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Name: Colton Hope

St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

Week 1 (September 12, 2016):
My name is Colton Hope, currently a first year student in the College of
Education here at the University of Saskatchewan. I am in my third year of the
Secondary Sequential Education program with my major being in the field of
chemistry and my minor in biology.
In anticipation for our first lecture in Waynes EPSE 302.3 Situated Learners:
Context of Learning and Development, I began by reading through the first chapter
of the textbook. This advanced reading allowed me to develop a general construct
for some key concepts, in terms of what the ideal teacher and ideal classroom
appear as for students. Also, how the concept of educational psychology has both
developed and is implemented in our school settings. What I came away from the
reading with in terms of what makes a good teacher, is someone that shows vested
interest in not only their students academics but also their personal experiences
and self-identities. A good teacher is someone that also appreciates the
diversification of a classroom where the personalities and capabilities of the
students can vary immensely. With respect to the topic of educational psychology,
the key principle established by this chapter reading was that it is; the utilization of
psychology practises incorporated into the observation of both learning and
teaching for the development of a bettered understanding of how both occur. A final
topic I noted from the reading was differentiated instruction, which we have been
introduced to in ECUR 320.3 Cross Cultural Literacy. Differentiated instruction seems
to be a way do bypass differences that we as teachers will encounter in the
classroom amongst our students, allowing for all of them to learn at their own paces
and incorporate different learning styles.
Throughout the course of the first lecture we developed several key talking
points from the textbook material, but before that we also completed the Legs on a
Bus activity. This creative thinking exercise allowed for groups of students to
attempt to solve a word-based math problem rooted in the idea of counting the total
of number of legs present on a bus between fictitious girls and their cats in
backpacks. I got the sense that though many of us arrived at the right answer, and
some did not, there were several different ways that the groups broke down the
problem. Some began with the first sentence, trying to make sense of the words
and ordering the lineage of the problem. Other groups simply jumped straight into
the math that the problem presented. It was an accurate demonstration that there
are many different learning styles within the same classroom and even if we think
one way is faster than another that does not make the second method any less
correct than the other. The exercise overall is indicative of differentiated learning
rather than assessment.
We went on to discuss relevant topics from the text as outlined in the pre-
reading above. The class came up with a bunch of great different ideas about what
makes a good teacher including; being a good listener, being accepting, having
patients, and being able to deconstruct complex ideas into simple thought. I looked
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

at that last idea in terms of some concept map work that we have been doing in our
other classes and how you can take a really complex topic and break it down into its
elements to paint a better picture for yourself about the true meaning of things like
articles and journals. Something we covered in slightly more detail in the class
compared to what the text had to offer was the Zone of Proximal Development
(ZPD). The ideology that students have a particular zone where learning can be
attained, where their prior knowledge is activated yet the idea or problem that they
are perusing is not to far out of their developmental range. This developmental
range is typically associated with a definitive age classification that works to
differentiate ZPDs for specific ideas or problems.
After the class I started thinking a lot about the kind of teacher that I want to
be. Thinking critically about whether I possess any of the characteristics that we
defined a good teacher as having. In such a diverse system of interconnected
communities I feel like in talking about acceptance we touch on one of the most key
concepts that educators need to understand. I have seen racism, bullying and
abusive behavior in my lifetime. Knowing what a negative impact these things had
on me, I cant begin to comprehend how disastrous they could be if witnessed
coming from a teacher by one of the students in our care. Especially if any of these
students were subject to a further destabilizing influence in their daily lives. I hope
that after finding my own professional identity in the classroom that I can make a
positive difference for my students and be someone that they know can be counted
on in both their academic and personal trials. I feel that I should begin to look
further into the concept of the ZPD, especially out of desire to find out how this
ideology helps to frame the high school curriculum that I will begin teaching very
soon. What specific problems or ideas students are expected to encounter and work
through at such a tumultuous age. Something I need to consider when I am
studying for this class are the components of educational psychology as well;
descriptive studies, correlation, experimental/quasi-experimental studies, single and
micro genetic studies, and action research.

Week 2 (September 19, 2016):

This week we were assigned to read the second chapter of our text based
around the concepts of cognitive development. The chapter began by
acknowledging the different types of development that all humans undergo
including; physical, personal, social and cognitive. The physical development relates
to any changes associated with the body, personal having to do with the individuals
personality, social in the way that the individual relates to others and lastly
cognitive changes are those associated with an individual thinking. Right away I
started to question if one type of development is more valued/important in the
growth of young students? I predicted that for young male students, physical
development would be more socially valued amongst their peers while for young
female students, physical development would remain important but play a
secondary role to social development. The chapter then moved into questions and
principles relating to development including; nature vs. nurture, whether
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

development is a continuous process or if it involves quantitative

differences/stages, whether critical periods when development can take place exist.
It would seem through the supported case studies and point/counter point
arguments, that such narrowly defined either/or rationalizations are not capable of
providing adequate explanation for the entire process of development. As a kid
growing up I had heard of the nature vs nurture debate, it always seemed to boil
down that you couldnt have one without the other. That a person could not fully
develop to attain their utmost potential without aspects of both playing vital roles.
Common agreed on principles of development are; that people develop at different
rates; development has a relative order and it is very gradual.
The reading was furthered with concepts of relating the physical brain to
cognitive development. This included a comprehensive breakdown of regions of the
brain associated with both cognitive and body regulatory function as well as an
introduction to the construction of the cortex, its many folds and the neurons that
comprise the whole of the brain. Having a teaching area minor in biology, I have
taken several animal physiology classes that have gone into detail about the inner
workings of the brain. Being able to use this class to communicatively associate
what I have learned to the development in kids/students is something that I find
extremely important. Before moving into the theories of cognitive development a
final note on lateralization was introduced. I find this extremely fascinating as I have
a great uncle that was treated via left hemispheric lobotomy to combat his seizures,
the result of being epileptic. Because of the surgery, much of his speech
functionality was compromised and his vision was severely limited. Eventually
through constant retraining and oratory stimulation exercises he has regained an
altered form of verbal communication. He had the surgery well before I was born so
it was always a misconception of mine as a young kid that the way he spoke and
acted was always just the way he had been, I even assumed it to be a learning
disability at one point before clarification was given by my parents.
Moving through the reading, we learned about Piaget and Vygotskys
contrasted theories of cognitive development. Piagets seemed more rigid to me
with everything occurring in stages with very defined age specific categorization
and functional development within each of the categories. His core assumption was
that everyone tries to make sense of the world through their experiences with
objects, people and ideas. The schemes or stages that he developed were altered or
developed through assimilation; information incorporated into existing schemes,
and accommodation; the altering of existing schemes. The four stages he defined
were; sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational. I
think that the reason so many people disagree in part with Piagets theories is the
fact that he put such rigid limitations on the way he defined development.
Interesting how theories of ZPDs are so well accepted with definitive aging
limitations while Piagets theories are only in part accepted in the studies of
educational psychology. Piagets theories did not give allowance for the stages to
interact across one another and unlike Vygotsky, he didnt allow for reasoning in
that peoples environment, cultural upbringings and moral beliefs influence their
development. Vygotsky thought our activities as people had to be understood
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

through our cultural interactions. That things like language factored largely in the
way and rate that a person develops, and that the ZPD is an essential component of
During the lecture, we began with a series of eleven questions designed to
test our reasoning and cognitive awareness. Being honest, a couple of these
questions tripped me up. This made me think about Piagets concept of concrete
operational versus formal operational cognition. Having the ability to think
abstractly was what allowed me to answer the questions that I did correctly while at
the same time understanding the reasoning behind those that I was either unable to
answer or got wrong. The formal operating portion of my thought process is likely
what restricted my capabilities to answer these questions without being able to put
them into a hypothetical point of view. Even though we talked over a lot of what we
had read in the text, we also expanded on the concepts of maturation and the
principle of conservation. We defined maturation as; naturally occurring changes
over time governed by genetics. Made me question; are we able to alter these pre-
designed genetic changes? What makes them so natural and does everyone go
through the same ones? During the same time periods? The principle of
conservation was defined for us in terms of younger students, who may have an
inability to understand that even though the shape of an object is altered this does
not necessarily mean that the quantity of that object has been changed. After our
example about the students and water in the beaker, it got me thinking as a
chemist about other exampled we could give to students to define the principle of
conservation. I thought about the pressurization of gas into a smaller volume
container as well as the dilution of a solid solute into an aqueous solution. In both
cases the shape of composition of the original sample has changed however the
amount of the starting material remains the same.
After the lecture I found myself wondering about some of the finer points of
both the reading and lecture material. Concepts like the balance between
equilibrium and disequilibrium. How do we know when we have enough, or to much
of either? How can we as teachers work to gauge the amount of structure needed to
not only help individuals but collectively get a positive output from an entire class? I
also thought about the concept of egocentrism. The fact that many of the students
that we will encounter at a younger age are very self-oriented. I wonder if there
ever really is a defined point that we grow out of an ego-centric cognitive state. Do
we just hit a point in our lives where our body chemistry changes and we become
more caring? Or do our shared experiences and the caring actions of those around
us (or lack there of) determine when and if we become more socially aware of other
persons and their feelings? In comparing the two theories of Piaget and Vygotsky, I
also found myself questioning just how much of each contributes to the real world
cognitive development of people. How much of our interactions with the world
around us shapes our consciousness compared with the portion that is developed as
a result of the indirect actions of others and our cultures acting on us? I think that
Piagets theories have a lot of merit in the way that some people are social
introverts. As a result of limited interactions with other people and not having a
really defined cultural relevance, these types of people have to find themselves
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

more defined by their interaction with their immediate surroundings. Vygotsky on

the other hand has a lot to offer in the way that he removes the rigorous limitations
that Piaget placed on pre-defined stages of development. That ZPDs do exist such
that equilibrium and disequilibrium do have to be in balance in order to elicit
learning and thought but the boundaries are varied for each person, they arent
necessarily predetermined based on age.

Week 3 (September 26, 2016):

Before the beginning of this weeks lecture, we were assigned to read the
third chapter of the text, Self and Social and Moral Development. The chapter began
by talking about aspects of physical development in relation to not only different
predefined age categories of children but also with respect to the differences in
their sexualities. A large emphasis was placed on the fact that girls tend to develop
ahead of boys in their same age range with the typical approximation for a two-year
developmental age difference being established. I found myself wondering as I read
about the physical developmental differences, what role does the interaction of the
developing boys with their prominent male father-figure, or lack there of, have to do
with their rate of development? I assume that having a guiding male figure with an
inherent sense of responsibility to the child would attribute to an increased sense of
emotional maturation. Would it however attribute to a faster physical development?
The chapter later moved into the workings of Bronfenbrenner and his
bioecological model which gives shape to social development. It put a lot of
emphasis on the different interior systems, all of which were encompassed by our
cultural surroundings however failing to really elaborate on how the interior systems
can also effect the exterior cultural relevance. How that if we have something going
on in our microsystem, like a family argument, looming divorce, etc. that it can
affect the broader mesosystem and by extension dependent upon severity or
rational the exosystem or microsystem not just the relevance of the exterior
systems on the interior. The text talked about how peer relationships shape social
development in kids, how having friends when you are young can help you create a
higher self-esteem off of which to function at a later age. I caught myself thinking
about a friend of mine that suffers from depression and social anxiety. I really
wonder how different he might have been had he not seriously battled these things
in his adolescence and if he still would have matured into the extremely genuine
and socially conscious person that I now know?
Identity and self-concept came up a lot later in the reading especially when it
came to information on Erikson and his stages of psychosocial development. His
theory was one that connected personal development to the social environment
that a person lives in. The fact he was able to so well antiquate that peoples
environments have a huge role in shaping who they become in a person was good, I
also found however that he was a lot like Piaget in the way that he grouped and
classified elements of social development into well defined stages. Even though his
eight crisis are something most all people go through, I think of the environment as
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

fluid and changing. Thus I wonder how he can so clearly define a stage with the
existence of an ever changing environment.
The last portion of the reading focused on a persons understanding of others
and their own moral development. The Theory of Mind talked about the realization
in children that other people are people to, they have feelings and emotion, and in
realizing this, children shape their interactions with others. I attended a psychology
lecture once on psychopathy, makes a person wonder that if we are so shaped by
the Theory of Mind, what happens when a person cannot understand emotion? Do
they not then think that people are people too? Is that why so many psychopaths
are denoted as being violent criminals? Kohlberg also talked about pre-conventional,
conventional and post-conventional levels of moral reasoning. Again, in defining
rigid stages with limited interactivity I question how a person with abnormally
strong cultural values, i.e. Hinduism, extremism, and even Christianity, would be
able to function at a post-conventional level. Gillian presented her ethics of care
where from the female perspective people went from caring about themselves, to
caring about relationships, to finally caring about people (parents). I wondered as I
finished the reading just how mens and womens views differ on things like justice,
fairness, aggression, and empathy as they grow and develop through all the
changes in their lives.
We began this weeks class with an introduction to some of the basic
concepts covered in chapter three followed by a reflective video on friendship
regarding a father and son, the Hoits. This is a story that to me exemplifies the
human condition, our commitment to one another and the love that a father and
son can have for one another. It crosses the invisible boundaries that some of us
can live our lives believing are impassable when it comes to persons with
As teachers we may have experienced throughout our lifetimes that persons
with disabilities are treated as differently or lesser valued as a result of their
conditions. A video like this can allow students to make a personal connection to
their classmates with disabilities and view them as they view themselves and their
peers who do not have these pre-defined differences.
We also completed an in-class exercise on cooperation as a physical
challenge. We had to sit in a circle with varied numbers of students and find a way
to stand up and later sit back down together. It seemed like with fewer people in the
group we were more easily able to get up and back down again without having to
try several different combinations of hand holding and foot positioning. I thought
that in a metaphoric sense, maybe this could relate back to the part of the reading
talking about development as a result of the surrounding environment. With so few
people there was a very defined way of doing things and it was easy to see what
had to happen. As we put more people in the group we had to develop and grow
together, taking on other peoples input and reasoning to the betterment of solving
the problem.
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

After class even though its a bit juvenile, I found myself wondering just how
many people you could actively get at once to complete the physical challenge we
had tried. I tied this back into, if everyone were positively enforced by the people
around them, if we all worked together to accomplish our common goals and no-one
had an egocentric outlook on the world then just how much could we accomplish?
Would our situation have been any different if the challenge had been run more like
a dictatorship, with one person giving direction and instruction and less like a
democracy? This line of thinking brought me back to out lectures on differentiated
as opposed to transmission instruction. The incorporation of other peoples ways of
thinking, the accommodation that recognizes that not all people are the same and
have the same level of ability. Played a key role in the exercise that we completed
and was what eventually allowed us to succeed, even though we fell over a couple
of times on the way up.

Week 4 (October 3, 2016):

This weeks pre-lecture reading focused on the fourth chapter; Learning
Differences and Learning Needs. This chapter began with a segment regarding
language and labeling, determining that labels can become both stigmatic and or
aid in the development of special programs for students with exceptionalities. I have
always found that labeling people with one or two specific words tends to have a
negative impact because it skews peoples ability to see a student with
exceptionalities in any other light. It defined People First Language, as an
alternative to labeling where the students strengths are put first and they are not
defined by their exceptionality. Using people first language during my student
teaching with my exceptional learners has allowed me to develop positive
relationships. The final part of the language and labeling section was the
differentiation between the terms; disability and handicap. The text defined a
disability as an inability to do something specific, while a handicap was defined as a
disadvantage in certain situations. Disabilities may lead to handicaps but not all the
time. As teachers, we need to avoid imposing handicaps on students with
The second portion of the pre-reading was based around concepts and
theories of intelligence. It began with Spearmans theory of g, or general
intelligence, which is used to preform any mental test in accompaniment with
additional abilities. Carrol identified; learning, memory, visual perception and verbal
fluency as some of as many as 70 of these abilities. Some broad research into the g,
defined Fluid, and Crystalized Intelligence as two abilities. Gardner later came to
define intelligence as; a biological and physiological potential to solve problems and
create products or outcomes that are valued by a culture. He argued that at least
eight different intelligences exist; linguistic, musical, spatial, logical-mathematical,
bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist and existential. I believe
that people can exhibit intelligence in a multitude of different ways, trying to define
specific categories can lead to peoples brand of intelligence being undervalued and
or going unnoticed. Gardner went on to not deny g, but question how useful it was
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

in the explanation of human achievement. The chapter went into Sternbergs

Triarchic Theory of Intelligence where; Analytical/Componential intelligence was
defined by three components; metacomponents, performance components, and
knowledge-acquisition components. Creative/Experiential intelligence involves
coping with new experiences through insight or automaticity. Finally,
Practical/Contextual intelligence involves choosing to live and work in a context
where success is likely, adapting to that context, and reshaping it where the
practical intelligence is made up of action-oriented knowledge learned during
everyday life. I found Stenbergs theory to be slightly more open than the narrow
sighted categorization from Gardner in defining such specific categories.
Intelligence is supposedly measured using an IQ test, with an average score of 100,
less than that being below average intelligence and above 150 being
gifted/talented. The last portion of intelligence coverage was the differences in
cognitive ability between genders. The text talked about girls being better when
verbal oration was involved and males being better with spatial orientation of
objects. I took a second to reflect on the upcoming presidential election, wondering
that if girls have a more advanced cognition with resect to verbal skill, why then do
we see so few female politicians like Clinton relative to the number of males? Is it
just a cultural bias? An old boys club, as the adage goes.
Later in the chapter differences in learning and thinking styles were
highlighted. Learning styles were defined as; characteristic ways a person
approaches learning and studying. While preferences are; individual preferences of
learning modes or environments. We as teachers tend to make more of a
recognition of students learning styles in watching and observing the way they
work, their preferences from what I have seen can go undervalued if we get stuck
modeling our classrooms after a way of teaching that we feel is best for us.
Gifted/talented students were highlighted in the text. Gifted students are seen to;
learn easily and rapidly while retaining the materials they learn while being able to
apply learned materials in innovative and relevant contexts. There was a lot of talk
about acceleration for students who are gifted, something I have always strongly
disagreed with due to the belief that even though they may be able to deal with
materials on an intellectual level. That they will be socially underdeveloped to deal
with situational adversity when an age gap is developed.
The last sections of the pre-reading were about students with learning
challenges and prospects of an inclusive environment. The text went into
developments of neuroscience and how it is being used to both identify and
differentiate between learning disabilities. As a biochemist, I feel strongly that the
development of neuroscience will lead to better management and the possibilities
for a variety of treatments and cures for students suffering from learning
disabilities. It goes into some detail about; ADHD, EBD, communication disorders,
and intellectual disabilities. Here I found that information gained through both our
presentations and the text in our EPSE 390.3 lecture section could better expand on
the conditions observant to some of these disabilities as well as ways to implement
classroom management strategies to best assist these students. Here though
something that hit close to home for me was the distinction between Asperger
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. I grew up with a friend that suffered from
Asperger syndrome, he was high functioning which in a classroom setting became a
disadvantage later in life. This was because as he grew older teachers and peers
both stopped recognizing disadvantages that he had to still battle to overcome and
eventually after struggling through the first two years of high school he dropped
out, later taking his own life. It was hard to make the realization that not everything
that could have been done was to prevent what happened, I feel like everyone
involved could have done more, including me, its a big part of why I want to be a
teacher so that I can never say that I didnt have the chance to be there for a
student in need. That I never had the chance again to be a positive influence in
someones life.
This week to start the lecture, we introduced the upcoming workshop project.
I think I would like to find an article to critique that focuses on a differentiated
classroom strategy and the effects that something like that can have on student
performance. I have been a part of a flipped classroom before, back in high school
for a math A30 class, that could be something interesting to bring forward and talk
about more in detail if I can find a good article. We then moved on to expand on the
topic of learning styles from the pre-reading, through a math pyramid activity. We
got to see that in trying to fill in the empty spaces of the pyramid, some students
started from the bottom, some from the top, and some could not have been less
interested by the fact that we were doing a math exercise. I though a lot about how
this relates to our teaching in schools, how some students will have varied
approaches to the classes that we teach but no matter what we do there may
always be some students in a class that either dont grasp the materials or just
have a shear disinterest in learning what we are trying to teach. Being relatable as a
teacher can help with that, if our students like us, can relate to who we are, then
maybe there is a better chance of them being willing to accept instruction even if
they dont like the subject being covered as much as another class.
From there and for most of the remainder of the class we split off into varied
groups to complete a jig-saw activity based around five discussion questions for
chapter 4, intelligence. My group was assigned to find more information on the
second question regarding Stenbergs Triarchic Theory of Intelligence before
reporting back to our original tables. We have worked with the jig-saw activity in
one of our curricular classes so far this term, ECUR 320.3. I find it an interesting
adaptation to differentiated group work, it gives a good chance to be able to go over
a bulk of materials in refined small groups to develop good detail, it is important
though to make sure enough time is given to develop the asked question and to
ensure that groups have enough time to relate their thoughts back to the home
groups. Also as teachers we would need to make sure with our school age students
that correct information is being relayed and that no misconceptions are being
created by improper communication of facts.
The last few activities we completed in class were; a video viewing on
Eriksons theory of multiple intelligences, a song/poem group creation activity and
an introduction to the teachers casebook from chapter 10. Beginning with the video
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

about multiple intelligences, it was a student creation project video designed to

expand on some of the texts information about Eriksons theories. I found it an
interesting interpretative way to incorporate musical theatre into the field of
psychology. We took our own turn at using musical expression to define some of our
psychology class, in a small group we reworked a famous Nelly song substituting in
some of our newly covered psych terms in place of the original lyrics. Members of
the class took a lot of varied approaches to this activity including; songs and poetry,
but it seemed like most us had real trouble stepping outside of our comfort zones to
express our knowledge in this way. The teachers casebook activity to begin chapter
10, involved an English teacher learning about how much reading her ELL and
diverse students could handle by getting them to produce a book report on the
most recent thing they had read. She did not have much success with but a small
contingent of her class so we began brainstorming alternatives to help improve the
results for the following day. We thought about; opening the activity to films, giving
the students time to read in class and develop on a novel that they enjoyed, and
finally about giving time in a place like a library for the teacher to get to know her
students, their likes, interests and, what types of books may prove meaningful in
activity like this for them.
On completion of the lecture I spent some time reflecting on both the
teachers casebook activity and the upcoming 302 workshop. I went online and
came up with the following article about the flipped classroom approach and its
impact on student learning:
I have always felt like the flipped classroom might be a way that I would one
day like to model my classrooms. My reasoning has always been the ability for the
teacher to dedicate more time to individual students whether they are struggling or
more advanced in their learning. With students preloading the information we
teachers can dedicate our time to the practical application of the learned materials
and help students through problem solving exercises that force them to use
methods of critical thinking. The difficult thing about the flipped classroom approach
is the maintenance of student attention during material coverage outside of the
classroom setting. Employing the use of a quiz or designated handout to be
completed while students watch a video for material coverage would be my ideal
way of ensuring that they stay on task and come to class prepared with the
knowledge they need.
As for the teachers casebook reflection, I wondered how the incorporation of
ELLs into a science classroom would affect my methods of teaching. As a student, I
put value into the ability to be a teacher of varied literacies, whether those be
applied literacy, physical literacy etc. However, what a lot of people associate
literacy with is solely a capacity for reading and witling the English word. In this
case-book the focus is more perpetually on the teachers ability to identify with her
students reading abilities than to broaden the scope, learn who the students are
and what in turn, their literacies are. In our curriculum studies class, we had a
debate amongst science and shop teachers as to whether in our subject areas we
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

are to be teachers of literacy. I feel that we should all be advocates of literacy in

class, as a science teacher it will not necessarily be under my tutelage that students
learn to read and write but with having the expectation that they can set forth in my
classroom I must be able to adapt my teaching style and accommodate for their
diverse needs so that they can best succeed in my class.

Week 5 (October 17, 2016):

This week the pre-reading was based around the whole of Chapter 10, The
Learning Sciences and Constructivism. It began with a depiction of the Learning
Sciences and followed with a breakdown of cognitive and social constructivism.
Some of the key assumptions made with learning sciences are; experts develop
deep conceptual knowledge, learning is from the learner, creation of the learning
environment is the responsibility of the school, student prior knowledge is key and
reflection is critical to learning. I differ strongly with one of these assumptions
believing that the creation of the learning environment is not just the responsibility
of the school but of all school members; staff, students, other professionals and
even the parents of the students. Also with the development of this journal I am
beginning to understand just how beneficial reflection can be for professional
development and the betterment of understanding what is going to be important to
me as a teacher. The two types of constructivism the text outlined were
psychological - Piaget (first wave); how individuals make sense of their environment
based on individual knowledge, beliefs, self-concept, or identity, and social -
Vygotsky (second wave); social interaction, cultural tools, and activity shape
individual development and learning. Both waves of constructivism, even though
they originated in different eras of psychological development have their merits for
the contribution to student learning. The text also covered constructionism; how
public knowledge in academic disciplines is constructed and how everyday beliefs
about the world are communicated to new members of a sociocultural group. I came
to understand that people that think more along the lines of constructivist thought
debate between the two side of knowledge being constructed by either our
interactions with the external reality which causes internal change, or by a series of
internally changing understandings. In our capabilities as educators, its important
that we can apply knowledge in a specific area cross circularly to develop
understanding, I would imagine this is where we come to the construction of the
Cross Curricular Competencies (CCCs). The constructivism section ended with a
brief description of enculturation; broad, complex process of acquiring knowledge
and understanding consistent with Vygotskys theory of mediated learning. My
understanding here is that students that have a more diverse and fulfilling home life
will have more successive mechanisms for enculturation, and as teachers in
developing a diverse classroom, we can further develop this kind of knowledge
The text moved on to a section that related to the application of
constructivist perspective. It differentiated between inquiry and problem based
learning where inquiry step-wise is; the teacher gives a question or problem,
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

students ask yes or no questions in return, form hypothesis, collect data, form
conclusions and generalize before reflecting on the problem. Problem-based
learning (PBL) on the other had is described as; a similar process where learning
begins with an authentic problem, it must matter to the students and be worked
toward to define a real solution. We have talked a fair bit about PBL in our sciences
elective class, of course we occasionally get a little to focused on the right
answer. As a science educator, I have seen during my teacher candidacy that with
certain groups of students finding a problem that connects with them is a lot more
difficult than an inquiry project where the solution is a bit more apparent but they
are still engaged creatively. The section moved to the six features of cognitive
apprenticeship; modeling support, get external support, receive scaffolding,
articulation of knowledge, reflection and explore new modes of application. How can
we as teachers, expect our students to be able to willingly develop relationships
with us if they dont witness us modeling these behavioral practises when this is
such a comprehensive breakdown of how we want them to learn? The last of this
section was about the differences in cooperation and collaboration. Collaboration
was talked about to relate to and get along with diverse peoples, respecting
differences, sharing authority and building knowledge that is distributed.
Cooperation was more abut working together to get to a shared goal. We need to
have both in our classrooms, without cooperation we arent embracing the
previously covered models for inclusion and without collaboration, there is no focus
or overall objective for what we are trying to accomplish.
Our textbook talks about the prospects of cooperative learning being;
rehearsal and elaboration, creation and resolution of disequilibrium (Piaget), and
scaffolding of higher mental processes (Vygotsky). I always wished looking back at
my high school years that I had made more time for different models of thinking like
drama and art, talking about things like rehearsal and elaboration just touched for
me on things like monologue, enactment, etc. that I never got to experience. Would
I be a different thinker having gone through those things? It defines the elements of
cooperative learning; working together for positive interdependence, demonstration
of learning on their own, advanced teaching of constructive feedback, reaching
consensus and involving everyone, and monitoring of group processes and
relationships to learn dynamics. In science, in the past we have been hung up in a
real imbalance between the first two, too little working together and to much
independence. It talked some about the assignment of role within a group dynamic
to facilitate communication. I have seen this be extremely effective especially with
my exceptional learners during student teaching. If a student is functionally
integrated (schools terminology) into an inclusive classroom, their exceptionality
allows for them to be there but it is on us as teachers to help facilitate roles for
them where they can be the most productive learners while still being challenged.
The final two points in the text were for service learning and learning in a
digital age. Service learning is talked about as being set up to meet the specific
needs of the community. This hits hard for me again being at Feehan as it is the only
community school left in Saskatoon. This means they have a community kitchen
that feeds all the students two square meals throughout the course of the day due
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

to the less fortunate nature of the community surrounding the school. I have on
occasion volunteered my services to the school on my days there to assist with
meal prep and setup but it is truly amazing to watch some of the fantastic men and
women that are there, day in and day out, not for themselves but for these kids that
they might not even know. Almost more impressively is there knowledge of the
students that they know, the unspoken relationships they have with these kids and
the caring, companionate, concern that they have for them should there be a
situation where the student needs an advocate or if they arent there for an
extended term. On the other hand, we have talked about the helpful nature of
assistive technology in the classroom with exception and non-exceptional students.
Talking about living in a digital world; Smartboards, iPads, cellphones, all of them
daily can be seen throughout our schools, sometimes for the betterment of student
learning but occasionally as a distraction to. I would personally argue that it is a bit
more the latter if not properly managed by the classroom teacher.
During the lecture this week, we began with an in-depth look at the Teachers
Casebook activity at the beginning of Chapter 10, to answer the four follow-up
questions to the outlined scenario. In principle, the casebook situation was a
teacher that had just started teaching an English class, the teacher discovers some
of the students are ESL learners and notes that they need to find out how much
they know but dives into a book report project. On receiving back, the reports; some
students reference a class text in non-academic contexts, and only three of the
students reports are of exceptional quality. We reflected in-class about the possible
adaptations that we as teachers would have made or suggested to this teacher
were we in their position. Solutions ranged from allowing students time to select
and read a novel, and the allowance for alternative media based on having ESL
students present. The biggest thing for me though was the need for relationship
building between the teacher and their students, defining what interests them and
how that can be engaged on to enhance their learning. The question of what to do
next was posed, for me I would give them time to find a book that interests them,
time to expand on the chosen topic of interest and time for me to get to know as a
teacher what engages them so I can better my lessons and use of class time.
Suggested teaching approaches that may work for adaptation was next; I came up
with differentiation of the instruction in the form of a more hands on approach to
the literacy aspect of things; reading circles, journaling and reading aloud could all
be tried. Last we were asked how to best engage the three students that
succeeded. I recommended that there be some additional development through an
exercise in citation where these students could learn more about the writing process
and how to give credit to authors of existing works.
We moved on to create a list of the current constructivist learning theories
and those persons that most influence them including; John Deweys social activism
(inquiry learning), Albert Banduras social cognitive approach, Lev Vygotskys social
cultural/constructivism, Jean Piagets child development (stage theories), Jeremy
Bruners discovery learning (spiral curriculum), and Howard Gardners multiple
intelligences. In large majority, these were a part of the pre-reading section outlined
above but I found specific interest in the concept of Bruners spiral curriculum. We
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

defined this idea in terms of spiral learning; where at a young age, large concepts
like math are introduced and as we age they spiral grow, getting more refined,
detailed and structured. This in many ways is easily connected to the concept of
curriculum building where subjects are introduced in basic context at a lower grade
equivalent before becoming more advanced and detailed in the higher grades of
secondary education. I related this back to when we had spoken about
gifted/talented exceptionalities in the 390-lecture section. Wondering if that we
define the concepts for our curriculum building around the idea of spiral learning,
can there be negative consequences impactful to the students comprehension of
knowledge if they dont definitively follow the spiral upward? (i.e. advanced
placement) We have talked, sometimes at length about the possible social
complications of moving students forward if they are academically advanced but it
makes me think about just how careful we need to be in ensuring that they are
ready for the next grade levels material equivalent because if we move them
forward and they are, as an administration we can create allot of additional
consequential work for students and even impair their ability to learn. Wrapping up
constructivism, we expanded on six key benefits; group-based cooperative work,
learning through real-life situations, visual format, mental modes, global goals
problem solving and critical thinking, and divergent thinking. Again, I keyed on one
of these; learning through real-life situations, as a science teacher, I find my
students much more actively engaged if I can relate the content of the things they
are learning to their own daily interactions. It seems to break down the large
concepts of science into smaller more manageable ideals and gives them something
to remember when it comes to evaluation.
From here we moved into a little bit on Chapter 11; Social Cognitive Views of
Learning and Motivations. We were briefly introduced to Albert Bandura who
developed Social Learning Theory, which has since developed into the modern-day
theory of Social Cognitive Theory. The basic premise is that people learn by
observing the actions and consequences of the actions of others. Interesting that
this learning can be both positively and negatively impactful when it comes to
students who; could have a tough life at home, and who may have experienced a
negatively impactful educator or classroom environment. The last part of chapter 11
that we looked at was the Triarchic Reciprocal Causality associated to Social
Cognitive Theory. Here it was justified that the Social Cognitive Theory defines a
dynamic (changing) system of interactions between three key ideals; personal,
environmental and behavioral. This for me seems to be even after an only brief
introduction one of the more comprehensive theories of cognition that we have
The last thing we did during the lecture was watched a student creation video
on constructivism. It brought forward three key ideals of constructivist theory; the
individual is the most important part, social context is the development of teaching
and learning amongst each other, and that experiences construct knowledge and
determine long term storage. From these, we could infer specific things about the
teaching profession from the video like; cultural influences make each person
unique ad give them a different peak in our classrooms, and that the teachers roles
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

are to; communicate, facilitate, motivate, collaborate and research. I think we have
already spoken to the fact that our most defined role is to build and nurture
relationships within the classroom.
Looking back on the pre-reading and lecture sections from this week I think
the thing that stood out the most for me in terms of what I would like to learn more
about and expand on is the Triarchic Reciprocal Causality. We have had a lot of
debate over the validity of a stage-based model like Piagets, and looking at
Vygotskys theories the focus shifted more specifically to the refined cultural
aspects for learning and development. Here under Bandura, the presented theory
considers both the more interpersonal aspects of a theories like Piaget; as well as
the environmental impacts on learning and development from the social cultural
workings of a Vygotsky, before taking it further to refine the third idea of behavior
being impactful on learning and development. It becomes more connected for me
when I consider some of the students I have encountered again through my student
teaching at Feehan. Many of the students that I have interacted with; have
extremely difficult home lives, have had negative interaction with adult authority
figures including law enforcement, and have been in many cases held back
academically on multiple accounts giving them a negatively defined relationship
with their academic peers and educators. These negatively developed behaviors in
many ways can hamper their ability to learn and develop in a classroom setting.
This is because half of the time they are actively rebelling against the authority
figure in the classroom whether warranted or not, and the other time they have
been removed for the class or because of their prior removal, are encountering
extreme difficulty in understanding concepts ranging in difficulty. Often when it
comes down to it, if the students to reach an age of emotional comprehension and
understanding that they need to change to be successful, it can be to late for the
teachers in their current circumstances to be able to help them. This inevitable
results in what as a teacher I fear the most, the fact that a child may in fact be left

Week 6 (October 24, 2016):

For this week, we did not have a section of text to pre-read from due to the
presentations that are to be given during the class time.
The presentations during class began with Taran, who came prepared to talk
and give a demonstration on intrinsic motivation. He began by giving us his handout
which did an exceptional job first clearing up some of the necessary definitions
including; motivation a force compelling us to action, extrinsic motivation
behavior is driven by external rewards, and intrinsic motivation motivation that
comes from inside an individual. Right away his handout had me thinking about how
everyone can kind of be forced into extrinsic motivation through circumstance but
in growing up and even now I have known allot of students and peers that struggle
with the interior or intrinsic m components of motivation. The handout also covered
the four strategies of building intrinsic motivation; developing activities to build
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

student interest, increase opportunities for self directed learning, use task
progression, and set up activities that promote success. As a future teacher, I
couldnt help but notice ow well the second point touched on our new curriculum
setup revolving around outcomes based assessment. The ideology behind self-
directed learning gives the reigns to the students which can go either well, or
terribly. I would assume that if we can use the other strategies of intrinsic
motivation in conjunction with this in our lesson planning, hopefully the outcome
will be much more engaged students. Taran also introduced us to the Poll
Everywhere resource which was an effective anonymous means by which we could
have our students electronically submit feedback or answers to a posed question
through their phones or other assistive technologies. Learning about these different
resources has been important to me because going to school out in Martensville,
our teachers werent always inclined toward modern technologically based
I was second up in our group of five presenters, here to introduce the concept
of The Flipped Classroom. I took a different approach than Taran, rather than having
a hands-on activity I reinforced the handout I gave the group with a single focal
visual that I wanted them to keep in mind as we moved forward. The visual I used,
defined the stats from the article, Case Studies and the Flipped Classroom, C.F.
Herried and Schiller, in the form of a pie chart; 200/15000+ educators surveyed
indicated use of The Flipped Classroom approach. I wanted them to understand just
how under-utilized such an effective method for teaching has been in the STEM
environments of our schools. I had a lot of success in eliciting creative and relevant
discussion from the group by spacing out eight different discussion questions
through the presentation, and getting them to engage with the idea of the flip. We
went through; its relevance in the STEM class, positives of the flipped classroom,
the survey results from NCCSTSL, common approaches to flipping, case studies that
showed positive results, negatives of flipping the class, methods that are similar,
the advantages of video over text and, what the future of the flip is. I have always
though as we move forward in time with the advancement of technology and our
capabilities to communicate effectively with students that this could be something
we see used more and more. During the group discussion, AJ also came up with the
notion that even though such a low number of teachers identified with having used
the flip that maybe some had used a similar method without identifying it which I
found insightful. Before my presentation was over, I moved from the power point to
show the group a video of a teacher who introduced the flip to her classroom
successfully; link to follow:
This video simply got across to the group what I would most hope to achieve with
the introduction of a strategy like the flip in my own STEM class, the effective
differentiation of instruction that translate to enhanced relationship building and
accommodation of learners.
After myself, Kayla took to the presenters role with a workshop on the power
of music in the intellectual, social and, personal development of children and young
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

people. Her handout did a great job of introducing us to the idea that skills in music
can translate cross circularly and throughout life into a multitude of other skills.
Skills sets stemming from music were based in; language, mathematics, intellect,
creativity, social and personal development and physical development. As a piano
player of fourteen years, I can attest to the development of physical literacy
associated with playing an instrument and learning rhythmic mechanisms. I find
that in teachers, and people in general, the largest difficulty in associating music to
learning is when we try and draw comparisons to physicality and sport. Being an
active hockey player growing up, I have no doubt that learning the keys had an
impact on my ability to control hand movements and rhythmic motion associated
with skating and handling the puck. Moving forward with her presentation, Kayla
also came out with two great interactive music games. The first was an activity in
establishing rhythm and tempo using plastic cups in a circle through passing and
tapping motions. I found that her ability to relate the games validity with
exceptional learners here was powerful as an idea to work with kids that may
otherwise have issues with behavior and focus. The second interaction was with the
larger box-drums, again working cooperatively to establish patterns and mapping. I
couldnt help but think having these larger instruments in anything other than a
band classroom may prove to be an explicit distraction to students that might
otherwise be used to them lacking in a typical classroom setting, though I did think
that the notion was a good one for establishing cooperativity in small groups.
Second from last to go was Caitlin, who introduced the concepts of using
table top games in the classroom, her example game being Gloom, incorporated
into a creative writing class. She did well to introduce the article that she chose and
the authors take on the prospects of gamifying the classroom. Game based
learning as she defined it was good for putting students in real world situations
where they would have to; use language as their instrument of thought, think
reflectively, critically and creatively, and develop language abilities as functions of
the way they think. The game itself, Gloom, had students creating their own stories
based off a character that they were introduced to through the game-play being
placed into different situations as they moved forward in the game. We saw that
students were given templates, something I saw as very like the old outline
templates one would get in a high school English essay writing class, to build off;
developing their character and story board ideas. In reflecting on Caitlins
incorporation of a completed lesson plan into the workshop handouts, I found it a
very good way of representing what we are striving to achieve in planning lessons
that can keep the attention of our students in an organized fashion and creative
way. As for my own use of gamification in the science classroom, I found myself
reflecting on and discussing the game Pandemic with Caitlin. Pandemic is a game
based around the outbreak and spread of diseases on earth, where game-players
are given specific roles to stall and cure the resultant disease strains. I think this
would be an excellent method of introduction for either an environmental science
20, or health science 20 group as a way for the students to begin building
relationships and working together in groups of 4-6 students.
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

The final presenter to go was AJ who introduced us to the topic of anxiety in

the classroom. His paper did a solid job of both introducing the article and the key
topics related to classroom anxiety including; personal and interpersonal anxiety,
learner beliefs about subject matter, instructor beliefs about subject matter
instructor-learner interactions, classroom procedures and testing. He also did
something that not one other presenter did in establishing a clear and concise goal
for the presentation. I had a hard time focusing at this point for two reasons; one I
had just been through two hours of presentations and two, in not having a prepared
activity or visual and seeming anxious himself, AJ rushed a little to much and did
not allow for the inclusion of discussion. It did give me cause for reflection after the
presentations were over though.
When we finished the presentations, I thought about the prospects of just
having seen so many styles and differentiation in our groups modes of presenting.
Not one of us did the same thing, all of us had our own successes and all of us our
own challenges. I thought that Taran; had great success with his technological aid,
but some trouble with the discussion, I had success in creating discussion but did
not have an activity to complete with everyone, Kayla; had an amazing group
activity but some of her time management and spatial awareness was limiting,
Caitlin; had a great visual aid that connected well to the subject, but her
presentation did not go as long as she had planned for, and final AJ; was good at
being goal oriented, but did not preform well in front of a group. I thought back to
my students during my student teaching, how some of them react well toward me
and my partner teachers; instruction but others tend to seem disengaged or
disinterested. It took me to all the discussions we have had in class about what
makes a good teacher, allot of the same characteristic exist for what makes a good
presenter but of course we can never be perfect no matter how much we prepare or
how well designed our plans are. As presenters and teachers our capabilities to
adapt and change to changing situations seems even more vital after this exercise.

Week 7 (October 31, 2016):

This weeks pre-reading focused on Chapter 11: Social Cognitive Views of
Learning and Motivation. The first part of the chapter focused on rehashing the
Social Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Theory that we covered during lecture
two weeks ago. In reading through it I began to understand that the initial learning
theory was focused on reinforcement and punishment directly affecting the
behavior of the impacted individual, while similar components of behavior could be
learned through the observation of another person being punished or reinforced.
Cognitive theory stuck to similar ideals but also included beliefs, expectations and
perceptions of self. Living in Canada I think that we could never have a
comprehensive social theory if it werent equipped to handle a wide diversity of
cultural belies and ideologies that accompany all our multicultural peoples.
The chapter moved to the concepts of modelling, self-efficacy, and agency.
Modelling follows with the concepts of Social Cognitive Theory, where learning is
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

completed through the observation but it refines the concepts of observation to; the
observers character traits, status of the model, consequences of the models
actions from the view of the observer etc. As future teachers, often I would imagine
that we will experience both the positives and negatives of modelling in our
classrooms. If we can set positive behavioral models through our interactions with
the students encouraging things like; following of classroom rules, handing in
assignments on-time and, working cooperatively in groups, we will have many more
positive outcomes. If students are influenced negatively by peers around them that
show; disregard for teachers authority, violent behavior patterns and, or cursive
language, we may see those behaviors modeled through their own interactions.
Self-efficacy is distinct because it involves judging a persons capabilities specific to
certain tasks. It is a smaller part of self-concept which is more global and all
encompassing. In schools, I think we would see examples of poor self-efficacy more
frequently in areas of athletics, where students dont believe that they can
accomplish a specific task or compete at an elevated level. On the other hand, self-
esteem was looked at in-terms of judgements of self-worth rather than judgements
of capability. Poor self-esteem can be seen in classes where a student lower their
value based off poor scoring on a test, suffer from depression or otherwise feel that
their teachers or peers view them as less than the other students. The text also
linked self-efficacy and motivation stating that with a greater sense of efficacy,
motivation is increased. I have seen this with some of my high achieving students in
physical science, those that score well on quizzes and exams work with notedly
more focus and determination during class time to achieve higher the next time as
well. Reading about self-efficacy as it relates to the teacher, we define it as our
ability to reach even the most difficult students to help them learn. Heightened
efficacy in teachers means they will work; harder, longer and with less burn-out. I
would hope as an educator; I can hold to the highest sense of efficacy to best assist
all my students and not run my-self into the ground but talking with my partner
teacher I have also come to know that we can over-extend ourselves. Its about
finding balance in life and in teaching.
The last of the pre-reading moved on to the topic of self-regulation in learning
and the establishment of the four pillars of teaching. To have a sense of self-
regulation in learning the text talks about needing three things; knowledge,
motivation, and the volition to learn independently and effectively. It mentions how
knowledge ranges from understanding tasks and learning strategies to application.
Our students can have a lot of different kinds of knowledge and represent them in
so many ways that differentiation in assessment and evaluation becomes more
important. Two different styles of the self-regulated learning cycle are represented in
the text, Winnie and Hadwins four phases; analyzing the task, setting goals and
designing plans, enacting strategies to accomplish tasks, and regulating learning.
Zimmermans, three phases; forethought, performance, and reflection. I find
Zimmermans the more concise of the two methods and that the process of
reflection can help to build on the concept of self-regulation just as it aids us as
teachers to build on our understanding of self. The four-phase method though is
how I would more typically think about students self regulation where reflection is
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

lacking but; thinking, planning, acting and, regulation follow in specific order. As
teachers, we again need to expose students to a continuum of attainable
circumstances to establish and build on their current modes of self-regulation. Self-
regulation with students can be expressed physically, through organization and task
achievement, or emotionally by coming to understand their own emotions and the
feelings of others with the understanding that how their peers feel inside and what
they express outwardly may be very different. Last the text describes the four
pillars of teaching as behavioral, cognitive, constructivist, and social cognitive
theories. It describes students as needing to make sense of the material we teach
(constructivist), remember what they understood (cognitive), practise and apply
(behavioral) and last take charge of their own learning (social cognitive).
Starting off the lecture this week we began by defining the five keys to
effective teamwork; common goals, mutual respect, effective communication,
feeling of importance and, fair treatment. Having been a part of so many different
teams in my life including sports, both in school and extracurricular, scholarly
debate teams and teams for volunteer work, right away I started to make
connections to these ideas. I always think of those corny anecdotes like,
teamwork makes the dream work, and we always miss 100% of the shots we dont
take, that were always plastered over the walls of our schools growing up. In their
own way, they always spoke some rendition of the truth because without a cohesive
sense of teamwork in certain areas of our lives, we would not get by on our own. In
the classroom, I would think one of the most important of these ideals is the
concept of effective communication. If we as educators cannot create lines of
effective communication with our students and give them outlets for
communication with us and their peers, then issues hiding below the surface or a
lack/misrepresentation of understanding related to their learning may be
Afterward we moved on to the chapter 14 teachers casebook and the
questions tat followed it. This time the casebook was about a teacher returning to
where they went to high school in a relatively uniform classroom environment, to
find a much more diversified climate with huge differentiation in students
capabilities. We were asked how we would differentiate our own instruction for this
unique group of students; I came up with giving the students more hands on
projects to assess their comprehension and prior knowledge of course work, and
giving additional resources like video and pictures that may otherwise have
difficulty with the written English word in a text based approach. The second
question was about if different teaching philosophies would create different
outcomes to differentiation in this situation. I said of course it would referencing
things like the incorporation of technology by some teachers; where some may be
willing to use it more while others may think that modern technology is more of a
distraction and is not an asset in the classroom. Also, instructors in specific subject
areas may feel that their course work is not as conducive to hands on instruction
which can alter the level of possible differentiation. Last we were asked how we
would go about grading if we could produce successfully differentiated instruction;
to this I thought that frequent and successive marking would be best to most
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

quickly determine if the strategy for differentiation was working, and if not then
moving forward to a new trial for differentiation can occur more quickly.
After completing our work with the casebook, we left the class and headed for
the gym to work on some team-building exercises. We worked through a series of
games including; toilet tag, line tag, a trust fall type exercise and, a tug of war.
Starting off the toilet tag seemed like more of a mess than a team building game
but after a while when the group that was it began working together it did go allot
better for them simply because they could strategize and plan instead of just
running after a group before losing most the people they were chasing. The line tag
was interesting for team building, especially because me and Ben nearly took home
the win, and a pair of broken noses from a nasty fall. If the group that was it didnt
work together and communicate their intentions they would get going the opposite
direction and be easy to avoid, but by the end of it they could coordinate down the
length of the line to trap the last few of us and end the game. The, well, trust lean I
suppose, was an interesting way to observe the different personalities we have in
our class. Some people were timid and unwilling to buy-into the fact that the rope
was going to hold them, others put in complete faith and took it as far as they
could. Here though everyone was still treated fairly and given the same opportunity
to engage and be a part of the larger circle where we all trusted one another to stay
upright. Finally, in the tug of war of course everyone always has a common goal of
beating the other teams and pulling the rope to your side but we saw that in being
able to communicate with one another about when to pull, which way to move, and
getting low, that was what led to success.
After class was over, I looked at the chapter summary that Wayne had
indicated we read for the perspectives of the two experts on the earlier read
casebook. The former special needs coordinator Lenore, had a specific focus in her
schools on adaptations of instruction and assessment rather than modification of
course outcomes. In her schools core teaching areas; math, science, language arts
and social studies, the teachers did come up with ten essential outcomes that the
students needed to be able to achieve to be successful at the next level and taught
those across the board with supplements to those students that could handle it. In
some respects, I can agree with this type of strategy that allows for even the
struggling ESL learners to learn what they need to achieve success, I only hope that
enough was expected of the students to make them push to achieve and proper
attention was paid the the amount of supplementation the more advanced learners
were receiving. Classes too the same formatting; vocabulary review, followed by
background knowledge building, illustration through technological means, class
time to practise until mastery is reached. Most of the learning is OF. I would say
that this is a very similar teaching ideology as the one I have seen presented at
Feehan in all grade levels. They graded off a lettered grading system A-C with C
being mastery, B being above, and A being beyond. Evaluations like the finals were
given in a C-A formatting for the question ordering and orientation. I like this idea as
it builds student confidence at the beginning of the test and establishes early
whether they know and understand the required materials for mastery. The idea of
weaning students off major adaptations was also presented with the lettered
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

grading system because they couldnt achieve more than a C if they were given
excess help or resources. I think its good to give the students something to work
toward while we keep in mind that some students may never truly be able to move
away from comprehensive adaptation.
Second up was the masters of education Leyton, who was willingly
understanding of the fact that effective differentiation for such a diverse group of
students would take time. He started off by taking a deep breath and making the
recognition that he needed to get to know the students more. Again, a good
approach and something that through reflection is easy to understand that without
first knowing the students, we as teachers wont reach them effectively. He
proposed that observing trends like in his three health science groups is vital
because it allows you to establish a profile for the class and how best to
accommodate they way they learn. I would worry here about generalizing that there
wasnt an effective mixture of all three of each of these types of students in each of
the class sections who could be being overlooked by his differentiation for one
specific student type each time. I did like the concept of text sets a lot though, if a
student can take an interest in a book, having a prepared package of similar
readings to engage them can be valuable. He also talked about giving the students
multiple outlets to display their understanding if the outcome is met. When we have
so much diversity it would be hard not to give this sort of n option just because of
how many different learning styles and capabilities there are present in the class.
Working from the students diversity as a strength here was also important, I think
its a lot like how we talked about using People First Language with the exceptional
learners, if we are identifying students and classes by their strengths, it can only
build them up, not tear them down.

Week 8 (November 14, 2016):

This weeks pre-reading section was centred around the content from Chapter
14; Teaching Every Student. The chapter began with an introduction to some of the
research centred around the teaching profession. To research teaching methods,
strategies like; observation, case studies, interview, etc. have been used. In reading
about all the strategies, I cant help but feel that being in the classroom is the only
way to get the full picture. The text defined characteristics of a good teacher here
as; proper training and certification, subject knowledge, organization, and good
presentation skills. I have seen it in my life, where all of the certifications and
training the world over cannot make up for the capacity to connect to what we do
and love which always seems to help others make their own connections. Expert
teachers are seen in the text as having put in the time and gained invaluable
experience; in their subject material, teaching strategies, curricula, and classroom
settings. It infers that experts are also reflective which through this journal I am
beginning to understand is an exceptional way to accumulate knowledge and
reference. Modern research shows three classroom climate factors of learning and
development in early years education; affective teacher emotional support,
cognitive instructional support, and behavioral dimensions classroom
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

management, clarity and organization. These three dimensions seem to relate back
to well to all the material we have covered on classroom strategies and
differentiation in the development of student learning.
The chapter moves on to the first step in the teaching process, planning. It
defines planning in terms of associated periods of time ranging from a year down to
a day. Planning determines how time and materials are turned into lessons/activities
for students. Going through the student teaching this semester has hardly begun to
introduce me to the work load and planning that will be required as a full-time
teacher but it has shown me how vital being well prepared will be. The text also
defines instructional objectives as a clear and unambiguous descriptions of the
educational intentions for the students. A drew connections between this definition
and the SMART goals we were introduced to during our literacy class, where clear
and concise objectives regarding what we wanted the students to achieve were
created. Constructivist planning was also later defined as the shared planning
between teachers and students where; planning, content and assessment are
student centred. Being student centred is a good way to build relationships and
develop a comprehension of the different learning styles present in our classrooms.
The textbook moved on to define three taxonomies encourages systematic
thinking about relevant objectives and ways to evaluate them, that function in three
domains; cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Cognitive was originally broken
down into; knowing, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating,
before being revised to include these processes acting on four kinds of knowledge;
factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive. This taxonomical revision does
well to define that there are multiple knowledge forms to be affected, all of which I
have seen defined in my students at one point or another. It states that objectives
in the affective domain go from least committed to most committed. Here I thought
about are talks centred on motivation which of course is the driving force in
commitment to a task. Last, the objectives in the psychomotor domain go from
basic perception and reflex action to skilled creative movement. When we were
talking about the stages of development, we saw reflex action and perception
through things like object permanence in early development before the later stages
where refined motion came to be developed.
From here the chapter moves to develop on some common teaching
approaches and contrast that with differentiation of instruction. It defines; direct
instruction basic skills and explicit knowledge though presentation and review,
convergent questions one right answer, divergent questions many answers, high
level questions need analysis and evaluation, and simple questions yield a high
percentage of correct answers. In reading about the patterns of use the text
references, I think about how as teachers we may not be able to differentiate for
each specific student, but how finding that mix between high level and simple
questioning with the appropriate level of feedback is one of those key skills to
develop. Wait time was another big one for me because it was something I was
corrected for by my partner teacher during the instruction of my first lesson.
Allowing students time to formulate a response before calling on them proved vital
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

because when I wasnt waiting, I wasnt getting active participation from the
students. Group discussion was another one that I have been burned by during a
taught lab activity, I gave the students time to talk to confirm their findings but had
one group that used the time to goof off and some students were even using their
phones while in the lab when they could have been working ahead. In contrasting
with differentiation, the text defined; ability grouping grouping of students relative
to their academic ability in a class, flexible grouping range through cross-age
grouping and with-in class ability grouping if handled properly, and adaptive
teaching all students provided challenging material and supports used when
needed but removed when they are no longer required. We have talked a ton about
differentiation in the exceptionalities class for those students that may need it the
most but we must remember that they are not the only students that require our
vigilance and ability to differentiate to the benefit of all learners in the classroom.
The last of the pre-reading centred around teacher expectations. Sources for
teacher expectation include; IQ scores, gender, notations from previous teachers,
medical or psychological reports, ethnicities, sibling knowledge, physique,
achievement levels, socioeconomics, and behaviors. I think we are most influenced
by the last one in student behavior because if we have a student that is constantly
misbehaving, regardless of the reasoning the natural reaction is to lower our
expectance level. It defines two kinds of expectation effects including; self-fulfilling
prophecy teachers beliefs of student abilities arent based in fact but student
behavior comes to match the expectation, and sustaining expectation effect
teachers are accurate in their initial impression reading of students and instruct
appropriately but often dont alter their instructional expectations based on student
improvement. We have talked a lot about the fact that students will work up to our
expectations so we should keep them high but the sustaining expectation effect was
relatively new here. Its understandably important that as teacher we adapt to the
fact that students will improve academically while in our classes and change our
instruction and assessment levels accordingly.
During the beginning of the lecture this week, we started with a discussion
based around changing education because of the recent US presidential election of
Donald Trump. This is a topic that has gotten people all over the world extremely
emotionally invested and activated. This includes; students, educators, parents, etc.
With his election, we have seen a rise to power that has; alienated minorities,
sexualized and degraded women, and created a seismic rift through the populous of
the states. It has created a boiling tension between white ethnocentric students and
the diverse migrant student contingent of the public divisions. There has been huge
spiking in racist behavioral patterns in the schools including hate crimes, derogatory
language and vandalism. As teachers in these public schools, it becomes our
responsibility to definitively explain to students how this could happen, how the
worlds biggest bully could come to hold the lands highest office. It becomes the role
of those that are looked to too educate the young minds of children to effectively
answer the tough questions around; racism, hatred, greed, and depravity. We also
must deal with the consequential behaviors that a world altering event like this has
on the impressionable behaviors of our students in our classrooms. If Trump can
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

become the president by not listening to anyone, not having respect or carrying
himself with dignity. How then is it that we as teachers can be expected to maintain
and uphold these values in our students. Why should they have to behave? Why
should they have to conform? These are the types of questions that students may
find themselves asking after having witnessed this travesty. I cant help but feel
horribly hearing these stories about mothers and fathers that must look at their
young daughters over the course of the past week and try to make sense of what
has happened. Try to put into words just how a man that could brag about such
horrible things as having assailed women could be the one that is now supposed to
represent the voice of the people in one of the most, if not the most influential
country in the world. All the rioting and all the hatred out there for everyone to see
now that the election is over makes me wonder, have we developed as a society?
Or have we rather just come to mask and bottle up all our hatred and contempt for
change and difference inside until some bottle breaking event cracks the glass and
lets all the water come rushing out. I would like to think that things have change,
that people have changed, learned and developed new means of understanding and
compassion but something like this gives validity to the opposite. It gives just cause
to the notion that the human condition is not one of caring and compassion but
rather of violence and attrition. That it is every man for himself and anything that
does not fit with our preconceived notions of normality is to different and wrong to
go on existing and being in harmony with what we idealize as our own perfect little
Later in the lecture we did move on to; a group activity for sharing our
experiences during our student teaching that support differentiation as well as a
concepts review for chapters 11 and 14. I held my tongue and did not over-
contribute to the earlier discussion of the election but I did find myself distracted by
it through the course of the lecture pondering what all of us being there meant in
the context of what was going on around us.
After the lecture was over I found myself remembering and reflecting on a
story that was told to me by one of my mothers old colleagues that used to teach
up in Batttleford. This man had a student join his classroom half way through the
school year back around 2000, and in a group of grade nines, he was one of many
students of colour but typically students here were of an FNMI background
associated with northern Saskatchewan. He was an African American male student
from somewhere near Nigeria I think. During his first week in the school, students
seemed to take a vested interest in welcoming him and making him feel as though
he was an important member of their class. However just as his first week there was
ending there was an incident where one of the white student was heard ushering a
derogator racial slur toward the boy after the class was over. This teacher took it
upon himself the next day during the first period to stop and try and help give some
perspective to his students. He played for them, the I have a Dream speech
authored by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Now we all know the speech and the context
that it was made in during a rocky period of history for the states. He told me that
after watching the nearly thirty-minute video he looked out at his class, not one of
them had taken to ignoring the video, not one of them showed anything but their
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

complete attention and many of them were even visibly emotional because of what
they had just watched. He follows the video with the insinuation that if the students
were to let hate win, if they were to treat each other as no better than the dirt that
they walked on then all that Dr. King and others like him had fought for would be in
vain. That none of it would matter anymore.
I wonder if any of it will matter anymore now that Trump is president. If any of
the great battles waged for inequality, the rights of all man kind and woman kind for
that matter, would really and truly matter anymore. How in the world are we as
teachers supposed to convey the importance and meaning behind these types of
heroic action when we live in an age of inattentive hatred and ignorance. Where our
students are being influenced by such mainstreamed negativity and no matter
where they turn it is constantly being shoved back at them again and again through
social media, and through the technologies that they have become so
interdependent on.

Week 9 (November 21, 2016):

The final pre-reading section for this course was from Chapter 13; Creating
Learning Environments. The chapter starts with the topic of organization that tends
to go hand in hand with the topic of planning from chapter 14. It defines a need for
organization based around the multidimensionally unpredictable nature of the
classroom and states that for a class to be successful it requires students
coopertivity. This idea fits neatly with all our talk around behaviors, if students
maintain a negative behavior then their cooperation is limited and thus makes for a
less productive classroom. The text defines goals for classroom management as
being; to make ample time for learning, keeping students actively engaged, clearly
define participation and encourage student centrality and responsibility. All good
goals to have but from what I have seen none are more important than the active
engagement of students, if they arent engaged then they arent learning and then
forget about them being central, they arent even truly present.
The chapter discusses possibilities for creating positive learning
environments for students. This begins with distinguishing between rules specific
dos and donts of classroom life, and procedures admin tasks, student movement,
organization, lessons, and relationships. I find as teachers we can create a list of
classroom rules that must be followed and enforced but defining procedures and
expectations of students is open to interpretation more-so and as such can be
misunderstood or misrepresented by students. Within the learning environment, the
text implies that we have two types of spatial organization; territorial traditional
classroom arrangement, and functional divided spaces for interests and work
areas. In the STEM environment, I feel that we get to see functionality in a different
scope through lab rooms with science equipment like fume hoods and gas valves
that tend to peek student interest.
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

There was also some focus on the concept of creation of a learning

community in the classroom and school. It viewed the creation of a learning
community as involving input from different levels to develop a philosophy and
participation structures tat foster self-control and social-responsibility from the
students. At Feehan, I feel like this relates to both their school motto; Be Feehan,
Be Family, Be Here, and the teachers capacity to create stabilizing student friendly
extra curricular learning environments. The motto reinforces the core ideals that
they want to establish in the students for the betterment of their sense of
responsibility and belonging. While the teachers continually work to foster programs
like the Math and Language Warriors, where their own time is spent giving
additional attention to struggling students in key academic areas.
The topic of maintenance of the good learning environment was also
discussed. Inferring that as teacher supervised learning time increases, so to does
the level of student engagement. I have seen it time and time again where Charlie
has been pulled from the class by an urgent call or issue with a student and right
away the level of engagement just goes right in the tank and students completely
loose focus and objectivity on the lesson. Kounin talked about four areas in which
teachers that are successful problem preventers excel; withitness, overlapping,
group focusing, and movement management. I can see how all four of these are
important, withitness seeming to be our propensity for student engagement and
knowing the content, overlapping being the amount we allow students to view and
actively connect areas of content material, group focusing being how well we can
activate the entire group to learning and movement management being the
contained and controlled flow of student movement in our classrooms. The last one
is especially important when there are students that are constantly leaving the
classroom for one reason or another especially if these students are those with an
exceptionality to the nature of AD/HD.
For teachers, a big problem is dealing with the need to develop effective
strategies for disciplining students that misbehave. The text describes seven levels
of intervention when dealing with misbehaving students; first make eye contact or
use non-verbal signals, second is verbal hints, third ask if the offender is aware of
their negativity, fourth remind the student of the expected procedures, fifth ask
the student to state the correct rule and then follow it, sixth tell the student in a
clear, assertive and unhostile tone to stop, and seventh require the student meet
with you privately later to discuss the consequences. As teachers I would think the
most difficult thing about this is those moments where the misbehavior is so sever
that the step-wise process breaks down and immediate action is required to
maintain the safety of all students.
Bullying, teasing, and cyberbullying. Its a constant problem in all schools and
its a tale as old as time. Growing up in a small town high school. I was a high
achieving student, had a close group of friends, and even played sports at a high
level. I was however relentlessly teased and bullied through social media by a select
group of male students in my grade that saw themselves above everyone else. More
than once it resulted in violent physical altercations that I would come to regret
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

later but in the heat of the moment felt were necessary means to defend myself
and hopefully get them to stop. Having gone through this sort of thing I understand
just how hard it is for students to talk about it but understand that it is so much
easier if our teachers are open lines of communication and we have an established
sense of trust with them.
The last of the pre-reading was about the requirement of this communication
and culturally responsive management. Empathetic, active listening was seen here
as teachers reflecting to them what they hear them saying, capturing the emotion,
intent and meaning behind students words. There is nothing worse for a student
than being told that you can talk to a teacher about your problems and then either
having them misunderstand or even further be ignorant to what it is you are having
to go through. In response to empathetic listening we have talked previously about
how teachers can respond; passively, assertively or hostilely. Dependent on what
the student is going through a passive approach to understanding and comforting
may be needed but of it is centred around a behavioral issue or the student is giving
you the run around, an assertive approach will get the best result. Teachers should
never be hostile, maintaining an approachable and nurturing relationship with
students is key in establishing a safe and learner friendly classroom environment.
Assertion and passive understanding are especially important when dealing with a
diverse student contingent especially when the cultural background is different from
our own. We must understand that these students go through different scopes of
peer interaction, bullying and living than we do and we need to show a sympathy
but still maintain the student-teacher framework.
Starting off the lecture this week we began as we normally do with some
quotes. This week I noted the quote that stated; hurting people hurt. For me this
resonated because over the last three years I have been living with a roommate
that suffers from clinically diagnosed depression. Its hard to have a conversation
with him about it, not because he doesnt want to talk about it or is unwilling to be
involved in the conversation. Rather it is because he does not definitively
understand why it is that he feels the way he does. Diagnostically he understands
that he suffers from a serotonin deficiency, he understands what his triggers are
and even knows what it feels like to be off his medication and destabilized. The fact
remains that even when he is on his medication, if he is triggered, he is simply
overwhelmed with feelings of sadness, worthlessness and even to a lesser extent
fear as he has self-described it. Coupling that with the fact that his depression
creates a crippling level of social anxiety its no wonder that as the quote says, he
hurts because he is hurt.
The introduction of the lecture followed with the introduction to some of the
key theorists in the areas of classroom management from chapter 13. These
included; Glasser, Dreikurs, Ginott, Brokenleg, and Koanih. The one that resonated
the most with me here was when we talked about Glasser and the two basic needs
of children; to love and be loved. It always seemed amazing to me how children that
came from a broken or abusive family home could still be so successful and well
adjusted in the face of so many that were never able to recover from the
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

destructive lack of nurture having grown up in an unloving household. I usually find

that the kids that do not have a defined compacity for caring and compassion for
others, tend not to have experienced these sorts of things in their early years and
often come from household where at least one parent was absent or abusive in
nature. This does not always accurately reflect who the child is, in fact often after
getting to know them a whole other side may be revealed that otherwise would
have gone unnoted due to a roughened exterior brought on by a strenuous or
dysfunctional home life.
We also watched a video during the lecture of an expert teacher from Japan
who used the principles of self-reflection through journaling to establish a happy
classroom environment. In getting the students to reflect on the experiences of their
lives he could access levels of conscious thought and expression that the students
would have otherwise kept inside. He could establish a sense of family amongst his
students through the reading of these reflective entries by three different students
each week. One week after one of the students had suffered a loss, the sharing
brought them all closer together through a state of mourning even though the
outward expression by many of the students was one of sadness ad pain. I have
seen the sense of family and compassion embedded in the teaching at Feehan but
often I find that there is a disconnect between the teachers of such varied
backgrounds and their students. It makes it hard to feel like something what we see
in this video could occur there but again, tragedy has a way of bringing people
together that is rarely understandable or quantifiable.
We completed the exercise of writing on the white boards and large sheets of
full scape to compile lists of specific strategies for different teaching and
management topics. What I found most interesting about this was the fact that so
many of the different strategies fit for a lot of the different topics that we were
trying to develop on. That establishing something like a set of classroom rules could
help with things like bulling and students first week in the classroom is an important
thing to remember because it helps to put into perspective that the smallest things
can have the biggest effects.
After the lecture, I found myself thinking about one of the closing points that
we had made on the day regarding repositioning. We defined repositioning as; an
evaluation by the teacher of their actions in a situation and the understanding of
their own behaviors and how they need to be amended. For teachers, I think having
a sense of self-awareness while both in the schools and outside of them is
something where the importance cannot be overemphasized but the execution is
occasionally lacking. This ties in with the idea of repositioning in that while we are in
the schools interacting with students, and while we are outside of school with or
own friends and family. Often, we may find it hard to take a step back and evaluate
if what we are doing is right or if we are understanding the point that a student or
peer is trying to make. Its human nature to be socially interactive and seek out the
acceptance of others. But with the age that we live in now where social media is
ever present everyone of a teachers actions may be scrutinized or put under a
microscope. This makes the idea of reposition more important because the last
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

thing we need as educators is to act irrationally or with a lack of understanding and

have it captured for all time and for everyone to see. The reality is if we do not take
the time to evaluate our actions and rationalizations then judgment will come swift
and heavy from our students that can share a worlds worth of information between
them in a matter of minutes. Its ironic in a way, that watching the news last night I
heard the expression; judge, jury, and executioner, in reference too a story about
an extremist video. If our students capture a moment of imperfection from us as
educators by whatever means they have now, the notion should be entertained that
they truly are the judge, jury and executioners of our capacities to teach and be
Week 10 (November 28, 2016):
For this weeks journal entry, there was no pre-reading but rather we are to
reflect on an idea presented in class.
The first thing we have been asked to reflect on is two key ideas that may
have future influence on our teaching that came from this course. For me the first
big idea is the concepts of development and how the whole notion is so
multidimensional. We looked at internalized development through natural
progressions of cognitive function with a theorist like Piaget, and then contrasted
those against the more external theorizations of Vygotsky centred around the
influences of socioeconomic and cultural influences on development. For me it all
goes back to the nature vs. nurture debate when thinking about this sort of
contrasting. Some of the development with our students is a natural progression
associated with their cognitive development as they age and mature, nature. But a
lot of it also has to do with the environmental factors that mould and shape who
they are as people coming because of their interactions with; family, peers, societal
structures and, cultural norm, nurture. We as teachers cannot place all the value in
ne or the other and must understand that the development of our students may be
helped or hindered by the daily interactions that they come by and the role-models
or figures of authority in their lives. In my future teaching I want to be able to
remember the importance of building relationships with y students, that in getting
to know and understand what makes them who they are, I will be able to gain a
better understanding of why they achieve at a level specific to their developmental
The second key idea that I will take away from this class to hopefully use in
my future teaching is the concept of teamwork. As a future science educator, most
of what I have been exposed to through my schooling and understanding of the
science environment is a very individualized, content heavy, and non-diversified
comprehension. I want to be able to have my students; work, understand and, learn
together in a nurturing group environment where no one student feels excluded or
as thought they dont belong. Being able to have the student work in teams for the
betterment of their own understanding in class where understanding is not
immediately recognizable seems to be something that would be extremely vital. I
also think its important because it will allow for student to build comprehensive, and
cooperative social relationships with one another and that understanding of how to
Name: Colton Hope
St #/NSID: 11142958/cwh563
Class/Instructor: EPSE 302.3/ Wayne Dyck

interact socially in an appropriate manner will help to carry them through life
beyond the classroom. From the class, to their future employment, to their lives
spent with family and friends. Having an established sense of understanding based
around how to work as part of a team will push them forward to achieve so much
more than I could ever teach them with fifty minutes a day.
The final reflection is based around the value of reflective journaling and what
impact it could have on our future students. For me reflective journaling has been
quite the process. This has been the first time I have ever bee exposed to
something like this and honestly I have come to love it after initially being very
reluctant to engage. I have found that journaling has allowed for me to organize my
thinking and develop on some of the more complex ideas that we have face here in
this class. I has allowed me an outlet when I otherwise may not have spoken up and
a chance to get deeper meaning out of some of our in-class discussions. With my
future students, I think getting them to keep a journal so that they can work their
way through problems they get stuck on, develop on feelings they have or express
things that otherwise may be difficult to talk about.
I want to thank you Wayne for the amazing instruction and helping us to
come to grips with so many different facets, of not only what it will take to one day
be teachers. But also about what it takes to be great learners and people. I could
not be more impressed and amazed by your overcoming of personal trial and illness
to still can come here and be so invested and empowering to each, and every one
of us. Really and truly, thank you.

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