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Tehnologiile de informare i comunicare noi

oportuniti pentru activitile de marketing

i procesele de comunicare din administraia
Dorian Constantin POCOVNICU
Instituia Prefectului, Bacu

Abstract: n contextul noilor tehnologii de informare i comunicare, administraiile publice din

Uniunea European trebuie s ia n considerare o sinergie mai profund ntre proiectarea proceselor de
management al afacerilor i configurarea structurii organizaiilor atunci cnd se presteaz un serviciu
public. Investiii coerente n noile modaliti de administrare i de comunicare a informaiilor ar permite
guvernelor s evite dilema ntre reducerea costurilor i creterea calitii, crend astfel structuri de
administrare care ar funciona mai bine i as costa mai puin. Creterea flexibilitii prestrii serviciului
i schimbarea ritmului comunicrii cu ceteanul prin intermediul noilor TIC ar conduce la o cretere a
gradului de ncredere n sistemul instituional, respectiv la dezvoltarea unor canale de interaciune mai
eficiente oameniinstituiiaplicaii TIC.

Cuvinte cheie: politici publice, interoperabilitate, TIC, politici publice de informare

I. Introducere la configurarea structurii orga II. Beneficii poteniale ale

nizaiilor, bazate n principal pe noilor TIC
n ultimii ani, din ce n ce posibilitile mult mai extinse
mai multe guverne ale rilor de conectivitate uman. Factori n ultimul deceniu, agenii
aflate n curs de dezvoltare, dar cum ar fi timpul, configuraia locale i naionale, n special din
nu numai, au publicat propu geografic, limitele de organiza zona rilor dezvoltate, au nce
neri ambiioase de reformare a re sau jurisdicia naional vor put s aplice TIC pentru o gam
propriilor sisteme administrati deveni mai puini importani tot mai mare de servicii publice.
ve cu ajutorul tehnologiilor de pentru procesele de interaciune Aceste aplicaii se concentre
informare i comunicare (TIC). uman. z pe dou obiective: a realiza
Planuri de acest gen sau reg Noile modaliti de admi mbuntiri majore n viteza
sit i pe agenda unor organizaii nistrare i de comunicare a in de reacie, n eficiena i n ac
transnaionale cum este UE sau formaiilor permit guvernelor cesibilitatea serviciilor publice
grupul de cooperare G7. Dei s evite dilema ntre reducerea i pentru a aduce guvernele mai
aceste iniiative difer consi costurilor i creterea calit aproape de ceteni.
derabil n privina domeniului ii, crend astfel structuri de Beneficiile poteniale ale no
de aplicare i al contextelor de administrare care funcionea ilor tehnologii pentru serviciile
implementare, ele reflect, fr z mai bine i cost mai puin. realizate i prestate de ctre ad
ndoial, existena unui con Mai important, noile canale de ministraiile publice sunt urm
sens larg cu privire la posibili interaciune deschid calea de toarele (Dutton,1996):
tile oferite de TIC. Sinergia comunicare ntre guverne i ce reducerea costurilor admi
n cretere dintre tehnologia teni, conducnd, n cele din nistrative. TIC permite o
informaiei i cea a telecomuni urm, la creterea transparen reducere semnificativ a
caiilor va permite guvernelor ei, la creterea responsabilit costurilor de manipulare,
s fie mult mai flexibile n pri ii, i deschiderea guvernelor la de informare i a costuri
vina modului n care colectea formele accesibile de participare lor de conformare. Tehno
z i folosesc informaiile. Mai ceteneasc (Wescott, Pizarro logia TIC permite ca mai
mult, aceast nou flexibilitate & SchiavoCampo, 2000). multe date s fie partajate
va aduce noi oportuniti refe ntre diferite sisteme de
ritoare la proiectarea proceselor informare, reducnd ast
de management al afacerilor i
RRM 1/2013 81
fel numrul de aciuni de vernele au, de asemenea, arhivarea documentelor,
colectare a acestora; posibilitatea de a pune publicarea rezultatelor re
rspunsul mai rapid i mai multe informaii la censmintelor publice etc.
mai precis la cererile i dispoziia cetenilor, n acest context, o serie de ob
interogrile bazelor de sprijinind noile tipuri in servaii ceea ce privete utiliza
date, inclusiv n afara ore teraciune ntre factorii de rea TIC n sectorul public sunt
lor normale de lucru. TIC decizie, ceteni i struc nc valabile (Batalli, 2011):
permite accesul direct la turi organizaionale (Par numai o mic parte a pu
tranzacie sau la conturile do, GilGarcia & LunaRe blicului dispune propriile
clienilor din diferite zone yes, 2008). n acest fel,TIC computere sau are acces la
ale administraiei, n spe ar putea spori capacitatea Internet. Cu toate acestea,
cial pentru nivelul de baz managerial a guvernrii cifrele sunt n cretere;
al serviciilor publice; moderne. Aceste posibili cetenii i angajaii tind
accesul la datele prezente ti exist chiar i n s nu dispun de compe
la toate nivelurile i struc rile n curs de dezvoltare tene informatice necesare
turile administraiei, din foarte mici, dei, desigur, pentru a aprecia pe deplin
orice locaie. TIC sprijin acestea au nevoie de o utilizarea TIC;
dezvoltarea de modaliti abordare realist, adapta unele ri ar putea avea
mai flexibile i mai conve t la dimensiuni proprii i nevoie s dezvolte n pri
nabile pentru ca cetenii la capacitatea administra mul rnd infrastructura
s aib acces la serviciile tiv extrem de limitat; de baz, pentru a sprijini
publice. De exemplu, une asisten acordat eco ulterior utilizarea TIC.
le structuri administrati nomiilor locale i nai Exist i alte motive pentru
ve au dezvoltat faciliti onale prin facilitarea adoptarea mai lent a TIC de
online cu caracter per dezvoltrii interfeei gu ctre sectorul public, n special
manent care au rolul, de vernmediu de afaceri. n rile n curs de dezvoltare.
exemplu, de a prelua cere Acest lucru ar putea duce Acestea includ unele sau cele
rile de omaj, de a colecta la mbuntirea servici mai multe dintre urmtoarele:
impozitele, de a colecta ce ilor n zonele rurale i la costuri mai mari de la in
rerile de vize etc. Utiliza dezvoltarea serviciilor de troducerea TIC datorit
rea cardurilor inteligente sprijin n caz de urgen; numrului mare de insti
este, de asemenea, n curs un mijloc suplimentar de tuii publice;
de dezvoltare, pentru a feedback public. ineria generat de opi
permite accesul la o gam unile deja existente i de
tot mai larg de servicii obiceiuri;
III. Provocri privind
guvernamentale (Zouri grija privind securitatea i
utilizarea TIC n sectorul
dis & Thaens, 2003). Este confidenialitatea;
vorba de un ghieu unic public regulamente i legile ca
online. Acest tip de apli TIC nu sunt nc utilizate pe duce;
caii ar putea preveni fra scar larg de ctre guverne lipsa de nelegere i de
uda sau abuzul n presta le rilor n curs de dezvoltare competene informatice.
rea serviciilor publice, iar pentru a rezolva probleme cum n ciuda constrngerilor, uti
beneficiile sunt asociate sunt: lizarea internetului n activita
creterii ncrederii publice schimbul de informaii n tea guvernelor este n cretere
sistemul de administraie tre structurile administra i n rile dezvoltate, i este de
public; iei, ateptat s se tripleze n urm
creterea capacitii de traseul documentelor pn torii ani.
guvernare. TIC permite n fazele de aprobare, n mod evident, utilizarea
guvernelor s recolteze completarea informatic a internetului, pentru tranzac
mai multe date din siste diferitelor tipuri de cereri, iile publice, tocmai a nceput.
mele operaionale existen accesul la informaiile de n rile dezvoltate, mai muli
te, sporind astfel calitatea interes public, factori au propulsat Internetul
feedbackului la diferite culegerea feedbackului n primplanul cererii populare.
niveluri manageriale i de ctre funcionarii pu Aceti factori sunt urmtorii:
folosindul n dezvoltarea blici i furnizarea de rs cretere competenelor n
de politici coerente. Gu punsuri n timp util, utilizarea calculatoarelor;

82 Dorian Constantin Pocovnicu

scderea costurilor de co etc.), bazele de date geo i organizaii pentru a crea pro
municare; grafice (hri, informaii duse i servicii comerciale. Un
apariia i dezvoltarea de mediu), precum i in alt aspect este faptul c agen
browserelor web multime formaiile tiinifice, teh iile publice pot fi interesate n
dia uor de folosit; nice i culturale produse a participa n calitate de actori
cererea o pentru persona n instituii publice de cer activi pe piaa de informaii n
lizarea de mas i feed cetare, arhive i biblioteci curs de dezvoltare i ar putea
back instantaneu; (Vickery, 2011). manifesta dorina de ai asigu
telecomunicarea; Cetenii manifest nevo ra venituri din furnizarea elec
economia globalizat. ia pentru diferite tipuri tronic a informaiilor publice.
Internetul nu a generat sin de informaii, de exemplu, Din moment ce sectorul public
gur aceste tendine, dar este un norme juridice sau pro este cel mai mare proprietar de
catalizator care le aduce mpre cedurile administrative, date, precum i cel mai mare
un, accelernd progresul lor, cu scopul de ai exercita productor de coninut (de
genernd un rezultatul agregat drepturile individuale. exemplu, legile, regulamentele
mai mare dect suma prilor Sectorul privat are nevo administrative etc.), un astfel de
sale. ie de acces la sursele de interes n comercializare este o
informare ale sectorului opiune realist. Pe de alt par
public, cu scopul de a oferi te, avnd n vedere cerinele ne
IV. Politicile publice de
noi servicii, produse prin cesare n promovarea principii
informare i noile TIC
adugarea de valoare spe lor unei societi democratice,
n contextul serviciilor elec cific la informaiile de accesul universal la informaiile
tronice guvernamentale, exist baz deja existente, cum de interes public pentru toi ce
factori care condiioneaz dez ar fi, de exemplu, crearea tenii, la costuri accesibile, este
voltarea i implementarea aces de pachete adaptate la considerat ca fiind esenial. n
tora. Dintre acetia, cei mai im nevoile anumitor grupuri afar de garantarea accesului
portani sunt: identificarea ce de utilizatori (de exem la informaii pentru toi cete
rerii i a prioritilor, stabilirea plu, produse de informare nii, pe o baz echitabil, politica
politicii publice de informare, personalizate, adaptate de informare trebuie s se con
infrastructura tehnic, accesul nevoilor organizaiilor sau frunte cu cel puin o alt proble
cetenilor, problemele de imple a diverselor industrii, ba m, acea a evitrii denaturrii
mentare, problemele privind se zate pe registrele privind condiiilor comerciale normale,
curitatea, remodelarea procese brevetele de invenie). cnd sectorul public devine un
lor privind prestarea serviciilor Rutele pe care informaiile de actor comercial pe piaa de in
publice (Aichholzer, Schmutzer natur public ar trebui s cir formaii. Aceste cerine i inte
& Hochgerner, 1998). cule reprezint o chestiune foar rese sunt n mare msur diver
Printre numeroasele proble te delicat. Principalele dou gente, reprezentnd o provocare
me asociate proiectrii politici obiectivele care ar trebui s fie special pentru dezvoltarea de
lor publice de informare se afl luate n considerare, i care, de politici i proiectarea de cadre
cea referitoare la tipul de infor altfel, trebuie s fie reconcilia adecvate privind accesul la in
maii de interes public care ar te, atunci cnd se discut des formaiile de interes public. n
trebui s fie accesibile, respectiv pre reglementrile referitoare acelai timp, crearea unei piee
la msura n care acestea ar tre la acces sunt: scopul economic, a informaiilor necesit un set
bui s fie disponibile. Exist trei ndreptat n direcia dezvoltrii de linii directoare privind utili
mari pri interesate n disponi unei piee a informaiilor, pe de zarea (de exemplu, adaptarea i
bilitatea informaiilor publice: o parte, i principiul democratic prelucrarea) i exploatarea co
Sectorul public este al transparenei, care ar im mercial a datelor brute produ
productor i propri plica accesul deschis n timp util se de guvern, precum i a altor
etar a unei mari va i echitabil la toate informaiile, tipuri de informaii.
rieti i cantiti de pe de alt parte. Pentru ca o pia ntro perspectiv global,
informaii relevante, cum de informaii s se dezvolte, politicile actuale sunt caracte
ar fi datele financiare i este necesar o cantitate enor rizate de o tensiune ntre dou
economice, registrele pu m de date i informaii produ orientri principale: principiul
blice (de exemplu, regis se i colectate de ctre organi accesului liber i fr restric
trul terenurilor, registrul zaiile publice, care ulterior s ii al publicului la informaii
operatorilor economici poat fi utilizate de ctre firme i ceea ce poart denumirea de

RRM 1/2013 83
comercializare guvernamental sectorului privat de la utilizarea i restriciile privind difuzarea
(Weiss & Backlund, 1997). n informaiilor publice n scopuri informaiilor, se opteaz pentru
timp ce acest principiu din urm comerciale. Convenia de la eliminarea drepturilor de au
este caracteristic pentru cel pu Berna garanteaz un nivel ridi tor asupra informaii publice.
in o parte din rile europene, cat de uniformitate n privina Aceast poziie este motivat de
primul principiu este specific celor mai multe drepturi de au obiectivul de a dezvolta piaa de
poziiei adoptate de guvernul tor importante la nivel mondial, informaii i de a asigura fondul
SUA. Politica de informare n ns, pe de alt parte, semnata ca societile europene s poat
SUA este construit pe urm rii acestei convenii i rezerv concura de pe acelai nivel cu
toarele elementecheie deja dreptul de ai pstra drepturile furnizorii privai de informaii
legiferate[1]: de autor cu privire la informai din ntreaga lume.
Principiul diversitii, ile guvernamentale. Un stimul major pentru po
care nseamn c infor Acest lucru duce la un mai litica de informare a Uniunii
maiile ar trebui create, larg spectru de abordri na Europene o reprezint mbu
mprtite i utilizate ionale n Europa. Comisia ntirea accesului cetenilor
de ctre diverse entiti, European a elaborat n urma europeni la informaiile privind
inclusiv ageniile publice, unei consultri publice o Carte Uniunea European, instituii
sectorul nonprofit, pre verde privind informaiile din le, politicile i programele aces
cum i sectorul privat; sectorul public n societatea in teia. Potenialul tot mai mare al
O libertate puternic n formaional. Acest document a TIC faciliteaz n mod clar o ori
privina legislaiei referi identificat elementele care sunt entate ctre cetean i dezvol
toare la informaiile pu n joc, delimitnd provocrile tarea de strategii de informare
blice; cheie i abordnd toate aspec mult mai active.
Lipsa drepturilor de autor tele majore, inclusiv: definirea
a guvernului; domeniului sectorului public, IV.1. Accesul cetenilor
Costuri de acces reduse, condiiile de acces, obligaia de Accesibilitatea este o chestiu
generate de eforturile de a produce informaii, timpul, ne absolut crucial privind ser
cutare, duplicare i dise cantitatea i formatul alocate viciile de guvernare electronic.
minare; de sectorul public ca rspuns la Dac privim accesul la infor
Restricii privind reutili cererile de informaii; preul in maiile guvernamentale ca un
zarea sau rediseminarea formaiilor din sectorul public, serviciu de baz, accesibilitatea
informaiilor guverna normele de concuren, dreptu depinde, n primul rnd, de: dis
mentale. rile asupra informaiilor din sec ponibilitatea, diseminarea i de
Pe aceast baz, au aprut torul public i armonizarea regi accesul efectiv la informaii gu
n Statele Unite o serie de do murilor naionale, problemele vernamentale relevante n sens
menii de afaceri care utilizeaz de confidenialitate, necesitatea mai larg (date i documentele
informaiile din sectorul public. existenei directoarelor de infor deinute de instituiile politice i
Exemple sunt firme care folo maii din sectorul public, rs decele publice, n special guver
sesc datele legate de vreme, in punderea i, n sfrit, aciuni nul sau ageniile guvernamen
formaiile legate de brevete sau le posibile. Aceast iniiativ a tale, de administraia public,
bazele de date geografice, ad Comisiei Europene este un pas de organisme ale Parlamentului
ugnd valoare prin dezvoltarea important n deja lunga serie de etc.).
de produse personalizate menite eforturi de promovare a deschi Din perspectiva utilizatoru
distribuiei comerciale. derii dreptului de acces la in lui, accesibilitatea nseamn a fi
n contrast cu poziia SUA, formaiile guvernamentale. De capabil de a obine o informaie
rile europene abordeaz diferit asemenea, acelai document su public n condiiile existenei
politicile cu privire la informai gereaz principii foarte asem unui numr ct mai redus de
ile de interes public. Problema ntoare cu cele folosite n SUA: bariere. Altfel spus, accesibili
drepturilor de autor ale statului se ncurajeaz disponibilitatea tatea nseamn lipsa barierelor,
reprezint o problem impor informaiilor publice necesare printre care se numr:
tant n acest context, deoarece pentru utilizare de ctre secto Bariere socioculturale
astfel de drepturi de proprietate rul privat i pentru exploatarea (atenia i atitudineafa
intelectual permit excluderea acestora de ctre massmedia, se mijloacele electronice);
precizeaz procedurile de acces Barierele de calificare (ca
Paperwork Reduction Act, http:// la informaiile de interes public, paciti cognitive i fizice, se descurajeaz exclusivitatea
laws/paperworkreduction/ alfabetizarea IT);

84 Dorian Constantin Pocovnicu

Barierele tehnologice (re tehnice necesare pentru utili flexibilitatea i rapiditatea reac
ea de infrastructur i zarea serviciilor de informare, iilor sunt condiii eseniale pen
echipamente deinute de comunicare i tranzacionare tru comunicatorul instituional.
ctre utilizatorul final); (Kernaghaii & Gunraj, 2004). Din perspectiva procesului
Barierele financiare (cos Principala barier n privin de comunicare intern, se re
turile echipamentelor i a a utilizrii de ctre ceteni a marc un grad ridicat de inter
serviciilor). serviciilor electronice guverna dependen ntre competene
mentale este reprezentat de le comunicatorului, platforma
IV.2. Infrastructura tehnic accesul la Internet. Astzi, doar tehnologic de care dispune (i.e.
n funcie de tipul de servi un mic procent din populaia, Intraneturile) i strategia de
cii publice electronice oferite pe plasat de exemplu n anumite coninut a departamentului i/
internet, infrastructura tehnic medii cum este cel rural, este sau a instituiei (condiionat
oferit de furnizorii unor astfel n msur s utilizeze un PC de linia politic agreat inter
de servicii poate fi urmtoarea: cu conexiune la internet, fie la sau intrainstituional), dac
Servicii de informare: ser locul de munc, fie acas, fie considerm un sistem institu
vere de Internet pentru ntrun loc public (de exemplu, ional complex, i.e. Uniunea
putea oferi pagini web bibliotecile). European.
HTML (structur simpl) n cazul procesului de comu
IV.3. Competenele nicare extern privind o politic
sau baze de date conecta
angajailor din interiorul sau o iniiativ instituional,
te la Internet (structur
instituiilor publice unul dintre canalele de comuni
Servicii de comunicare: Un alt aspect de care trebu care agreate de instituiile pu
servere de email, servere ie inut cont, n special din per blice, cel puine cele europene,
de Internet dedicate pen spectiva proceselor de comuni sunt campaniile de comunicare,
tru crearea de forumuri i care interne i externe din insti online i offline. De obicei imple
grupuri de discuii; tuiile publice, este cel referitor mentarea efectiv a campaniilor
Servicii de tranzacionare: la competenele de comunicare este externalizat, ns concep
servere de Internet dedi i informatice ale angajailor. tul, care se regsete n dosarul
cate, configurate pentru a n contextul unui management specific procedurii de achiziie
procesa datele de intrare al schimbrii coerent i necesar, public, aparine comunicatori
(structur simpl), fluxuri expunerea instituiilor publice lor instituionali. Structurarea
de lucru sistematizate in n diferite contexte de comunica conceptului prezint o compo
terne n care datele furni re trebuie gestionat de comuni nent de negociere intrain
zate de ctre utilizatorii catori profesioniti, capabili s stituional i de diseminare
externi prin intermediul i asume o strategie de comuni interinstituional. Astfel, dez
internetului pot fi achizi care instituional. voltarea i perfectarea platfor
ionate (structur avansa O astfel de strategie trebuie melor tehnologice de comunica
t). s rspund urmtoarelor nevoi re sunt considerate componente
n scopul de a asigura flexi ale instituiei (Vasile, 2007): eseniale pentru procesele de
bilitatea i integrarea serviciilor nevoia transparenei sis comunicare i marketing la ni
publice electronice este de dorit temului decizional, velul administraiilor publice.
ca acestea s evite soluiile uni nevoia de a comunica n
ce de aplicare. O strategie pre timp real i util, V. Interoperabilitatea
ferat este aceea de a defini di credibilitatea intern i Serviciilor Publice
ferite niveluri din sistem i de a extern a managementu europene
nfiina aplicaii specifice bazate lui,
pe aceste niveluri. nevoia de a schimba per Comisia European a propus
Infrastructura tehnic ne cepia oamenilor asupra n documentul Agenda Digital
cesar, pentru ca utilizatorii instituiei, pentru Europa din cadrul stra
s acceseze serviciile publi existena unui facilitator tegiei Europa 2020 dou iniia
ce electronice, nu este att de i instrument n procesul tive privind realizarea intero
mult dependent de tipul de de management al schim perabilitii platformelor teh
servicii oferite, cel puin n ca brii. nologice din serviciile publice,
zul Internetului ca platforma. Contextualiznd aceste ne respectiv: Strategia European
Accesul la Internet i browsere voi n paletarul proceselor de pentru Interoperabilitate (EIS)
le ofer aproape toate condiiile comunicare din mediul online,

RRM 1/2013 85
i Cadrul European pentru oameni, aplicaii ICT i Administration, Minnowbrook
Interoperabilitate (EIF). instituii. III Conference, Lake Placid,
Provocrile principale identi Acest trinom este esenial n New York.
ficate se refer la: procesele de comunicare i de Vasile, Ioana (2007), The role of
communication in the transfor
ebariere create de admi funcionare curent inter i in
mation process of public institu
nistraiile publice nai trainstituionale i nu se pot re tions in Romania, n The Mana
onale prin utilizarea de aliza dect dac se au n vedere ger Journal, Volume 6
esoluii care nu sunt inte urmtoarele aspecte: infrastruc Vickery, G., (2011), Review of recent
roperabile; tur comun, arhitectur tehno studies on PSI reuse and related
Piaa Unic Europea logic i reguli/ghiduri tehnice market developments, Informa
n poate funciona pe (how to manuals). tion Economics, Paris.
baza unor servicii publi Ambele iniiative menio Weiss, P. N. and Backlund P.
ce transnaionale[2], care nate anterior prezint patru (1997), International Informati
on Policy in Conflict: Open and
susin i implementarea dimensiuni ale interoperabili
Unrestricted Access versus Go
politicilor europene. Aces tii: legal, organizaional,
vernment Commercialization.
te servicii sunt livrate n semantic i tehnic. Toate sunt MIT Press: Cambridge MA Lon
trun procent din ce n ce importante, cu att mai mult cu don, 1997.
mai mare prin platforme ct Internetul i activitatea or Wescott,C., Pizarro, Marilyn and
tehnologice; ganismelor de standardizare a SchiavoCampo, Salvatore
exercitarea drepturilor permis atingerea unui progres (2000), To Serve And To Preser
cetenilor, cum ar fi cel relativ n ceea ce privete inte ve: Improving Public Adminis
la libera micare, implic roperabilitatea tehnic, asigu tration In A Competitive World.
documente i informaii rnduse astfel un acces deschis, in Guidelines, Handbooks, and
Manuals, Chapter XIX, Asian
ce sunt puse la dispoziia open access, i o promovare a re
Development Bank, 2000.
acestora de ctre instituii utilizrii informaiei. Zouridis, S., Thaens, Marcel (2003),
publice. Pentru a minima EGovernment: Towards a Pu
liza sarcina administrati blic Administration Approach,
v a ceteanului, servici Asian Journal of Public Admi
ile ICT trebuie s devin Aichholzer, G., Schmutzer, R., and nistration Vol 25, No 2.
mai performante; Hochgerner J. (1998), Bringing *** COMMUNICATION FROM
peisajul legal diferit din Public Administration Closer to THE COMMISSION TO THE
statelemembre mpiedic the Citizens, Information Socie EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT,
ty Forum of the European Com THE COUNCIL, THE EU
realizarea unui schimb de
mission, WG 5: Public adminis ROPEAN ECONOMIC AND
informaii corect i coe
rent ntre administraiile Batalli, Mirlinda (2011), Impact of THE COMMITTEE OF THE
publice naionale. Atunci Public Administration Innovati REGIONS Towards inte
cnd astfel de schimburi ons on Enhancing the Citizens roperability for European
au loc, validitatea legal a Expectations, International Jo public services, Brussels,
informaiilor trebuie ps urnal of eEducation, eBusine 16.12.2010 , COM(2010) 744 fi
trat, iar legislaia pri ss, eManagement and eLear nal. Available online at http://
vind protecia datelor per ning, Vol. 1, No. 2.
sonale trebuie respectat Dutton, W. H. ed. (1996), Informa isa_iop_communication_en.pdf
tion and Communication Tech
pentru ambele statemem
nologies: Visions and Realities.
bre implicate n schimb; Oxford University Press, 1996.
interoperabilitatea se Kernaghaii, K., and Gunraj, J.
mantic este un alt aspect (2004), Integrating information
afectat de lipsa unui acord technology into public adminis
i unui ghid privind sen tration: conceptual and practical
sul i formatul informa considerations, n Canadian Pu
iei, rezultate din diferite blic Administration, Volume 47,
interpretri ale informa No. 4.
iilor tranzacionate ntre Pardo, Theresa A., GilGarcia,
J. R.and LunaReyes, Luis F.
(2008), Collaborative Governan
COM(2010) 135 Commission ce and CrossBoundary Informa
Work Programme 2010 Time to act tion Sharing: Envisioning a Ne
(see: tworked and ITEnabled Public

86 Dorian Constantin Pocovnicu

The information and communication
technologies - new opportunities for the
marketing activities and communication
processes in the public administration
Dorian Constantin POCOVNICU
Instituia Prefectului, Bacu

Abstract: In the context of the new information and communication technologies, the public
administrations within the European Union should take into consideration o deeper synergy between
the management processes of business and the organisations structural configuration when a public
service is being performed. Coherent investments in the new means of information administration and
communication would allow the governments to avoid the dilemma of less cost and higher quality,
thus creating administrative structures which would function better and cost less. Raising flexibility in
delivering a public service and changing the rhythm of communicating with the citizen would imply a
higher level of trust in the institutional system, namely new interaction channels between citizens, ICT
applications and institutions.

Keywords: public policy, interoperability, TIC, information public policy

I. Introduction structure, mainly based on the especially from developing coun

extended possibilities of human tries, have started to use ICT for
Lately, an increasing number connectivity. Aspects such as an increasing variety of public
of governments in developing time, geography, logistics limits services. These apps focus on
countries, but not exclusively, and national jurisdiction shall two objectives: achieving major
have published ambitious pro become less important for hu improvements in reaction rate,
posals for reforming their own man interaction processes. in public services efficiency and
administrative systems by us The new patterns of informa accesibility and in bringing the
ing information and communi tion administration and commu governments closer to citizens.
cation technologies (ICT). These nication offer the governments a The potential benefits of the
types of plans were also identi way out when dealing with the new technologies for created and
fied on the agenda of transna dilemma of low cost-high qual delivered services by the public
tional organizations, such as ity, thus creating administration administrations are (Dutton,
the EU or G7 cooperation group. structures that function better 1996):
Although these initiatives differ and cost less. More importantly, diminishing administra
considerably regarding their ap these new interaction channels tive costs. ICT allows for
plication domain and implemen open up communication between a significant decrease in
tation contexts, they do reflect, governments and citizenry, thus operation, informing and
undoubtedly, the existence of a eventually ensuring a rise in conforming costs. ICT
large consensus on the opportu transparency, responsbility and technology supports the
nities provided by ICT. The in in opening up governments to partition of multiple data
creasing synergy between infor wards accesible forms of citizens between different infor
mation technology and telecom participation (Wescott, Pizarro & mation systems, thus mi
munications will allow govern Schiavo-Campo, 2000). nimising the actions of col
ments to be more flexible in the lecting information;
way they collect and use infor quicker and precise re
mation. Furthermore, this new II. Potential assets of the
sponse to request and
flexibility will bring about new new ICT
data-base interogations,
opportunities for designing busi including those outside
Within the last decade, lo
ness management processes working hours. ICT allows
cal and national agencies,
and configuring organizations
RRM 1/2013 87
for direct access to clients capacity of modern gov citizens and employees
transactions and/or ac ernance. These posibili have a tendency of not
counts from different ar ties exist even in small owning ICT competences,
eas of administration, es developing countries, but necessary for a full encom
pecially for the lower level these require a realistic passing of ICT use;
of public services; approach, adapted to spe some countries might
data access at all levels cific dimmensions and to need to first develop the
and structures of adminis a limited administrative basic infrastructure, in or
tration, from any location. capacity; der to afterwards support
ICT favours the develop guidance and assistence the use of ICT.
ing of flexible and more offered to local and na There are also other reasons
convenient ways for citi tional economies by facili for the slow adoption of ICT
zens access to public ser tating the development of in public sector, especially in
vices. For instance, some government-business in developing countries. These in
administrative structures terface. This aspect could clude the following or severeal
have developed perma lead to improving services of the items mentioned below:
nent online facilities with in rural areas and to the higher costs since ICT in
the purpose of handling advancement of support troduction due to a higher
unemployment forms, tax services, in case of emer number of public institu
collecting, visa application gencies; tions;
forms etc. Using smart an additional means of a generated inertia by the
cards is also emergent so public feeback. already existing options
that increased access to and routines;
a variety of government concern for security and
III. Challenges for using
services may be provided confidentiality;
ICT in public sector
(Zouridis & Thaens, 2003). regulations and unstable
One of these types of apps ICT is still not used at a large laws;
is the online one-stop-in scale by the government of de a lack of understanding
fopoint. These apps could veloping countries to solve prob and of technological com
prevent fraud or abuse in lems such as: petences.
delivering public services, exchange of information Despite all constraints, us
and the benefits are as between administration ing the internet in government
sociated to the increase of structures, activity is rising especially in
public trust in public ad the flow of documents un developing countries, and it is
ministration systems; til approval stages, expected to triple in the follow
increasing the governance digital filling-un of vari ing years.
capacity. ICT allows gov ous types of forms, Obviously, using the
ernments to collect more access to public informa Internet, for public transaction,
data from existing opera tion, is still at an initial stage. In de
tional systems, thus en retrieving of feedback veloped countries, several fac
hancing the feedback qual by public employees and tors have driven the Internet at
ity at various managerial providing answers in due center stage regarding popular
levels and using it in de time, demand. These factors are:
veloping coherent policies. archiving of documents, a boost in competences re
Governments also have publishing the results of lated to computer use,
the possibility to offer citi natinoal census. a decrease in communica
zens an increasing amount Within this context, several tion costs,
of information, ensuring observations regarding ICT use emergence and develop
the support of new types in public sector are still avail ment of multimedia web
of interaction between able (Batalli, 2011): browsers, which are also
decision factors, citizens only a small part of the easy to use;
and organisational struc public owns personal com demand for a mass cus
tures (Pardo, Gil-Garcia puters (PCs) or has access tomization and instant
& Luna-Reyes, 2008). In to Internet. Even so, the feebdack;
this way, ICT could also number are rising; telecommunication;
enhance the managerial globalised economy.

88 Dorian Constantin Pocovnicu

The Internet has not generat purpose of exerting their producer (i.e. laws, regulations
ed thse trends on its own, but it individual rigths, etc.), such an interest in mer
is a catalyst which brings them the private sector needs chandising is a practical option.
together, accelerating their access to information On the other hand, consider
progress and generating an ag sources belonging to the ing the necessary requirements
gregated result higher than the public sector, with the in promoting the principles of a
sum of its parts. purpose of providing new democratic society, universal ac
services, produced by cess to information of public in
adding specific value to terest for all citizens, at accessi
IV. Information public
already elementary infor ble costs, is considered essential.
policies and the ICT
mation, such as creating Aside from granting access to
technologies packages adapted to the information for all citizens, eq
In matters of government needs of certain groups uitably, information policy must
electronic services, there are of users (for example, face at least one other problem,
factors which condition their de customized information namely the aspect of avoiding
velopment and implementation. products, adapted to spe distortion of normal business
Among these, the most impor cific company needs or a conditions when the public sec
tant are: demand and priority specific industry, based on tor becomes a commercial play
markers, establishing the infor the registries of patent li er on information market.
mation public policy, citizens censes) These requests and interests
access, implementation issues, The trajectories of public in are equally divergent, repre
problems regarding security, formation circulation represents senting a particular challenge
reshaping the processes of pub a highly delicate issue. The two for developing policies and de
lic service delivery (Aichholzer, main objectives which should signing adequate frames for ac
Schmutzer & Hochgerner, 1998). be taken into consideration, cess to public information.
Amid numerous problems and also reconciled, when deal At the same time, creating
associated to the design of in ing with access regulations are: an information market requires
formation public policies, there firstly the economic purpose, a set of guidelines on how to
is the one regarding the type of directed towards developing a use and commercialy exploit
public information which should market for information, and sec raw data produced by govern
be accessible, or better yet, the ondly the democratic principle ments, as well as other types of
degree of its availability. of transparency, which implies information.
There are three main inter open access in due and reason From a global perspective,
ested parties when dealing with able time to all information. actual policies distinguish
public information availability: For an information market to themselves through a tension
the public sector, which is develop, a huge amount of data between two major trends: the
producer and owner of a and information, produced and principle of free and no re
high variety and quantity collected by public organisa strictions access of public to
of relevant information, tions, is required so that they information and what is named
such as financial and eco may be used by companies and government commercialization
nomic data, public record organisations in order to cre (Weiss & Backlund, 1997).
ings (i.e. land registry, ate commercial products and While the latter is character
companies registry), geo services. istic to at least some of the eu
graphic databses (maps, Another aspect taken into ropean countries, the first prin
environment informa consideration is the fact that ciple is characteristic of the po
tion), as well as scientific, public agencies may be inter sition taken by the USA govern
technological and cultural ested in becoming involved as ment. The USA information pol
information produced in active actors in the information icy is built upon the following al
side public institutions of market, even if this is a devel ready legalised key-elements[1]:
research, archive and li oping one, and might also mani The Diversity principle,
braries (Vickery, 2011). fest their intention of ensuring which means that infor
citizens assert their need the necessary incomes from mation should be cre
for different types of infor electronic supply of public in ated, shared and used by
mations, such as, judicial formation. Since the public sec
standards or administra tor is the biggest owner of data, [1]
Paperwork Reduction Act, http://
as well as the biggest content
tive procedures, with the laws/paperwork-reduction/

RRM 1/2013 89
various entities, including conditions, the obligation to pro information as a basic service,
advertising agencies, non- duce information, time, quantity than accessability depends on:
profit sector, as well as and the format assigned by the availability, dissemination and
private sector; public sector as a reaction to in actual access to government
a strong freedom when formation requests; the price of information, relevant from a
dealing with legislation public sector information; com broader perspective (data and
regarding public access to petition regulations; informa documents owned by public and
information; tion rights and harmonization political institutions, especially
a lack of royalties rights of national regimes; confiden by government or government
on behalf of the govern tiality issues; the necessity of agencies, public administration,
ment; information directories within Parliament bodies etc.).
downsized access costs, public sector; responsability and From the users perspective,
generated by search, du possible actions. accessability means to be ca
plicate and dissemination This initiative of the pable of obtaining a public in
efforts; European Commission is a ma formation while there are little
restrictions regarding re- jor step in the already long list obstacles. In other words, ac
use or re-dissemination of of promotion efforts dedicated to cessability means lack of barri
government information. opening up access rights to gov ers, such as:
On these grounds, there have ernment information. Also, the socio-cultural elements
been a series of emergent busi same document suggests very (atention and attitude to
ness domains in USA which similar principles to the ones wards electronic media);
use information from the public used in the USA: encouraging qualifications (cognitive
sector(s). Exemples are firms the availability of public infor and physical aptitudes,
which use weather data, patent mation necessary for use by the IT literacy);
data or geographic databases, private sector and the media; ac technological aspects (in
thus adding value through de cess procedures to public infor frastructure network and
veloping customized products mation are outlined; exclusive owned equipements by the
ment for private distribution. ness and restrictions regarding final user);
In opposition to the USA information broadcasting ae dis financial aspects (equip
stand, european countries ap couraged; elimination of copy ment and service costs).
proach differently public infor rights over public information is
mation policies. The royalties opted for.
IV.2. Technological
issue of the government repre This attitude is motivated by
sents a major topic, as intelec the objective of developing the
tual property rights allow the information market and ensur Depending on the type of
exclusion of the private sector ing the basis upon which euro public service provided online,
from using public information pean companies can compete on the technological infrastructure
for commercial purposes. The equal grounds with private in provided by specific suppliers
Berna Convention grants a high formation suppliers fom around may be the following:
level of uniformity regarding the world. Information services: In
royalties, however they with A major stimulus for the ternet servers in order to
hold the copyrights for govern EU information policy is the provide HTML web pages
ment information. advances of citizens access to (simple structure) or In
This aspect leads to a broader information regarding the EU, ternet connected databas
spectrum of national approach the institutions, policies and es (advanced structure);
es in Europe. The European programmes. The growing po Communication services:
Commission has drafted a Green tential of ICT clearly enables a e-mail servers, Internet
Paper regarding public informa proactive approach towards the dedicated servers in order
tion in information society, fol citizen and the design of dynam to create online groups
lowing a public consultation. ic information strategies and forums;
This document pinpoints the el Transaction services: ded
ements which are at stake, cir IV.1. Citizens access icated Internet servers,
cumscribing the key challenges Accessability is crucial configured in order to pro
and approaching the major as when dealing with electronic cess etntry data (simple
pects, including: outlining the government services. If we ap structure), workflows in
public sector domain, the access proach access to government ternally structured within

90 Dorian Constantin Pocovnicu

which Internet supplied the need for transparency communication platforms are
data towards the end-us of the decision system; considered key components for
er may be acquired (ad the need to communica communication and marketing
vanced structure). tion in real and in due processes, when public adminis
In order to ensure the flex time; trations are concerned.
ibility and integration of pub internal and external
lic e-services, it is desirable for credibility of manage
V. Interoperability of
them to avoud unique protection ment;
european public services
solutions. A preffered strategy is the need to change the
defining different system levels general perception of the The European Commission
and setting up specific applica institution; has proposed the document A
tions based on these levels. the existence of a facilita Digital Agenda for Europe with
The necessary technical in tor and of an instrument in the Europe 2020 strategy,
frastructure, in order for the us within the management outlining two initiatives on the
ers to access public e-services, process of change. accomplishment of technological
is not entirely dependent on Placing those needs within inter-operability between pub
the typs of services provided, at the online framing of commu lic services, namely: European
least in the case of Internet as nication processes, flexibility Interoperability Strategy (EIS)
platforms. Internet access and and quickness in response are and European Interoperability
browsers offer almost all the essential for the institutional Framework (EIF).
technical conditions necessary communicator. The main challenges identi
to use information, communi From the point of view of the fied are related to the following:
cation and transaction services internal communication pro e-barriers created by pub
(Kernaghaii & Gunraj, 2004). cess, there is a high degree of lic national administra
The main obstacle for citi inter-dependence between the tions by using e-solutions
zens use of public e-services is communicators competences, which are not interoper
Internet access. Today, only a the technological platform (s)he able;
small percentage of the popu uses (i.e. Intranet-urile) and the the European Single Mar
lation, such as the rural popu content strategy of the depart ket can function based
lation for instance, is able to ment and/or of the institution on trans-national public
use a PC with internet connec (conditioned by the policy course services[2], which uphold
tion, either at the workplace, at outlined and agreed upon inter- european policy imple
home or in a public place (i.e. or intra-institutionaly), were we mentation. The delivery of
libraries). to conside a complex institutionl such services is achieved
system, such as the European in a higher degree through
IV.3. Employee competences Union. the use of technological
within public institutions From an external communi platforms;
Another aspect which one cation process perspective, re exercising citizens rights,
should bear in mind, especially garding either a policy or an in such as free movement,
from the point of view of inter stitutional initiative, one of the implies documents and in
nal and external communication most used communication chan formation which are made
processes inside public institu nels by the public institutions is available by public insti
tions, refers to communicative the communication campaign, tutions. In order to mini
and informatic competencies. online and offline. mize the administrative
Within the context of a coher Usually the implementa burden of the citizen, ICT
ent and necessary change man tion is outsourced, but the con services should become
agement, exposing public insti cept, which can be depicted more efficient;
tutions to different communica from within the tender dos the different legal land
tive contexts must be handled sier, belongs to the institution scape in member-states
by proffesional communicators, al communicators. Outlining prevents a coherent and
capable of assuming an institu the concept is a process which accurate exchange of in
tional communication strategy. presents an intra-institutional
Such a strategy must re negotiation component and an [2]
COM(2010) 135 Commission
spond to the following needs of inter-institutional dissemina Work Programme 2010 Time to act
the institution (Vasile, 2007): tion component. So, developing (see:
and perfecting the technological

RRM 1/2013 91
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92 Dorian Constantin Pocovnicu

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