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The How to. Series

3. How to prepare and manage a budget
by Mark Richardson and Carl Evans
The first two articles in this series appeared in e.manager February and March 2008 editions
and the next will be featured in e.manager May 2008.

Introduction affecting the administrative environment will have already been

The budget is an Administrative Managers primary tool for planning, considered, along with the what-ifs, such as the impact of a
controlling and making decisions regarding resources and operations. significant rise in interest rates.
It is therefore fundamental to the effective and efficient management Administrative Managers might feel inclined to build an element
of the administrative function that the budget is carefully developed of slack into the costs in anticipation of the budget being
and subsequently proactively used to control activities. subsequently reduced by the Financial Director or Budget Committee.
However, this should be resisted, since the reconciliation of the budget
Preparing the Budget with the business plan, and the adoption of a zero-based approach,
All organisations have their own distinct approach to the preparation should reduce the likelihood of a reduced allocation. Nonetheless,
of budgets, and a clear recognition of the process adopted will be the Administrative Manager will have to effectively present the budget
essential at the outset. to convey this message. An eye for the politics which will inevitably
There may be a temptation to take last years budget and simply surround the budget process is always an asset!
adjust for the forthcoming year in line with inflation. While this may
have some attractions, it is rarely satisfactory, since business Managing the Budget
environments (both internal and external) are increasingly dynamic Once the budget allocation has been agreed, it is important to
and the precise range of activities is subject to change. In addition, establish clear links with the person responsible for the budget in
costs rapidly become out of date, as evidenced by recent rapid the finance department. This will hopefully develop into an effective
increases in energy prices. Clearly, a more sophisticated approach working relationship over time, and provide a point of contact for
to preparing the budget is required. queries or issues as they arise.
The development of a budget should start with the business plan It is useful at this stage to examine the budget-reporting format.
for the department or section. This will detail the activities for the year For example, how are the figures conveyed and how are annual
and specify clear goals and objectives. This breakdown gives a costs apportioned (monthly or annually)? The format can often be
framework within which to apply revenue (if applicable) and costs. The modified to make it more informative to the budget manager and
costs are typically detailed into staff costs, training and development, other recipients.
maintenance of fixed assets (such as building repairs), energy costs, Include the budget as a monthly standing item on the team
consumables (such as stationery) etc, depending upon the type of meeting agenda. This will support collective responsibility from the
organisation and industrial sector. As the business plan will have team, rather than the budget being viewed as the sole liability of
undoubtedly been developed with the support of the administrative the Administrative Manager. It also brings greater knowledge to the
team leaders, then they should similarly contribute to the development investigation of variances (differences between the budget and the
of the budget. From this, a rough-draft budget will be derived. actual spend), and should result in team agreement for any corrective
Inevitably the overall health of the organisations budgets will actions (such as reduced spending on photocopying).
impact upon the development of a realistic budget. If an organisation
Allocate sufficient time each month to analyse the budget
is growing more rapidly than expected, additional costs may have
statement it is an important document. Upon receipt of the
to be built in to the plan. For example, a budget for temporary staff
monthly budget statement, a swift check should be made of all
may have to be included in anticipation of later full time staff
items to make sure they have been correctly allocated. It is easy for
appointments. At the same time, if an organisation is in decline, or
an invoice to be mis-coded to the wrong cost-centre and you dont
seeking significant efficiency savings, this will have to be reflected
want to cover another departments costs! Then investigate any
in any budgetary proposals. Organisations may, for example, impose
variances (positive and negative) to determine cause, and consider
a 95% budget for staff costs, effectively limiting the capacity of
any necessary managerial actions. This might range from doing
managers to replace exiting staff.
nothing at the moment, other than monitoring the situation,
It is important to re-examine the first draft of the budget against
through to updating the budget or business plan. Any trends
the business plan to see if anything has been overlooked. It is also
developing over the months should also be investigated, and actions
important at this stage to identify any limiting factors, i.e. those factors
considered before a substantial problem does occur.
that could affect or limit the achievement of the objectives, such as
As the accounting period elapses, a bigger picture emerges. It
anticipated level of sales. Budget lines may have to be adjusted in
may be necessary to vire (move amounts) across the budget
order to take these into account. Additionally, the rough-draft can
now be compared to last years budget to see if there is any significant headings in line with actual spending patterns (for example an over
difference, which again could highlight an omission, or at least require spend in overtime may correspond to an under spend in agency
justification to senior managers throughout the planning process. staff). A dramatic change in trading patterns, or unforeseen changes
By adopting this approach, managers ensure that each element in the business environment, might necessitate a re-drawing of the
of expenditure is reconciled back to the business plan, and thus the budget or business plan. However, this usually needs senior
budget becomes an integral part of the plan. As a result, factors management involvement and authorisation.
>> Continued on page iv

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