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When I was in high school, I went to two schools. I was one of the best students.

like everything I that school. I liked my friends, I liked my teachers and of course
I was proud of my school. I had thought that the school was the school that I am
going to finish my studies in secondary school. But, little did I know during that
time, my father had a different plan. I was doing the best at my school but yet,
he wanted me to be transferred. So, I was transferred to new school in Jerantut. I
couldnt understand my father at all, at that time. Little did I know that, my
father was very sick.
My memory in this second, new school was vague. I barely remembers anything.
What I do know was, that I hated that school so much. What I do know is how I
hated everything. Anger was my best friend, and my grades fell miserably. I
became a rebellious. I blame everyone because I thought that they were the
reason I failed miserably. I blamed my father for transferring me, I blamed my
mother for not saying anything to my father. I also blamed my teachers so much.
I still remember how I hated my English teacher so much, I hated her jokes- I
cant understand her jokes at all, and I hated her clothes and styles. Because of
that, I hid myself in the bathroom every time, during her classes.
What am I trying to say is, I was blind at that time. I blamed everyone.
I blamed teachers for not teaching me properly. I blamed her lack sense of
humour. I blamed her for making zero effort to make her classes interesting.
During the time I was blaming everyone, I didnt realise that I had cross one line.
The line between a daughter and a father. A line between a student and a
teacher. That line was so thin I didnt realise I was being selfish. I was being so
selfish to the extent that I was being disrespectful.
It took me years before I understand this. What being disrespectful really means.
There is no clear explanation what being disrespectful really means. However,
you could do some contra and contrast to what is defined as being respectful.
Being respectful means, you respect peoples time. You respect peoples energy.
You respect peoples hope. You respect peoples space. You respect what people
have done for you no matter how little. You, respect others. And that is the only
way for you to be able to respect yourself.
When you want people to think good of you you must think good of other
When you want to be given chances you give people chances.
So, when you think ill of your teacher, mock your teacher, take things she or he
said for granted that is when you have cross the line.
Yes, teachers are not perfect, so do you. But, these strangers that you called as
teachers, are those who pour their hearts out to make you understand matters.
These are the people who hope in you. These are the people who put you in their
space when they dont have to. And these people love you. Someone who
understands you. Someone who feels your heart. Someone who would always be
there for you, even though he or she are not physically there.
They say fate is cruel. Karma is painful. You will reap what you sow. I think me
being a teacher today is the perfect example of the ugly karma.
It took me years before I finally understand everything. Would you wait years

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