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A world without technology

The every day lives of people have changed a great deal due to the advent of
technology.They have become easier, faster, more comfotable and dynamic. But,at
the same time,our lives have become lethargic,preposterous and anti- social just
like the computes that have become a part and parcel of our lives.The techology
has enriched our lives and enlightened our minds, but in pursuit of its cozy
comforts, people tend t o be over- reliant on it, so much that they cant even
imagine living without it.This pointless obsession and abuse of technology in our
lives has left us vulnerable and weak. No doubt,the advancements brought us
unprecedanted physical, medical and other benefits,but this over reliance will
prove costly for the surival of the human race. In conclusion, techology has affected
our lives deeply.We simply cannot imagin living without it. It has increased our
livespan and quality of living. It has brought us closer to each other in certain ways
and drifted away in others. Without it, our lives would have been simpler, harder ,
poorer, isolated, unimaginative,disconnected and dangerous. Smartphone is
replacing face-to-face comunicaton. I regularly see groups of people in resaturants,
for example, paying more attention to their phones then to each other . I cant be
the only person that thinks there is something inherently worrying about this, are
we beginning to choose the company of technology over the company of other
human beings ? Whilst I my self viewed my recent disconnecton from social media
negativly at first, I have to admit that I increasilngy began to feel an under lying
sense of relief. I was finally being for ced to enjoy my own company and dare I say it
,there was something intrinscally nice about being alone. The world cant live
without technology.

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