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Final project Multimedia

ID Student : D10509802

Classification 3D object Fruits From its Multiple Images Capture

using ConvNet

Convolution Neural Networks (ConvNet) method looks very popular until now, it is
one parts of Deep learning that can classify millions of images category. This
research is propose Classification 3D object Fruits From its Multiple Images Capture
using ConvNet. The better accuracy for this research is 97,5% to recognize Apple
and Banana.
Keyword --- ConvNet, 3D Object Fruits

1. Introduction
Research on image Recognition in General has been done by researchers,
various methods have been used to seek higher accuracy in recognizing the
imagery was made the object of research both on the basis of form, colour
and contour. The main purpose of this study is to make a computer system can
recognize specific image object information is the same as human knowledge. A
study of character recognition using ConvNet handwriting done by Yann LeChun [1],
research on ConvNet ceased some time and then resumed again in 2014 research
conducted by Olga Russakovsky [2] about the Detection and classification of
millions of images Categories. The next Deep learning method in particular
ConvNet continued until now.
Previous studies ConvNet method looks very popular, So interesting to use in
research in the classification of fruit from some of the 3D images of the 3 types of
fruit. Furthermore this research will measure the extent to which the accuracy of the
recognition system created. The fruit that will be in classification is a fruit in the
form of 3-dimensional virtual object applies the bananas, oranges and apples.

2. Method
This research using ConvNet Method to classify three type of 3D object Fruits.
The flowchart is shown as figure 1.
Final project Multimedia
ID Student : D10509802

Figure 1. Classification 3D object Fruits From its Multiple Images Capture using
As shown in figure 1, there are some step to get result of classification.
1. Capture Image
Image captured for arbitrary angle of 3D Fruits object with 3 types Object are
apple, banana and citrus. Number of images are 150 for each types.
2. Set all image to grayscale and resize
All images resize in 28x28 pixel and change to grayscale and next divide two
parts, one of parts for training data and another ones for testing data
3. Train data
Number of training data are set to 130 images and save all pixel in CSV file
with 3 labels. Apple is 0, banana is 1 and citrus is 2.
4. Convolution neural networks proses
All train data is processed in convolution neural networks to get model, this
process is shown as in figure 2.

Figure 2. Convolution Neural Networks Architecture Model [3]

Final project Multimedia
ID Student : D10509802
5. Model
Result of feature extraction from train data
6. Test data
All test data is processed using model to get classification
7. Result
Show recognize accuracy for testing data

3. Implementation and result

This experiment using hardware specification on an Intel Core i7 6400 CPU @
3.40Hz with 32.0 GB of RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 of graphic chard and
windows 8.1 64 bit operating System. The software using java and r
programming. Also using software specification to run ConvNet in R
programming such as CUDA for pararel computing to get faster looping process
and efficient mapping of ConvNet, MXNetR frameworks for deep learning,
release from DMLC (Deep Machine Learning Community) and Java Programming
to build 3D Fruits.

3.1Data images
All Data images resize in 28x28 pixel and change to grayscale as shown
figure 3.

Figure 3. sample Data image for Testing process.

3.2Test data
in this experiment, test data divided into 3 parts: first test Recognize apple
and banana, shown that the accuracy is 97,5% as figure 4. Where the code 0
is apple and 1 is banana.
Final project Multimedia
ID Student : D10509802

Figure 4. Test Recognize apple and banana

Second recognize citrus and banana test, the accuracy is 35% for only recognize
banana , shown as figure 5. Where the code 1 is banana and 2 is citrus

Figure 5. test recognize citrus and banana

Third recognize apple and citrus test, the accuracy is 42,5% for only recognize apple
, shown as figure 5. Where the code 0 is apple and 2 is citrus
Final project Multimedia
ID Student : D10509802

Figure 5. test recognize apple and citrus

4. Conclusion
The main goal of this research was to find better accuracy to Classify 3D object
Fruits using ConvNet. The better accuracy find in Recognize apple and banana
test than another ones.

[1] LeCun, Y., Botton, L., Bengio, Y., Haffner, P., Gradient-Based Learning Applied to
Document Recognition, PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 86, NO. 11,
[2] Russakovsky, O., Deng, J., Su, H., ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition
Challenge, Int. J. Comput. Vis. (2015) 115:211252. Springer
Science+Business Media New York 2015
[3] Pararel Architecture Research Eindhoven [online] available : (http

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