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PORORO the Little Penguin

Little Cooks
S#1. Playground

Crong Cro-ong~ (yawn)

Pororo Im so bored~

Poby (yawn) Is there anything fun to do?

Eddy Something fun to do

Loopy Hmmm Right! What about this? A party~!

Pororo, Poby A party?

Crong Crong?
Yeah, lets have a party at my place around lunchtime
Friends Wow~ that sounds fun.
Each person can bring one dish to the party, and then
we can all share it with one another, OK?
Pororo Thats a great idea, Loopy!

Crong Crong~ (Yeah!)

Friends Hahaha (faint smile)

Pororo and friends went home to cook for the party
next day.
S#2. Fishing Ground

Poby Huh?

Poby Yip~!

Poby Im going to make a delicious fish dish with this!

S#3. Loopys House (Outside)
S#4. Loopys House (Inside)
Loopy What should I cook?

Loopy Yes, this should do Hehehe

S#5. Eddys House (Outside)

Eddy (V.O) I found it!

S#6. Eddys House (Inside)

Eddy Right, this is it!!! Yes! Huh?

Eddy Ahhhh!
Ouch (But everyone will be surprised by my
cooking! : )
S#7. Pororos House (Outside)

Narration Its late at night. What are Pororo and Crong doing?

Pororo (monologue) What should I make?

Pororo Crong~ What are you going to make?

Crong Cro ump!

Pororo Whatever humph, tsz

Crong Crong~!

Crong Crororo~ Crororo~ (zzzzzz)

Crong Croro? Crong!!

Pororo (V.O) (Whistling along a song)

Pororo (whistling)

Pororo (V.O) (Whistling)

Pororo Tada~ special dish all done~!

Crong Croro (What is it?) Crong! (Huh?)

Crong, Im going to go ahead, so when youre done,
you should join us there.
Pororo (whistling)

Crong C..rong~

Crong Cro!!! (humph!) Crong? (Huh? This is?)

Crong (V.O) Crong? (Uh?)

Crong Crororong??? (What is this?)

S#9. Loopys House (Outside)

Eddy Loopy~
Loopy Come on in, Eddy. Did you see Crong on your way?

Eddy Crong?

Crong (V.O) Crong~ Crong~

Crong Crong, Crong~

Eddy There you are, Crong.

Crong Cro~!!! (Oops!) Phew~

Narration What did Crong prepare for the party?

S#10. Loopys House (Inside)

Poby Come on in~ Weve been waiting for you.

Narration Everyone has prepared something.

Well, lets see what everyone has brought. I made a
special dish for the party.
Loopy (V.O) Tada~ A party cake!!!

Friends (V.O) Wow~

Poby I got something for the party, too.

Friends (V.O) Wow~

Eddy Did you really make this, Poby?

Poby Yeah~

Pororo I brought some very delicious cookies.

Pororo (V.O) And they have my pictures on them.

Pororo Yum yum, they taste really good

Eddy Well~ I brought something healthy~

Eddy (V.O) Eddys Healthy Salad!

Friends (V.O) Wow~

Loopy Well, What did you bring, Crong? Im curious

Crong? (Me?) Crororo~ (Hold your breathe~) Crong!!
Friends Wow~

Loopy Perfect, we needed something to drink.

Pororo Crong, not bad at all.

Crong Crong~ (Dont mention it.)

Everyone Wow~ This is great!

Eddy Should we make a toast for the party?

Friends Yeah~

Eddy For a great party, cheers~!

Eddy Gulp~ (drinking) Hup! (stops)

Pororo (cough, cough)

Poby Ah~!

Pororo Ahhhh~ Too salty!!!

Eddy (cough, cough)

Eddy Its too spicy for me! (cough, cough)

Crong Crong? Gulp~ Croror~!!!! (Wow, its spicy!!!)

Eddy (cough, cough)

Pororo C, Crong, what did you put in it?

Crong Crong~ (Uhh) Crong~ (This~)

Loopy Salt and pepper powder?

Pororo That explains it~

Friends Hahahaha~

Crong Cr.~

Friends Hahaha
Anyhow, Pororo and friends had a great time eating
different food that they prepared.

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