [1].
Preoperative stroke and TIAs occurred in 67.8% and 43.4%

Table 2 Children treated with moyamoya at three different hospitals

Variables The Childrens Hospital, Boston, Stanford University, Johns Hopkins Hospital,
Massachusetts California Maryland

No. of patients (age range at time of 143 (0.521 years) 96 (117.9 years) 14 (0.113.9 years)
No. of surgical procedures 271 168 23
1. Direct 0% 76.2% 0%
2. Indirect 100% 23.8% 87%
3. Combined 0% 0% 13%
Moyamoya type
1. Disease 66 80 8
2. Syndrome 77 16 6
Presenting symptoms
1. Ischemic 67.8% stroke, 51% 85.7%
43.4% TIA
2. Hemorrhagic 2.8% 2.1% 0%
3. Headache 6.3% 44% 0%
4. Seizure 6.3% NR 8.3%
5. Choreiform movements 4.2% NR 0%
6. Incidental 4.2% NR 8.3%
Immediate postoperative complications (<30 days)
CVA 11 2 0
1. TIA (severe) 3 0 2
2. Hemorrhage 0 1 0
1306 Childs Nerv Syst (2010) 26:12971308

of children, respectively, with only 11 episodes of stroke pediatric cerebrovascular events, and should be considered
and three severe TIAs in the immediate 30 day post- in any child who presents with symptoms of cerebral
operative period. The success of pial synangiosis is evident ischemia. Rapid diagnosis of the pediatric patient with
by the fact that in 126 patients followed for more than moyamoya is disease is essential, as neurological status at
1 year, there were only seven late-onset complications: four the time of treatment is more predictive of long-term
suffered a late-onset stroke, one experienced a severe, but outcome then age. Diagnosis is confirmed by MR and
completely resolved TIA, and two with persistent TIAs. Of conventional angiographic imaging. Associated clinical
the 46 patients with the sole presentation of stroke followed conditions and syndromes should be assessed for, as they
for more than 5 years, only two developed new strokes in are a risk for both the development of moyamoya and its
this follow-up period. progression. If left untreated, moyamoya disease pro-
The second largest series dealing with the surgical gresses, and frequently results in permanent neurological
treatment of pediatric moyamoya has been published by and cognitive deficits. Although there is no curative
Steinberg et al. [38] from Stanford University Medical medical treatment for moyamoya, numerous studies have
Center. In this series (which included both adult and shown long-term improvement in children undergoing
pediatric patients for a total of 450 revascularization surgical revascularization procedures. As there has been
procedures), there were 96 children undergoing 168 success with both the direct and indirect revascularization
procedures, of which, 76.2% were direct bypass with procedures in children, each case should be handled on an
STA-MCA anastomosis, and 23.8% with various indirect individual basis, with the ultimate goal to arrest and/or
measures including EDAS. Within the immediate 30 day reverse the chronic state of ischemia.
post-operative period, there were only three reported events
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