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This week we will explore the different factors that affect the rate of dissolving. We will review how
sometimes mixtures are chemically combined to create new substances. Finally we will discuss pollution
as a type of mixture.

Essential Questions: How can I control the rate of dissolving? What does it mean for a mixture to
be chemically combined? How do harmful mixtures occur naturally around us?

Graded Assignment: none this week; study notes nightly for test the week following spring break
Word Study Cumulative STEMS:Mission Statement
Students should study ALL of The mission of Robert E. WEEKLY
their master list of stems.Cashion
This Elementary School is POST
master list child was provided at
to prepare students to become
the beginning of the school competent
year and responsible
as well as an additional copy this individuals.
past Monday. However, if your
This week we will review and pick apart the remaining grammar rules of fifth grade standards. This
will be a part of our state testing review unit. Students will review parts of a sentence, types of
sentences and their relation to the mark of punctuation. Students will also learn about subject-verb
agreement as well as how to identify and correct fragment and run-on sentences.

Essential Questions: What is a run-on sentence? What is a fragment sentence? How can I make
the subject agree with the verb in my sentence? What are the different types of sentences? How can
I use everything I know about writing to perform my best on tests?

Graded Assignments: There will be a quiz on Thursday.

GRADE This week we will be preparing for the SC Ready Reading Test. In class, students will review key terms
April from this year as well as focusing heavily on RACES, TDA, and complete sentences. At home, students
3rd will be expected to complete any RACES, TDA, and complete sentence work that may come home with
7th, them. Please make sure your child is doing their part so that they will be well prepared for the State
2017 Test.
Essential Questions: How can I prepare myself for the SC Ready Reading Test?
Educat Graded Assignments: none
ing Be working on 2 semester Reading Challenge. This is due May 1st.

Miss Powells Monday Memo
Educational Insights: All units of instruction are standard based.
This week we are continuing our in class review and preparation for our SC Ready Math State Test.
Students in class will complete problems from all units of study. At home, students will be completing
extra practice pages on skills taught throughout the year. Please make sure your child is doing their
review and practice at home and encourage them to do their best in class on our practice problems, so
they will be prepared for the State Test.

Essential Question: How can I prepare myself for the SC Ready Math Test?

Graded Assignments: Daily grade given for review participation and completion

We will finish our study on the Civil Rights Movement. The progression of the civil rights movement in
the United States began with abolition and emancipation, continued throughout the late nineteenth
and twentieth centuries, and continues today. The civil rights movement experienced several leaders,
including Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X, who utilized a variety of strategies to bring
attention to the struggle of African Americans to achieve equal rights. We will begin Unit 8, our final
unit of the year, on the return of Spring Break, Tuesday, April 18 th.

Essential Questions: (Standard 5-6.1) What were the changes in world politics that followed the
collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Soviet domination of eastern Europe?
Graded Assignment:
Unit 7 Test Part 2 Tuesday, April 4th on the Civil Rights Movement

Please send in any school supplies your child may be missing to get him/her through the school
year. Our classroom is currently out of notebook paper, glue sticks, erasers, and tissues. We are
also running very low on pencils, index cards, highlighters, and hand sanitizer.
Next week is the last week to pre order yearbooks. There will be very few extra yearbooks
ordered, and they will be $20 instead of $16. Order forms are available on the "Robert E. Cashion
Elementary School PTA" Facebook page, in the photo section.

Upcoming Events:
Hughes Academy tour with REC - transportation provided - Wednesday, April 5th @ 9:15-10:45am
Human Development Class with REC 5th grade - Thursday, April 6th
5th grade Junior Achievement on Friday, April 7th
Spring Book Fair begins soon! Our class will be allowed to go and make purchases Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday of this week during a designated time black. The Book Fair will also be
open Thursday night before the RECs Literacy Night begins.
2017 SPRING BREAK is April 10th-14th.
NO SCHOOL on Monday, April 17th. It is a teacher workday.
End of the year testing starts Monday and Tuesday, April 24th & 25th (ELA test days).

Weekly Parent Tip from REC:

When the TV is on, know whats on. While theres plenty of bad television out there, theres also some
really good stuff: educational programs, shows about history and animals, family friendly comedies and
dramas, kids movies, and more. However, limit TV time. Kids need time for schoolwork, pleasure
reading, and active play, too. Remember, some shows may cover more serious subject matter, but still
may be an OK choice if you watch together. This offers you an opportunity to discuss the subject in
light of your own family values and experiences.

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