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NAME: ______________________________________ GRADE: ______/40

This exam consists of four (4) sections with a total of twenty-eight (28) questions. You will
have ONE HOUR AND THIRTY MINUTES (1.5) hours to complete this exam. Cell phones
are not allowed to be on you during this exam. Please leave all such items in your bag and
place it at the front of the classroom.

Section 1: Read the following scrambled paragraphs and decide which sentence is the topic

a. Write TS on the line next to that sentence. (2pts)

b. Number the other sentences so that the paragraph makes sense (1-6). (3pts)

________ In time, this melted part rises as magma.

________ The formation of a volcanic emption is a dramatic series of events.
________ As the plate sinks, friction and Earth's heat cause part of it to melt.
________ The magma produces heat, steam, and pressure.
________ First of all, most volcanoes are formed where two plates collide.
________ Then one of the plates is forced under the other and sinks.
________ When the heat, steam, and pressure from the magma finally reach the surface of
Earth, a volcanic emption occurs.

Section 2: A topic sentence has two essential parts: the topic and the controlling idea.
CIRCLE the topic and UNDERLINE the controlling idea in the following sentences.

1. A major problem for many students is the high cost of tuition and books.

2. Moving away from home can be a stressful experience for many young students.

3. It is an expensive luxury to own an automobile in a large city.

4. The Caribbean island of Trinidad attracts tourists because of its calypso music.

5. Cell phones have changed the way we communicate.

Section 3: Identify whether the sentences are simple, complex, compound or
compound-complex. Please underline dependent clauses where it applies. (10pts)

1. Vampires Diaries is my favorite television show, but I also love True Blood.
2. While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to Home Depot, and Martin organized
the kitchen appliances.
3. After listening to the Kanye West CD, I have new respect for his music.
4. Trina and Hareem went to a bar in Hollywood to celebrate their anniversary.
5. Although the company's sales increased last year, its net profit declined.

Section 4: Circle the transition words and phrases in the sentences below. (5pts)

1. The roof is leaking in the old house; furthermore, the brick is crumbling.
2. Even though there was no one home, Walter didnt feel lonely.
3. No one expected so many people at the party; consequently, we ran out of food.
4. Although Tara was the last to leave class, she was the first on the bus.
5. I like to go to the opera; in fact, its my favorite type of entertainment.

BONUS: Why do we use the semicolon (;) in sentences 1,3, and 5? (2pts)



Section 5: Use one of the words below to connect the clauses below. You should only use a
transition word or phrase once. Insert punctuation where necessary! (10pts)

however so similarly

as a result in addition

1. The girls wanted an ice cream cone ________________________ they left the park early.
2. The Johnson children get an allowance every week ________________________ they earn
money for completing chores
3. Mother didnt have time to go to the store ______________________________ there was no
milk in the refrigerator.
4. James and his team didnt finish the project ________________________ they did work
5. The rhino in Africa is threatened with extinction ________________________ many
species of gorilla are also endangered.

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