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5-E Lesson Plan: Equivalent Fractions

Teacher: Kylee Williams

Lesson Taught: February 22, 2017

Instructional Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Topic: Mathematics- Equalvalent Fractions (Numbers and Operations and Algebraic Thinking) - 3 rd

Students will know how to identify equivalent fractions using different strategies.

SMART Objectives:
I can:
Identify Equivalent fractions using different methods

- Equivalent Fractions Worksheets (
- Document Camera
- Projector

Key Vocabulary:

Standards and Benchmarks addressed:


a. Useplacevalueandpropertiesofoperationstoperformmultidigitarithmetic.(CCSS:3.NBT)

1. Identifytwofractionsasequivalent(equal)iftheyarethesamesize,orthesamepointonanumber
2. Identifyandgeneratesimpleequivalentfractions.Explain3whythefractionsareequivalent.4(CCSS:


Phase 1: Engage
Capture student attention, activate student prior knowledge, stimulate thinking, raise key questions, etc.

Teacher will begin by:

- Writing and 4/8 on the board

- The teacher will ask if theres a relationship between the fractions seen.

- After some students come up to the board to explain and draw what they know about the
fractions (mostly to draw a picture of the fractions or where they lie n a number line), the
teacher will introduce the concept of equivalent fractions, or fractions that are the same size.

- The teacher wil draw other equivalent fractions (eg. and 3/6; 1/3 and 2/6)

- The teacher will ask the students if there is something in common among the numbers that
make up the fractions. Students answers will vary.

- This is where the teacher will introduce a new strategy involving multiplication to prove the
fractions were equal. Using and 4/8 as an example, the teacher shows the relationship of
the denominators 8 and 2 by multiplying 4 (eg. 2x4=8); while modeling, the teacher
introduces the rule what happens to the denomenator, you do to the numerator (eg. 1x4=4).
Teacher then models division to show the strategy works both ways (eg. 8/4=2 and 4/4=1).

- The teacher then draws what the fractions would look like as a picture to futher prove the

- After modeling more examples, the teacher will hand out the activity for the day for students
to practice.

Phase 2: Explore

- Students have three worksheets related to equivalent fractions to complete during the math
period after instruction.
- The first two sheets require the students to be able to fill out the correct number of pieces for
each fraction to aid in their visual learning of identifying equivalent fractions.

- The third worksheet requires the student to find the missing number, or find either the
Phase descriptions adapted from Eisenkraft, Arthur. Expanding the 5 E Model. http://www.its-about-, accessed 1/4/08
numerator or denominator that makes each of the fractions equivalent (eg. 9/__ = 63/14). In
this task, students are encouraged to use multiplication to help solve the problems. It will also
give big fractions that is also found in the first two worksheets.

- After demonstrating how to complete the task, the teacher will rotate across the room
keeping students on tasks and assisting students who may need help in applying the new

- If student completed all three worksheets, a review sheet of comparing fractions was made

Phase 3: Explain
Introduce laws, models, theories, and vocabulary. Guide students toward coherent generalizations, and help students
understand and use scientific vocabulary to explain the results of their explorations

- Throughout the lesson, the teacher will reinforce the vocabulary related to fractions
(numerator and denomenator).

- When students are given their activity, the teacher will demonstrate how to identify equivalent
fractions in pictures and through multiplication and divison.

Phase 4: Elaborate
Provide students opportunity to apply their knowledge to new domains, raise new questions, and explore new
hypotheses. May also include related problems for students to solve.

When students are working on the exploration activity, the teacher will explain to students that the
purpose of the activity is to be able to identify equivalent fractions and practice a new strategy to
help with the identification.

Phase 5: Evaluate
Administer formative assessment (although checking for understanding should be done throughout the lesson)

It is during the time of exploration of noting if students were able to understand the use of
multiplication and division is a useful tool to find equivalent fractions. This also served as continued
exposure to multiplication and early exposure to division.

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