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5 Mistakes Students Make in

PT3 English Speaking Test

Mistake 1: No Preparation before the test.

Kesalahan 1: Tidak membuat persediaan sebelum ujian.

The effect is greater if you dont speak English outside of your classroom. Many of us
dont speak English at home. So, we might not be very natural when it comes
to speaking English. If you think that you will just wait for your teachers to
ask you questions, and you will think for the answers on the spot,
that is so WRONG.
Dont forget,
1. You will feel nervous on that day.
2. You might not be very familiar with the topics given.
3.Something might go wrong.
If you want to be better, you have to keep on practicing. So you
know when you go there you have something to talk about.
Also, because you know you are well prepared, you will feel less
nervous definitely!
Jangan ingat persediaan itu boleh diabaikan. Terutamanya untuk pelajar yang tidak
banyak menggunakan English di luar kelas. Banyakkan latihan ayat. Banyak bertanya
cara membina ayat mengenai suatu topik. Ingatkan ayat-ayat tersebut. Ia akan banyak
memberi bantuan dan memberi pelajar keyakinan semasa menjawab soalan.
Seringkali, pelajar berasa cemas kerana mereka tidak tahu cara memberi pendapat
ataupun tidak dapat fikir idea untuk topik yang ditanya. Antara sebab yang utama ialah
kurangnya latihan dalam speaking.

Mistake 2: Only give short answers.

Kesalahan 2: Hanya memberi jawapan yang singkat.

Many students walk in to the room thinking they just have to give one or two words to
their teachers questions and that will be fine. And that is WRONG. Your teachers want
to hear more from you so that they can help you in your marks. You
dont expect your teachers to give you high marks if you only
answer yes/no, because its good., because I like it
throughout the whole conversation, do you?
Jangan bagi respon yang terlalu singkat dan ringkas. Guru-
guru memerlukan respon calon untuk memberi markah
kepada calon. Jawapan yang terlalu singkat hanya akan
meletakkan pelajar di grade yang lebih rendah.

Mistake 3: Hesitant to express their honest opinions.

Kesalahan 3: Tidak berani meluahkan pandangan/pendapat


Some people think the answers they give must be the

perfect answers. But to be honest, any answers are
perfect answers as long as you can explain the why
questions. So dont be afraid to tell your teacher you have
different opinions. You can tell them you dont agree with
something, You can tell them you dont like something, Or
even tell them you think something is wrong. Young
Malaysians, its time to let people hear what we have to
Sesetengah pelajar tidak berani memberi pandangan sediri kerana mereka berasa
guru-guru hanya suka jawapan yang mereka mengajar di kelas. ataupun jawapan
skema yang kita sering diajar dalam kelas. Jangan takut memberi pandangan sendiri,
yang penting, mencuba dan menujukkan usaha anda.

Mistake 4: Keep saying I dont know to every

Kesalahan 4: Jawab I dont know untuk setiap soalan.

Many week students tend to do this. It feels like they

think if they say I dont know, they can escape from
having to think for an answer for the questions asked.
Saying I dont know too many times will give the
teachers an impression that you are not trying, that you
dont even want help from the teachers. So, please,
even if you are not very good at the language, having
ideas and showing your initiative is very important!
Ramai pelajar, terutamanya yang lemah dalam
akademik, suka menjawab I dont know kepada
soalan dari cikgu. Walaupun I dont know itu bahasa
Inggeris, tetapi ia tidak akan membawa markah yang
tinggi kepada pelajar. Sebenarnya, soalan yang dibagi oleh cikgu adalah untuk
membantu pelajar mengumpul idea dan jawapan. Soalan-soalan itu merupakan
prompter bagi pelajar, bukan untuk menguji pengetahuan pelajar. Ingat, jangan cakap
tidak tahu sebelum berfikir.

Mistake 5: Refuse to try.

Kesalahan 5: Tidak mencuba.

A person can push a horse to the river, but they

cannot force the horse to drink. Some students
(even the ok ones) refuse to try when asked
questions. They keep quiet. They smile and
cover their faces. They shake/nod their heads.
And worse, when asked at the end: So, you
dont have anything to say? You dont want to
answer the questions? They will again, shake
their heads. WHY? It is very heart-breaking to
see some students give up their opportunity
when they refuse to try. Remember,if you dont
try, no one can help you!
Terdapat sesetengah pelajar yang terlalu malu untuk bercakap di depan cikgu. Jadi
mereka memilih untuk mendiamkan diri. Ini amat mengecewakan kerana ada juga
kalangan pelajar yang sepatutnya boleh berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggeris
dengan perkataan simple, sanggup tidak menjawab apa-apa soalan yang dibagi oleh
cikgu. Ada yang tutup muka, ada yang pandang lantai, ada yang terus give up apabila
ditanya Do you want to try to answer? Ingat, cikgu hanya menolong, inisiatif pelajar
adalah lebih penting sebenarnya!

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