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Multiple matching, 1
January 10, 2007

Read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning
EXAMPLE: 0 A arrived B came C got D reached
Lake Malawi
When David Livingstone (0)_A__ in this part of Africa in the 1850s he asked the name of the great stretch of (1)___ water. He was told
it was called nyasa, whic means lake. So the lake became (2)___ as Lake Nyasa (Lake Lake) and the country as Nyasaland. When
the country became independent in 1964 the new Republic chose the name of Malawi.
Lake Malawi (3)___ nearly 24,000 square kilometres , about one-fifth of the total (4)___ of the Republic of Malawi. The lake (5)___ 473
metres above sea (6)___ in the deep valley which stretches the length of the country. Wide grassy plains (7)___ the valley on both
sides and the (8)___ round the lake is spectacular. The water is fresh and there are no tides or currents. The lake contains over 220
varieties of fish, the (9)___ of which are not found anywhere else in the world. There are also crocodiles, but these generally keep away
from (10)___ areas.
Lake Malawi has a constantly changing character (11)___ on the time of the day, the weather and the (12)___ . One moment the water
may be as (13)___ as silk and then suddenly waves seven metres high can beat against the (14)___ . It is generally calmest from
March to May, and the temperature never (15)___ below 21C. The area has a particularly low annual rainfall.
1. A inland B inner C interior D internal
2. A called B considered C known D named
3. A contains B covers C crosses D includes
4. A district B region C territory D state
5. A exists B lays C lies D rests
6. A height B level C position D surface
7. A overcome B overflow C overlook D overtake
8. A environment B scenery C sight D vision
9. A chief B majority C rest D whole
10. A inhabited B lived C lodged D occupied
11. A based B counting C depending D determined
12. A occasion B period C season D term
13. A even B flat C smooth D steady
14. A banks B borders C coasts D shores
15. A decreases B depresses C drops D lowers

Multiple matching, 2
January 10, 2007

Read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning
EXAMPLE: 0 A choose B decide C select D wish
Cosmetic surgery
What makes someone (0)___ on plastic surgery? An actor explains: I (1)___ after my father in appearance. His nose is big but mine
was huge, and it got me (2)___ . I couldnt (3)___ a normal life. At school, the other children (4)___ jokes about my nose, and I
(5)___ stand seeing myself in television plays. I thought I looked like a monster! The nose caused health problems as well: because of
its shape, I couldnt breathe (6)___ , and I had a permanent (7)___ throat.
The doctor (8)___ I should have an operation. I was nervous but my wife (9)___ me. The operation went well, but my whole face
(10)___ afterwards and I had two terrible black eyes. I had to keep the bandage on my nose for a while and the (11)___ didnt
disappear for ages. It was months before I dared return to work.
But Im not (12)___ in the result. My breathing problems have (13)___ and I no longer feel self-conscious or (14)___ about my
appearance. I only regret I didnt go into the design of my nose in greater (15)___ . I chose a purely practical nose, but now I would
rather have a more beautiful one. I suppose that sounds vain!
1. A ask B go C look D take
2. A down B off C over D through
3. A direct B lead C produce D spend
4. A did B laughed C made D spoke
5. A couldnt B didnt C shouldnt D wouldnt
6. A accurately B exactly C justly D properly
7. A hurt B ill C sick D sore
8. A advised B persuaded C suggested D told
9. A encouraged B moved C recommended D relieved
10. A ached B harmed C injured D pained
11. A bruises B damages C scratches D sprains
12. A disappointed B disgusted C displeased D dissatisfied
13. A cleared up B fallen through C pased out D set off
14. A excited B depressing C disturbing D embarrassed
15. A detail B feature C part D point

Multiple matching, 3

Read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each gap. There is an example at the
beginning (0)
EXAMPLE: 0 A along B in C past D round
A unique way to see the world
The Grant family are travelling (0)__D_ the world by horse-drawn caravan. They have (1)___ Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia, more
than 12,000 kilometres away from their standing point in Scotland. Four years ago they (2)___ their red and green wooden caravan to
Holland, where they bought their first horse, Offy. The caravan is (3) __ large enough for David, his wife, Kate, and their three children,
Torcuil, Fionn and Eilidh, and (4)___ things like the childrens school books. Offy (5)____ to pull them as far as France, where Traceur, a
stronger horse, had to (6)___ .
Traceur can walk about 18 kilometres a day, but the (7)___ has not always turned (8)___ as the Grants planned. In Slovenia they
became caught up in a civil war and the 14 days they had intended to (9)___ there became 14 months. Life in the (10)___ air has not
always been easy. They have suffered (11)___ of cold
(-28C) in Kazakhstan, and of heat in Mongolias grasslands. Fortunately the family have generally (12)___ in good health, although
Eilidh broke her ankle in Italy and her arm in the Ukraine. Soon they will leave Ulan Bator and (13)___ for Beijing and then the Pacific
(14)___ , where they will (15)___ a boat to Canada. It will be another two years before the family arrives back home.
1. A arrived B come C got D reached
2. A conducted B fetched C led D transported
3. A neither B rarely C rather D scarcely
4. A essential B main C inavoidable D urgent
5. A achieved B could C managed D succeeded
6. A hold up B pick up C take off D take over
7. A excursion B journey C travel D voyage
8. A into B on C out D up
9. A fill B occupy C spend D use
10. A natural B open C outdoor D outside
11. A depths B extremes C heights D limits
12. A lasted B mantained C remained D rested
13. A cross B direct C head D travel
14. A beach B coast C seaside D shore
15. A catch B drive C float D ride

Multiple matching , 4
January 10, 2007

Read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0)
EXAMPLE: 0 A eager B fast C important D urgent
Correcting History
Is the history of the world in (0)__D___ need of correction? Some historians, mostly women, argue that insufficient (1)___ has been
paid to a very important group: women. These historians (2)___ history textbooks to be revised so that they show accurately the role
(3)___ by women
(4)___ the history books, cavemen (5)____ most of the food for their families through hunting animals. But the (6)___ shows that
80% of the diet of prehistoric humans was vegetarian and it was collected by females. (7)___ womens efforts in fighting in wars or
leading revolutions have been ignored. Textbooks concentrate on men such as Hannibal or Che Guevara and neglect (8)___ women
such as Throigne de Mricourt, an opera singer who led the storming of the Bastille in 1789, or Mariya Bochkareva, a Bolshevik who
organised a well-trained and (9)___ successful troop of 2,000 fighting women during the Russian Revolution in 1917. Women rulers are
also forgotten. Between 962 and 1582 there were at least 16 women rulers in countries (10)___ from Italy to Angola.
Women (11)___ up half the human (12)___. If there is no (13)___ to their contribution to history in the textbooks, then the real story
is not being told. However, many male historians (14)___ that important female figures have been kept (15)___ the history books.
1. A attention B care C notice D study
2. A ask B demand C hope D want
3. A done B got C had D played
4. A According to B Agreeing with C Depending on D Owing to
5. A arranged B brought C gave D provided
6. A evidence B fact C proof D sign
7. A In addition B In the end C In time D In other words
8. A main B outstanding C particular D primary
9. A absolutely B deeply C highly D strongly
10. A differing B ranging C separating D varying
11. A count B hold C make D take
12. A being B nation C people D race
13. A mention B note C record D reference
14. A deny B forbid C oppose D refuse
15. A in B off C out of D up with

Multiple matching, 5
January 11, 2007
For Questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is
an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Example: 0 A bank B border C shore D coast
The London Tea Trade Centre is on the north (0) ..A of the River Thames. It is the centre of an industry of (1) .. importance in the
(2) .. lives of the British. Tea is without (3) .. the British national drink: every man, woman and child over ten years of age has (4)
.. average over four
cups a day or some 1500 cups annually. Some thirty per cent of the worlds exports of tea makes its (5) .. to London. Britain is (6) ..
the largest importer of tea in the world.
Samples of the vast amounts of tea brought into the country to (7) .. the national thirst go to the London Tea Trade Centre, where
they are tasted by (8) .. professional tea tasters before being sold at each weeks tea sale. It is fascinating to see them at (9) .. .
Over a hundred samples are (10) .. in a line on long tables. Teas are generally tasted with milk, (11) .. that is how the majority in
Britain drink their tea. The tasters move down the line with surprising (12) .. , tasting each sample from a spoon and deciding what is
a (13) .. price for each tea.
The types of tea that are popular in Britain are (14) .. inexpensive but they are of a very high quality. The best are delicate (15) .. of
numerous teas from different sources and countries of origin.
1 A high B wide C great D large
2 A common B typical C everyday D usual
3 A doubt B dispute C disbelief D uncertainty
4 A for B by C at D on
5 A route B way C direction D journey
6 A considerably B by far C largely D by much
7 A satisfy B match C answer D serve
8 A effective B skilled C developed D handy
9 A action B operation C practice D work
10 A composed B put up C settled D laid out
11 A out of B since C so D owing to
12 A speed B hurry C rush D dash
13 A fine B right C fair D deserved
14 A roughly B comparatively C slightly D approximately
15 A mixtures B associations C unions D gatherings

Multiple matching, 6
January 12, 2007
Read through the sentences below, then decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each space. there is an example at the beginning (0)
0 The best man_______ the side of his glass lightly with a knife to get the guests attention.
a rapped b tapped c hit d beat
1 The driver _________ to avoid hitting the dog.
a turned b swerved c curved d steered
2 The police ________ him for burglary
a arrested b charged c convicted d accused
3 Many people ___ about the bad behaviour of soccer fans in the town centre after the match
a criticized b disapproved c complained d objected
4 I cant wear red. It just doesnt ___ me.
a fit b suit c match d agree with
5 His parents wouldnt ___ him stay out later than 10.30 at night.
a allow b permit c agree to d let
6 The train was ___ for several hours because of floods.
a prevented b delayed c detained d cancelled
7 After a lot of difficulty he finally ___ to start the car
a succeeded b coped c managed d worked out
8 The manager asked her to ___ with the complaint.
a take care b attend c deal d follow
9 She ___ on a banana skin and almost fell down the steps
a slipped b stumbled c tripped d lost her balance
10 Most library books in the UK are ___ using the Dewey decimal system.
a sorted b categorized c graded d classified
11 Are you ____ in applying for the post as assistant manager?
a keen b interested c enthusiastic d eager
12 My father hates any sort of change. He is very ___ in his ways
a fixed b set c old-fashioned d stubborn
13 Youll have to speak up. My aunt is very ___ of hearing.
a difficult b unsure c hard d bad
14 Could you lend me some money till the end of the week?
Sorry, John, Im a bit ___ of cash myself at the moment.
a short b hard up c scarce d low
15 My uncle lost his leg in a car accident and now has __ one.
a synthetic b an artificial c a false d an imitation
16 The police made a ___ search of the building after being tipped off that a bomb had been planted there
a thorough b conscientious c close d scrupulous
17 He was two kilos ____ , so he decided to go on a diet.
a fat b heavy c too large d overweight
18 The back door needs oiling. Its very ___
a shrill b high-pitched c squeaky d creaking
19 Id better iron this shirt its very ___
a wrinkled b lined c squashed d creased
20 According to statistics, drivers over the age of fifty have ___ accidents than drivers under twenty-five
a smaller b less c fewer d lower

Multiple matching, 7
January 12, 2007
Fill in the missing question words below, some of which begin with a preposition. Then choose the correct answer to the question a , b
or c. There is an example at the beginning.
0 When did the first man land on the moon?
a in 1968 b in 1969 c in 1970
1 _____________were the 1960 Olympic Games held?
a in Rome b in Tokyo c in Melbourne
2 _____ name was the African state of Namibia formerly known?
a Rhodesia b the Congo c South West Africa
3 ________________ is Dutch Elm disease so called?
a because it is only found in Holland
b because it was first discovered in Holland
c after the Dutch workers who discovered its cause
4 _______ section of the orchestra does the tuba belong?
a Percussion b Brass c Woodwind
5 John f. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. _____________did the letter F in his name stand for?
a Francis b Frank c Fitzgerald
6 _________ , in Greek mythology, stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind?
a Prometeus b Theseus c Achilles
7 __________ part of the body would you find the bridge?
a the ear b the foot c the nose
8 ____________is the Roman numeral for one thousand?
aC bM cV
9 ________ language does the word sauna originate?
a Swedish b Norwegian c Finnish
10 _______________ legs does a lobster have?
a 10 b6 c8
11 ___________composer do you associate Porgy and Bess andRhapsody in Blue?
a Leonard Bernstein b George Gershwin c Andrew Lloyd Webber
12 ______face is said to have launched a thousand ships?
a Joan of Arcs b Ceopatras c Helen of Troys
13 _________century was the Taj Mahal in India built?
a 17th b 16th c 15th
14 ______________ must you be before you are allowed to take a normal driving test in the UK?
a 16 b 18 c 17
15 ____________country would you associate with the dish couscous?
a Greece b Tunisia c South Korea

Multiple matching, 8
January 12, 2007
Read though the sentences below, then decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0)
0 Im sorry I said that, Mary. It wasnt my ___ to hurt you.
a intention b purpose c meaning d plan
1 Take no ___ of him hes only teasing you!
a account b notice c attention d regard
2 She had a three-roomed flat in a new residential area on the ___ of Copenhaguen.
a border b suburbs c outskirts d near
3 He went to live on the coast for the ___ of his health
a reason b sake c care d improvement
4 When you buy shares, your investment is always at ___ since share prices can go down as well as go up
a danger b trouble c gamble d risk
5 Youre off to Bangkok, you say? What a __________! So am I.
a coincidence b chance c luck d fate
6 I wonder if you could give me a _____ with the washing-up?
a help b assistance c support d hand
7 Most of the ___ members aboard the new luxury liner were form Pakistan.
a team b crew c gang d staff
8 My parents were always making ___ in public. As I child I found it very embarrasing.
a quarrels b arguments c scenes d fuss
9 The Queen has no real power. Shes just a ___
a figurehead b mascot c sleeping partner d puppet
10 The child was throwing stones at the pigeons but his mother didnt take any ___ of him
a attention b notice c control d regard
11 Take an umbrella with you ___ it rains
a in case b even though c despite d because
12 Were going to miss the train___ we hurry up.
a provided b if c in spite of d unless
13 He went to live in France for a year __ he could pick up the language.
a because of b in order c so that d therefore
14 Everyones been invited to the party___ for Cathy.
a except b apart c but d with the exception
15 ___ than paying out all that money for a hotel, why dont you come and stay with us instead? Weve got lots of rooms.
a Instead b Better c Rather d In preference
16 In ___ ,women live longer than men in most countries.
a average b the whole c reality d general
17 There was a large notice in the hotel corridor saying: ___ fire, press the alarm bell.
a If b On account of c In case of d Supposing
18 Who else went with you to the concert ___ David and Jean?
a apart b besides c except d beside
19 People in Wales are ___ Labour supporters.
a most b all in all c entire d predominantly
20 At the age of fifty, he finally admitted to himself that it was ___ unlikely that he was going to be a pop idol
a greatly b largely c highly d fully

Multiple matching, 9
January 12, 2007
Read the text below and decide which word a, b, c, or d best fits each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
A Lucky escape
It was November 1971 in London on a day (0)___ any other. On one of the citys underground stations, a train (1)___ the platform.
Suddenly, a young man (2)___ himself (3)___ into the path of a moving train. The horrified driver slammed on the brakes, certain that
there was no way to stop the train (4)___ the man was crushed (5)___ the wheels. But miraculously the train did stop. The first
carriage (6)___ be jacked up to (7)___ the badly injured man, but the wheels had not passed over him and he (8)___.
The young man (9)___ out to be a gifted architect who was recovering (10)___ a nervous breakdown. His amazing rescue from death
was (11)___ coincidence. For the (12)___ of the accident revealed that the train had not stopped (13)___ the drivers hasty braking.
Seconds before, acting (14)___ impulse and completely (15)___ of the man about to throw himself on the tracks, a passenger had
(16)___ down the emergency handle, which automatically applies the brakes of the train. The passenger had no (17)___ reason for
doing so. In fact, the Transport Authority considered prosecuting him on the (18)___ that he had no reasonable cause for using the
emergency system!
0 a as b like c by d similar
1 a has reached b entered c was approaching d had got to
2 a leapt b plunged c pushed d hurled
3 a directly b fully c sudden d at once
4 a while b until c before d as
5 a through b under c with d behind
6 a must b had to c would have to d should
7 a repair b take back c remove d liberate
8 a survived b perished c succeeded d relived
9 a came b made c proved d turned
10 a over b of c from d by
11 a because b depending on c with a view to d based on
12 a investigation b inquiry c conclusion d examination
13 a despite b until c during d because of
14 a with b by c on d with
15 a unknown b unaware c unconnected d unsure
16 a held b broken c pulled d thrown
17 a specialist b peculiar c convinced d particular
18 a reason b grounds c cause d motive

Multiple matching, 10
January 12, 2007
Read the text below and decide which word a , b , c or d best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Safer driving with hands off
SCIENTISTS are developing cars which (0)___ hands-free driving on British motorways.
Computers will be (1)___ to sensors to control steering, speed and braking.
Drivers will (2)___ push a button to let the car take the strain.
Automatic steering systems will (3)___ cars in lane.
Cruise control will kepp speeds at a steady level by opening or closing the (4)___
Ultrasonic anti-collition devices will (5)___ safe, efficient distances between vehicles, (6)___ operating brakes.
Research is being (7)___ by Professor John Turner, head of Automotive Engineering at Southampton University and by experts (8)___
in Britain and overseas.
The work reflects a global increase in traffic (9)___ motorways.
A Transport Department report last week showed that car (10)___ in London (11)___ by 20 per cent in the last ten years, putting
(12)___ strain on motorways.
British experts have already found a way to keep cars in lane (13)___ driver control. The system uses TV cameras at the front of the
car, which (14)___ up white lane markings, says Turner. Images are (15)___ into computers linked to the steering mechanism. The
problem now is (16)___ the cost and weight of the equipment.
Expensive cruise-control devices are also being (17)___
If all cars were programmed to travel at say, 65 mph experts believe (18)___ more vehicles would be able to use the motorways
without traffic jams and in greater safety
Professor Turners team at Southampton is also engaged (19)___ research with Ford in collision-(20)___ systems using radar and
ultrasonic equipment.
0 a let b provide c allow d devise
1 a powered b linked c fed d combined
2 a simply b effectively c casually d effortlessly
3 a hold b sustain c keep d retain
4 a brake b throttle c clutch d valves
5 a provide b be allowed c insist d mantain
6 a even b although c without d simply
7 a made b carried out c operated d looked into
8 a overall b elsewhere c scientists d throughout
9 a stopping b gripping c clogging d obstructing
10 a journeys b routes c travels d tours
11 a will increase b rose c have mounted d had risen
12 a spacious b extensive c immense d large
13 a without b outperforming c solely d providing
14 a show b pick c beam d reflect
15 a linked b sorted c classified d fed
16 a lowering b to sink c to reduce d deducting
17 a changed b purified c adopted d refined
18 a lot b much c many d various
19 a at b with c for d in
20 a avoidance b preventing c aversion d evasion

Multiple matching, 11
January 16, 2007

For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A,B,C or D best fits in each space
If your (O) B..of heaven is a world where the sun always (1) ., where the living is luxurious and where the worlds biggest
parties take (2)..on your doorstep, then take out your cheque (3).. .For 750,000 ($1.2 million) a two-bedroom
apartment on the first live-in luxury cruise liner (4) .. calling itself The World can be yours. And if you want to be really flashy,
you can fork out 3.3 million for the penthouse suite.ResidenSea, the Norwegian company putting up the 300 million to build this ship
in time for its maiden (5) in the year 2000, has (6) .. sold 51 of the 250 apartments, mainly to (7) . aged Scandinavians,
(8) . also to Americans, Australians and South Americans. (9) The World has completed its initial three year-journey, taking in the
Northern Lights, the opera (10) .. in Rome, the Cannes Film Festival, the Monaco Grand Prix and the Rio Carnival, its residents will
vote on where they (11) next.It (12) be a democracy, says Paul Mundy, who is (13) ResidenSea in Britain. The idea is
that the ship will always be in the most desirable places (14) . the most desirable times and the (15) will vote on where that
will be.
1 A shines B sparkles C glitters D glows
2 A part B position C seat D place
3 A book B account C leaflet D statement
4 A decently B modestly C shyly D plainly
5 A travel B journey C voyage D trip
6 A already B still C yet D previously
7 A average B medium C intermediate D middle
8 A unless B but C however D nevertheless
9 A Once B Since C If D Immediately
10 A time B period C season D era
11 A sail B navigate C embark D move
12 A might B can C may D will
13 A symbolising B representing C standing D supporting
14 A at B in C on D for
15 A minority B plurality C majority D plenty

Multiple matching, 12
January 16, 2007
For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, Cor D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning
(0). Example:
O A hardly B nearly C almost D completely
Jim Stopford is a man who can (0) hardly read or write, but talks with a greatdeal (1) ____ feeling for something that he has (2)____
his life to. He gives talks to a (3) ____ number of children every year on lizards, snakes, tortoises, turtles and (4) ____ crocodiles so
that they can under- stand what a(n) (5) ____ part of the animal world this species is. He has set (6) ____ a free rescue service where
trained people are ready to (7) ____ anyone who has been bitten by a snake. A good number of people have also been trained to catch
poisonous snakes. Jim, who (8) ____ in Sydney, goes to many schools giving talks and showing the children his snakes. He (9)
____ the snakes habitat, what they eat and how they move. He is now preparing a book (10) ____ this subject. He believes that
snakes should be (11) ____ because they are dying out. He (12) ____ believes that if snakes are (13) ____ alone they will not harm
anyone. (14) ____ Australia has the greatest number of poisonous snakes on the planet, he has always (15) ____ people to be careful
when they see one.
1 A about B off C of D with
2 A taken B given C seen D spent
3 A many Blot C much D large
4 A surely B probably C undoubtedly D even
5 A usual B proper C important D specific
6 A about B up C out Doff
7 A help B give C organise D provide
8 A lives B stays C settles D remains
9 A draws B shows C describes D tells
10 A for B of C by D on
11 A protected B cared C guaranteed D favoured
12 A apart from B also C too D besides
13 A departed B undisturbed C left D moved
14 A While B Despite C Although D Since
15 A advised B suggested C claimed D explained
Multiple matching, 13
January 17, 2007
For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, Cor D best fits each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
o A bom B produced C established D encouraged

Britain may not have (0) produced a downhill skiing champion, but there is (1) . one area of the sport in which it is a leader: dry-
skiing. As a (2) .. of this, more man-made ski slopes are found here than in the rest of the world. The first dry slope was (3) in
London thirty-five years ago. Now there are a hundred and fifty slopes in Britain starting from the (4) .. size of 30 metres to one
of 471 metres just outside Edinburgh.
The bigger centres (5) like golf (6) . squash clubs be- cause they offer their members a full (7) of well-organised facilities.
Many people want to (8) .. the dry-ski centres because they are close to the cities. For those who have never (9) before, they
can (10) .. doubt save a lot of time and money by going to one of the centres for beginners. Instructors will go (11) . the
equipment and teach the (12) . skills of skiing. For those that can ski, it is a(n) (13) good way of keeping fit and practising
new techniques. For many (14) . skiers it has (15) a part of their entertainment.
1 A yet B still C then D already
2 A development B conclusion C proof D result
3 A built B prepared C formed D created
4 A biggest B longest C smallest D widest
5 A perform B instruct C operate D conduct
6 A otherwise B besides C either D or
7 A range B row C variety D area
8 A do B use C go D find
9 A skied B skated C climbed D hiked
10 A with B in C without D of
11 A to B under C round D over
12 A thorough B minimum C true D basic
13 A rarely B really C excellent D seldom
14 A regular B reliable C continuous D continual
15 A made B become C developed D achieved

Multiple matching, 14
January 18, 2007
For questions 1 15, read the text below and decide which answer A, S, C, or D best fits each space. There is an exam pie at the
beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
In the 1998 World (0) ..A.. sports fans around the world (1) .. various battles between (2) .. football rivals but also between the
companies that sponsored them.
Nike sponsored Brazil. Adidas sponsored France. While the teams (3) .. for the biggest prize in football. the two companies tried to
win the biggest battle, the battle of the (4) .. as 500 million people from 195 countries (5) .. in to watch the greatest footballers in
the world. Afterwards, the sportswear companies hope was for people to go out and buy some new kits. Adidas paid $20 million for the
privilege of being a(n) (6) .. sponsor of the 1998 World Cup. and so one might have (7) would have had the greatest presence
at the (8) ..
Sometimes. however. sponsoring doesnt (9) .. the company much good. Other times. the sponsors advertising (10) .. are very
original. Nike has claimed that if sponsors really want to (11) .. athletes. they cant turn (12) .. only for the photo opportunities and
the media events and smile and (13) .. for the cameras. They have to accept the whole (14).. with its spitting, swearing, sweating
and blister-breaking. They just have to (15) ..used to it.
1 A remarked B witnessed C viewed D attended
2 A brutal B savage C cruel D fierce
3 A contested B competed C struggled D strove
4 A brands B marks C types D makes
5 A adjusted B tuned C regulated D switched
6 A formal B official C typical D licensed
7 A accepted B attempted C assumed D confirmed
8 A round B set C match D tournament
9 A do B make C perform D carry
10 A exhibitions B campaigns C expeditions D missions
11 A strengthen B prop C support D provide
12 A up B in C on D forward
13 A stand B pose C look D model
14 A packet B bunch C package D pile
15 A be B become C make D get

Multiple matching, 15
January 18, 2007
For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, Cor D best fits each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
0 A thought B tried C dreamed D wanted
I have always (0) .. wanted.. to swim the English Channel underwater and as a former Olympic gold medallist I (1) .. that I have the
training to attempt (2) .. a swim. The Channel is, I suppose, the Mount Everest of the swimming world (3) .. to do it underwater will
be an even greater (4) .. for me. Although many swimmers have (5) .. the Channel, it will be the first time that a former Olympic
gold medallist has ever done it. I am (6) .. to do it in six to eight hours. I want to (7) .. money for a number of new charities and I
am especially (8) .. on the charities that protect the worlds seas. I will be swimming (9) the Channel in the summer. In (10) ..
to (11) .. this out I have to follow a strict exercise programme. A usual training session for me would (12) .. of thirty minutes in the
weight room, thirty minutes doing different exercises and then three hours straight swimming. I have to be (13) .. of my diet so that
it is a healthy and balanced one. I will (14) .. ready to set a record in something that has never been (15) ..before and which
someone will have difficulty in breaking.
1 A feel B regard C sense D propose
2 A quite B so C rather D such
3 A but B and C as well as D because
4 A prize B work C achievement D duty
5 A moved B passed C crossed D run
6 A forming B willing C agreeing D hoping
7 A give B raise C save D contribute
8 A keen B interested C thinking D in favour
9 A through B across C over D along
10 A order B respect C time D regard
11 A cut B check C clear D carry
12 A have B spend C amount D consist
13 A capable B conscious C enthusiastic D accustomed
14 A be B have C do D try
15 A given B made C done D kept
Multiple matching, 16
January 20, 2007
For questions 1 15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.
0 A if B Unless C Provided D Although


(O) B youve slept through the last decade, you know that protecting the environment is a (1).. . But when it (2) .. to beauty
products, natural doesnt always equal pure and doesnt (3) .. mean better. Before rushing to the register with your 100 percent green
beauty gear, (4) .. a few things.
According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the (5) .. natural is used very (6) .. in the cosmetics world; any company
can (7) .. a product natural. (8) .. natural products are made from plant-based (as opposed to man-made) ingredients and do not
(9) .. artificial dyes and fragrances. The advantage: plant-based ingredients are renewable (10) .. that are safer for the environment
(11) .. certain man-made or natural, but highly processed
ones (which can produce toxic (12) .. during the manufacturing process and be nonbiodegradable). The disadvantage: some natural
ingredients,like (13) which help keep products germ-free, arent as effective as their synthetic counterparts. Since natural
ingredients havent been (14) .. as much as man-made ones, you shouldnt assume .. theyre gentler (especially if youre allergy-
prone or have (15) .. skin).
1 A should B can C must D may
2 A comes B arrives C reaches D refers
3 A absolutely B definitely C obligatorily D necessarily
4 A consider B think C consult D study
5 A term B definition C phrase D idea
6 A freely B loosely C easily D Iiberately
7 A call B name C baptise D entitle
8 A Really B Truthfully C Truly D Exactly
9 A incorporate B involve C enclose D contain
10 A resources B sources C essences D supplies
11 A from B than C of D to
12 A garbage B rubbish C waste D debris
13 A conservatives B preservatives C medicines D preserves
14 A examined B tried C searched D tested
15 A sensitive B sensible C delicate D sensational

Multiple matching, 17
January 20, 2007
For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, Cor D best fits each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
Example: 0 A opposite B variable C different D similar
Nowadays, country kitchens are not very (0) different from those in the city.
(1) .., in the past the differences could easily be (2) .. . By
the 1940s most city homes had gas or electric cookers (3) .. but in the country the farmers wife still (4) .. on a fuel cooker. This
gave her more work because she had to (5) .. at five oclock in the morning and enter the kitchen with a candle which was always
kept (6) .. . She then removed the ashes from the cooker and got some newspaper and pieces of wood from the box (7) .. the side
of the kitchen door.
Next, the kettle was filled and put over the fire in (8) .. to make the first pot of tea of the day. Once this was (9) .. she made sure
she (10) .. fed the animals (11) .. the left-overs and then got (12) .. with breakfast. After breakfast the plates would be (13) ..
and more wood put in the cooker. The only opportunity she had to rest next to the fire was after dinner. This (14) .. of lighting the
cooker was repeated every day. Wood was used in (15) .. of petrol till the Second World War.
1 A However B In spite of C Because D Despite
2 A glimpsed B noticed C understood D made
3 A bought B put C connected D installed
4 A baked B stirred C boiled D cooked
5 A raise B arise C rise D get
6 A handy B far C obvious D reachable
7 A by B next C close D outside
8 A so far as B order C view D case
9 A ended B done C used up D fulfilled
10 A often B sometimes C always D seldom
11 A at B in C without D on
12 A down B away C along D on
13 A cleaned B removed C washed D polished
14 A time B process C procession D progress
15 A place B exchange C favour D position

Multiple matching, 18
January 21, 2007
For questions 1 15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
Example: A primitive B excessive C radical D racial

The most (O) __C__ thing we have ever done is not have a TV in our house. Since 99.1 percent of American (1) .. cannot make this
claim, it may be (2) .. some interest to know why. Certainly, our (3) of a television has created (4) curiosity, puzzlement, and
anger (5) the people we know, and I suspect even more of these (6) .. behind our backs. If the Wetherells get (7) without a
TV, why cant we?
We did have a television during the first days of our marriage. I remember the dizzy way the (8) flickered across the screen. A few
days later, after I (9) .. my senses, we took the set to our local dump, (10) hands in satisfaction and have been without one ever
(11) . .
Now that my TV watching days are (12) .. me, I can afford to be nostalgic towards it all. I remember those nights when the whole
family used to sit in the living room watching Ed Sullivan, one (13) .. light left on in the corner, laughing (14) .. the comedians
before the (15) came on. Nevertheless, even warmer and more precious in memory will be these quiet, peaceful years with no TV
at all.
1 A housewives B households C holdalls D houseworks
2 A of B for C at D in
3 A lack B shortage C need D absence
4 A large B big C high D great
5 A among B between C within D inside
6 A beliefs B emotions C opinions D thoughts
7 A over B on C by D away
8 A images B drawings C icons D movies
9 Are-established B got C overcame D recovered
10 A waved B tightened C moved D shook
11 A since B again C afterwards D before
12 A past B behind C over D away
13 A smooth B peaceful C soft D tender
14 A for B at C with D by
15 A announcements B publications C clips D commercials

Multiple matching, 19
January 23, 2007
For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, Cor D best fits each space. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
0 A ages B lives C years D dates


This is a place where people of all (0) __A__can come and be entertained and never want to (1) .. . It is Disneyland, (2).. outside
Paris, especially (3) .. to provide the best for Europe and the (4) of its new guests. The park is (5) .. into five areas, each one
representing a special theme. (6) .. in a film, the (7) .. are taken along through a series of magical sets to relive the past, even (9)
.. visit wonderful faraway places (8) .. of excitement and fantasy, and into the future. The trees that have been (10) .. around the
park protect the guest from the real world outside.
The resort area, beyond the park, has six hotels to suit the needs of every guest.
In (11) .. to these six hotels there are campsites and fully equipped caravans for rental. There is no (12) .. of sporting opportunities
and, besides many health clubs in the actual hotels, there is a variety of fascinating nature trails you may (13) .. to follow. The
Disneyland Resort is easily (14) road or rail. Whichever way you choose to arrive, you will be (15) .. enough to enjoy all the
wonderful things that the park
has to offer.
1 A leave B go C depart D set off
2 A nearly B almost C just D recently
3 A composed Bcreated C consisted D placed
4 A rights B demands C consideration D dealings
5 A shared B distributed C calculated D divided
6 A Whereas B Unless C As if D Wherever
7 A staff B guests C members D teams
8 A full B crowded C complete D packed
9 A look B go C run D turn
10 A dug B planted C grown D stuck
11 A answer B reply C debt D addition
12 A supply B shortage C amount D quantity
13 A expect B hope C wish D order
14 A contacted B arrived C reached D entered
15 A relaxed B unhurried C easy D lazy
Multiple matching, 20
January 23, 2007
For questions 1 -15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space, There is an example at the
beginning (0).
Example: 0 A While B During C As D Whereas

(0)___A___playing golf in the British Isles not (1) .. ago, I came (2) .. a funny sign posted on a seaside golf (3).. . Gentlemen,
please play quickly! the sign implored, Three hours is too long for a (4) of golf! Imagine such a claim in America, (5) .. of the six-
hour death matches.
Slow play is strangling our beloved game, What (6) .. to be an afternoons getaway has evolved into an entire days (7) .., and most
people cant (8) .. to spend a whole day playing golf.
I know more than a few people who have (9) .. , the game out of frustration: golf, they concluded, just takes too long,
It (10) .. cheer you up to know that when Jay Larson plays golf he doesnt take anything like six hours to do it.
In fact, in his last officially (11) .. round he shot 72 and it took him exactly 39 minutes, 55 seconds. He just plays golf really, really
Larson is (12) .. N 1 in the world in Speed Golf. (13) . known as Extreme Golf, Speed Golf, like the Olympic Biathlon, is a
combination of two pure sports: (14) .. running and golf. Players (15) .. in time trials like this: you hit your ball, you run to it, you
hit it again, When youve completed 18 holes, youre done.
1 A far B long C much D while
2 A into B across C along D up
3 A pitch B court C field D course
4 A tournament B play C round D set
5 A home B house C country D place
6 A accustomed B should C used D had
7 A arrangement B commitment C pertormance D discipline
8 A afford B manage C take D provide
9 A gone B given C jilted D quit
10 A must B might C ought D needs
11 A counted B measured C timed D dated
12 A ranked B placed C ordered D positioned
13 A Pastly B Lastly C Earlier D Formerly
14 A length B distance C stamina D far
15 A compete B contest C struggle D race


Multiple matching, 1
January 13, 2007 by etornauta
Lake Malawi
10 A
11 C
12 C
13 C
14 D
15 C

Multiple matching, 2
January 13, 2007 by etornauta
Cosmetic surgery
10 A
11 A
12 A
13 D
14 A
15 C

Multiple matching, 3
January 13, 2007 by etornauta
A unique way to see the world
10 B
11 B
12 C
13 C
14 B
15 A

Multiple matching, 4
January 13, 2007 by etornauta
Correcting History
10 B
11 C
12 D
13 D
14 A
15 C

Multiple matching, 5
January 13, 2007 by etornauta
The London Tea Trade
10 D
11 B
12 A
13 C
14 B
15 A

6-8 yra kitokie pratimai ir ju atsakymu kol kas nerandu!!!

Multiple matching, 9
January 12, 2007 by etornauta
A lucky escape
10 c
11 d
12 a
13 d
14 c
15 b
16 c
17 d
18 b

Multiple matching, 10
January 12, 2007 by etornauta
Safer driving with hands off
10 a
11 d
12 c
13 a
14 b
15 d
16 c
17 d
18 c
19 d
20 a

Multiple matching ,11

January 16, 2007 by etornauta
10 C
11 A
12 D
13 B
14 A
15 C

Multiple matching, 12
January 16, 2007 by etornauta
10 D
11 A
12 B
13 C
14 D
15 A

Multiple matching, 13
January 17, 2007 by etornauta
10 C
11 D
12 D
13 B
14 A
15 B

Multiple matching, 14
January 18, 2007 by etornauta
10 B
11 C
12 A
13 B
14 C
15 D

Multiple matching, 15
January 18, 2007 by etornauta
10 A
11 D
12 D
13 B
14 A
15 C

Multiple matching, 16
January 20, 2007 by etornauta
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 B
14 D
15 A

Multiple matching, 17
January 20, 2007 by etornauta
10 C
11 D
12 D
13 C
14 B
15 A

Multiple matching, 18
January 21, 2007 by etornauta
10 D
11 A
12 B
13 C
14 B
15 D

Multiple matching, 19
January 23, 2007 by etornauta
10 B
11 D
12 B
13 C
14 C
15 A

Multiple matching, 20
January 23, 2007 by etornauta
10 B
11 C
12 A
13 D
14 B
15 A

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