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Lauren Burgess

Carol Perkins


8 February 2017

Assignment #3 Culture Influences Everything

In infant A, I have not really seen major cultural differences. For the most part these

infants come from fairly similar backgrounds as far as I can tell. Without conversing with the

parents the details of how they prefer to raise their children, there are few differences I can see

without discussing it with the caregivers in the room. Today, however, we did discuss how all the

children are breast fed. We concluded that breast feeding has come back around as a social norm

for mothers in todays society. When I was a child, my mother had to feed me formula. This was

the case for most people my age because formula was seen as a healthy and easy option for most

mothers. The caregiver in the classroom has also noticed this specific cultural difference

throughout the years. Another difference is one child has reusable diapers. The mother believes

this is a safer, more environmentally friendly way to care for her child. The caregivers in the

classroom now must follow school protocol as well as the wishes of the parents on how to

cooperatively raise a child.

It can be a challenge for caregivers to follow the school/day care policies as well as the

wishes of the parents because they can have conflicting ideas on how to care for children or

teachers may be asked to do more personalized tasks, for example: if a child is on a strict diet,

this can become difficult for the caregiver when other children want that childs food, or it could

be difficult to prepare. Nonetheless, to make sure a child has the best quality care, it is imperative
for the teachers to recognize and respect all cultural views, as well as do their best to

accommodate for the childs needs.

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