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forecasts for
August 2016 through December 2037

an Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis Intelligence Report


by clif high
copyright 2016 all rights reserved, claims for invention and labor

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
All rights reserved
This future forecasting stuff can seem overwhelming...
Even to me, and even after all these years examining data and creating reports. So if it gets to you, or
you have questions about the reports, my best contact email for such will be
For background on how these reports are created, there is a primer in the last 8/eight pages of this
report. If your questions about preparation are not answered after reading these, then send an email and
I will get back to you when I am able to get through the daily work (there is a lot of it).

Your ALTA report changes...

If you are a reader of the ALTA reports, you will notice our new format. This new look is designed to
eliminate some of the barriers for our information by reducing the complexity of the presentation.

Your world changes...

The 'winds' meme is growing both in supporting sets for new 'winds' phenomena, but also now gaining
support from the sets involved in the 'popcorn storms'. These 'popcorn storms (violent brief thunder
storms)' are growing as a forecast occurrence to appear over these next few months. The data sets are
showing that the 'popcorn storms' will be 'crossing (whole) continents' (including north America) with
such speed that the 'water load' within the 'storm' is only 'grows (as it crosses land)' and is then
'released' at the 'next shore'. These 'popcorn storms' are going to be both 'numerous' to the point of
eliciting discussion, as well as being 'violent' to the point of creating 'flash floods' and 'fires (via
lightning strikes)'.
Other sets in supporting positions for 'rains' are again pointing to the 'wringing (of the) clouds' into a
'deluge' which is indicated to cause several 'miles' of 'train tracks' and 'supporting infrastructure ' to be
'washed away (from a hillside?)' and end up in 'another country, near the coast'. These 'rains destroy
trains' sets are growing as though a major and wide meme is developing. The 'rains destroy' sets have
the largest levels of growth with 'trains' being but one, albeit an eye catching, of many within the 'sets
of destruction'. There are even sets that are growing with aspect/attribute sets for 'boats' that will be
'sunk by rains'. Other areas to receive these 'destroying rains' include 'sports stadiums', and 'port
buildings (maybe airports)'. Many other buildings and structures are described as being 'flooded out' or
'washed away'. These 'destroying rains' are slightly different from the 'lakes in the atmosphere' in that
the 'rains' are described as being 'wind driven' and 'cumulative (over) time' in the sense of 'rain clouds
keep coming (bring more rains)' in a 'flowing river (in the atmosphere)'. So whereas previous ALTA
reports had 'lakes in the atmosphere' which would 'dump out (their) volume' in short periods, these new
'destroying rains' are as though the 'rivers in the atmosphere' have a specific point at which they are
dumping their volume so the effects will be 'as though a river (suddenly appeared)' and 'swept
everything away'. Most of the geographic associations for these data sets have northern hemisphere
place names, however a significant number of those are also shared south of the equator.

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
All rights reserved
The pace of changes affecting the planet are forecast to increase to the level of being 'weekly felt' by a
very large portion of the 'global population'. The sets forecasting this are suggesting that our
conversations over the rest of this year and into next will take a turn where, if we go back and examine
them later, we will find that our weekly discussions included mention of those earth changes that
personally impacted our lives. The forecasts are bringing up the language that we are going to be using
and these include 'earthquakes', 'tornadoes', yet more 'floods', especially those that 'move houses', and
'shift populations (locally)'. Many of these sets include the mountains of central europe and the
mountains of France.
There are new earth changes sets that are forecasting a 'brief' and way early 'dip straight into winter' as
'snow' and 'freezing temperatures' will be the headlines for many places across the northern hemisphere
in September.
New episodes of planetary expansion are showing up in the data as the 'results' are indicated to
seriously impact humanity over 2016 and beyond. This year we are yet expecting to see 'roadways' and
'highways' that will be 'rendered useless' due to 'planetary stretching effects'. These are described very
nearly like an earthquake, but according to the data sets there will be no 'local earthquakes' when these
'stretching episodes' happen. In these stretching episodes we will see asphalt roads and airport runways
that will be 'stretched to separation' that will cause the 'rebuilding of the facilities'. The data has several
of these episodes such that 'rebuilding airports' becomes something of an ongoing theme for the next
few decades.

Your Global Population changes....

It's a Depression out there , with a big 'D', and the data sets are saying that real soon, as in this year,
pretty much anywhere in the whole of the western dollar dominated world, the 'D' word will be
entering your vocabulary, and that of your friends.
The whole of the world is going to be dealing with the 'Depression' that is going to settle in over the
western, dollar empire, beginning in 2016. Bear in mind, there is a lot of energy in the dollar,
economic, political, and social, as well as personal. It will take a long time for the dollar to die, and as
recent was said to an inquisitive billionaire, even years after the dollar has died here in USAPop, there
will still be bucks circulating in FarFlungistan.
The Depression in the 'developed world' is described by the data sets as being labeled as 'D3'. The
meaning of the D in the D3 label is reasonably clear, the 3, less so. However the data is much more
clear in describing the 'bizarro world' into which we are all headed. The next few months are the 'last
hill' before we settle into a 'long walk into the dark valley'. This Depression is described in varying
time lengths for different countries, but in general the next 5/five years are going to be a 'negative
growth period' for all of the global 'paper debt' markets.
The apparent exception on the paper debt markets is going to be within China and its SE Asia
association. The data sets here are referring to Chinese economic growth as a 'talent magnet' for the
whole planet.
While there is growth showing for China, the western dollar empire is described in very very dark

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
All rights reserved
language. The 'dark valley' language is gaining large support and is rising in its supporting position
within the sets for GlobalPop. The 'depression' word is not a very good 'tell' for the future as by the
time it appears in the main public media, we will already be deeply into it.
Some clarity is forming up in an older, long term data set, now shifted into shorter term and immediacy
data that describes a 'Sari wearing woman' who will be rising to global prominence by the 'virtues'.
These 'virtues' are described as 'upsetting' and 'over turning' and 'up ending', and 'emptying' the
'banksters' at a global level. This 'sari wearing woman' is also described as 'smart', as in perhaps 'one of
the top thinkers' on the planet, who is basically only 'locally well known' until these 'virtues' begin to
'propel her' to 'new social heights'. These 'virtues' are also shown as doing the 'uplifting (of her status)
against her wishes'. Other sets describe her as 'ruthless' in her 'defense of (her) principles'. In some of
the supporting sets we find aspect/attribute sets that suggest she is 'an enlightened being', and has
'repeatedly (been) tested (by) death and challenges'.
Data sets growing in supporting positions to 'surprise encounter' are filling with 'sub sea survey' and
'oceanographic representation' and 'analysis' and 'exposure'. All of these are focusing on the 'surprise
encounter' between GlobalPop and the 'sub set inhabitants'. While there are huge levels of cross links
over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity, where termination is all over the place from 'unknown' to 'officially
denied' to 'WTF?', the primary supporting cross links are more sobering and are internal in GlobalPop
or over to TPTB entity. Again we see that there are links between the 'results of the sub sea survey' and
the 'Caribbean mummy ship wreck discovery', but these new 'surprise encounter' sets are appearing in
other area of 'ocean activities (that affect GlobalPop)'. The data sets are suggesting that the 'results of
the oceanographic survey' will be 'very revealing' and will cause a 'viral discussion' about 'what is
going on down there (meaning sub sea)'. See SpaceGoatFarts entity for more on this subject.
We still have growing forecasts for a very dramatic 'cruise ship rescue' involving lots of 'smoke',
'wailing people', 'helicopters', 'heaving waters', and much more drama. These 'rescue' forecasts for this
'cruise ship' are now starting to include some of the details about 'rampaging disease', and 'disabled
crew members', and 'over flowing septic systems', and 'polluted water', and 'failed systems (on the
boat)' and many other such phrases indicating that the only part of this memory fondly considered will
be having survived the trip. The way the data sets are describing this language the underlying event
should be well reported in real time with a lot of coverage.
The data is growing in our shorter term types pointing toward a 'maritime disaster'. This disaster is
apparently a sister to one we have already experienced, at least so far as modelspace states. This
'sisterhood' with a previous 'nautical debacle' is what is described as precipitating the disaster part of
the soon-to-be-seen drama. The 'drama' component is its own part of the story as apparently this
disaster will take months and months to 'play itself out'. The drama description contains wording about
the movement, after the disaster as being just as entertaining as the 'disaster drama' itself. These
'maritime' disaster sets have been very prescient in our past work. Again we have repeated lexical sets
within the larger group for a 'mess' of a 'ship disaster' with 'much damage', 'distraught tourists',
'management freaking out (caught on video striking someone?)', and other language going to the idea
of a self-compounding problem, once the initial screw-up happens. Some of the many many side
effects forecast to be arising from the sinking of this ship include huge levels of 'insurance' and
'banking' problems. These insurance claims and banking woes come as a result of the 'trauma' of the

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
All rights reserved
There are a new areas in our modelspace that are forecasting the rise of very 'troubling food crop woes'.
These are, at this point, showing up for the 'southern hemisphere' more so than the northern. The
manifestation of these 'food crop problems' is going to be first written about as 'crop failures' of one
kind or another as there are various different species involved, but note that in all cases the causes cited
will be wrong. The data is showing that a 'food crop plague' has developed that apparently lives in the
ecology of the crops. This may not be soil resident, or may only be so for a brief time period. The data
is suggesting that the 'plague' of crop failures even across many differing species will be able to be, in a
couple of years, tracked down to a single causal agent. Many of the species will be connected by a very
particular DNA sub set that will, once discovered, lead to the causal agent, and to a global discussion of
'planetary food security' at a level never before conceived.
A few of the interconnections between the planetary data sets and the GlobalPop data sets have a new
form of transportation emerging as a result of the 'earth expansion effects'. Note that this is coincident
with the 'flying cars' of the early 2020s (when invented), but these sets are showing that the invention
gets into production and use very much more rapidly. This new transport is a form of a water-car that
will be very useful on inland waters of all kinds, but specifically is showing up as being used on canals
and inland rivers. The transport does not, as of this processing have any form of popular label, so we
will define it as a 'multiple legged (centipede) hydrofoiling water bug car'. This vehicle is showing as
being part of the new electrics and coming into wide spread use in many areas, and then later, showing
up as being invaluable when the 'roads are destroyed' by earthquakes and 'localized stretching' that
renders asphalt useless in those areas in the future.
Over the course of the next few months, the data is suggesting that a general trend toward increasing
legal contention will emerge. This is a 'natural' part of the process of humanity at the moment as may
be expected with all the contention in the world, however the data sets are forecasting that a 'deliberate
effort' in the legal area is going to manifest between July 31 and October 8 that will 're-orient' the
'world'. This seemingly does not relate to politics, though it will influence that area. Nor is it directly
related to currencies and money, but is showing as having a huge impact on paper debt and paper debt
derivatives by the time the October 8th is past. The words associated with this 'deliberate effort in
lawsuit' is 'transformational'. The data is describing a situation in which 'upending' and 're-seating' takes
place at a level that will be 'heard about (read/understood/become aware of)' by 'over half of humans'
on the planet.
GlobalPop continues to get new data sets in support of the 'small nation' that goes to 'monetize gold'
and 'receives support (from the) global smuggling community'. This 'small nation' and its 'financial
problems' that result in a 'gold taken as money over currencies' position is indicated to be 'globally
impacting (on the) financial press' as well as the 'financial world'. The 'financial press' is specifically
cited in a set that predicts 'panic' on the 'faces of tv presenters', and 'news people fainting' on camera,
and other effects as though even the 'propaganda media' was taken 'unawares' reacting in a 'raw' and
'uncontrolled manner'. These sets are filled with similar language in supporting sub sets that describe a
world suddenly shocked by wild price swings in materials and currencies all revolving around gold,
and silver. The 'shock' is apparently going to be 'real' and 'demonstrated' by the 'financial press' as the
are 'on camera' as the 'paper debt world' comes unglued and the 'numbers bounce like tennis balls'
across the screens of the planet.

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
All rights reserved
Problems in the 'housing business' will be spreading from 'housing' out to 'construction' in some rather
dramatic forms as several stories are being forecast to come out of Australian media that will present
'construction to politics corruption' links. This is indicated to be a 'scandal' that will spread around
Australia like 'mold on a crisp'. The data sets are showing that 'corrupt (and recent re-elected?)
politicians' will be 'flayed alive' for some of the 'egregious profits' that they were making 'under the
covers' as 'back room owners' of many 'rental properties'. Further examples of 'bad behavior' will also
be coming out in the 'media' as several of the 'politicians' will be involved in yet-another-sex-scandal
around a 'donated apartment' from a major builder.
Other issues include 'bad foods' showing up, not as a recall, at least not according to the data, but rather
as both a scandal and a national joke. In the scandal part the data shows that 'bad food' will have been
sold quite a while ago (maybe several years) and never reported, even though the guys selling it,
apparently knew it was bad or tainted at the time. The scandal comes from governments that at the time
also knew and were, well, maybe....bribed to look the other way. Of course this was years ago. So thus
the national joke will emerge that, yes, Aussies may live in a totally corrupt govern-ocracy, but look
how tough they are to be able to eat that, and survive!

Our data is showing that the Spratley Island's are going to emerge as being, from ChinaPop's
perspective, all about energy. First the data is suggesting that ChinaPop is going to build giant,
absolutely huge, deep sea, temperature conversion units there for production of cheap(ish) electricity
for the SE Asian region, while second, the data shows that a recent, and still secret (shh...don't tell
anyone) find of sub sea 'rare earths' is going to be mined for use in ChinaPop's energy industry.
ChinaPop is also showing that a large spurt of economic growth is going to emerge that is described as
being the 'ground support' for the ChinaPop in Space initiative. While not a big employer just now, a
number of data sets are going to the idea that ChinaPop is going to decide to 'build space ports' in
several areas of China, both south and west, and that these efforts will 'employ tens of millions for
decades' as the 'Space port business' takes off over these next 20+ years.
Three of the Five Major Efforts that ChinaPop is working on actively include the ChinaPop in Space
initiative, and the ChinaPop under the oceans, and ChinaPop makes energy are all showing up in the
new sets in modelspace as soon to have been given a big boost by officialdom such that new successes
are being touted internally. The data is forecasting that the 'ChinaPop under the oceans' is going to be a
key part of the other two as the rare earths mining efforts from ChinaPop are described as 'serious', and
'significant' to the 'future of ChinaPop'. And create all kinds of new inventions for 'under oceans habitat'
and 'under oceans industrial activities'.
New data sets for ChinaPop are focusing on the Chinese economic expansion efforts that are going on
internally in ChinaPop. As a part of these efforts the data is forecasting that the central authorities will
be both promoting bitcoin as well as announcing their own blockchain efforts for 'improved
government efficiency', however note that the idea is to use the public ledger approach to 'curtail

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
All rights reserved
internal governmental paper fraud'.
The ChinaPop sets are also forecasting that central authorities will be deliberately leaking word of a
group of meetings/conferences in which 'designs' for a '5/five year transition' into a 'e-gold yuan' are
being put forward. The idea is that the central authorities are making the first movements toward a very
large shift of the chinese population into a different form of 'circulating money'. The idea coming
across is 'redeemable digits' or what the data is calling 'commodities backed crypto-currencies'. These
sets are also cross linked over the ThePowersThatBe sets and show that those bastards are going to be
'losing their minds' along with their 'power base'. And note that the data is indicating it will not even
take the actual implementation of the 5/five year plan, rather the 'leaks' and 'rumors' are going to be
enough to precipitate the 'final tremble' in the 'fragile western banking system'.

The continuing saga of the 'war for europe population' is showing as becoming 'increasingly violent' in
August and onward through Fall (northern hemisphere). The data sets would have the first of the
'successful push back' from the 'core peoples initiative' starting to 'alter (into an) army' by early
'november 2016' with the 'establishing (of the) command structures (locally and regionally)', and the
'introduction' of the 'rapid deployment forces (street war goes mobile)'.
The 'command structures' within the data are not the only innovation showing up. We also have
descriptions for the 'core peoples' starting their 'deployment' of 'drones'. These 'drones' will be used to
'monitor' and to 'harass' both the 'authorities', and the 'migrants'.
We note that the 'social media' forecasts within our data are suggesting that the 'migrant' word, within
the 'core peoples groups' will be replaced with 'invaders' over the rest of 2016 as the 'PopWar' (war
between populations in which the populations fight not only each other, but also the authorities) heats
up over 2016.
The use of 'drones' by the 'core peoples' is indicated to cause very 'disproportionate fear' in the 'invaders
/migrant population'. The initial reactions are described as causing 'great alarm' among the 'radicalized
migrants' as many with 'weapons' take to the 'streets shooting up in the sky'. This alarm is focused on
how 'revealing' the many 'incidents' of 'sky shooting' are as the 'authorities' will be watching. Further
concern on the part of the 'radicalized migrants' will come from their worries over 'exposure of their
hidden behavior' as many of the drones will be 'taking videos' for later replay on 'social media'. This
aspect is showing up as a hugely complicating the 'war on terror' aspect of things for the 'authorities' as
it will bring citizens both to the 'police stations' and to the 'perpetrators houses'. In both cases, the
'authorities' are indicated to have very bad reactions.
The use of the 'drones' in areas such as 'urban France' and 'Germany' include forecasts that 'drones' will
be 'armed' in short order, and then things get really interesting with 'authorities' and 'officialdom' at all
levels questioning 'who owns them (the drones above our heads)?'. The data is forecasting that the next
step in the evolution of the 'air tactics' of PopWar in Europe are going to include 'shot outs' with and
between drones over populated areas such that 'debris rains down' and videos surface. The videos are
going to be their own part of the 'drones in PopWar' story as the drones will be bringing back video

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
All rights reserved
which will nearly instantly show up edited into 'propaganda films' on all your usual 'social media'.
Further wrinkles in the 'drones' as 'tactic' in PopWar are showing up for later in 2017 as a new
technology will allow for 'drone hijacking' such that from that point forward, no matter what 'stripes'
the 'drone wears', one can never be sure just 'who controls' the critter.
Then just when the 'ownership' issue becomes the first thing everyone thinks of when they see the
drones flying overhead, we are forecasting that the question of 'is it a drone' will surface as 'bird-like'
machines, as well as 'transparent drones' will make their appearance in the rapidly evolving PopWar.
The data is forecasting that this will lead to a situation over some areas of 'no flying bird is safe' zones.
Many of the new sets within the EuropePop group are all containing support for 'break up (of the EU)'.
The break-up language all contains very high emotive tones values so we are looking at very robust
emotional trends that will be dominating for decades, probably for generations. These data sets are
bringing up the idea of mostly a total collapse of the 'EU system' as such. The data would have the EU
as an experiment really start breaking up in early Fall of this year as 'pensions' for the 'EU bureaucracy'
are indicated to take a huge hit that forces a radical reappraisal by all concerned within the EU bosses
class. These 'pension shocks (horror)' are themselves supported by 'bad money failing' new sets that are
showing that the EU begins a 'rapid fall' as both the EuropeanPop and the USAPop come under 'full on
assault' at the 'mental energy' level by the developing circumstances of late July and early August.
Other aspects of 'energy' are showing up in the longer term data as affecting all of Europe over this
coming Winter. The energy impacts are going to be primarily short falls as a very brutal winter sets in
over most of the northern hemisphere. The data is indicating that at one point there will be a nearly
continuous storm going from northern Europe all the way across to Siberia.
The impacts of the soon to be falling EU currency and the upcoming brutal winter are forecast as
bringing about new political alliances over the first few months of 2017. Some of these new 'joining
ventures' are indicated to have very long legs and persist for a number of decades.
As modelspace is moved forward in time it displays more of the longer term data types which are
lacking in details to a large extent. In the longer term data for EuropeanPop, the data is forecasting that
the 'street battles' will take on aspects of 'focused population cleansing'. Not ethnic cleansing as had
been defined by the msm propaganda press in years past, but a new form of focused removal of
unwanted populations by dominant majorities. This is an aspect of what we call PopWar here at HPH.
Within the data sets for PopWar are many sets showing that 'both sides' are also warring against
officialdom. It is this last that is showing up in the data now. The new growth in supporting sets for the
PopWar in Europe has values painting pictures of the officialdom under incredible pressures as the
populations escalate their 'active street wars'. The data sets are showing that Europe is going to appear
as though a different reality with armed soldiers encamped across all the cities to the point that it brings
up comparisons to 'nazi occupation of the previous century'.
Other aspects of modern life that will harken the mind back to the previous century are showing up in
PopWar language about a 'ghetto battle' with the 'finish' being the 'ghetto' is 'burned out', and (nearly)
'razed to the ground' by the 'fire'. During this battle in PopWar, the 'fire fighting government workers'
are 'absent', being held back both by 'orders from officialdom', as well as 'barricades' for those who
ignored orders and went to put out the fire.

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
All rights reserved
In other areas of Europe, sort of geographically centered around northern Italy and south eastern
France, the data sets are showing that 'winter' will come along with brutal force several months early
and interrupt PopWar with very unusual and difficult conditions. The only reason the data has a
PopWar connection in these sets, so far, is a small sub set around the idea of a 'trapped munitions
smuggler' who will basically 'blow themselves up' trying to 'stay (or get) warm' in the 'sudden freeze'.
Not only will it leave a big mess to clean up, with lots of innocent people injured in the area, but it is
describing as 'destroying' a very vital road' by 'removing a large switchback' that was used by 'buses'
navigating through the 'mountain pass'.

The data sets for GlobalPop have a very large area of growth in the area of the 'german people', or
DeutschePop. In these sets the dominating themes are a confluence of social currents. These include the
'war between populations', and the 'war with the government', and now the 'war within'. This last is
going to an emotional condition that is described as though a 'person at war with themselves'. The
supporting language paints a picture of the 'conflict' at an internal level within people but also at the
larger social level as the 'Deutsche Bank' is seen to 'be failed (be insolvent)'. These sets are bringing in
language for a 'large debate' across the DeutschePop about the 'role of banks' in the 'social order' and
the 'limits' to be 'imposed on government and banks'. This is apparently not the conversation that
DeutschePop wanted to have with itself and the data is describing a 'germany in turmoil' both at the
level of language, and at the level of behavior.
As modelspace is progressed through August the picture intensifies after a 'brilliant flash' {ed note
'flash crash?} the rest of the month settles into a 'daily descent' that is 'bringing all parties' into a 'large
meeting' at the 'end of the month', and ahead of 'perceived fiscal collapse'. These sets are referring to
the 'controllers' and 'fiscal technicians'. The rest of DeutschePop is apparently not invited to the
meeting, however according to the data sets, that is not going to stop the 'determined population' from
'imposing its thoughts/will on the proceedings'. The data sets are describing massive collections of
people gathering for this meeting. The media will label it a protest, but here in the ALTA reports the
data is describing it as a 'revolution', and the 'congress of affected peoples'. The data sets are not
providing any 'protest' like language in the descriptors, rather it seems to be an evolution in the 'politics
of the street'.
Other sets within DeutschePop are describing language coming out the mainstream propaganda media
about 'bavarian hooligans' who will be the 'center of a battle' with 'migrants'. This battle is to take shape
over the course of several days of 'skirmishes' between transiting migrants and local population.
Apparently when the 'battle' finally occurs, it will be captured by video from some of what the data is
describing as the 'last of the organized tours of summer'. This battle is showing as being pivotal not
only temporally, but also causally as some of the individuals involved on the part of the 'bavarian
hooligans' are going to be 'key influencers' over the next several years of PopWar.
The 'internal dialogue' within DeutschePop over the problems with both banksters and
government/politicians is indicated to have very large impact on the planet. It is showing as a
component of the crashing cascade of the 'too big to fail banks' and other 'institutions' that then forces
all of western dollar empire to have the 'German conversation' about 'what are banks? Do we really

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Frenzy - August, 2016
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need them? And what can we do about the politician problem?'

This area could actually be better named as 'HindPop' as it affects peoples in Pakistan and Bangladesh
and Kashmir as well.
The IndiaPop area of the GlobalPop entity is showing that 'sympathy' is going to be needed for the
'peoples of the hind' as the 'too hot' then 'too wet' then too cold' weather pattern reaches 'record levels'
in all categories. Up next are sets showing that 'weak fronts' will 'fail to hold off' an 'unexpected turn in
weather' that will be bringing large amounts of rain to all of the wrong places. Our modelspace shows
that both the 'floods' and the 'muds' are going to be problems for the 'low lands' as the 'ferocity' of both
pick up over August. In spite of the levels of flooding seen so far this summer, the worst is yet to come,
and then that is going to be followed by weather that goes beyond 'odd'. The data is forecasting that the
'usual expectations' for a 'Fall weather turn' are going to be put into doubt as 'persistent, and odd'
weather patterns emerge over much of the vast center of the Hind (old name of Indian subcontinent).
This is indicated to 'force away' the 'usual shifts in winds' that bring in the Fall weather patterns. Again,
with most of the planet, new patterns are emerging that are going to cause shifts in the human
population both in what we do and where we do it.
Other areas outside of politics that are showing up as impacting IndiaPop include a 'giant money
scandal' coming out of a 'failing romance' among Bollywood elites (not necessarily on-camera faces) is
indicated to cause a large social shift over these next few months. This is only partially due to the
personalities involved and their combined impact on Bollywood and Indian movie business. The real
impact is forecast to come from the 'money empire' and all of the 'secrets revealed' that will come from
its 'break-up' and 'investigation'. What is interesting in the data to outsiders, not able to share in the
cultural shock of it all, is the roiling that will be caused in the American banks as the 'investigation in
India' starts getting mainstream press globally.
New sets within the new electrics area are focusing once again on the Siberia to India to Italy
connection for the 'field dynamics' and 'mathematics' that will be 'defining the 21st century', the way
that the automobile and electricity defined the previous one. These sets are suggesting that some new
information will be soon public that will advance this process to a greater level of visibility and move it
forward into the 'break-out period' of the early 2020s.

The data sets are presenting a picture of TurkeyPop in which the 'explosion' that should not have gone
off, does so, and the resulting damage is horrific. There are reasons to suspect that the explosion will be
massive, but so far, nothing to suggest a nuclear explosion above ground. There is language about
some very odd happenings underground related to the explosion word and it well could be interpreted
that a nuclear explosion takes place accidentally and underground. However, there are alternate
interpretations for the underground word sets in this supporting chain that do not involve nuclear
material. That said, we still have a large immediacy data build up for the explosion in TurkeyPop as

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being 'regretted' and 'accidental', and 'bringing an apology'.
The data is seemingly pointing toward a 'break-up (politically)' of Turkey, following the 'unwanted
(accidental) explosion'. The new supporting sets are suggesting that Turkey is going to fall into
'fractional fighting' as the 'central authorities' are described as 'self-immolating' and 'self-destroying'.
Yet again more supporting sets within this area for the 'withdrawal to smaller cohorts (smaller political
groups)' over time meme that has been ongoing in our work here at halfpasthuman since the beginning.

Start of the 'death by starvation' of the 'two faces' of the 'political system' here in USAPop. The data
growth continues for 'attrition', and 'starvation (of funds)', and 'loss (of) donors', and 'lies (for fund
raising) exposed', and 'dollar dying (causes) systemic (fiscal) disease(s)', and other language going to
the idea that the 'fiat currency regime' is 'ending' and is 'taking out/removing' the 'supports' it had for the
'political machinery'.
Given the nature of the current 'political machinery' within USAPop, and the forecasts for 'reactions'
from 'officialdom', the data appears to be forecasting that the 'rigid control' over the 'dollar based (debt)
economy' in the USAPop is going to 'suffer' a 'breakdown' as many of the 'bankrupt companies' will
'actually fail' without the 'banks' having to 'initiate the process'. The data is forecasting that 'cities
(municipalities)' will be the 'proximate causes' for the 'failures' as many 'contracts' are going to go 'into
arrears'. These 'defaulted contracts' are not limited to 'cities'. The data sets are showing that 'oil
companies (mainly small firms)' will be 'not able to pay', and the 'resulting cascading defaults' will lead
to 'bankruptcy' for some very large firms. The 'fail up the chain' language is suggesting that the 'failing
companies' will be 'dying on the vine' due to the 'lack of operating cash'. See Markets for more
discussion on this meme.
Many of the new data sets are bringing up the word of 'collapse' insofar as the USAPop is concerned.
The sets are describing the USAPop having to come to reconcile their idea of about what the USA and
its population are all about with the newly emerging words of 'depression', and 'end of the petrodollar
empire'. This idea of the 'concept' of 'America' running into a 'hard wall of dying petrodollar reality' is
showing up in a number of the areas of modelspace, including the Markets entity. These areas are all
discussing the 'break-down' of the 'social order' in the USAPop as the 'money deteriorates further' as the
many holders of dollars outside the USAPop do everything they can to 'send the dollars home'. This
'repatriation' effort is indicated to be the impetus behind the rising language of 'dying petrodollar' that
will cause such huge 'mind shift' within that part of USAPop that consumes the output of the msm
propaganda media.
The 'mind shift' within the large part of the 'sleeping' part of USAPop is indicated to be 'speeding up',
BUT will nonetheless take MONTHS to even scratch the surface of SleeplePop due to its huge size and
the depth of its slumber. However, that said, the impacts are showing as being both 'strong', and 'quick'
or 'rapid' in terms of the visible manifestation of the 'awakening process'. The impacts are described as
including 'pressure on the retail gold, silver, bitcoin, and mining shares' markets, along with creating a
'flood' of orders (some time in early 2017) for 'long store foods' and 'all forms of emergency' or
'preparedness goods'.

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Modelspace has no real good data for USAPop for the rest of this year. The data shows that there will
be a near constant stream of 'attacks' by TPTB on the population by way of 'lone shooters' or 'terrorists'
or the next 'bad guy' to be focused upon by the mainstream propaganda press as we go forward. The
'social pressures' are described as increasing along with the 'fragility' of the 'political-economic system'.
This includes the 'election' this year in USAPop. The data sets are describing this election cycle as
being the most 'deadly ever' with a number of 'shootings' and 'attacks' that result in fatalities as the
'tensions build'.
Other, more 'organic' causes for the 'bad behavior' of the population includes the 'massive lay-
offs/business crash' that grows across late Summer and into Fall. These further layoffs, and the
coincident decline of the 'american tech flush' finally kills off the 'hot spots' in California and along the
east coast in so far as the jobs and real estate markets. The data is describing a situation in which there
is a 'sudden' or 'overnight' feeling to the 'breaking of the real estate prices'. As these 'high end lifestyle
centers' also take a 'financial hit', the data shows that 'bad behavior' increases rapidly in an 'organic'
fashion. This is also showing as being used by ThePowersThatBe to redirect emotional energies into
other areas of their choosing.
The 'crashing' as it is perceived, of the 'real estate' markets within USAPop is indicated to cause huge
levels of social distortion over these next few years. Part of the problem comes from a large segment of
the society attempting for far too long to maintain the conditions dictated by their normalcy bias. This
is going to create a very strange situation in which markets will be very 'reactive' in the sense of
responding to price changes. The idea coming across is that the central authorities have propped up the
markets in the USAPop for so long that no one knows what anything is really worth, and it will take
some time to work this out after the relaxing of the grip of the central authorities this November. The
data shows that markets will go through wide, and wild swings, first attempting to maintain prices at, or
near their former peaks, then reacting to panic, and producing very fast drops in prices. In some areas
the prices of high end property is showing as being down over 80% by the end of the year and still no
sales. It comes down to price discovery...what is property worth when the money is worthless? These
areas of modelspace are showing a really bizarre condition where in some areas there are huge levels of
price increases as the property owners accept the devaluation of the dollar, but not their property, and
thus, in dollar terms, escalate the for sale price daily as the currency degrades. And yet, mere miles
away, will be people attempting to sell at realistic levels just go get on with their lives, and so will take
the approach of reducing the price to something closer to the amount of cash actually available in their
local region. Both of these conditions are indicated to be steps along the road to 'barter for real estate'.
As part of our 'real estate' sets we have some new areas that are forecasting that apps will be set up
from the major 'listing agencies' to instantly alert buyers to 'price changes' as the 'pricing is dropping' so
rapidly it will be difficult for both sellers and buyers to track the exchange value of real estate. These
sets are indicating that apps will be providing the 'price discovery' for 'real estate' by commodities in
various areas where 'currencies' are not circulating widely enough to warrant a 'dollar (or other
currency) price', so the apps will provide the 'universal constants' of 'bitcoin', 'gold' and 'silver'. Also
please note that within these sets there are groups that continue to reinforce the idea of 'silver more
valuable than gold'.
Many other sets within our new data are also reinforcing the idea of value. Some of these sets are
forecasting that something of an 'urban gold mining' will be taking place as people go through old

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inventories of all kinds looking for items of value, especially 'forgotten precious metals'. These
'scavenger hunts' are going to reveal some very large treasures (in the future) in some junk that will be
forgotten today or tomorrow. Some of these finds are described as including a 'parts stash' for 'luxury
watches' including lots of gold plated housings. This discovery will somehow make the news then as it
will contain more than simply history or gold.
There are large numbers of new sets for 'chaos' and 'social disruption' in USAPop that are forecasting
some form of 'political chaos-theater' that will begin in late August, likely as a side effect of the on-
going economic crumbling, that will then build in 'displayed emotional tension' over September and
finally start 'erupting' within the 'social body' right around the equinox. The data sets would have the
USAPop fully embroiled into the 'unknown political chaos' scenario by the end of the first week in
The 'political chaos-theater' sets are filled with all kinds of disparate details showing various different
reactions to the 'political chaos-theater' rather that the central action within the political realm at the
time. This is very likely due to the emotional intensity of politics here in USAPop at this time.
The resulting 'chaos' from whatever is the effective in-the-moment cause for the political theater brings
USAPop to a point of 'stark realization' that is just preceding the movement of the 'panic to own gold
and/or silver and/or bitcoin' language down to the 'mainstream population' of USAPop.

Temporally coincident with the 'european street wars' the data shows that Bitcoin is going to 'breach'
the 'barrier' and take out $688 dollars to the BTC. This is also being described as temporally coincident
with the first of the previously forecast 'air gaps' in the 'price of silver'. These 'air gaps' are indicated to
be large enough to 'cause comments' in the 'mainstream propaganda press', and these 'discussions' are
showing as being 'prompts' to 'bank runs' in Europe. These 'bank runs' are also showing as 'affecting
vaults' of all kinds as the 'population (becomes) nervous' about the 'certainty' of 'institutions'. The 'bank
run' is also showing as impacting 'gold and silver' sales as the 'population' is indicated to 'take money'
from banks to 'put into precious metals'.
A new pattern of very large growth in supporting shorter term and immediacy data values are
forecasting that the 'global bond market(s)' will be 'going blooey (exhaustion/terminal weakness)' by
mid October of this year. Other sets are showing that the 'global bond(s) markets' are going to be
'barbequed' by mid October of 2016 as the data shows that 'rates' on 'sovereign bonds' begin to
'compete (with each other)' over the months of August and September. The data is indicating that the
'precious metals' and the 'bitcoin markets' are going to 'take away' the 'reflection (of brightness) on
paper debts'. These sets are going further to the idea of 'bond holders' who are 'freaking out' as the
'banking crisis' spreads from 'country to country' in mere 'days'.
The movement of the sets in support of the 'debt (system) death' are showing that the major brunt of the
'depression wave' which is the 'global fiscal system' reaching the point of 'internal crisis' is going to
occur over 'four (terrible) days' in a 'single week. While the crisis is going to play out over years, the
data is focusing upon a single (upcoming) week as being the 'first step (into global fiscal collapse)'.

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In spite of the many voices *(minions and officialdom of the PowersThatBe) proclaiming that 'this' or
'that' is the 'cause' for the 'sudden crisis/collapse/crash', there are clear sets going to the idea that the
'global population' will 'not be buying (the) excuses' from the 'minions' and 'politicians'.
The data sets are forecasting that the 'gambling experience' of the 'millions' of 'private traders' across
the planet is going to be 'so violent (an expression)' as to 'prompt (actual) heart attacks'. Stated another
way, the 'sudden rush' into the 'crisis period (collapsing fiscal structures)' causes 'day traders' and
'pensioners' to be both 'wiped out' as well as 'shocked (nearly to) death'.
One of the new words that appears in many of the sub sets of the Markets entity is 'reversal'. This word
is within many of the sub sets that are connected to the 'trading' sub sets of the 'markets'. The
appearance of the 'reversal' word is going to the idea of the 'sudden reversal (of trends)' within 'paper
debt markets'. These 'reversal' descriptors are forecasting that the 'pattern' that the 'central authorities'
are 'creating' by their 'massive buying' which cause the 'reversal' to occur. These sets are forecasting
that the 'reversal pattern' itself will become (shortly before the Big Problem) a 'trade trend'. Again,
many of the 'small traders' (also called 'retail') will be 'wiped out' and 'destroyed' as the 'reversal
patterns' will become 'widely recognized' JUST ahead of their 'disappearance'. It is the 'disappearance'
of the 'reversal patterns' for the 'markets' that is linked in the data sets to the 'crisis' and the 'instant asset
price (freeze?) problems'.
There are many new sub sets for 'giant' shifts in the 'values (relative)' of the 'fiat currencies' that will be
'participating' within the 'trading markets'. These 'fiat breaks' are showing as causing 'wild swings' in
the '(real) prices (for) energy' and nearly 'every thing else' as the 'markets' become 'unhinged' at the
'exchange' level. These new sets are sub sets for a growing chain that has 'fiat currencies' being 'near' to
'reaching (their) limits' in 'continuing confidence'. The data sets are forecasting that the 'runs (on) banks'
in the EuropePop are but the 'first' and are the 'spark' that will 'set off ' a '(global) western brush-fire'.
At its core it is the 'failing fiat currencies' that is causing the forecast 'shift in economic fortunes'. This
is showing up in our long term data as a 'big move (eastward)' to where 'currencies are real'. These sets
are describing a situation in which the 'fake and dying fiat' of the 'western dollar empire' will be 'fading
away' as 'new energies' flow into the 'currencies of the eastern nations'. This is going to be reflected in
our lives by 'less opportunity' available in western republics and a 'harder scramble' for those that
remain as the 'dollar empire' will be 'bleeding out talent' and 'human energy' into the 'eastern world'.
A small side note on the 'talent' part of the 'bleed out' or what used to be called a 'brain drain' in the last
century. In our data sets we have a group of 'foreign scientists' working in ChinaPop with ChinaPop
engineers who are going to 'succeed' according to the data sets, in producing a 'device' that will propel
technology along a huge new direction. However interesting this new direction may be, the point of
discussing it here is that this new 'technology' is going to 'require silver' in a way that no other metal
will suffice. Temporally near to the hype about this new tech appearing, we have data sets indicating
that silver starts to 'go parabolic' in its relationship to gold, thus heading for 'better than parity'. There
are some indications that this new technology is associated with our previously forecast 'wireless
According to our modelspace, we are going to be seeing more of the 'failure cancer' hitting the
'western business world' over these next 12/twelve months than we have seen in the last 5/five years as
the 'credit freeze' is being forecast as morphing into a 'cash crisis' at the 'open door level' of even major

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corporations. This is forecast to include even the 'global giants' of the 'fast food industry' where the data
sets are describing regions where so little cash circulates that 'business dries up' and 'franchises scream'.
These sets are painting a picture of 'franchises' where the 'employees outnumber customers' on a '2 to 1'
basis for 'weeks at a time'. The issue described by the data is one that has been continuously referenced
for the last 5/five or more years and is the 'dying (of the) base currency supply'. This trend toward
'reduced cash circulation' at the 'lower levels of the consumer society' is being described as a form of
'economic disease' that has never been 'forecast' by the 'economics sub set' of society, and they are
apparently going to be totally 'blindsided' and 'gobsmacked' when it is finally recognized.
The 'dying currencies flow disease' is an actual 'disease' in the meaning of a 'condition of ill health
resulting from the inability of the economy achieve homeostasis'. Of course we know the why of this
particular economic disease state, the central banksters and authorities.
However much one may be tempted to think that the evil banksters are going to get their 'deserved
results', and how this is a good thing, it is also quite true that the 'banksters' had no idea that a 'disease
state or condition' could develop within the abstraction of the 'body financial'. The main symptom of
the disease, and the one used to measure its progress through a population is the 'dying of the
circulatory system'. Within our data sets this 'dying circulatory system' is very much described as
'arteries and veins of commerce'. Again the data is focusing on the actual 'perishing' and 'lack' of 'cash
money (in any currency)' being 'circulated' through the 'system'. The data sets are saying that it is this
aspect of the current state of central authorities management that has been totally overlooked and that is
going to cause 'financial gangrene' to appear throughout the 'western business system'. The appearance
of both the 'symptom' and the 'central authorities' reaction' to it will be seen, according to modelspace,
as we move into September 2016.

In related areas of the Markets entity, we have a large amount of new data that is forecasting that the
'rapid' and some what 'unexpected' rise in 'silver prices' in US dollars over the month of August will be
causing a number of companies to 'go out of business' as their 'shorts (in the silver markets)' go
'uncovered'. This is showing as causing a 'chain of defaults' that is going to 'cascade upward' into the
'large players' in the 'commodities markets'. This 'defaulting pressure' is going to force the 'banks
(especially the bullion banks)' to 'frantically' try to 'obtain coverage' for their 'sinking positions'.
The data sets are forecasting that there will be 'no silver or gold' to purchase to 'make good' the
'systemic problems' and that the 'governments' of the planet are going to be 'deeply involved' in the
'failing silver shorts positions' by mid September 2016 at an official and public level.
The major problem emerging from the Markets entity data sets is shaping up as a real significant issue
for all rational humans. The data is forecasting that we will have businesses failing from lack of cash,
yet able to get debt, but not able to service it. And the cash drought will happen so suddenly that the
major banks and corporations are not prepared for it, and will also suffer as the level of 'churn' in the
'system' drops to nearly nothing. Areas like real estate, and gambling, and convenience stores and such
will be the first to feel the 'cash drought' shaping up. While the data forecasts many of them sounding
the alarm, and even screaming to governments about it (more the bigger guys), the data would have it
be way too late by that point to be corrected.
So businesses failing from the bottom up. Giant corporations and giant bankster organizations

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withering at the extremities from cash drying up in their veins. Governments being beat up by their
owners, no, not you, rather the big corps that pay the real money the politicians need to live and be the
best sociopaths they can be....all of this leading to? Nope, not a crash like one might suppose. Rather
the data is suggesting that it will be a form of 'holing' or 'puncturing' in which whole parts or sections of
economic activity also die off with the 'slowing circulation of real money'.
Yet the 'major markets indeces' reach new all time highs? And continue to do so? All the while...the
central bankster authorities are buying up everything possible by any channels available. Paper floods
the world, and the proof of this will soon be the gold and silver prices which will be 'racing to reach'
that of the DOW.
The data has BTC or Bitcoin being the primary barometer for the financial system over the months of
August and September. In the first part of August the data shows that BTC rises up through $688 in US
dollar terms even as the dollar is rising against other, dollar dependent fiat. Worth noting is the
gradually lengthening divergence between Russian, Chinese, and Indian currencies and the US dollar.
So while the dollar is rising against the pound, the yen, and the other dollars, and the euro, it will be
losing ground against the yuan, and the rubble and the rupi. However bizarre such a situation may
sound now, it is the failure of the petro- part of the petro-dollar that is indicated to be the 'killer' of the
'dollar' part....but not now, more dollar woes later in the year.
As of this point, the longer term data sets are arguing for hyperinflation to be seriously ballooning the
US dollar by years end, with all of the anticipated consequences. Not only do these consequences
include rising dollar prices for metals and bitcoin, but the forecasts are that the 'infrastructure' for the
financial system based out of the western capitals will be 'failing' due to the 'failing fiat currencies'. So
while the 'major western indeces' will be making new all time highs repeatedly, the very platforms
supposedly supporting their activities will be failing with increasing frequency.
These are also all coincident with the waking of the sleeping western populations at an increasing rate
such that very large 'demand pressures' are indicated to be put on the precious metals markets as well as
all things emergency or survival. Some of the firms catering to this niche market will be so
overwhelmed with new business as to nearly 'break down' in trying to cope with the sudden growth.
Further the picture includes long lines at physical precious metals stores, as well as at pawn shops, and
any place one may expect to be able to obtain either silver or gold.
A very curious thing is about to emerge and while it is really a GlobalPop discussion due to the 'why'
that is involved, which is to say PopWar (mostly should really start calling it ReligiosityWar but that is
too much typing) is about to get 'air support'. The reason that this section is in the Markets entity has to
do with its huge impact on business globally. The 'rush to air support' via 'drones' for both
'reconnaissance' and 'tactics' is showing up in our shorter and longer term data as producing huge new
breakthroughs in both 'battery technology', as well as ' sensor response software' as the 'drone industry'
gears up for 'demand shock'.
The sudden demand for both 'drones' and 'drone knowledge' is indicated to have a really large impact
on the user communities in PopWar as well. The lack of drone 'operators' will become evident as there
will be something of a 'crash frenzy' coming up in which, while the markets are crashing
metaphorically, so will thousands of drones be actually crashing as many groups attempt to rapidly
overcome the 'drone gap'.

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Other 'drama' forecast to manifest in Markets includes the appearance of 'angry mobs' that will be
'confronting (heads of) technology companies'. This will appear as a wide meme over the next 6/six
months or so, as the 'population' starts 'rebelling' against the 'technology companies' and their
'dictatorial behavior'. Other aspects of this include 'rebellions' by 'businesses' over the 'censorship' and
the 'theft' of their 'clients' even though they are 'clients' also of the 'platform' being used. This is
showing up as something of a huge battle that is going to be causing widespread changes in how money
flows in businesses to businesses transactions on the internet. The level of impact is showing as huge in
our intensity and spread values for the emotions brought about by this 'fight among giants' and these
emotions are all summing in the very extreme region of 'angry'. The data is showing that the anger will
so deeply pervade the board room as to bring about an 'on-line PR (also political) war of words' that
will be 'shocking' to most as well as producing profound changes in billing, advertising, sales, and
marketing which are forecast to affect the net for the rest of this decade and well into late 2020s.
Think of any of the 'alphabet' names involved in the top tier of technology-to-the-public companies and
the 'handful (think 5)' at the top are going to be 'sent scrambling' by this upcoming earthquake in how
technology is presented, sold, and billed across the internet.
The data for the Markets are growing in large new areas for the early 2020's to experience a real 'oil
shock'. This new form of 'oil shock' in the first four years of the 2020s is being described as resulting
from the earth expansion effects as well as shift into very much more 'cost effective energy sources'
many of which are being described in the data as 'field transformation effect generators'. These are
apparently a new form of energy extraction which can seriously multiply the amount of electricity
available from solar and wind sources. The result of all of the oil extraction problems as well as the
alternative forms of energy are showing as creating the conditions in which oil as a commodity is being
less 'burned' for 'joules', than 'atomically burned' to produce 'new materials'.
The data in the Markets entity continues to grow in support of the idea that the 'energy shift' that
humanity undertakes over these next 8/eight years is going to produce the largest ever 'crash' in the
'steel industry' as 'tens of thousands' of large bulk fuel carriers have to be 'recycled'. Further issues arise
in that 'new steel' emerges in the form of 'near transparent metals' destined to go into 'construction' at all
levels. These 'new metals' are showing as being yet another side effect of the 'field effect mathematics'
that will emerge over these next ten years. These 'new metals' are described as being incredibly thin yet
have 'active (or dynamic) fields' in their surfaces which make them 'anti-fragile' or 'self-healing' to
some extent. A big transition that we will be discussing for years....
As the 'energy shock' beginning in 2016 progresses, the data is forecasting that an increasing segment
of the GlobalPop is devoting its time to energy, its usage, and its future. As the 'energy shock' moves
through our very fragile economic system over these next four years, the data shows that the
'infrastructure' starts to crumble at such a rapid rate as to compound the problem of the dwindling
energy supplies on the already devastated economy. The 'energy shock' and 'oil shock' problems are
showing as beginning this Fall with a series of 'oil disasters' that, while not linked causally, will appear
temporally linked such that the observer will get a sense of a 'threshold' being crossed. Thereafter the
rising energy costs are indicated to be a key determining factor for markets globally until late in the
2027. At that point the new 'field generators' will be spreading across the population and the shift away
from energy scarcity at an individual level starts.

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Frenzy - August, 2016
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Prior to the first announcements of the 'field transformation effects' mathematics and its practical
applications, the data is describing a very bleak view of humanity's future that develops and settles in
on the Markets. This view is going to be coincident with the broader use of the word 'depression' in
both mainstream propaganda press as well as alternative/real media. These two memes in the data are
described as both arising from the same source, which is to say, the Federal Reserve Bankster cabal and
their masters. This 'bleak view' of the future is forecast as manifesting itself in the markets as a certain
feeling of 'desperation' or 'seeking escape (even in ruin)'. The data has a great deal to say about how
this mindset is going to alter the 'flow' of capital around the planet for a number of years, and how the
'creeping despair' is going to 'drive speculative investment' into some pretty 'bizarre schemes'
indeed....and that is saying a lot considering the reality in which we live now. Some of these schemes
will include 'extra planetary diaspora' ideas and even attempts to leave, as well as many other forms of
attempted 'escape' from the 'diminishing future'. The data has piled up around this idea of a 'mental
point-of-view change' that will be the cause of future market abnormalities.
In spite of the forecast for a collective mental walk-about in the Markets, the good news is that the data
sets are forecasting the break-down of the 'control infrastructure' that currently dominates the markets,
at least the western dollar empire ones. The break-down is forecast to come from the 'self compounding
effects' of the 'computer trading'. Without delving too deep into the technical part of the forecast, the
idea coming out of these sets is that a relatively rare event of a 'resonance' developing within software
across different platforms is going to cause a 'trade synchronization' that will cause prices to rise and
fall by the millisecond in a pattern of increasing swings both up and down until the first of the circuit
breakers is triggered. Thereafter when restarted, even after hard resets, the data is forecasting that the
algo-sync-up is going to be repetitiously a problem to the point that major markets re-engineering must
be completed before they can be reopened for more than mere minutes at a time. These data sets would
seem to be more effective for this Winter than Fall, but if so, it will be late winter as there are sets
placing it as being 'late in the season'.
There are a number of sets for 'silver' being associated with the 'energy' sector in new ways. Not only in
some new 'energy performance devices', but also at a level that we still have showing up as 'unknown'
or 'undefined' or 'unnamed' as of this processing. What makes this section worth discussing is yet more
language within it for 'silver' being 'more valuable than gold'. Note that this data within this set is
temporally coincident, not necessarily causally related.
The Markets entity has new growth in the longer term sets for a 'global monetary reset', however this is
not the 'planned events' of ThePowersThatBe. Rather the data sets are describing a 'crash-cade' in
which the 'plans of TPTB' are pushed forward by manifesting events, but even so, modelspace is
forecasting that TPTB 'screw it all up' in terms of both 'timing' and 'planning' such that the 'global
monetary reset' begins not as they had planned, but rather with a 'run to cash' at any ATM globally that
continues to work.
There are some number of links to the 'unexpected, unwanted, accidental explosion' long forecast to
occur in Turkey as being the 'prompt' to the 'emotional frenzy' that is described as descending on
western humanity as a result of the 'explosion' and the 'horrific damage'. But the data is quite clear the
'horror' of the 'explosion' is not the real cause for the intensity of the emotional reaction, but rather it
will be the 'clear sign' that 'the world has changed' to those humans still asleep.

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The data sets are describing an 'emotional frenzy' to 'own silver', and also to 'own gold', and to 'own
bitcoin'. These sets are showing up ahead of the 'run to cash' sets by over a week, but probably not as
much as two weeks. These sets are forecasting that the 'jittery money' will 'know before hand' and be
'desperate to get out' before the 'crash'. These sets are independent of the Turkey sets, and are merely
temporally associated. The 'panic to own' sets are describing the 'gold channels' as being 'drained from
both ends' as first the 'large buyers run into walls of no metal to be had in quantity', then the 'retail
buyers' run into 'empty stores' that only want to 'buy gold' not sell it. Even more descriptive the 'retail
stores' are being characterized as 'gold (and silver) vacuums' reaching out into the population.
The data sets are describing the 'panic to own gold' and 'panic to own silver' as being 'fear driven'. The
ratio of 'fear' sets to the emotional value sums for 'gold' and 'silver' are at all time highs within these
sets. These sets are ballooning as modelspace is moved forward. Within our work, 'fear' is one of the
primary drivers and as such is easily tracked as it rises out of the emotional aggregates. The fear driver
for the pending panic and desperation to own metals and bitcoin is not a sudden, impulse shock, rather
this is a deep seated fear that rises from the root of 'dread' rather than 'terror' within our hierarchy and
as such has the more energetic aspects of 'tension' and 'anxiety'.
Part of modelspace does have some numerics for silver as well as a forecast that silver will lead bitcoin
and gold in the next leg up. The lead is defined as being a 'daily percentage movement up'. The idea
coming across is that silver will be having slightly larger moves by percentage on a daily basis than
either gold or bitcoin.

As the data sets for the GlobalPop entity were being processed, it became clear that a different level of
interest in the 'oceans' was going to develop within GlobalPop and that this new focus would have
SpaceGoatFarts entity right at the center of it. These sets in GlobalPop entity terminate in
SpaceGoatFarts entity in areas such as 'officially denied', and 'officially rejected', and 'officially
redacted', as well as more emotional 'bad reactions (by authorities (when questioned about sub sea
activities))'. These sets are pointing toward an 'oceanographic resource survey' of some form that is
going to produce 'vast quantities' of data which will 'produce thousands' of 'pictures' some of which are
indicated to 'make onto the internet' where 'bright (and sharp) eyes' pick up on 'sub sea inhabitants' and
their 'activities' which are indicated to include 'lighted structures' presumably 'buildings', as well as
indications of 'active construction'. As may be expected, this will start a whole new round of
'conspiracy theories', and 'official denials', as well as 'viral cults'.
New ST data is describing a new form of 'reactive electronics (technology)' in which the 'device' will
'become aware' that a 'human' wants to 'use it', and 'turn on (to) functions desired'. What is making this
interesting in the data sets is the idea coming across that the device is going to use the previously
forecast 'wireless telepathy' to 'sense (the) human interest'. Many of these sets have supporting sets
going to the idea of 'reverse engineered (space alien) technology' as the 'source' for these 'new
capacities' of our 'daily technology'.
Yet more data sets appearing about strange stuff under 'seas' that will be brought up, both as actual
things and as video or images. These 'strange things' from under the oceans is a very wide meme and is
still supporting the idea of 'intelligence down there' that we are going to 'encounter' and 'meet' at some

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point in our longer term future. However in the immediacy and shorter term data types in this now, we
have more sets showing that 'mystery' is going to be surfacing almost weekly from late summer onward
as conditions converge to place human attention back onto the oceans. Likely it will start with a focus
on the Atlantic ocean then spread about over the next few weeks. Some of the strange things indicated
to be brought up will include 'official denials' that are forecast to set off a viral eruption of speculation
about 'sudden', 'mysterious', and 'nonsensical' movements of US and other major navies around the
Another recurring meme has new growth in both the SpaceGoatFarts and the Terra entities and this is
for 'new lands' to be emerging, as well as 'new sources (sub sea) for rare earth metals'. The data sets are
suggesting that the current Chinese interest in the Spratley Islands in the south China Sea are going to
be revealed to be, at least in part, directed there due to a rare earths metals deposit that they will soon
set about mining.
We still have growth in the set for a 'fly by' of earth by a 'space alien cruise ship' full of 'space alien
tourists'. The really cool part of the set is that the data is showing that so many humans will see the
'slow passage' that the idea of 'alone-ness' will be gone forever. The SpaceGoatFarts sets are now
showing that there will be 'huge problems' from this event for the 'global IslamPop' as well as many of
the Catholics and other deeply religious humans. The issue for IslamPop has to do with the (at the time
of the event) 'on-going religious internal warfare' within Islam and the middle east. Apparently several
of the bright lights on each side decide to use the 'space alien cruise ship' visit as some form of 'divine
sign' for their followers. The data shows that the outcome of this effort is going to pretty much
thereafter define the word 'unexpected'.
The 'vatican' is growing as a context within SpaceGoatFarts entity as modelspace is moved through
these next four years. The data has increasingly negative picture to display as we go forward into the
last few years of this decade. The position of the vatican relative to global affairs and even the catholic
church is indicated to degrade very rapidly beginning after November of 2016. A large part of the
problem is indicated to be the 'near instant' cessation of 'illegal funds' as the 'dollar dies'. Again, not
withstanding any previous internet nutters calling for mass arrests, the data sets are indicating that as
the dollar dies, and corruption becomes exposed, and even more important, as the criminals lose
'purchasing power' over people, the data shows that the 'criminal class' begins to 'slowly be rounded up'
and 'put on trial'. A very good thing indeed.

Conclusion: the final staging...

It seems from the data qualifiers and quantifiers reaching such extreme levels within the intensity and
duration values that we are reaching a crescendo of activity. This is seemingly being reflected back
from emerging events.
From the perspective of our data, it seems that we are witnessing a 'final staging'. To those who have
not worked backstage, the 'final staging' is that point in the production where the last scene change has
to be rushed into place behind the curtains even as they are swinging briefly shut.
The issue for the stage hands is to NOT interfere with the emotional tone that the author and players

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have managed to create within the audience. The pressure on the final staging is incredible as it is a
very carefully timed pause to allow for a dip in the emotions before the last scene unfolds and the play
reaches denouement.
A bad staging crew, or any accident of timing in the final staging can ruin the effect trying to be created
across the whole of the play! So, for those of us in the cheap seats up front and off to the side, we get
the occasional glimpse of the backstage crew during the final staging, and the impression coming out
now is of a desperate frenzy!

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About Predictive Linguistics and our methods
Predictive Linguistics is the process of using computer software to aggregate vast amounts of written
text from the internet by categories delineated by emotional content of the words. Predictive
Linguistics uses emotional qualifiers and quantifiers, expressed as numeric values, for each and all
words/phrases discovered/filtered in the aggregation process. Over 80 % of all the words gathered will
be discarded for one or more reasons.
Predictive Linguistics works as NO conscious expressions are processed through the software.
Rather the contexts discussed within the report in the form of entities and linguistic structures (see
below) are read up in the various intake software programs, and the emotional sums of the language
found at that time are retrieved. Words that are identified within my system as 'descriptors' are passed
through the processing as well. These descriptor words, in the main, are those words and phrases that
provide us with the detail sets within the larger context sets.
As an example, the word 'prophecy' may be read up by our software at a sports oriented forum. In that
case, perhaps, due to the emotional sums around the context, and the emotional values of the word
itself within the lexicon, it would be put into the contextual 'bin' within the database as a 'detail word'.
Note that the context of the use of the word in the sports forum is lost in the process and is of no use to
us in these circumstances. What occurs is that the word is picked up as being atypical in its context,
therefore of high potential 'leakage of future' value. The way this works is that most sports forum
language about future events would be statistically more likely to use words such as 'bet' as in 'I bet this
XXX will be outcome', or 'I predict', or 'I think that XXX will happen'. So it is the context plus
emotional values plus rarity of use within the context that flags words for inclusion in the detail level of
the data base. Further, it is worth noting that most detail level words are encountered in our processing
mere days before their appearance. Within the IM data primarily, and then within ST data next. But a
preponderance are discovered within the IM time period. Perhaps an artifact of our processing, if so,
one not explored due to lack of time (cosmic joke noted).
Words are linked by their array values back to the lexicon using our set theory model (see below), and
the language used within the interpretation (detail words excepted) derives from the lexicon and its
links to the changing nature of contexts as they are represented within our model.
Predictive Linguistics is a field that I pioneered in 1993. The software and lexicon has been in
continual change/update mode since. This is due to the constantly changing nature of language and
human expression.
Predictive Linguistics works to predict future language about (perhaps) future events, due to the nature
of humans. It is my operating assumption that all humans are psychic, though the vast majority do
nothing to cultivate it as a skill, and are likely unaware of it within themselves. In spite of this, universe
and human nature has it that they 'leak' prescient information out continuously in their choice of
language. My software processing collects these leaks and aggregates them against a model of a
timeline and that information is provided in this report.

The ALTA report is an interpretation of the asymmetric trends that are occurring even this instant as

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millions of humans are typing billions of words on the internet. The trends are provided in the form of a
discussion of the larger collections of data (dubbed entities) down to the smallest aspect/attribute swept
up from daily discussions within that context. Within the ALTA report format, detail words are
provided as noted below. Phrases and idiomatic expressions are also provided as details. In the main,
geographic references are merely summed, and if deemed pertinent, the largest bag in the collection is
discussed as a 'probable', or 'possible' location to the events being referenced within the details.
In our discussions, the interpretation is provided in a nested, set theory (fuzzy logic) pattern.

Aspects/Attributes are: collections of data that are within our broader linguistic
structures and are the 'supporting' sets that provide our insight into future developments.
The Aspect/Attribute sets can be considered as the 'brought along' serendipitous future
forecasts by way of links between words in these sets and the lexicon.

Entities are: the 'master sets' at the 'top' of our nested linguistic structures and contain
all reference that center around the very broad labels that identify the entity: Markets,
GlobalPop, and SpaceGoatFarts, as examples.

Lexicon is: at its core level, the lexicon is a digital dictionary of words in multiple
languages/alphabets stripped of definitions other than such technical elements as 'parts
of speech' identifiers.

The lexicon is quite large and is housed in a SQL database heavily populated with
triggers and other executable code for maintenance and growth (human language
expands continuously, so the lexicon must as well).

Conceptually, at the Prolog software engine processing level, the lexicon is a predicate
assignment of a complex, multidimensional array of integers to 'labels', each of which is
a word within the lexicon. The integers within the 8x8x10 level array structure are

composed of: emotional qualifiers which are assigned numeric representations of

the intensity, duration, impact and other values of the emotional components given
by humans to that word.

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and also contain: emotional quantifiers which are assigned numeric
representations of the degree of each of the 'cells' level of 'emotional assignment'.

Spyders are: Software programs, that once executed are self directing, within
programmed limits, thus are called 'bots', and within these constraints are allowed to
make choices as to linguistic trails to explore on the internet. The job of the spyders is to
search, retrieve and pre-process (part of the exclusions process that will see 90% of all
returned data eliminated from consideration in our model) the 'linguistic bytes' (2048
words/phrases in multibyte character format) which are aggregated into our modelspace
when processing is complete.

List of entities explored in this report:

The GlobalPop entity represents the linguistic sets within the data that are focused on the
future of humanity, local or global. The 'local future' focus language is aggregated into
our 'global future language' sets. This entity is independent of language, alphabet, or
script form, and thus is our deepest and broadest set for emotional quantifiers and
qualifiers about humanity's future.

USAPop (and any other nation state/territorial reference)

All sub sets of the populace of the planet, within our modelspace are identified by either
a geospatial term such as a regional terrestrial label, e.g. 'AlpinePop', or a geopolitical
label, e.g. 'CanadaPop'. These are used to isolate the subset of the global populace to
which the terms are being applied in the forecast. The terrestrial references are
frequently used to provide a context of 'shared views/concerns', as in 'those things all
mountain dwelling people will have in common separate from other humans'.

The Markets entity is a super set of linguistic structures covering paper debt markets of
all kinds, commodity trading markets, physical swap markets, currency usage (within
populace), digital currency developments, new technology (FinTech),

The Terra entity is the master set for all structures that relate to the planet, and the
physical environment of planet earth. This master set frequently and increasingly has

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extensive cross links to the SpaceGoatFarts entity.

This master set is where all data that fits under the contexts of [officially denied],
[unknown], and [speculative] arrives. Our processing discovered significant amounts of
data of the [unknown], and [officially denied] over 2000 2003 which led to the
creation of the separate entity view labeled SpaceGoatFarts. As may be expected, this set
contains the references to UFO's, Area 51, Break-away Civilization, and other 'woo-woo'

Data Types
IM = Immediacy data with forecasting effectiveness from 3 days to the end of the third
week. Error range is 4 weeks.
ST = Shorter Term data with forecasting effectiveness from the 4th week out through
and inclusive the end of the 3rd month (from date of interpretation). Error range = 4
LT = Longer Term data with forecasting effectiveness from the end of the 3rd month
out through and inclusive of the end of the 19th month. Error range = 19 months.

Terms employed:

Cross links links from one cell in the data base and its software representation to another due to a
shared linguistic structure or pattern.

Linguistic structure In my modelspace, a linguistic structure is a 'master set' and all its contained
sub sets (also known as 'directly held' sub sets). At the very highest level, each and all entities within
my model are linguistic structures; which, in their turn, are composed of many sub sets of other
linguistic structures. Modelspace allows for 256 layers of 'nesting' of these sets and sub sets. Each of
which, can and may, be a complex set of its own. Obviously the model is derived from Object Oriented
Programming at its highest level.

Meta Data Layer in modelspace, when a meme appears directly held in numerous sets, at the same
level of support, it is labeled as a 'meta data layer'. These 'layers' can be thought of as a common
linguistic structure that forms with differing supporting sets in the various entities. For clarity, a meme
in Terra entity would not have the same supporting sets as that same meme in the GlobalPop entity, but
both would be part of the larger meta data layer that the meme reveals.

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Modelspace in the interpretation, the data sets are represented on screen in a 'virtual box' fashion in
which a 3d box is drawn and the lexicon linked words from the latest data processing are shown within
the 3d box by position, and color, brightness and hue of the individual pixels. Using an algorithm of my
own design and the predicate calculus of the prolog programming language, modelspace is populated
by these data base representations in a manner that resembles 'scatter graphs', but at a 3 dimensional
level. By toggling on or off several advanced features of our 3d box software, the various levels of
data, and cross links and other technical elements may be displayed.

MOM model of modelspace. In the very first public release of information from my process, a self-
referencing loop was created by internet articles about the release, and thus the next time the spyders
were invoked, the process crashed on self-referential, circuitous references to my own work. As a
corrective measure, MOM (models of modelspace) was devised as my very improvement on the
process. MOM holds a copy of my interpretation as well as links to areas on the net to exclude from
consideration within the predictive linguistic work.

Set Our approach involves the use of complex (fuzzy) set theory originating in the software industry's
quest for 'intelligent machines' or 'ai (artificial intelligence)'. In our approach, the fuzzy sets are based
on the ability to define such concepts as 'near', 'close to', 'about', and 'like' among many others which
provide me the ability to assign a numeric representation as a 'quantifier' to human emotions which are
the key element to future forecasting from predictive linguistics.

Temporal Echo these are linguistic echos across time that will reference the same, previously
forecast, meme and its emotional parameters. The language manifest in both instances, that is, the
temporal (meme) anchor and its echo will be related to each other, though frequently the repeating echo
is larger in both scope and intensity. In some cases the meme is 'completed' in our predictive linguistics
sense of that word by the echo phase of the meme.

TM = Temporal Marker, think of this as a 'book mark' against which you may remember specific
details of the forecast. These are chosen due to some (more or less) easily identified linguistic 'tell-tale'
that we expect to show up in the forecast language within media discussions.

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2016 by clif high for Halfpasthuman
Frenzy - August, 2016
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