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A Pillar is a person or a thing that essentially provides support to something.

Performance management. Is a continuous process of measuring and developing the performance

of individuals and teams and aligning this performance with the strategic goals of the
organization? Many organizations face a challenge of managing its employees in order to
increase their productivity.

The following are the performance pillars which are used in organizations and they include;
Delegation, Motivation and Empowerment, Documentation, Integrity of data and person and


Is the assignment of any responsibility or authority to another person to carry out specific
activities? It can be applicable to individuals, teams and groups in an organization. It is one of
the most important management skills.

Steps to effective delegation

1. Define the task. Confirm that the task is suitable to be delegated to another person before you
go ahead to delegate it.

2. Select the individual or team. What are your reasons for delegating the task to an individual or

3. Asses the ability and training needs of an individual or team.

4. Explain the reasons as to why the job or responsibility is being delegated. You should give
clear explanation as to why you are delegating the at task to a specific individual or team and
give the importance of delegating and where it fits in the overall scheme of things.

5. State the required results. This looks at what must be achieved , clarify understanding of
getting feedback from the other person on how will the task be measured and make sure they
know how u intend to decide that the job is being successfully done.

6. Consider resources required. Discuss and agree on what is required to get the job done and
consider people location, premises, equipments, money, materials and other related activities and

7. Agree deadlines. When the job must be finished.

8. Support and communicate. Think about who wants to know, what is going on and inform
them. Involve the other person in considering this so they can see beyond the issue at hand.

9. Feedback. This helps the person know how they are doing and whether they have achieved
their aims and if not ,you must review with them why things did not go tp plan and deal with the

How delegation supports performance management.

It increases job autonomy. When an individual is given a task to accomplish independently he is

motivated to do it to his best since he has no one supervising him , hence this greatly influences
performance of individuals.
Eases work. Since an individual is given a task to accomplish he will do it in the shortest time
possible hence improving performance of the organization, hence managing its performance
being easy.

Team work . when work is delegated to a specific team , it will encourage every individual to
work with others in the shortest time possible hence encouraging individuals to work with others
in order to accomplish tasks quickly. This is because they share knowledge and skills to
accomplish the tasks.

Talent development .when managers delegate different tasks to individuals, it helps them to bring
out the inside ability in an individual and this will develop their talents hence managing the
performance of individuals since they will become committed employees.

Delegating power gives an individual a senses that they are valued for their contribution in the
organization hence motivating them to work hard towards the performance of the organization.

Motivation and Empowerment

Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behavior. It gives the reason for peoples
actions, desires and needs.

It can also be described as a process of stimulating peoples actions or actions to accomplish set
goals .

Intrinsic motivation. This means that an individuals motivational stimuli comes from within
his belief system or fulfills a desire in them. for example independence, social status, power, etc

Extrinsic motivation. This means that individuals motivational stimuli are coming from outside.
For example benefit packages, recongination, responsibility and bonuses.

According to Maslows needs hierarchy theory.

It si probably safe to say that the most well known theory of motivation is Maslows hierarchy of
needs. It is based on the human needs, he classified all human needs into a hierarchy manner
form the lowest to the highest. He also believed that once a given level of needs is satisfied, it no
longer serves to motivate man, the next higher level of needs has to be activated in order to
motivate the man. Maslow identified five levels in his needs hierarchy as discussed below.

Physiological needs; these needs are basic to human life and hence include food, clothing, shelter
and necessities for life. These needs relate to the survival and maintenance of human life. These
needs are to be met first before higher level needs emerge. Once physiological needs are
satisfied, they no longer motivate the man.

Safety needs. After satisfying the physiological needs, the next needs felt are called safety and
security needs. These needs find expression in such desired as economic security and protection
from physical dangers. Meeting these needs require more money and hence the individual is
prompted to work more like physiological needs these become inactive once they are satisfied.

Social needs; man is a social being , he is therefore interested in social interaction,

companionship , belongingness etc. it is this socialization and belongingness why individuals
prefer to work in groups and especially older people go to work.

Esteem needs; these needs refer to self esteem and self respect. They include such needs which
indicate self confidence, achievement, competence, knowledge and independence.

Self actualization needs; this level represents the culmination of all the lower, intermediate and
higher needs of beings. In other words the final step under the hierarchy model is need self

According to Maslow the human needs follow a sequence of domination. The second cannot be
raised until the first one is satisfied, and the third after the second is achieved and the rest are
also like that.

Importance to performance management

With motivation employees can be committed and engaged at work hence performance is

Motivation creates a high performance culture within an organization

Makes employees accountable thats to say everybody is responsible for their results.
Is authority or power given to someone to do something

It is based on ideas that giving employees skills, resources, authority, opportunity, motivation.
As well as holding them responsible and accountable for their outcomes of their actions.

Creates belief in your employees. Managers get outstanding performance from ordinary
employees through discovering what each one does best.

It creates a sense of security in employees .This is because they will be having the powers to
perform certain tasks on behalf of the organization.

Commitment among employees. When employees are empowered they will feel so valued in the
organization and they will be so committed to their jobs hence high performance and this will
help to maintain the level of the organization performance.

Effective communication
Communication is concerned with the exchange of information and ideas with in the

It is a two way process i.e;

Direct communication. It is one where organizations inform employees about matters that will
interest them.

Indirect communication. Is one which provides for upward communication by giving

employees a voice.

Communication should be distinguished from consultation because actively seeking and then
taking account of the views of employees before making a decision.

Importance of effective communication

Vital parts of any management programme, this may be in terms and conditions of employment,
human resource processes such as contingent pay, working methods, technologies, products and
services, employees need to know what is proposed and how it will affect them.
Commitment to the organization will be enhanced, this is because employees know thet the
organization has achieved or it is trying to achieve and how this benefits them.

It generates trust as organizations take trouble to explain what they are doing to employees and
why they are doing it.

What should be communicated. Management needs to communicate to employees about terms

and conditions of employment

What they are expected to do?

Communicate to employees about the development opportunities.

Communicate the objectives, strategies, policies and performance of the organization.

Communicate to employees any changes in the conditions of employment and working

conditions. employees need opportunity to communicate their ideas to top management.

Employee communication strategy

A strategy for employee communication will deal with what information the organization wants
to give to employees and how it wants to provide it. Provision should be made for upward

Information to be made available. This strategy should be based on analysis of what

management wants to say and what employees want to hear on a regular basis

Providing the information. This strategy should cover the mix of methods that will be used to
convey information face to face notice boards internet and magazines etc

Upward communication. The strategy should also provide for upward communication through
consultative committees, teams, and speak up programmes and intranet

Performance counseling
This is a very useful activity provided by both the counselor and the counselee take it in the
right spirit.

Performance counseling refers to help provided by managers to his employees in objectively

analyzing their performance. It attempts to help the employees to understand themselves, their
strength and weakness, improving their professional and interpersonal competence by giving
them feedback, setting goals and formulating plans for further improvement.

Counseling sessions usually take place especially when employees fail to perform as expected or
even to improve on their performance. So formal performance counseling sessions are basically
organize to discuss the problem hindering performance and the possible solutions towards the
progress of them

These happen mainly between an employee and the manager with a support person attending
that session.

Importance of performance counseling

It helps employees to know the level of their performance and the area in which they need to
improve. Performance counseling is very useful activity providing both the counselor and the
counselor take it the right spirit. Hence it helps employees to identify their weakness and
formulate strategies to improve the performance.

It helps the organization to meet its goals and objectives. This is because performance counseling
makes employees improve on their performance and also work towards the set goals and
objectives. It can be done through performance appraisal.

Self-motivation. That is to say if an individual is counseled about performance they will be

motivated to work for such an organization that values them

A document is a material that provides official information or evidence and it serves as a record.

It is a collection of data about something using different methods of data collection. In this case
the records are about the performance of employees in the organization.

A document can be in paper form, soft copy or even a combination of the two, and these include
manuals, reports, proposals, letters etc

Importance of documentation in performance management

For future purposes. These documents which are record either daily or weekly can be used to
plan for the future basically because they will have information which they would use in case
they are in need of it.

It aids reward and compensation of employees. When the organization keeps records about the
performance of its employees, the managers will be able to know who deserve a reward or a
punishment for their performance.

It acts as evidence to convey information in case it is asked for by managers, clients or even
financial institutions and this helps them to maintain up to date information.

It results into better quality data collection. This is because the organization will already be
having the information need in data collection and being that it will be already documented, it
will help them to access information easily.

Documentation creates accuracy of information. This is because the person collecting

information will have a lot of records to review and this will make them to get accurate and upto
date information

Integrity of data and person

Integrity of data is the maintenance and assurance of accuracy and consistency of data.

Integrity of a person. Is the quality of honesty and having strong moral principles?

The human resource department is the custodian of performance management records. They
maintain records about the performance of individuals, teams, groups and the organization at

Data Integrity can be ensured in the following ways;

Data encryption. This is where they put an encryption code in order for the data to be secure. so
for anyone to access such that they must type in that code and then access the information.

Password. The human resource should make sure that every one that access the information
must first type in their user names and password in order to access that information.
Input validation. This will help to prevent incorrect entry of data in the system hence enhancing
data integrity

Data backups; this is when you can store the data about the performance of employees and can
recover it in case they lose it in the place where they first stored it.

Data validations; this helps to certify uncorrupted transmissions.

Importance of integrity of data

Easy to use.
Ensures reliability of data
Maintains data quality
Information is always up to date
Aids decision making

Integrity of person can be in the following ways

Work when you are supposed to work. Thats to say limit unnecessary calls which may divert
you from work.
Show respect to fellow workers .Do not step on their rights as an employee in your
organization and nationalities of the nation
Be responsible.
Work together as a team.
Use materials for work for work not personal use for example the organizational computers
are for the duties and tasks assigned not facebook.
Focus and respect the organizational policies and procedures.
Do not steal company property.

Is the fact or quality of being done or occurring at favorable or useful time.

Timeliness applies in every management activity such as performance appraisal, training and
development, etc, different organizations set different time schedules for carrying out the
exercises, reviewing the different policies and systems of work.

Importance of timeliness in performance management

Timeliness can ensure organization maintenance hence supporting performance management. for
example when performance reviews are done at the right time, line managers are able to identify
the employees strengths and weakness hence providing appropriate reinforcement.

Through timely documentation the human resource department is able to oversee the entire
performance management process for example through reviewing of performance management

Setting performance goals at a useful time can create a time frame which ensures that the
expectations are met at the appropriate time.

Identifying the performance gaps in time thats to say if management identifies weakness in their
employees earlier, they are able to find a solution to it for instance take them for training hence
improving on their performance.

Decision making in time thats to say if managers make decisions and communicate them to the
line managers, who will deliver it to the employees hence improving on performance of the
employees since information was received in time.

It reduces complaints in case of interdependency of work ,this is because they will send the
information quickly to the other user and this will help them accomplish their work in time hence
few complains and increase in the performance of the organization.

It helps to achieve performance targets of individuals, group and teams in the shortest time

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