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Common Core Lesson Plan



Subject(s) Language Arts (English)

Topic/Unit of Study & Time Phonics: CVC Words


Grade/Level Kindergarten

Objective Students will be able to write a letter for most consonant and short-vowel sounds and to spell simple words phonetically.

Summary Students will hear a letter sound and trace the letter in the sound. Students will practice counting the number of phonemes in
a Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) word. Students will practice writing CVC words by sounding out the word.

W (Where, Why & What)
H (Hooked & Hold) Anticipatory Set: The teacher will read The Little Red Hen emphasizing the phonemes in CVC words such as "red," "hen,"
"cat," "dog," and "pig."

E (Explore & Experience) Direct Instruction: Once the story is completed, the teacher explain that letters make words. The teacher will explain how to
make words with a vowel sandwiched between two consonants. The teacher will explain how you can break the words into
sounds. The teacher will model how to tap out the sounds for "cat" on her writing hand and pounding her fist for the full
word. The teacher will ask the students to tap out the number of sounds in the CVC words on their writing hand and pound
their fist into the hand saying the full word. Once the word has been tapped out, the teacher will ask the students how many
sounds are in the word. The teacher will write the word on the board while sounding out the word. The class will watch
the Alphablocks Series 3 "Little Red N" from the BBC found at The teacher will review how
the words changed just by switching out one letter for another. The teacher would review how "dog" changed to "dig" and
then to "pig." The teacher would ask the students to tap out the sounds for each of the words to review the changes in the

Guided Practice: While on the carpet, the teacher will say a phoneme and students will raise their hands to say what letter it
is. Students will get out their magic finger (hold up their pointer finger) and write the letter in the air as they say the letter and
the sound. For example, "C says /k/." Students will tip-toe back to their tables. Each student will be given a plate of sand at
their desk. As practiced in previous lessons, the teacher will say a sound and the students will trace the letter in the sand. To
erase the letter, students will simply shake the plate. Once completed, students will stack their plates in the center of the
table to be collected. Tables will be dismissed one at a time to return to the carpet. Students will get a white board and a dry
erase marker on their way back to the carpet. The teacher will model how to sound out and write a CVC word. The teacher
will say a CVC words such as "cat" and ask the students to think about the sounds. The teacher will ask the students to write
the word on their white board how they think it should be spelled. When the students have written the word, they will hold
up their thumb. Once most students have completed writing the word, the teacher will say "show me" and the students will
flip over their board. The teacher will write the correct spelling on the board and review the number of sounds in the word.

Independent Practice: During center time, students will have access to a CVC word center. The center will contain a bulletin
board filled with pictures of CVC words. The students will sound out the words and try to write the word on a white board
based on the phonemes. The students are able to flip the picture to reveal the correct spelling of the word.

R (Rethink, Revise & Refine) The teacher will check for understanding by observing the students as they trace letters in the sand. She could judge which
students need to be retaught certain letters and sounds. The teacher will also observe which students are able to write the
CVC words during carpet time. The students who are unable to write the CVC words will need extra guided practice in a
small group. Students who wrote the words quickly and accurately will need more challenging work so they can continue to

Once all the white boards have been cleaned and put away, the teacher will review the structure of CVC words. Students will
turn to their elbow partner and come up with a CVC word of their own. The teacher will ask for three volunteers to share
their CVC word with the class. If students are unable to create CVC words, the teacher will review the concept the following

E (Evaluate) While the teacher is reviewing the CVC words from The Little Red Hen, the teacher is observing her students as a diagnostic
assessment. As the students are tracing letters in the sand and practicing writing CVC words on white boards, the teacher is

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using observation as a formative tool to gauge learner understanding. At the end of the unit, students will take a spelling test
with all CVC words. The spelling test will work as a summative tool to determine if the students have mastered the concept,
or if the unit needs to be retaught using a different method.

T (Tailored) The teacher will group students into homogeneous groups of four to five students for Center Time. The group of advanced
students will be asked to write a sentence for each CVC word in the CVC center. Depending on their level of learning, the
group with struggling learners will either practice writing letters or the letter for the first sound in each CVC word. For
students who are kinesthetic learners, they may form the letters in the words with wikki stix instead of writing them on a
white board.

O (Organized)

Instructional Resources Personal white boards, dry erase markers, plates, sand, wikki stix

Materials and resources:
Bulletin board with pictures representing CVC words with the correct spelling of the word underneath.

Standards CA- California Common Core State Standards (2012)
Subject: English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
Grade: Kindergartners:
Strand: Language
Conventions of Standard English
2c. Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).

2d. Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.


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