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Food for thought : Try consider the following scenario ..

Ages before, during the period , time can only be described as three times the a
ge of Pisces back, all hell broke loose on the third planet of this star system
and a humanity peaceful , similar to us and respectful to mother Earth, was tota
lly ERADICATED by some weird game of destiny, thus, leaving behind only just but
a few unlucky or mutant survivors of the human species, mst of them being the o
utcome of multiple genetically engineered projects initiated by the First Ones ,
designed to thrive on more harsh conditions they themselves could endure , to s
tart again the eternal human fight in repopulating the planet from scratch , usi
ng nothing but stone tools altogether with some primitive ropes made by dead pla
nts... Assuming these specimen lived within total solitude the same way some Afr
ican, Borneo or Amazonian tribes still do today (giving but a shit on what's goi
ng on to the rest of the world) countless years , eons or even millennia are pas
sing by, until some of their offspring are brave enough to begin their migration
through unpenetrative , heavily reforested, totally hostile areas, full of wild
predators.. Old cities of Man are totally turned into nothing more than steep h
illsides, covered by jungles, buried under endless sand dunes, swamps,ice, or ev
en oceans . A total field of utter devastation, scarce, concrete-made structures
laying around, and nature has almost chemically dissolved most of the cement in
to thin dust, gradually, not many metals either on the surface, as most of them
were slowly eroded or consumed by the natural activity of earthquakes,thunders,e
ndless floods, ruthless bacterial colonies or fungi, and the works of an everlas
ting grinding friction process, caused by the daily temperature changes and the
merciless exposure against nature's endless lust for easy prey of abundant resou
rces.. Even aluminum or titanium is undeniably vulnerable under such harsh condi
tions within a period of some tens of thousands of years , if left untouched, le
aving back only gold artifacts to survive an eternity of time. Life, as we defin
e it on Earth, has indeed proved VERY toxic, on any of Man's humble works, if le
ft uncontrolled to prey upon it, for even carved stones are rendered formless af
ter millennia of continuous exposure to fungi, acid, or salty, alkaline conditio
ns.. Newcomers start their fate by discovering several leftovers from the Old ti
mes within their new landfields of prey, not knowing what to do with them, initi
ally.They slowly discover even more of them by accidentally digging into the anc
ient rubble. In almost any case, the findings are gathered and treated as , most
ly, "weird" staff, at times even as religious items. Leftovers, of whatever dei
ties these tribes may be worshiping. Gradually, constantly coming into interacti
on with the ancient relics, accumulating and modifying remains of the previous E
ra of Man, they start to initiate a new beginning, regarding to their technical
skills and the not so primitive any more ever thriving tribes are gradually mult
iplying into even grater numbers, exterminating their animal predators, and in b
etween , them as well , in the process.. Metallurgy and agriculture are slowly e
volving. Men get to recognize the different metals used in many artifacts ,feeli
ng accustomed to many, different materials one today can only describe as cerami
cs or glass , learning how to use the more simple of them in a number of daily l
ife activities. The using of ancient artifacts for simple works , pretty soon re
nder to their destruction, one way or another, so there is an everlasting need f
or more and even more artifacts, because at this stage, primitive men are yet un
able to replicate , even the simplest forms of them... Many groups are still pre
ying on landfields for food, others choose to collect fruits. And many other gro
ups are fiercely scavenging for even more & more usable artifacts, mainly preyin
g on metal, literally digging deep inside the crumbled cities and their silt bur
ied corridors, ripping up whatever erosion-free metal elements, still enclosed w
ithin any building leftovers, smearing them into dust to extract large quantitie
s of metal.. thus, slowly eradicating any concrete structures completely in the
process. In some cases, there are artifacts still yet in fairly good shape and e
ven fully functional in whatever they were doing. solar powered Led lamps for ex
ample - or the equivalent of such. These are considered as possessing "magical"
powers, even regarded as "gifts" from gods above, or pathways to communicate wit
h deity , so they are strictly kept in secret by the forming priesthood Elites .
Several thousands of years pass, and the segregated tribes have now spread arou
nd vast areas of the planet, forming new nations , new kingdoms, well passing in
to their agricultural and trading phases, metallurgy is developing more and more
into reshaping the vast amounts of unearthed metal objects , wars between natio
ns are now a cruel reality, mainly involving scavenging upon the more and more s
carce ancient ruins, that , after eons of endless scavenging are on the way of e
xtinction, at least from the surface of the earth. In each occasion of a new fin
ding, teams of scavengers thoroughly rip the place apart, leaving no traces behi
nd, to keep any potentially rival scavenging tribes away. This includes even sub
merged structures at reachable depths, old ruined river dams and bridges, aquife
rs of any sort.Time is ruthlessly passing by, and some eons later, the collectiv
e scavenging and rivals between nations leaves nothing back , possibly not even
a single trace of any human structures from the Old ages. Societies are recyclin
g any metal tin they can get one way or another, all but any exceptions of speci
al metal alloys, claimed by the ever present, priesthood Elites. And , while the
rest of the society is now lacking of any ancient artifact from the Old times o
f the golden ages, the priests seem to retain a good collection of them, unaware
of their usage, as most of them strangely powered gizmos are not designated or
fitted for hard labor and thus, are not permitted to be even touched by non prie
sts. And the technical skills is gradually evolving more and more by the passing
time, but without any ancient artifacts around, for they have all perished or r
edrawn from common view by now : This is only a privilege for a king's eyes to t
ouch or even see an Artifact from the golden age of Man.. And then one day, all
of a sudden, something weird happened : Several ancient Artifacts, kept by the p
riests, seem to get a life of their own , making all sort of unknown sounds, gli
mmering or vibrating, some of them even levitating, against the utter panic of t
heir guardian priests... Strange phenomena appear in the sky! Night sky is fast
turning into dawn and then night again, times over and over as a huge shiny star
is slowly passing over the new kingdoms, some 20 times at night and as much eve
n by day, resembling to a second sun in the sky and turning all men into an utte
r frenziness, at least during the first days ! Many new small stars are also run
ning around into the night sky without any steady path, but quite random, as the
y sometimes stop and even turn instantly back! Then, time after, long enough fro
m the first events, a visit from the presence above was finally occurring!! All
the primitive nations were faced with an unprecedented event: The GODS have arri
ved to answer their pray. GODS or daemons, were INDEED in their way to either he
lp, or vanish them! Heavenly beings, riding golden carriages, flying up in heave
ns to hide in the arms of the everlasting father, the SUN, or diving DOWN the de
pths of the bottomless oceans, though GODS or daemons with their own agenda, qui
te literally not giving A DAMN about them in most cases, or being utterly friend
ly or HOSTILE in others! Little did the poor men knew, as a millennia old genera
tion ship of enormous size, an ancient Aztlanean cruiser from a distant star sys
tem , had, at last, found it's way back to the ancestral planet of the origin of
Man , driven by a rather limited but quite capable crew of Homo Neanderthallis
, also seeking for a NEW beginning back on planet Earth, some 65,000+ years afte
r the primary departure of their forefathers, to recolonize the Alpha centauri c
luster, remedying the state of affairs to a failed LeMurian mission that took pl
ace, some tens of thousands of years, even BEFORE their OWN time: The year of ar
rival was 23, under the new constellation of LEO. just a few hundred centuries a
way from the last time their helpless brothers from the remnants of the lands of
Aztlan, were ever to face the warm light of the Father SUN.. before perishing w
ithout a single trace, following the last POLE shift.

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