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Sustainability Monthly

Fawne Hibbitts March 2017

Publisher Application

How to be extra green on St. Patricks

St. Patricks Day is From broccoli to avo- wear. Recycling a
Special points of always associated cados eating locally past years outfit or
interest: with green, but how sourced greens and wearing sustainable
can you take that ex- limiting your meat clothing pieces make
The Importance of tra step and be envi- consumption actually a small difference but
ronmentally green as reduces the Earths everything counts in
How to be Energy well? In honor of green house gases! the end! With all of
Efficient this green holiday If youre leaving these ways to be sus-
Beneath the Oceans
take the time to tend home to celebrate tainable this holiday
Surface to your garden or consider getting to we hope at least one
plant something com- your destination by catches your interest!
pletely new! This hol- bus, train, bike, or Dont forget that
iday is right at the even foot. All of these tips arent re-
beginning of spring these means of trans- stricted to St. Pat-
and the perfect time portation reduce CO2 ricks Day and apply
to plant some flowers emissions in the air. to everyday life! We
or even a tree! If get- Help preserve air hope you have a
Inside this ting down in the dirt quality when you can! great and green holi-
issue: isn't your thing, may- Yet another way you day!
be youll find interest can be extra green
in the foods this sea- this holiday is with
Why Recycle Plas- 2
tic? son has to offer! what you choose to

Public Transporta- 2
tion is Good for

Good Eats 3

Solar Panels: 3
Worth the Invest-

Love the Beach? 3

Heres How to
Love it more!
Sustainability Monthly Page 2

Why Recycle Plastic?

Everyone has heard turns into micro plastic plastic! Benefits of re-
that you should recycle and thats whats often cycling plastic is that its
plastic, but has anyone found in ours oceans. an easy way to be envi-
ever said why? Well Plastic in the oceans ronmentally conscious,
there is definitely more then kills animals and it saves landfill space,
than one reason why sea creatures such as and less new plastic will
and there are also ben- turtles and seagulls. be in demand. Save the
efits to recycling plas- This day in age plastic animals, save our
tic. Plastic and landfills is in such high demand oceans, and recycle
dont agree with each and that is one of the your plastic! Using re-
other. Plastic will sit in reasons behind the usable water bottles
a landfill anywhere be- abundance left not re- will also decrease your
tween 450 and 1000 cycled. But recycling plastic usage!
years before it starts to plastic will help pre-
break down. After its serve the resources re-
broken down it only quired to make new

Public Transportation is Good for You!

Plastic will Youre probably expect- public transportation you money since you
sit in a ing this to be an article drops you off burns wont have to pay out
about the environmen- some extra calories of your pocket for gas!
tal benefits of public that driving there Jumping into using pub-
anywhere transportation, but wouldn't. Secondly, lic transportation can
were here to tell you buses and trains are be intimidating, but
between 450 and
how you specifically safer to take than indi- starting with one trip a
1000 years can benefit from public vidual vehicles. Taking week can ease you in!
transportation! First public transportation
before it
off public transit users significantly reduces
starts to break are more active. Walk- your risk of being fatal-
ing to and from your ly injured. Public trans-
destination from where portation will also save

Good Eats
Want to make your diet can all be grown with foods not only benefit
more sustainable? Well little water. Kale and you but theyre good
were here to tell you spinach are another for the environment
the most sustainable food that are also in- too. Theyre definitely
foods! The most obvi- credibly healthy to eat on the list for foods we
ous being anything or- while having low im- want to incorporate
ganically grown, but pacts on the environ- more into our diets!
what else? Beans and ment! They can be
peas are not only nutri- grown quickly in many
tious for you but soil as seasons, so that means
well! Wheat, barley, you can eat them year
oats, and buckwheat round! Eating these
Fawne Hibbitts Page 3

Solar Panels: Worth the investment?

After solar panels are tion companies include
installed to your home a warranty for 20+
you start saving imme- years. The benefits
diately! Over the years aren't only economical.
you will save thousands Using clean electricity
of dollars. If you ever reduces utility power
decide to sell your use and carbon use!
home having solar pan- Solar panels are an
els installed will drasti- easy and reliable way
cally increase your to lower your electricity
home value and it will bill, increase your
sell faster as well. You homes value, and in-
wont ever have to wor- crease use of clean
ry about your solar electricity!
panels not performing
because most installa-

Love the Beach? Heres How to Love it More!

1. Throw away all gar- the plastic that too!
bage into a trash makes its way into
can, If you see oth- the ocean as food! Plastic can
ers garbage left be- degrade in the
3. Dont overfish!
hind dont hesitate
This can harm the ocean and
to pick it up your-
marine ecosystem
self and throw it release
in the ocean. We
out. Every little
know its fun, but chemicals that
thing counts.
theres an amazing
are potentially
2. Recycle, recycle, ecosystem under
recycle! Fish and that ocean water toxic!
birds often mistake that loves its fish
This Months Featured Sustainable City: Sedona, Arizona
Sedona is a sustainable city because they are a Dark Sky destination.
This means that there are curfews on the street lights as well as light
ordinances. Not only is Sedona beautifully preserved, but they are
taking measures to have a sustainable future.

Sedona, Arizona was submitted by the reader Fawne Hibbitts.

Fawne is an undergraduate student at Arizona State University
in the School of Sustainability. She hopes to travel the world
post graduation working for a non profit helping preserve
limited natural resources and resolving environmental crises.
Spending summers in her familys second home in Sedona led
to her interest in the environment.

To see your city featured above submit your

citys name, a short description on why it is sus-
tainable, and a few images of your choice to the
email listed below!

Fawne Hibbitts
EDT 180B

Phone: 555-464-7336
Fax: 555-487-3179

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