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1 BACH FEB ( Juan)

1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1.He ________there when he was a child(be).
2. I _________her since last year(not see).
3. They _______ a few minutes ago(leave).
4. The film _________ yet (not start).
5. I _________ the project last night (finish).
6. ________ ever ______ to Rome (go)?
7. I cant get into my house because _________ my keys (lose).
8. I _________ up smoking last year(give).
9. I never ________ my grandmother as she died before I was born(know).
10. Hes in hospital because he __________his leg (break).

2. Fill the gaps either with the present perfect or the past simple.
1. Renee _______ (catch) the plane to Mexico at ten oclock this morning.
2. Who ________ (invent) the Internet?
3. Steve __________ (be) very depressed since he ________ (lose) his job two
months ago.
4. When _______ (they/get) here?
5. George lives in California. He _______ (live) there for twenty years.
6. Pamela used to work for the United Nations. She _______ (work) there for two
7. Where ________ (you/be born)?
8. _________(you/ever/see) the Rolling Stones in concert?
9. I _________ (not/go) to the gym much lately. I dont have the time.
10. Kelly and her family________ (move) to Scotland when she ________(be)six.

3. Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuos.

1. When we ________ (go) out, it _________ (rain).
2. I wasnt hungry last night. I _________ (not/eat) anything.
3. ______ you ______ (watch)television when I _________ (phone) you?
4. I ________ (get)up early this morning. I _________(wash), _______(dress) and
then I ________(have) breakfast.
5. The postman ________ (come) while I ________ (have) breakfast.
4. Answer the following questions in your own words.
1. How long have you lived in Spain?

2. When did you last play chess?

3. How long have you had the Internet at home?

5. Translate into English.

1. No veo a Alan desde hace aos.
2. Iba andando por la calle cuando de repente o pasos detrs de m.
3. Qu hacas a esta hora ayer? Estaba dormido.
4. Jane me esperaba cuando yo llegu.
5. Cunto tiempo llevas viendo la tele?

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