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No SDN Kubernetes


Kubernetes networking has a few requirements. They are:

Pods are routable on a at network

Pods should see their own routable IP address
Nodes can communicate with all containers

How these requirements are implemented is up to the operator. In many cases this means using a software dened
network SDN also called an overlay network (e.g. annel, weave, calico) or underlay network (MACvlan, IPvlan).
The SDNs all accomplish the same three goals but usually with dierent implementation and often unique features.

But the networking requirements doesnt mean you have to run an SDN. It also means you can implement a
traditional SDN product in a non-traditional way. Lets look at the simplest solution for networking in Kubernetes.

Route tables

For this example we have two Kubernetes nodes. The nodes are joined together on the network and each has
Docker running using a specied NAT address (using -bip option).

Node1 is running containers on subnet and node2 is running containers on the subnet
So how can we tell containers on node1 how they can route to node2? The same way we can tell any two subnets to
route to each other, we update the routers routing table with a next hop for the subnet.

In this case we can tell our router that all routes going to need to go to node1s IP address
(the next hop) and all routes going to need to go to This concept works if youre in a cloud
provider (assuming your provider allows you to dene routes for your private network) or on-prem. Every network
has routing tables.

Examples for adding these routes in GCE or AWS can be seen in Kelsey Hightowers Kubernetes the hard way

Thats literally all you need to do. If your hosts IP address change you can update the route table. If you add a new
node you just add the route.

But whats the downside to doing this?

You cant reuse anywhere else in your network unless your network routes are segmented (as
with a VPC on a cloud provider).
You need to manually assign the container subnet on each node and update the route table which can be
If nodes are on separate subnets you may need to setup routes on multiple routers.
It may involve a team/resource outside of your control or expertise.

Host routes

Likewise, you can do the same route options locally on each node in the Kubernetes cluster. Lets look at our two
example nodes again.

In this case, our route table is applied directly on the nodes. This can be done by running

ip route add $DOCKER_SUBNET via $NODE_IP

Youll need to run this command for any nodes in your Kubernetes cluster on each node. While that may sound like a
lot, it can be easily scripted. I would suggest making a simple hash table and then looping through it with a script.
You can automate applying the script via cloud-init or a script run by systemd or cron.

This method doesnt have the same downsides of managing your routes on the router. In this case, many of the
previous limitations dont apply. The only limitations are

Nodes need to be connected via layer 2 (single hop)

You need to keep track of container subnets and node IP addresses
Unlike the previous situation, host routes dont rely on an external team (assuming you manage the nodes) and you
can re-use a container subnet in dierent clusters because routes to the subnets are only visible to the hosts in that

As an added bonus, you can allow any machine to access pods without a proxy by simply adding the routes for the
container subnets. Once the subnets are added that host can route to pod IPs just like any other container. The
service IP subnet will need to be pointed to a node running kube-proxy because those rules are managed by
incoming iptables rules rather than host routes. Pods will appear as any other host on the network.

For a better visual representation you can also check out thockins slides

Other options

While I nd it conceptually easier to manually dene routes, I understand there are situations that would benet from
having an SDN

You dont have access to route tables (on the router or on the host)
Your hosts uctuate (dynamic scaling group?) and route management is cumbersome

If you must run an SDN I would suggest you look into annels backends. The default is to use a UDP tunnel, but it is
also capable of setting up host routes or automatically managing AWS or GCE routes.

Calico sets similar route table rules on the host with some added iptables policies for making sure workloads and
trac is securely routed only to the desired destination. That may or may not be desired.

In either case, I recommend not adding new or unnecessary complexity to your infrastructure. This holds especially
true when trying to introduce new ways of thinking about how you manage your applications. If your current
infrastructure doesnt have dynamic scaling, automatic subnet routing, and network isolation dont try to implement
those things while also introducing Kubernetes to your environment. Start small, replace what you need, and
understand the components as you go.


Kubernetes network requirements help solve real world problems with distributed applications. The important thing to
know is

Theres no such thing as container networking

Its just networking. Anyone who tells you dierently is either trying to sell you something or doesnt understand how
networking works. Yes, you can use an SDN to make the packet routing automatic (i.e. harder to troubleshoot), but
you dont have to.

If you have questions you really should join the Kubernetes slack channel or send me a DM on twitter.


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