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Formalin is a solution in water of the gas formaldehyde (CH2O).

A saturated solution contains

about 40% by volume or 37% by weight of the gas, plus a small amount of a stabilizer,
usually 10-12% methanol; this prevents polymerization. The liquid is used as an embalming fluid
and for the preservation of animal specimens and tissue samples. It is also used, generally in a
much more dilute form, as a disinfectant, and anti-bacterial wash and in aquariums for treating
parasite infections in fish. The disinfectant properties of the solution are due to the presence of
formaldehyde, which also gives it a pungent, irritating smell.


Formaldehyde is manufactured industrially by the oxidation of methanol. Large amounts of the

chemical are made this way for use in the production of plastics and resins. Formalin is produced
by dissolving the gas in water until the desired concentration is reached, up to a maximum of
40%. Since water is the other product of the reaction, the process can produce formalin directly.
Formaldehyde in aqueous solution is unstable and tends to polymerize, forming larger molecules
that are insoluble and therefore precipitate out of the solution. For this reason, methanol, which
prevents polymerization, is added to the solution.



Formalin is a colorless liquid with a strong, irritating smell, due to the off gassing of
formaldehyde. It is this compound that is mainly responsible for the solutions chemical
properties. The solution is neutral in terms of acidity and alkalinity, but it can be oxidized to
produce formic acid. As it can be oxidized easily, it is a reducing agent. Strong formalin
solutions are flammable, burning to produce carbon dioxide and water.


Formaldehyde solutions can be used as disinfectants and germicides, as they quickly kill bacteria
and other potentially harmful microorganisms. They have a dehydrating effect and also combine
with proteins, inactivating them and killing cells. Because of these properties, formalin is
commonly used in aquariums to kill parasites that live on fish. It is used for this purpose only in
very dilute solutions to avoid harming the fish.

In histology and related disciplines, formalin is widely used for preserving tissue samples, a
process known as fixing. The compound links protein molecules together, increasing the rigidity
of the sample and making it easier to prepare thin slices for microscopic examination. It also
prevents decay. A 10% solution is normally used; since this is prepared with standard 40%
formalin, the resulting liquid contains 4% formaldehyde.

The preservative properties of this solution make it well suited to the long-term storage of animal
and organ specimens, which may be held in large glass jars filled with formalin. It is also used as
a preservative in vaccines. One of the best-known uses of this solution has been as an embalming
agent. It is able to penetrate deep into the tissue, not only killing bacteria, but also helping the
structures of the body retain their shape. Cells altered by formaldehyde also resist future attack
by bacteria and other microorganisms. It is, however, no longer widely used for this purpose,
because of health and safety concerns.

Another use is as a treatment for warts. It can be applied, heavily diluted, as a gel or solution.
The compound seems to work by damaging the skin cells of warts and possibly killing the virus
responsible. It can, however, cause an allergic reaction in some people.

Health and Safety Issues

There are a number of hazards associated with the use of formalin. It readily releases
formaldehyde gas, which is both toxic and highly flammable. Accidental spillage of the solution
can quickly raise the concentration of this gas to dangerous levels, posing a direct threat to health
and the risk of fire or explosion.

If swallowed, the solution has a corrosive effect on the mouth, tongue and esophagus, causing
pain, vomiting and bleeding. Other symptoms include kidney failure, effects on the central
nervous system and coma. The lethal dose for humans may be around 1 oz (30 ml).

People are more likely to suffer ill effects through inhalation of the vapor. At low levels, it is
irritating to the eyes and nose and can cause headaches. At higher levels, inhalation can lead to
bronchitis and accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Contact with the skin may cause irritation or
dermatitis. Eye contact with very dilute solutions causes irritation, but higher concentrations may
damage the cornea and cause loss of vision.

Formalin adalah larutan dalam air dari formaldehida gas (CH2O). Sebuah solusi
jenuh mengandung sekitar 40% volume - atau 37% berat - gas, ditambah sejumlah
kecil stabilizer, biasanya 10-12% metanol; ini mencegah polimerisasi. Cairan ini
digunakan sebagai cairan pembalseman dan untuk pelestarian spesimen hewan
dan sampel jaringan. Hal ini juga digunakan, umumnya dalam bentuk encer lebih,
sebagai desinfektan, dan mencuci anti-bakteri dan akuarium untuk mengobati
infeksi parasit pada ikan. Sifat disinfektan dari solusi adalah karena adanya
formaldehida, yang juga memberikan suatu tajam, bau menjengkelkan.

Formaldehida diproduksi industri oleh oksidasi metanol. Sejumlah besar bahan

kimia yang dibuat dengan cara ini untuk digunakan dalam produksi plastik dan
resin. Formalin diproduksi dengan melarutkan gas dalam air sampai konsentrasi
yang diinginkan tercapai, sampai maksimum 40%. Karena air adalah produk lain
dari reaksi, proses dapat menghasilkan formalin langsung. Formaldehida dalam
larutan air tidak stabil dan cenderung polimerisasi, membentuk molekul yang lebih
besar yang tidak larut dan karena itu mengendap dari larutan. Untuk alasan ini,
metanol, yang mencegah polimerisasi, ditambahkan ke dalam larutan.

Formalin adalah cairan tak berwarna dengan bau yang kuat, menjengkelkan, karena
penyerangan dgn gas beracun dari formaldehida. Ini adalah senyawa ini yang
terutama bertanggung jawab untuk sifat kimia solusi ini. Solusinya adalah netral
dalam hal keasaman dan kebasaan, tetapi dapat dioksidasi untuk menghasilkan
asam format. Karena dapat teroksidasi dengan mudah, itu adalah reduktor. solusi
formalin yang kuat yang mudah terbakar, membakar untuk menghasilkan karbon
dioksida dan air.

larutan formaldehida dapat digunakan sebagai desinfektan dan germisida, karena

mereka cepat membunuh bakteri dan mikroorganisme berbahaya lainnya. Mereka
memiliki efek dehidrasi dan juga menggabungkan dengan protein, menonaktifkan
mereka dan membunuh sel-sel. Karena sifat ini, formalin umumnya digunakan
dalam akuarium untuk membunuh parasit yang hidup di ikan. Hal ini digunakan
untuk tujuan ini hanya dalam solusi yang sangat encer untuk menghindari
merugikan ikan.

Di histologi dan disiplin terkait, formalin digunakan secara luas untuk melestarikan
sampel jaringan, sebuah proses yang dikenal sebagai penetapan. Senyawa
menghubungkan molekul protein bersama-sama, meningkatkan kekakuan sampel
dan membuatnya lebih mudah untuk mempersiapkan iris tipis untuk pemeriksaan
mikroskopis. Hal ini juga mencegah pembusukan. Sebuah solusi 10% biasanya
digunakan; karena ini disiapkan dengan standar 40% formalin, cairan yang
dihasilkan mengandung 4% formaldehid.

Sifat pengawet dari solusi ini membuatnya cocok untuk penyimpanan jangka
panjang spesimen hewan dan organ, yang mungkin akan diselenggarakan di stoples
kaca besar yang penuh dengan formalin. Hal ini juga digunakan sebagai pengawet
dalam vaksin. Salah satu kegunaan paling terkenal dari solusi ini telah sebagai agen
pembalseman. Hal ini dapat menembus jauh ke dalam jaringan, tidak hanya
membunuh bakteri, tetapi juga membantu struktur tubuh mempertahankan bentuk
mereka. Sel diubah oleh formaldehyde juga menahan serangan di masa depan oleh
bakteri dan mikroorganisme lainnya. Hal ini, bagaimanapun, tidak lagi secara luas
digunakan untuk tujuan ini, karena masalah kesehatan dan keselamatan.

Penggunaan lainnya adalah sebagai pengobatan untuk kutil. Hal ini dapat
diterapkan, sangat diencerkan, sebagai gel atau larutan. Senyawa tampaknya
bekerja dengan cara merusak sel-sel kulit kutil dan mungkin membunuh virus yang
bertanggung jawab. Ini bisa, bagaimanapun, menyebabkan reaksi alergi pada
beberapa orang.
Kesehatan dan Isu Keamanan

Ada sejumlah bahaya yang terkait dengan penggunaan formalin. Ini mudah
melepaskan gas formalin, dimana keduanya beracun dan sangat mudah terbakar.
tumpahan disengaja solusi dapat dengan cepat meningkatkan konsentrasi gas ini ke
tingkat berbahaya, berpose ancaman langsung terhadap kesehatan dan risiko
kebakaran atau ledakan.

Jika tertelan, solusi memiliki efek korosif pada mulut, lidah dan kerongkongan,
menyebabkan rasa sakit, muntah dan pendarahan. Gejala lain termasuk gagal
ginjal, efek pada sistem saraf pusat dan koma. Dosis mematikan bagi manusia
mungkin sekitar 1 ons (30 ml).

Orang lebih cenderung untuk menderita efek buruk dengan menghirup uap. Pada
tingkat rendah, itu adalah mengiritasi mata dan hidung dan dapat menyebabkan
sakit kepala. Pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi, inhalasi dapat menyebabkan bronkitis
dan akumulasi cairan di paru-paru. Kontak dengan kulit dapat menyebabkan iritasi
atau dermatitis. kontak mata dengan solusi yang sangat encer menyebabkan iritasi,
tapi konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi dapat merusak kornea dan menyebabkan kehilan
Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring organic compound with the formula CH2O (H-CHO). It
is the simplest of the aldehydes (R-CHO) and is also known by its systematic name methanal.
The common name of this substance comes from its similarity and relation to formic acid.

Formaldehyde is an important precursor to many other materials and chemical compounds. In

1996, the installed capacity for the production of formaldehyde was estimated to be 8.7 million
tons per year.[11] It is mainly used in the production of industrial resins, e.g., for particle board
and coatings.

In view of its widespread use, toxicity, and volatility, formaldehyde poses a significant danger to
human health.[12] In 2011, the US National Toxicology Program described formaldehyde as
"known to be a human carcinogen".[13][14][15]


1 Forms of formaldehyde

2 Occurrence

o 2.1 Interstellar formaldehyde

3 Synthesis and industrial production

o 3.1 History

o 3.2 Industry

4 Organic chemistry

o 4.1 Examples of organic synthetic applications

5 Uses

o 5.1 Industrial applications

o 5.2 Disinfectant and biocide

o 5.3 Tissue fixative and embalming agent

o 5.4 Drug testing

o 5.5 Photography

6 Safety

o 6.1 International bans

o 6.2 Formaldehyde issues in trailers

6.2.1 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

6.2.2 Iowa floods of 2008

7 Contaminant in food

8 See also

9 References

10 External links

Forms of formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is more complicated than many simple carbon compounds in that it adopts several
different forms. As a gas, formaldehyde is colorless and has a characteristic pungent, irritating
odor. Upon condensation, the gas converts to various other forms of formaldehyde (with different
chemical formulas) that are of more practical value. One important derivative is the cyclic trimer
metaformaldehyde or 1,3,5-trioxane with the formula (CH2O)3. There is also a linear polymer
called paraformaldehyde. These compounds have similar chemical properties and are often used
Paraformaldehyde is a common form of formaldehyde for industrial applications.
When dissolved in water, formaldehyde also forms a hydrate, methanediol, with the formula
H2C(OH)2. This compound also exists in equilibrium with various oligomers (short polymers),
depending on the concentration and temperature. A saturated water solution, of about 40%
formaldehyde by volume or 37% by mass, is called "100% formalin". A small amount of
stabilizer, such as methanol, is usually added to suppress oxidation and polymerization. A typical
commercial grade formalin may contain 1012% methanol in addition to various metallic
impurities. The name was long ago genericized from an old trade name "Formalin".[16]

Processes in the upper atmosphere contribute up to 90% of the total formaldehyde in the
environment. Formaldehyde is an intermediate in the oxidation (or combustion) of methane, as
well as of other carbon compounds, e.g. in forest fires, automobile exhaust, and tobacco smoke.
When produced in the atmosphere by the action of sunlight and oxygen on atmospheric methane
and other hydrocarbons, it becomes part of smog. Formaldehyde has also been detected in outer
space (see below).

Formaldehyde and its adducts are ubiquitous in living organisms. It is formed in the metabolism
of endogenous amino acids and is found in the bloodstream of humans and other primates at
concentrations of approximately 0.1 millimolar.[17] Experiments in which animals are exposed to
an atmosphere containing isotopically labeled formaldehyde have demonstrated that even in
deliberately exposed animals, the majority of formaldehyde-DNA adducts found in non-
respiratory tissues are derived from endogenously produced formaldehyde.[18]

Formaldehyde does not accumulate in the environment, because it is broken down within a few
hours by sunlight or by bacteria present in soil or water. Humans metabolize formaldehyde
quickly, so it does not accumulate, converting it to formic acid in the body.[citation needed]
Interstellar formaldehyde
Main article: Interstellar formaldehyde
Formaldehyde was the first polyatomic organic molecule detected in the interstellar medium.[19]
Since its initial detection in 1969, it has been observed in many regions of the galaxy. Because of
the widespread interest in interstellar formaldehyde, it has recently been extensively studied,
yielding new extragalactic sources.[20] A proposed mechanism for the formation is the
hydrogenation of CO ice, shown below.[21]

HCO + H CH2O (rate constant=9.2103 s1)[clarification needed]
Formaldehyde appears to be a useful probe for astrochemists due to its low reactivity in the gas
phase and to the fact that the 110111 and 211212 K-doublet transitions are rather clear.

On 11 August 2014, astronomers released studies, using the Atacama Large

Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) for the first time, that detailed the distribution of HCN,
HNC, H2CO, and dust inside the comae of comets C/2012 F6 (Lemmon) and C/2012 S1 (ISON).

Synthesis and industrial production

Formaldehyde was first reported in 1859 by the Russian chemist Aleksandr Butlerov (182886)
and was conclusively identified in 1869 by August Wilhelm von Hofmann.[25][26]

Formaldehyde is produced industrially by the catalytic oxidation of methanol. The most common
catalysts are silver metal or a mixture of an iron and molybdenum or vanadium oxides. In the
commonly used formox process, methanol and oxygen react at ca. 250400 C in presence of
iron oxide in combination with molybdenum and/or vanadium to produce formaldehyde
according to the chemical equation:[11]

2 CH3OH + O2 2 CH2O + 2 H2O

The silver-based catalyst usually operates at a higher temperature, about 650 C. Two chemical
reactions on it simultaneously produce formaldehyde: that shown above and the dehydrogenation

In principle, formaldehyde could be generated by oxidation of methane, but this route is not
industrially viable because the methanol is more easily oxidized than methane.[11]

Organic chemistry
Formaldehyde is a building block in the synthesis of many other compounds of specialised and
industrial significance. It exhibits most of the chemical properties of other aldehydes but is more
reactive. For example, it is more readily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen into formic acid
(formic acid is found in ppm levels in commercial formaldehyde). Formaldehyde is a good
electrophile, participating in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions with aromatic
compounds, and can undergo electrophilic addition reactions with alkenes and aromatics.
Formaldehyde undergoes a Cannizzaro reaction in the presence of basic catalysts to produce
formic acid and methanol.

Examples of organic synthetic applications

Condensation with acetaldehyde affords pentaerythritol, a chemical necessary in synthesizing
PETN, a high explosive.[27] Condensation with phenols gives phenol-formaldehyde resins. With
4-substituted phenols one obtains calixarenes.[28]

When combined with hydrogen sulfide, it forms trithiane.[29]

3CH2O + 3H2S (CH2S)3 + 3H2O

Formaldehyde can be reduced to methylamine via reductive amination. Methylamine can then be
used in other synthetic processes using reductive amination to yield secondary amines.

It is first reacted with ammonia to form an imine and water.

CH2O + NH3 H2C=NH +H2O

Then this is reduced using LiAlH4 via an Sn2 reaction or by catalytic hydrogenation to produce
the amine.
H2C=N-H + LiAlH4 H3CNH2[citation needed]
H2C=N-H + H2 H3CNH2


Industrial applications
Formaldehyde is a common precursor to more complex compounds and materials. In
approximate order of decreasing consumption, products generated from formaldehyde include
urea formaldehyde resin, melamine resin, phenol formaldehyde resin, polyoxymethylene
plastics, 1,4-butanediol, and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate.[11] The textile industry uses
formaldehyde-based resins as finishers to make fabrics crease-resistant.[30] Formaldehyde-based
materials are key to the manufacture of automobiles, and used to make components for the
transmission, electrical system, engine block, door panels, axles and brake shoes. The value of
sales of formaldehyde and derivative products was over $145 billion in 2003, about 1.2% of the
gross domestic product (GDP) of the United States and Canada. Including indirect employment,
over 4 million people work in the formaldehyde industry across approximately 11,900 plants in
the U.S. and Canada.[31]

Two steps in formation of urea-formaldehyde resin, which is widely used in the

production of particle board.
When treated with phenol, urea, or melamine, formaldehyde produces, respectively, hard
thermoset phenol formaldehyde resin, urea formaldehyde resin, and melamine resin. These
polymers are common permanent adhesives used in plywood and carpeting. It is used as the wet-
strength resin added to sanitary paper products such as (listed in increasing concentrations
injected into the paper machine headstock chest) facial tissue, table napkins, and roll towels.
They are also foamed to make insulation, or cast into moulded products. Production of
formaldehyde resins accounts for more than half of formaldehyde consumption.
Formaldehyde is also a precursor to polyfunctional alcohols such as pentaerythritol, which is
used to make paints and explosives. Other formaldehyde derivatives include methylene diphenyl
diisocyanate, an important component in polyurethane paints and foams, and hexamine, which is
used in phenol-formaldehyde resins as well as the explosive RDX. Formaldehyde has been found
as a contaminant in several bath products, at levels from 54610 ppm: it is thought to arise from
the breakdown of preservatives in the products,[32] most frequently diazolidinyl urea. Since 2006,
formaldehyde (methylene glycol) is also used in hair smoothing treatments in order to straighten
wavy/curly hair and make hair less prone to frizz under high humid weather. OSHA Oregon has
reported these treatments as unsafe for human health.[33]

Disinfectant and biocide

An aqueous solution of formaldehyde can be useful as a disinfectant as it kills most bacteria and
fungi (including their spores). Formaldehyde solutions are applied topically in medicine to dry
the skin, such as in the treatment of warts. Many aquarists use formaldehyde as a treatment for
the parasites Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans.[34]

Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines (vaccines that use an
inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity). It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and
bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production.[35] Urinary tract infections are also
often treated using a derivative of formaldehyde (methenamine), a method often chosen because
it prevents overuse of antibiotics and the resultant development of bacterial resistance to them. In
an acid environment, methenamine is converted in the kidneys to formaldehyde, which then has
an antibacterial effect in the urinary tract. Some topical creams, cosmetics, and personal hygiene
products contain derivatives of formaldehyde as the active ingredients that prevent the growth of
potentially harmful bacteria.

Formaldehyde is also approved for use in the manufacture of animal feeds in the US. It is an
antimicrobial agent used to maintain complete animal feeds or feed ingredients Salmonella
negative for up to 21 days. [36]
Tissue fixative and embalming agent

Injecting a giant squid specimen with formalin for preservation.

Formaldehyde preserves or fixes tissue or cells by a mixture of reversible (short exposure time
and low temperatures) and irreversible (long exposure time and higher temperatures) cross-
linking of primary amino groups in proteins with other nearby nitrogen atoms in protein or DNA
through a -CH2- linkage. This is exploited in ChIP-on-chip or ChIP-sequencing genomics
experiments, where DNA-binding proteins are cross-linked to their cognate binding sites on the
chromosome and analyzed to determine what genes are regulated by the proteins. Formaldehyde
is also used as a denaturing agent in RNA gel electrophoresis, preventing RNA from forming
secondary structures. A solution of 4% formaldehyde fixes pathology tissue specimens at about
one mm per hour at room temperature.

Formaldehyde solutions are used as a fixative for microscopy and histology because of
formaldehyde's ability to perform the Mannich reaction, although the percentage formaldehyde
used may vary based on the method of analysis. Additionally, the methanol used to stabilize
formaldehyde may interfere with the ability to properly fix tissue or cells, and therefore
commercial formaldehyde preparations are available that are packaged in glass ampules under an
inert gas to prevent the use of contaminating methanol for stabilization. Formaldehyde-based
solutions are also used in embalming to disinfect and temporarily preserve human and animal
remains. It is the ability of formaldehyde to fix the tissue that produces the tell-tale firmness of
flesh in an embalmed body. In post mortem examinations a procedure known as the "sink test"
involves placing the lungs of an animal in an aqueous solution of formaldehyde; if the lungs float
it suggests the animal was probably breathing or able to breathe at the time of death.

Although formaldehyde solutions are commonly used as a biological preserving medium, usually
for smaller specimens, it delays, but does not prevent, decay. This method of fixation does not
preserve nucleic acids, thus preventing, for example, genetic analysis of the first discovered
Dendrogramma specimens.

Several European countries restrict the use of formaldehyde, including the import of
formaldehyde-treated products and embalming. Starting September 2007, the European Union
banned the use of formaldehyde due to its carcinogenic properties as a biocide (including
embalming) under the Biocidal Products Directive (98/8/EC).[37][38] Countries with a strong
tradition of embalming corpses, such as Ireland and other colder-weather countries, have raised
concerns. Despite reports to the contrary,[39] no decision on the inclusion of formaldehyde on
Annex I of the Biocidal Products Directive for product-type 22 (embalming and taxidermist
fluids) had been made as of September 2009.[40]

Drug testing
Formaldehyde, along with 18 M (concentrated) sulfuric acid makes Marquis reagent which can
be used to identify alkaloids and other compounds.

In photography, formaldehyde is used in low concentrations for process C-41 (color negative
film) stabilizer in the final wash step,[41] as well as in the process E-6 pre-bleach step, to make it
unnecessary in the final wash.

Formaldehyde is highly toxic to all animals, regardless of method of intake. Ingestion of 30 mL
(1 oz.) of a solution containing 37% formaldehyde has been reported to cause death in an adult
human.[42] Water solution of formaldehyde is very corrosive and its ingestion can cause severe
injury to the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Occupational exposure to formaldehyde by inhalation is mainly from three types of sources:
thermal or chemical decomposition of formaldehyde-based resins, formaldehyde emission from
aqueous solutions (for example, embalming fluids), and the production of formaldehyde
resulting from the combustion of a variety of organic compounds (for example, exhaust gases).
Formaldehyde can be toxic, allergenic, and carcinogenic.[12] Because formaldehyde resins are
used in many construction materials it is one of the more common indoor air pollutants.[43] At
concentrations above 0.1 ppm in air formaldehyde can irritate the eyes and mucous membranes,
resulting in watery eyes.[44] Formaldehyde inhaled at this concentration may cause headaches, a
burning sensation in the throat, and difficulty breathing, and can trigger or aggravate asthma

A 1988 Canadian study of houses with urea-formaldehyde foam insulation found that
formaldehyde levels as low as 0.046 ppm were positively correlated with eye and nasal irritation.
A recent review of studies has shown a strong association between exposure to formaldehyde
and the development of childhood asthma.[48] The primary exposure concern is for the workers in
the industries producing or using formaldehyde.

The formaldehyde theory of carcinogenesis was proposed in 1978.[49] In 1987 the U.S. EPA
classified it as a probable human carcinogen, and after more studies the WHO International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 1995 also classified it as a probable human
carcinogen. Further information and evaluation of all known data led the IARC to reclassify
formaldehyde as a known human carcinogen[50] associated with nasal sinus cancer and
nasopharyngeal cancer.[51] Recent studies have also shown a positive correlation between
exposure to formaldehyde and the development of leukemia, particularly myeloid leukemia.[52][53]
Nasopharyngeal and sinonasal cancers are relatively rare, with a combined annual incidence in
the United States of < 4,000 cases.[54][55] About 25,000 cases of myeloid leukemia occur in the
United States each year.[56][57] Workplace exposure to inhaled chemicals is among the most
important risk factors for sinonasal cancers.[58] Professionals exposed to formaldehyde in their
occupation, such as funeral industry workers and embalmers, showed an increased risk of
leukemia and brain cancer compared with the general population.[59] Other factors are important
in determining individual risk for the development of leukemia or nasopharyngeal cancer.[58][60][61]
In the residential environment, formaldehyde exposure comes from a number of different routes;
formaldehyde can off-gas from wood products, such as plywood or particle board, but it is
produced by paints, varnishes, floor finishes, and cigarette smoking as well.[62] In July 2016, the
EPA released a prepublication version of its final rule on Formaldehyde Emission Standards for
Composite Wood Products. These new rules will impact manufacturers, importers, distributors,
and retailers of products containing composite wood, including fiberboard, particleboard and
various laminated products, who will need to comply with more stringent record-keeping and
labeling requirements.[63]

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allows no more than 0.016 ppm
formaldehyde in the air in new buildings constructed for that agency.[64] A U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency study found a new home measured 0.076 ppm when brand new and 0.045
ppm after 30 days.[65] The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has also announced
limits on the formaldehyde levels in trailers purchased by that agency.[66] The EPA recommends
the use of "exterior-grade" pressed-wood products with phenol instead of urea resin to limit
formaldehyde exposure, since pressed-wood products containing formaldehyde resins are often a
significant source of formaldehyde in homes.[51]

Patch test
For most people, irritation from formaldehyde is temporary and reversible, though formaldehyde
can cause allergies and is part of the standard patch test series. In 200506, it was the seventh-
most-prevalent allergen in patch tests (9.0%).[67] People with formaldehyde allergy are advised to
avoid formaldehyde releasers as well (e.g., Quaternium-15, imidazolidinyl urea, and diazolidinyl
urea).[68] People who suffer allergic reactions to formaldehyde tend to display lesions on the skin
in the areas that have had direct contact with the substance, such as the neck or thighs (often due
to formaldehyde released from permanent press finished clothing) or dermatitis on the face
(typically from cosmetics).[69] Formaldehyde has been banned in cosmetics in both Sweden and
Japan.[citation needed] The eyes are most sensitive to formaldehyde exposure: The lowest level at
which many people can begin to smell formaldehyde is about 0.05 ppm and the highest level is 1
ppm. The maximum concentration value at the workplace is 0.3 ppm.[70] In controlled chamber
studies, individuals begin to sense eye irritation at about 0.5 ppm; 5 to 20 percent report eye
irritation at 0.5 to 1 ppm; and greater certainty for sensory irritation occurred at 1 ppm and
above. While some agencies have used a level as low as 0.1 ppm as a threshold for irritation, the
expert panel found that a level of 0.3 ppm would protect against nearly all irritation. In fact, the
expert panel found that a level of 1.0 ppm would avoid eye irritationthe most sensitive
endpointin 7595% of all people exposed.[71]

Formaldehyde levels in building environments are affected by a number of factors. These include
the potency of formaldehyde-emitting products present, the ratio of the surface area of emitting
materials to volume of space, environmental factors, product age, interactions with other
materials, and ventilation condition. Formaldehyde emits from a variety of construction
materials, furnishings, and consumer products. The three products that emit the highest
concentrations are medium density fiberboard, hardwood plywood, and particle board.
Environmental factors such as temperature and relative humidity can elevate levels because
formaldehyde has a high vapor pressure. Formaldehyde levels from building materials are the
highest when a building first opens because materials would have less time to off-gas.
Formaldehyde levels decrease over time as the sources suppress.

Formaldehyde levels in air can be sampled and tested in several ways, including impinger,
treated sorbent, and passive monitors.[72] The National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) has measurement methods numbered 2016, 2541, 3500, and 3800.[73]

Studies on the interactions between formaldehyde and proteins at the molecular level have been
reported on the effects of the bodys carrier protein, serum albumin. The binding of
formaldehyde loosens the skeletal structure of albumin and exposure of aromatic ring amino
acids in the internal hydrophobic region. Symptoms may affect personal awareness, making one
feel tired or fatigued.[citation needed]
Formaldehyde inhalation has also shown to cause oxidative stress and inflammation in animals.
Mice studied over an exposure to a high dose of formaldehyde (3ppm), showed increased NO
3 levels in plasma. This result suggests that FA inhalation either decreased NO production or
increased NO scavenging, which may be an anti-stress mechanism in the body. Formaldehyde
inhalation changes the sensitivity of immune system, which influences oxidative stress.[citation needed]
In June 2011, the twelfth edition of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on
Carcinogens (RoC) changed the listing status of formaldehyde from "reasonably anticipated to
be a human carcinogen" to "known to be a human carcinogen".[13][14][15] Concurrently, a National
Academy of Sciences (NAS) committee was convened and issued an independent review of the
draft United States Environmental Protection Agency IRIS assessment of formaldehyde,
providing a comprehensive health effects assessment and quantitative estimates of human risks
of adverse effects.[74]

International bans
There are several web articles claiming that formaldehyde has been banned from manufacture or
import into the European Union (EU) under REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization,
and restriction of Chemical substances) legislation. This appears to be misinformation, as official
EU chemical databases contradict these claims as of February 19, 2010. This misconception has
gained some ground. Formaldehyde is not listed in the Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 689/2008
(export and import of dangerous chemicals regulation), nor on a priority list for risk assessment.
However, formaldehyde is banned from use in certain applications (preservatives for liquid-
cooling and processing systems, slimicides, metalworking-fluid preservatives, and antifouling
products) under the Biocidal Products Directive.[75][76] In the EU, the maximum allowed
concentration of formaldehyde in finished products is 0.2%, and any product that exceeds 0.05%
has to include a warning that the product contains formaldehyde.[69]

In the United States, a bill was passed in Congress on July 7, 2010, regarding the use of
formaldehyde in hardwood plywood, particle board, and medium density fiberboard. The bill
limited the allowable amount of formaldehyde emissions from these wood products to .09 ppm, a
standard which companies were required to meet by January 2013.[77] Formaldehyde was
declared a toxic substance by the 1999 Canadian Environmental Protection Act.[78]
Formaldehyde issues in trailers
External media


"Episode 202: Where Have

All the FEMA Trailers Gone?
Tracing Toxicity from Bust to
Boom", Distillations,
September 2, 2015,
Chemical Heritage


Where Have All the

Trailers Gone?, Video by
Mariel Carr (Videographer) &
Nick Shapiro (Researcher),
2015, Chemical Heritage

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

In the U.S. the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provided travel trailers,
recreational park trailers and manufactured homes starting in 2006 for habitation by residents of
the U.S. gulf coast displaced by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. Some of the people who
moved into the FEMA trailers complained of breathing difficulties, nosebleeds, and persistent
headaches. Formaldehyde-catalyzed resins were used in the production of these homes.

The United States Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) performed indoor air
quality testing for formaldehyde[79] in some of the units. On February 14, 2008, the CDC
announced that potentially hazardous levels of formaldehyde were found in many of the travel
trailers and manufactured homes provided by the agency.[80][81] The CDC's preliminary evaluation
of a scientifically established random sample of 519 travel trailers and manufactured homes
tested between December 21, 2007, and January 23, 2008 (2+ years after manufacture), showed
average levels of formaldehyde in all units of about 0.077 parts per million (ppm). Long-term
exposure to levels in this range can be linked to an increased risk of cancer and, at levels above
this range, there can also be a risk of respiratory illness. These levels are higher than expected in
indoor air, where levels are commonly in the range of 0.010.02 ppm, and are higher than the
Agency for Toxic Substance Disease Registry (ATSDR, division of the CDC) Minimal Risk
Level (MRL) of 0.008 ppm.[82] Levels measured ranged from 0.003 ppm to 0.59 ppm.[83]

FEMA, which requested the testing by the CDC, said it would work aggressively to relocate all
residents of the temporary housing as soon as possible. Lawsuits were filed against FEMA trailer
manufacturers as a result of the exposures.[84] As of 2012, U.S. District Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt
of New Orleans approved a $42.6 million class-action lawsuit settlement for the plaintiffs, who
included roughly 55,000 residents of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas. The defendants
included two dozen manufacturers who built mobile homes for the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), including Gulf Stream Coach Inc., Forest River Inc., Vanguard
LLC and Monaco Coach Corp. A separate $5.1 million settlement dealt with claims against
FEMA contractors including Shaw Environmental Inc., Bechtel Corp., Fluor Enterprises Inc. and
CH2M Hill Constructors Inc., who were responsible for installing and maintaining the units.[85]

Iowa floods of 2008

Also in the U.S., problems arose in trailers again provided by FEMA to residents displaced by
the Iowa floods of 2008. Several months after moving to the trailers, occupants reported violent
coughing, headaches, as well as asthma, bronchitis, and other problems. Tests showed that in
some trailers, levels of formaldehyde exceeded the limits recommended by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and American Lung Association.[86][87][88] The associated
publicity has resulted in additional testing to begin in November.[89]
Contaminant in food
Scandals have broken in both the 2005 Indonesia food scare and 2007 Vietnam food scare
regarding the addition of formaldehyde to foods to extend shelf life. In 2011, after a four-year
absence, Indonesian authorities found foods with formaldehyde being sold in markets in a
number of regions across the country. Besides using formaldehyde, they also used borax, but not
in combination.[90] In August 2011, at least at two Carrefour supermarkets, the Central Jakarta
Livestock and Fishery Sub-Department found a sweet glutinous rice drink (cendol) contained 10
parts per million of formaldehyde.[91] In 2014, the owner of two noodle factories in Bogor,
Indonesia; was arrested for using formaldehyde in noodles. 50 kg of formaldehyde was
confiscated.[92] Foods known to be contaminated include noodles, salted fish, and tofu; chicken
and beer are also rumored to be contaminated. In some places, such as China, formaldehyde is
still used illegally as a preservative in foods, which exposes people to formaldehyde ingestion.[93]
In humans, the ingestion of formaldehyde has been shown to cause vomiting, abdominal pain,
dizziness, and in extreme cases can cause death. Testing for formaldehyde is by blood and/or
urine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Other methods include infrared detection, gas
detector tubes, etc., of which HPLC is the most sensitive.[94] In the early 1900s, it was frequently
added by US milk plants to milk bottles as a method of pasteurization due to the lack of
knowledge regarding formaldehyde's toxicity.[95][96]

In 2011 in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, truckloads of rotten chicken were exposed to

formaldehyde in which "a large network," including 11 slaughterhouses run by a criminal gang,
were implicated.[97] In 2012, 1 billion rupiah (almost USD100,000) of fish imported from
Pakistan to Batam, Indonesia, were found laced with formaldehyde.[98]

Formalin use in foods is a crucial problem in Bangladesh currently.[when?] Local stores and
supermarkets often sell fruits, fishes, and vegetables that have been treated with formalin to keep
them fresh.[99] However, in 2015, a Formalin Control Bill was passed in the Parliament of
Bangladesh with a provision of life-term imprisonment as the maximum punishment and in
addition 2,000,000 BDT as fine but not less than 500,000 BDT for importing, production or
hoarding of formalin without license.[100]
Formaldehida adalah senyawa organik yang terjadi secara alami dengan rumus
CH2O (H-CHO). Ini adalah yang paling sederhana dari aldehida (R-CHO) dan juga
dikenal dengan nama metanal sistematis. Nama umum dari zat ini berasal dari
kesamaan dan kaitannya dengan asam format.

Formaldehida merupakan prekursor penting untuk bahan lainnya dan senyawa

kimia. Pada tahun 1996, kapasitas terpasang untuk produksi formaldehida
diperkirakan 8,7 juta ton per tahun. [11] Hal ini terutama digunakan dalam produksi
resin industri, misalnya, untuk papan partikel dan coating.

Mengingat digunakan secara luas, toksisitas, dan volatilitas, formaldehida

menimbulkan bahaya yang signifikan bagi kesehatan manusia. [12] Pada tahun
2011, US National Toxicology Program digambarkan formalin sebagai "dikenal
sebagai karsinogen manusia". [13] [14] [15]


1 Bentuk formaldehida
2 Terjadinya
2.1 formaldehida Interstellar
3 Sintesis dan produksi industri
3.1 Sejarah
3.2 Industri
4 Kimia organik
4.1 Contoh aplikasi sintetik organik
5 Penggunaan
5.1 aplikasi Industri
5.2 Desinfektan dan biosida
5.3 Tissue fiksatif dan agen pembalseman
pengujian 5.4 Obat
5.5 Fotografi
6 Keselamatan
6.1 larangan Internasional
6.2 masalah Formaldehida di trailer
6.2.1 Badai Katrina dan Rita
6.2.2 Iowa banjir tahun 2008
7 Pencemaran dalam makanan
8 Lihat juga
9 Referensi
10 Pranala luar

Bentuk formaldehida

Formaldehida lebih rumit daripada banyak senyawa karbon sederhana yang

mengadopsi berbagai bentuk. Sebagai gas, formalin tidak berwarna dan memiliki
tajam, bau menjengkelkan karakteristik. Setelah kondensasi, gas mengkonversi ke
berbagai bentuk lain dari formaldehida (dengan rumus kimia yang berbeda) yang
bernilai lebih praktis. Salah satu turunan penting adalah trimer metaformaldehyde
siklik atau 1,3,5-trioksan dengan rumus (CH2O) 3. Ada juga polimer linear yang
disebut paraformaldehyde. senyawa ini memiliki sifat kimia yang mirip dan sering
digunakan secara bergantian.
Paraformaldehyde adalah bentuk umum dari formaldehida untuk aplikasi industri.

Ketika dilarutkan dalam air, formaldehida juga membentuk hidrat, methanediol,

dengan rumus H2C (OH) 2. Senyawa ini juga ada dalam kesetimbangan dengan
berbagai oligomer (polimer pendek), tergantung pada konsentrasi dan suhu.
Sebuah solusi air jenuh, sekitar 40% formaldehid volume atau 37% massa, disebut
"100% formalin". Sejumlah kecil stabilizer, seperti metanol, biasanya ditambahkan
untuk menekan oksidasi dan polimerisasi. Sebuah formalin kelas komersial khas
mungkin berisi 10-12% metanol di samping berbagai kotoran logam. Nama itu lama
genericized dari nama dagang tua "Formalin". [16]

Proses di atas atmosfer berkontribusi hingga 90% dari total formaldehida dalam
lingkungan. Formaldehida adalah perantara dalam oksidasi (atau pembakaran)
metana, serta senyawa karbon lainnya, misalnya kebakaran hutan, knalpot mobil,
dan asap tembakau. Ketika diproduksi di atmosfer oleh aksi cahaya matahari dan
oksigen terhadap metana di atmosfer dan hidrokarbon lain, itu menjadi bagian dari
kabut asap. Formaldehyde juga telah terdeteksi di luar angkasa (lihat di bawah).

Formalin dan adisi yang berada di mana-mana dalam organisme hidup. Hal ini
terbentuk dalam metabolisme asam amino endogen dan ditemukan dalam aliran
darah manusia dan primata lainnya pada konsentrasi sekitar 0,1 millimolar. [17]
Eksperimen di mana hewan yang terkena suasana yang mengandung formalin
isotopically berlabel telah menunjukkan bahwa bahkan pada hewan sengaja
terkena, mayoritas adduct formaldehida-DNA yang ditemukan pada jaringan non-
pernapasan yang berasal dari formaldehida endogen diproduksi. [18]

Formaldehida tidak menumpuk di lingkungan, karena dipecah dalam beberapa jam

oleh sinar matahari atau oleh bakteri hadir di tanah atau air. Manusia
memetabolisme formaldehida cepat, sehingga tidak menumpuk, mengubahnya
menjadi asam format dalam tubuh. [Rujukan?]
formaldehida antar
Artikel utama: formaldehida Interstellar

Formaldehida adalah yang pertama molekul organik poliatomik terdeteksi di

medium antarbintang. [19] Sejak deteksi awal tahun 1969, telah diamati di banyak
daerah di galaksi. Karena minat yang luas di formaldehida antarbintang, itu baru-
baru dipelajari secara ekstensif, menghasilkan sumber extragalactic baru. [20]
Mekanisme yang diusulkan untuk pembentukan adalah hidrogenasi es CO,
ditunjukkan di bawah ini. [21]

HCO + H CH2O (laju konstan = 9,2 10-3 s-1) [klarifikasi diperlukan]

Formaldehida tampaknya probe berguna untuk astrochemists karena reaktivitas

yang rendah dalam fase gas dan fakta bahwa 110 111 dan 211 212 transisi K-
doublet agak jelas.

Pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2014, para astronom merilis penelitian, menggunakan

Atacama Large Millimeter / Submillimeter Array (ALMA) untuk

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