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Chapter 17: From Gene to Protein

Key Concepts
17.1 Genes specify proteins via transcription and translation
17.2 Transcription is the DNA-directed synthesis of RNA: a closer look
17.3 Eukaryotic cells modify RNA after transcription
17.4 Translation is the RNA-directed synthesis of a polypeptide: a closer look
17.5 RNA plays multiple roles in the cell: a closer look
17.6 Comparing gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes reveals key differences
17.7 Point mutations can affect protein structure and function

Interactive Questions

Interactive Question 17.1

Fill in the sequence in the synthesis proteins. Put the name of the process above each

DNA RNA protein (polypeptide)

Interactive Question 17.2

Practice using the dictionary of the genetic code in your textbook. Determine the amino
acid sequence for a polypeptide coded for by the following mRNA transcript. (written


Interactive Question 17.3

Review the key steps of transcription in eukaryotes:
a. Initiation Trans-factors bind to promoter and help RNA polymerase II bind
DNA helix is unwound, hydrogen bonds sequenced.
b. Elongation RNA polymerase moves along the DNA, mRNA increases in length
nucleotides are added on 3 end.
c. Termination RNA polymerase transcribes past the termination signal and poly A

Interactive Question 17.4

How does the mRNA that leaves the nucleus differ from the primary transcript pre-

A modified 5 cap has a GTP added.

- Poly A tail is added (250 nucleotides).
- Introns are cut out by splicesome.
- Exons are attached together.
Interactive Question 17.5

Using some of the codons and the amino acids you identified in Interactive Question
17.2, fill in the following table.

RNA Triplet 35 mRNA Codon Anticodon 35 Amino Acid

TAC AUG UAC Methionine

Interactive Question 17.6

1. Codon Recognition
2. Peptide Bond Formation
3. Translation
4. Termination

a. growing polypeptide chain

b. tRNA with amino acid
c. large subunit of ribosomes
d. A site
e. small subunit
f. 5 end mRNA
g. peptide bond formation
h. E site
i. release factor
j. termination codon
k. P site
l. free polypeptide

Interactive Question 17.8

Fill in the functions for the following types of RNA molecules

a. mRNA Carries the code from DNA that specifies the amino acid
b. tRNA Carries a specific amino acid to its position in a polypeptide
c. rRNA Plays catalytic (ribozyme) roles and structural roles in ribosomes
d. snRNA Small nuclear RNA, part of the spliceosomes, splices mRNA
e. SRP RNA Signal recognition particle that binds to signal peptides bound to
endoplasmic reticulum
f. snoRNA (small nucleolar RNA) Aids in processing pre-RNA transcript in
g. siRNA (small interfering RNA) and miRNA (microRNA) small interfering

Interactive Question 17.9

Define the following, and explain what type of point mutation could cause each of these

a. silent mutation A base pair substitution that produces a codon that still codes for
the same amino acid
b. missense mutation Base pair substitution or frameshift mutation that results in a
codon for a different amino acid
c. nonsense mutation Base pair substitutions or frameshift mutation that creates a
stop codon and prematurely terminates translation
d. frameshift mutation An insertion or deletion of one, two, or more, than three
mucleotides that disrupts the reading frame and creates extensive missense or
nonsense mutations

Structure Yo Knowledge

Transcription Translation
Template DNA RNA
Location Nucleus (eukaryotes) Cytoplasm
Molecules involved RNA nucleotides, DNA Amino acids, tRNA,
template strands, RNA mRNA, ribosomes, ATP,
polymerase, transcription GTP, enzymes, initiation
factors elongation
Enzymes involved RNA polymerase, Aminoacyl-tRNA
ribozymes synthetase
Control start and stop Transcription factors, TATA Initiation factors, AUG, stop
box, poly A codons, release factors
Product Primary transcript (pre- Protein (polypeptide)
Product processing RNA processing: 5 cap, Spontaneous folding,
poly A tail, splicing disulfide bridges, cleaving,
Energy source RIbonucleoside, ATP, GTP
2. The genetic code is the RNA triplets that code for amino acids. The order of these
codons is specified by the sequence of nucleotides on DNA, which is transcribed into the
codons found on mRNA and translated into their corresponding amino acids. There are
64 possible mRNA codons created from the our nucleotides used in the triplet code (43)

Redundancy of the code refers to the fact that several triplets may code for the same
amino acid. Often these triplets differ only in the third nucleotide. The wobble
phenomenon explains the fact that there are only about 45 different tRNA molecules that
pair with the 61 possible codons (three codons are always stop codons). The third
nucleotide of many tRNAs can pair with more than one base. Because of the redundancy
of the genetic code, these wobble tRNAs still place the correct amino acid in position.



base-pair may be
substitutions may be
due to
insertions spontaneous mutagens
may have or deletions
small effect
on protein usually have during may be

large effect DNA repair, chemical,

due to replication,
on protein physical
of code depends on if
such as
create stop
properties of location of codon
replacement replacement base analogs,
called X-ray, UV
amino acid amino cid
called whether in mutation
active site
silent missense
mutation mutation
Test Yo Knowledge
1. d ornithine or citrulline (p. 310)
2. a DNA to RNA (p. 311)
3. b CAU (p. 314)
4. e begins transcription at a promoter sequence and moves along the template
strand of DNA, elongating an RNA molecule in a 5 3 direction. (p. 316)
5. c It depends on the orientation of the RNA polymerase, whose position is
determined by particular sequences of nucleotides within the promoter.
6. b RNA polymerase (p. 328)
7. c Assemblies of protein and snRNPs, called spliceosomes, may catalyze
splicing. (p. 328)
8. c snRNA (p. 319)
9. b 200 (p. 339)
10. a exons (p. 320)
11. d Introns provide more area where crossing over may occur and thus increase
the probability of exon shuffling between alleles. (p. 316)
12. d an RNA molecule that functions as an enzyme. (p. 323)
13. d snRNA (p. 317)
14. c gene for transcription factor (p. 314)
15. b binds to its specific amino acid in the active site of an aminoacyl-tRNA
synthetase (p. 328)
16. e 5-4-2-1-3 (p. 324)
17. e all of the above (p. 329)
18. b rRNA (p. 320)
19. b It lines up in the 53 direction along the 53 mRNA strand. (p. 317)
20. a the addiction of sugars or lipids in certain amino acids. (p.310)
21. a the action of several ribosomes in a string, called a polyribosome. (p.313)
22. d would be the first 20 or so amino acids of a protein destined for a membrane
location of secretion from the cell. (p.315)
23. e all of the above (p. 323)
24. b The substitution must involve three nucleotide pairs, otherwise the reading
frame is altered. (p. 318)
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