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Name: Julianna Blaine Period: 2

30 Days Minimum Wage

HISTORY: The first federal minimum wage adopted in the United States occurred in 1938 under the Fair
Labor Standards Act, and covered men as well as women. The minimum wage was set at forty percent of the
average hourly earnings of production workers in manufacturing 25 cents per hour. (source)
VOCAB: Unintended Consequences: outcomes that are not the ones foreseen and intended by a purposeful
action. Examples: Minimum wage, seatbelt laws, Happy Meal Laws
1. In this episode, Morgan Spurlock sets out to live on minimum wage for 30 days.
*Fact: The Federal Minimum Wage requirement in 2005 was $5.15/hour. It is now $7.25.
2. In what town do Morgan and Alex decide to spend their 30 days? Columbus, Ohio
3. To save money, how do they get around town? The bus
4. How much do they want to try to make in one month? $1,000
5. Alex gets a job at a coffee shop.
6. What is one argument AGAINST raising the minimum wage?
Cripple buisness. Slow down in job creation.

7. Over the course of the seven years that congress did not increase the Minimum Wage, how much did they increase
their own paychecks? $27,000
8. Why does Alex say she is grouchy after her first day? She freezing and she cant get warm. Also tired.
9. Why does Morgan take the landscaping job instead of the construction job? More money.
10. How much of a deposit did the electric company require? 25,000
11. What does Morgan decide he has to do in order to make more money? He decides to work 2 jobs full time.
12. What does Morgans brother send him in order to prove their life could be even harder? Brother sends them his kids
to hangout.
13. According to Spurlock, up to how much can child care cost per year? $10,000
14. How does income statistically affect marriages? Because they are getting less money and its hard to make it in life.
15. In your opinion, was the money spent at the movies a waste of money or a necessary break from working so hard? I
think it was a neccessary break because working that much everyday can really take a toll on you. Physcially and
mentally you cant constantly work like that it will mess you up.
16. Why did Morgan and Alex have to take a cab on her birthday? The bus stop going at 6pm. So they had to take the
17. Alexs emergency room bill was $300 Morgans medical bill was $551.
18. Describe one of your reactions/final thoughts after seeing this episode: 19. What shouldIt made me think to myself on
how people out their survive on minimum wage. You are always going to be struggling in life. So it would be better to
goto college and get a better education. But to be honest its still not fair to not raise the minimum wage. Because, I
understand not everyone can afford to go to college.
be done about the minimum wage? Circle one:
a. Nothing: it is hard to live on it but didnt those people choose not to get a higher education?
b. Raise it: wont this help people living on it have more money?
c. Get rid of it: doesnt it cause unemployment and people to lose their jobs?
d. Something else: _____________________________________________________________________
20. Describe three things that happen when minimum wage is raised:
1. Life will be somewhat affordable if the minimum wage is raised.

1. Buisness will struggle to pay their employees. They may have to let some go. So less jobs.
1. The high income families will argue and will create chaos. For example different opinions...

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