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Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

KepuasanPelanggan 19.59 .793 100

KualitasPelaynan 97.68 4.337 100


an KualitasPelaynan

Pearson Correlation KepuasanPelanggan 1.000 .831

KualitasPelaynan .831 1.000

Sig. (1-tailed) KepuasanPelanggan . .000

KualitasPelaynan .000 .

N KepuasanPelanggan 100 100

KualitasPelaynan 100 100

Variables Entered/Removedb

Model Variables Entered Removed Method

1 KualitasPelaynana . Enter

a. All requested variables entered.

b. Dependent Variable: KepuasanPelanggan

Model Summaryb

Change Statistics Watson

Adjusted R Std. Error of the R Square F Sig. F

Model R R Square Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change

1 .831a .691 .688 .443 .691 219.286 1 98 .000 1.181

a. Predictors: (Constant), KualitasPelaynan

b. Dependent Variable: KepuasanPelanggan


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 42.981 1 42.981 219.286 .000a

Residual 19.209 98 .196

Total 62.190 99

a. Predictors: (Constant), KualitasPelaynan

b. Dependent Variable: KepuasanPelanggan


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 4.748 1.003 4.733 .000

KualitasPelaynan .152 .010 .831 14.808 .000

a. Dependent Variable: KepuasanPelanggan

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 17.06 20.25 19.59 .659 100

Residual -1.791 1.121 .000 .440 100

Std. Predicted Value -3.846 .996 .000 1.000 100

Std. Residual -4.044 2.532 .000 .995 100

a. Dependent Variable: KepuasanPelanggan

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