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Linux Help - Linux Cheat Sheet

Luke's Cheat Sheet For Linux

Created on Friday December 8th, 2000


RPM - Red Hat Package Management

Install - rpm -i ***.rpm

Upgrade -rpm -Uvh ***.rpm
Erase/uninstall - rpm -e package-name
Force installation -rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps ***.rpm
Query package - rpm -q package-name

Debian Package Managment (.debs)

Firstly edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add your closest mirror and cds with debian on:
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20000814)]
then run apt-get update
install - dpkg -i package.deb
remove/uninstall - dpkg -r package
List files asscoiated with package -dpkg -L package
Version - dpkg -l package
Unpack A deb - dpkg -unpack package.deb
install - apt-get install <package>
search - apt-cache search <package>
remove - apt-get remove <package>
(When using apt-get to download off the Internet, the .deb files are placed in /var/cache/apt/archives)

Network Side
Allow Hosts -edit/etc/hosts.allow #Example Service:IP-ADDRESS
Deny Hosts - edit /etc/hosts.allow # Example ALL:ALL
Hosts on Network - edit/etc/hosts
Set Hostname - hostname <hostname>
Nameservers - edit /etc/resolv.conf

KernelUpgrade(Refer to Joey's upgrading kernel guidefor full instructions.)

cp linux-*.*.*.tar.gz ; tar zxvf linux-*.*.*.tar.gz ; mv linux /usr/src/linux-*.*.*

cd /usr/src/linux ; make menuconfig (go to bottom save config to a file /usr/src/oldconfig)

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Linux Help - Linux Cheat Sheet

rm /usr/src/linux ; ln -s /usr/src/linux-*.*.* ; cd /usr/src/linux

make menuconfig (go to bottom load up config file /usr/src/oldconfig, save and and exit)

make dep; make clean; make bzImage; make modules; make modules_install; make install ; reboot

Sound Configuration

Redhat Distribution: run sndconfig

In Debian: Compile soundcard module into kernel
Edit /etc/modules
In Slackware: Compile module into kernel

Useful Information
run cat on these files - cat /proc/<filename>
Install nmap -nmap <Your IP> <- Will list ports open
Edit /etc/fstab- place in partitions and drives to be mount
Edit /etc/inittab- Change Runlevel (ie X or Console)
Edit /etc/inetd.conf- Add/Remove Services
Edit /etc/syslog.conf - Information on log files
Useful commands - free ; ps aux ; top
Changing Window Manager in Debian - update-alternatives x-window-manager
Changing Window Manager in Slackware -xwmconfig
Progammer? Use Vim? - Edit .vimrcadd these lines

set autoindent
syn on
set cindent

Window Maker
mv wm-theme.tar.gz ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker
cd ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMake
tar zxvf wm-theme.tar.gz
(Right click, Work space>Appearance>Themes>WM-theme)

mv e-theme.tar.gz /usr/share/enlightenment/themes/ || ~/.enlightenment/themes/
run e-conf

mkdir ~/themes ; mkdir ~/themes/gnome/
mv gtk-theme.tar.gz
gnomecc (Desktop >Theme selector)

cp sawfish-theme.tar.gz /usr/share/sawmill || ~./sawmill/themes/

This Page is always getting updated.

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