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Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making

choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free
from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth and includes
different dimensions based on the different components in your everyday
There are seven dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional,
intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental and occupational. The physical
dimension involves your diet, daily exercise, and harmful habits such as
drug and alcohol abuse. The emotional dimension is having the ability to
love and be loved and achieving a sense of fulfillment in life and it
encompasses optimism, self-esteem, self-acceptance and the ability to
share feelings.The intellectual dimension includes creativity and stimulates
mental activities. The ability to interact successfully in our global community
and to live up to the expectations and demands of our personal roles is part
of the social dimension, while the spiritual dimension is having beliefs,
principles, and values to help guide you in your life. The environmental
dimension is your awareness of our unstable earth and your life on the
physical earth and your occupational dimension involves preparing and
making use of your gifts, skills, and talents in order to gain purpose,
happiness, and enrichment in your life.
Personally, i feel that my social and emotional dimensions play the
biggest role in my everyday life. I like to focus on my family and friends to
create special bonds with them because it allows me to feel not only secure
but not alone. Its nice to have your family and friends around you to help
you and to guide you with advice or lessons or opinions. It negatively
affects me because if im having a fight with someone that i adore very
much, it feels as if im alone even though i am surrounded by many other
loved ones and it affects my emotional dimension. Emotionally, i like to
think positive and be a happy person to everyone around me because it
allows me to work positively and not bring myself down. The negative part
to this is if im upset, it can negatively affect myself and others around me
because my emotional dimension is a big part of me.
In society, i think that your wellness should come first before anything
else. It is important for you to focus on yourself and every dimension of
wellness that there is and it shouldnt be considered wrong. For example,
you could be having a good day until someone insults you and then you
feel that your day is ruined. If youre having a good day, it means that all of
the dimensions of your wellness were in some way satisfied and it shouldnt
be taken away just because someone insults you. If your wellness was
looked at to be more important in society, people wouldnt even make rude
comments like that because theyd be focusing on their own wellness too
and it wouldnt make them feel good either. I feel that if wellness was a
bigger focus in todays society, the world would be a happier place because
people would take the time to focus on themselves more to help improve
their life and those around them. Obama did a great job in encouraging
people to focusing on themselves by the changes he made to healthcare.
People are now able to get better healthcare for a lower cost, allowing
many more people to be able to get the care they need. As of Trump, i dont
believe he would be doing the same benefits to everyone, only certain
people which does not make everyones wellness become better and can
make some peoples wellness get worse if they are not able to get the
same healthcare benefits.
Overall, i believe that watching my diet and exercise, talking out my
problems, communicating with those around me, and viewing my personal
talents and skills will help to better not only my overall wellness, but my
familys as well. By watching my diet and exercise, I can make sure that my
body is getting the nutrients it needs to make energy and keep myself
active, so i dont feel lazy, I can feel more energized throughout my day. By
talking out my problems, I can talk out why I feel a certain way and what I
believe will help me. This will allow me to talk out my situation and think
about how i can fix the problem instead of just trying to ignore it and not do
anything about it making me upset. Communicating with those around me
will allow me to create stronger bonds with those around me. By
communicating with my counselor, I was able to organize a schedule and
get into a class that makes makes me happy everyday. By viewing my
personal talents and skills, I can better process what future jobs would be
good for me and what I would be happy doing allowing me to stress a little
less over colleges and majors.
Mia Jackson

Mr. Rios

Anatomy p.6

27 March 2017

MLA Work Cited

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