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Finite Element Methods for

Flow in Porous Media

John Chapman and Max Jensen
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University

where is a Lipschitz domain of Rn, f L2(). been used to form a mesh. In order to refine a
Fluid Flow in Multiply (4)1 by a smooth test function v finite element method on the region there are
H01() and integrate by parts to find three obvious choices: To increase the degree of
Porous Media Z Z the polynomial interpolant (p-method); to refine
the mesh size (h-method); or to do both (hp-
p v dx = f v dx (5)
method). The left hand side of Figure 2 shows
A porous medium contains at least one non solid the original mesh, and the RHS shows a refine-
phase in a solid matrix where the pores com- where the boundary terms have vanished be- ment of the triangulation round a reentrant cor-
prising the void space are interconnected. The cause of the boundary condition (4)2. The equa- ner.
porosity, of the medium at a point x0 is the tion (5) is known as the weak formulation of
ratio of void space to total volume in a neigh- the problem (4) for p H01() and for all
bourhood of x0, known as a representative ele- v H01(). This process can be generalised
mentary volume (REV) as shown in Figure 1. for Lp = f where L is an elliptic differential op-
erator with the associated bilinear form B given
B[p, v] := (aij (x))pxi vxj
Figure 2: Finite element mesh refinement
n  at a corner
bi(x)pxi v + c(x)pv dx (6)
+ Every type of problem will require a different
Figure 1: A porous medium filling with i=1 approach to mesh refinements and polynomial
REV centred on x0 degree, although some general principles can be
where aij , bi, c are given coefficient func- applied based on the smoothness of the solu-
Consider a porous medium filling a domain tions. By the Lax-Milgram Theorem the equa- tions. Unfortunately this smoothness may not
R3. Conservation of mass in implies tion B[p, v] = (f, v) (where ( , ) denotes the in- be known a priori.
ner product in L2) has a unique solution under On a practical and theoretical level it is often eas-
+ (u) = q in (1) certain conditions on B (see [5], p.298). Ap- ier to solve the equations on a reference element
plying these results to the fluid flow problem and then transform the solution (and any asso-
where the first term represents mass accumu- (3) and looking for a weak solution for p in the ciated error) to the triangulation of the problem
lation due to changes of fluid density in the case of incompressible flow gives the coefficients in question. Choosing basis functions on the ref-
porous medium, the second mass inflow or out- a = (K)/, b = (K)/ and c = 0. erence elements is usually more straightforward
flow from the volume and the RHS sources and
than on a general element, and the functions only
sinks within . is the density of the fluid and u
have to be determined once. It is important to
is the macroscopic velocity. Darcys Law, given
by (2), can be derived from the Navier-Stokes
Finite Element pick basis elements with small supports across
the finite element space as this can considerably
equations and is valid in regions of slow, viscous
flow. This is the case in most oil reservoir prob-
Methods reduce computational difficulty as it results in
matrices that are sparse.
K As with any numerical method it is essential to
u = (p g) (2) In most cases solving B[p, v] = (f, v) explicitly bound the error incurred by approximating the

is impossible as the solution space V is infinite true solution p with pN . With finite elements
Here p is the fluid pressure which is to be deter- dimensional (e.g. V above is H01()) . One ap- the fundamental result is Ceas inequality
mined, the dynamic viscosity and K(x) a ten- proach to this is to solve the problem in a finite
sor of absolute permeability. Combining equa- dimensional subspace VN and demonstrate that kp pN kV c inf kp vkV (8)
tions (1) and (2) gives the solution in VN is a valid approximation to the vVN


 solution in V . In general the solution pN VN
+ (p g) = q in (3) and p V are not the same, but by taking suc- with c a constant. Ceas inequality is the ba-
t sis for proving the convergence of finite element
cessively larger subspaces VN1 VN2 . . . V
which is a parabolic equation in general, but re- the solutions pNi converge to the true solution. methods.
duces to elliptic form if the density is constant This method is known as the Galerkin method. References:
i.e. the equations model an incompressible fluid. We assume that B is a bounded and elliptic bi- [1] Atkinson, K. and Han, W., Theoretical Numerical Analysis:
linear form. If VN is taken as piecewise polyno- A Functional Analysis Framework, Springer-Verlag, New York,
mials on a polygonal discretization (or triangu- 2001.

Weak lation) of , then the method is a finite element

method. The Lax-Milgram Theorem again guar-
[2] Bastian, P., Numerical Computation of Multiphase Flows
in Porous Media, Habilitationsschrift, Christian-Albrechts-
Universitat Kiel, 1999.
Formulation antees the problem
[3] Bear, J., Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media, Dover Publica-
tions, New York, 1988.
pn Vn, B[pn, vn] = (f, vn), (7)
[4] Braess, D., Finite Elements: Theory, Fast Solvers, and Appli-
Consider the partial differential equation cations in Solid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, Cam-
 has a unique solution. bridge, 2007.
p = f in Consider a problem of the form (7) on a region
(4) [5] Evans, L.C., Partial Differential Equations, American Mathe-
p = 0 on given in Figure 2 where triangular elements have matical Society, Rhode Island, 2008.

MAGIC 2009: Complexity, algorithms and methods.

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