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Praise be to Allah SWT, the cheriser and sustainer of the world, who

has given the writer many things such as chance to learn, strength,

motivation and guidance for the writer, therefore this paper can be

finished throughly. Peace and blessing be upon to Prophet Muhammad

SAW, his families, his relatives, and all followers.

This paper is written to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the

sarjana degree at the English Department of STKIP PGRI Ponorogo. The

writer my great appreciation to :

1. Drs. Kasnadi, M.Pd as the chief of STKIP PGRI Ponorogo

2. Ratri Harida, M.pd as the chief of English department of STKIP PGRI

3. Syamsudin Rois S.S, M.Pd as the first consultant who has given full

guidance and motivation as well as possible during the process of

preparing, carrying out, and writing the report of classroom action

4. Dra.Siti Munifah, M.Pd. as the second consultant who also has

guidance me from beginning until finished this script.

5. Drs.Sumanto as the head of SMPN 2 Sawoo Ponorogo who given me

the permit to do my research in this intuition. All of the teacher and

staff of SMPN 2 Sawoo Ponorogo who has helped me in administration

during my research.
6. The collaborator of my research Drs.Agus Yudiswoyo. who helped me

on my research.
7. The writers parent who always give the motivation and never give up

praying to me.
8. The writers boyfriend who always give advice and support to me

9. The writers friend especially dtwellish B 2012, who always give

motivation and helped each other during the process of writing this

10. All students of SMPN 2 Sawoo, especially for seventh grade C of

SMPN 2 Sawoo Ponorogo.

The writer is deeply grateful to all of you. The writer sincerely

realizes that this research is still far of perfection, but the writer hope that

this script could give contribution the English environment especially in

teaching vocabulary. The writer hopes that this script will be useful for all

reader of it. The writer expects the suggestion and criticism to make it


Ponorogo, June 30th, 2016


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