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Step 1

Step 1: Identify Classroom Demands

Lesson Title: 30-60-90 Right Triangles and

Grade Level Addressed: 8th grade algebra
Classroom Organization: Classroom Grouping:
Physical Organization Students are grouped to help all students
-Desks in rows, facing the board. succeed.
-Teacher desk somewhere at back of class A seating chart is created to set more
-Overhead tools at front of class gifted students close to the more
-Weekly planning boards at left of the class challenged students.
-Rule boards to the right Rows are often pushed together to form
Classroom Routines pairs for group work.
1. Come in to classroom
2. Turn homework in
3. Set down and quietly begin bell work
4. Go over homework/questions from
previous day
5. Begin lesson
6. Guided practice
7. Independent practice/assign homework
Classroom Climate
-Warm and vibrant
-Open door policy
Behavior Management
-Classroom rules written by the students
and posted on wall.
-Token Economy
-Behavior Contracts if necessary
The use of time
Step 1

-Simple daily routines and methods have

been taught and practiced to utilize all 50

Instructional Methods:
Plan to make this student-centered
Teach and ask exploratory questions at the
Teach examples and then walk around for
guided practice while students are in pairs

Instructional Materials: Other:

Marker pens
Dry erase markers
Example file
Worksheet file (enough for students)
Checklist file (enough for students)

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