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Concours 2013 de recrutement de traducteurs/rdacteurs de

comptes rendus analytiques de sance



[Cette preuve comportait galement un questionnaire choix multiples qui a t



Traduire en franais le texte ci-joint. Ecrire LISIBLEMENT dans le fascicule de rponse fourni
cet effet.

Laisser une marge suffisante lintention du correcteur.

Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.
The history of global governance is in many respects the story of international adaptation to new
technologies. As breakthroughs emerge, sovereign governments have tried to craft common
standards and rules to facilitate cooperation and mitigate conflict. Consider the phenomenon
known as standard time. We now take for granted the worlds division into twenty-four separate
hourly zones, but in the middle of the nineteenth century, there were 144 local time zones in the
United States alone. It was only with the global spread of railroad lines in the late nineteenth
centuryand the need for standardized train schedules both nationally and internationallythat
major countries agreed to synchronize time within each zone.

Consider also the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCWC).
Negotiated in 1980 and entering into force in 1983, this binding multilateral treaty proscribes the
use of certain weapons that are deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate
effects. An annex to the Geneva Convention of 1949, the CCWC represents a global effort to
regulate the use of destructive technologiessome of which had previously been imagined only
in the realms of science fiction. Separate Protocols prohibit the use of several categories of
weapons: non-detectable mines and other explosive devices; incendiary weapons directed at
civilian targets; and laser weapons designed to cause permanent blindness.

As these examples make clear, advances in technology have long driven global rule-making.
What is different today is that the furious pace of technological change risks leaving global
governance in the dust, as national governments and international institutions scramble to come
to terms withmuch less regulateinnovations with profound implications for human welfare
and global order. This growing gap between what technological advances may permit and what
the international system is prepared to regulate is increasingly clear in multiple areas. Two of the
most obvious are the governance of outer space and of cyberspace. But many other global
regulatory challenges spring to mind, where international laws and rules are virtually nonexistent,
such as the expanding use of drone warfare and the spread of nanotechnology.

[343 mots]

Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.

Concours 2013 de recrutement de traducteurs/ rdacteurs de

comptes rendus analytiques de sance




Traduire en franais UN TEXTE au choix parmi les quatre textes de troisime langue (arabe,
chinois, espagnol, russe) proposs.

Les candidats titulaires dun diplme de comptabilit ou de finance et qui ne justifient pas dune
troisime langue devront traduire, en lieu et place, le texte financier.
Les candidats titulaires dun diplme de droit et qui ne justifient pas dune troisime langue
devront traduire, en lieu et place, le texte juridique.
Les candidats qui connaissent une troisime langue pourront choisir de traduire un texte dans
cette langue ou le texte juridique.

Ecrire LISIBLEMENT dans le fascicule de rponse fourni cet effet.

Prsenter la traduction en indiquant le texte choisi (par exemple, texte espagnol, texte chinois,

Laisser une marge suffisante lintention du correcteur.

Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.

"" " "


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][346 mots

Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.
Texte chinois







Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.
Texte espagnol

El comandante perteneca a la robusta tradicin de los caudillos, que, aunque ms presente en

Amrica Latina que en otras partes, no deja de asomar por doquier, aun en democracias
avanzadas, como Francia.

Ella revela ese miedo a la libertad que es una herencia del mundo primitivo, cuando el hombre
era masa todava y prefera que un semidis, al que ceda su capacidad de iniciativa y su libre
albedro, tomara todas las decisiones importantes sobre su vida. Cruce de superhombre y bufn,
el caudillo hace y deshace a su antojo, inspirado por Dios o por una ideologa en la que casi
siempre se confunden el socialismo y el fascismo.

Su popularidad suele ser enorme, irracional, pero tambin efmera, y el balance de su gestin
infaliblemente catastrfica. No hay que dejarse impresionar demasiado por las muchedumbres
llorosas que velan los restos del fallecido caudillo; son las mismas que se estremecan de dolor y
desamparo por la muerte de Pern, de Franco, de Stalin, de Trujillo. Los caudillos no dejan
herederos y lo que ocurrir a partir de ahora en Venezuela es totalmente incierto.

Pero una cosa s es segura: ese hbrido ideolgico que el caudillo maquin, llamado la revolucin
nuestra comenz ya a descomponerse y desaparecer ms pronto o ms tarde, derrotado por la
realidad concreta, la de un pas potencialmente ms rico del mundo, al que las necias polticas del
caudillo dejan empobrecido y fracturado.

Es verdad que celebr varias consultas electorales y que, por lo menos algunas de ellas, como la
ltima, las gan limpiamente, si la limpieza de una consulta se mide solo por el respeto a los
votos emitidos, y no se tiene en cuenta el contexto poltico y social en que aquella se celebra.
La oposicin tiene ahora una oportunidad singular para convencer al pueblo de que la verdadera
salida para los enormes problemas que enfrenta no es extraviarse por la senda populista y
revolucionario que encarnaba el caudillo, sino en la opcin democrtica, es decir, en el nico
sistema que ha logrado conciliar la libertad, la legalidad y el progreso, creando oportunidades
para todos en un rgimen de coexistencia y de paz.

[357 mots]

Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.
Texte russe

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[280 mots]

Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.
Texte juridique
(Pour les candidats ayant un diplme de droit ou une exprience quivalente)

Under ordinary circumstances and in the absence of an international agreement to the contrary, a
State is under no duty to admit nationals of another State into its territory and incurs no
international responsibility if it deports them. If aliens are admitted, they may be subjected to
restrictions on the duration of their stay, where they may travel, and the activities they may
engage in. Moreover, a national of one State who comes within the territorial jurisdiction of
another, whether as a transient or as a permanent resident, becomes thereby subject generally to
the legal regime applicable to nationals of that State, except to the extent that a special regime is
applicable to aliens. For example, aliens may be excluded from engaging in various commercial
or other gainful activity, from owning real property, from such civil and political rights as the
right to vote or to hold public office, and from such duties as fulfilling a military service
obligation. Generally, however, the aliens substantive and procedural rights are neither better
nor worse than those of local nationals, and he does not carry with him the rights and protections
he may enjoy under the law of the State of his nationality.

Under the following circumstances, however, an alien may properly seek from the State of which
he is a national, and it may properly accord, its intercession to press on the State-to-State level a
claim arising out of injury he has suffered as a result of an act or omission, attributable to the
foreign State, that is contrary to a substantive rule of international law. If the injured alien is
unable to obtain redress for his injury under the laws and through the institutions of the State to
which the wrongful conduct is attributable, what originated as the claim of the private party can
be elevated to the international plane if the State of which he is a national elects to take his part
vis--vis the allegedly responsible State.

Most international claims are of this variety: that is, they are derivative in the sense that they
involve not a wrong inflicted directly on one State by another, but rather injury caused by one
State to a national of another State.

[369 mots]

Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.
Texte financier
(Pour les candidats ayant un diplme de comptabilit ou de gestion financire ou une exprience

The Company uses derivatives to partially offset its business exposure to foreign currency
exchange risk. The Company may enter into foreign currency forward and option contracts to
offset some of the foreign exchange risk on expected future cash flows on certain forecasted
revenue and cost of sales, on net investments in certain foreign subsidiaries, and on certain
existing assets and liabilities.

To help protect gross margins from fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates, certain of the
Company's subsidiaries whose functional currency is the U.S. dollar hedge a portion of
forecasted foreign currency revenue. The Company's subsidiaries whose functional currency is
not the U.S. dollar and who sell in local currencies may hedge a portion of forecasted inventory
purchases not denominated in the subsidiaries functional currencies. The Company typically
hedges portions of its forecasted foreign currency exposure associated with revenue and
inventory purchases generally up to six months.

To help protect the net investment in a foreign operation from adverse changes in foreign
currency exchange rates, the Company may enter into foreign currency forward and option
contracts to offset the changes in the carrying amounts of these investments due to fluctuations in
foreign currency exchange rates.

The Company may also enter into foreign currency forward and option contracts to partially
offset the foreign currency exchange gains and losses generated by the re-measurement of certain
assets and liabilities denominated in nonfunctional currencies. However, the Company may
choose not to hedge certain foreign currency exchange exposures for a variety of reasons
including, but not limited to, accounting considerations and the prohibitive economic cost of
hedging particular exposures. There can be no assurance the hedges will offset more than a
portion of the financial impact resulting from movements in foreign currency exchange rates.

The Company records all derivatives in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets at fair value.
The Company's accounting treatment of these instruments is based on whether the instruments
are designated as hedge or non-hedge instruments. Derivatives that are not designated as hedging
instruments are adjusted to fair value through earnings in the financial statement line item to
which the derivative relates.

[349 mots]

Le prsent document est un extrait du fascicule distribu lors du concours 2012.

Nont t conservs que les textes prsentant un intrt pour le concours 2017.

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