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At the Intersection of Health, Health Care and Policy

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F.M. Scherer
The Link Between Gross Profitability And Pharmaceutical
R&D Spending
Health Affairs 20, no.5 (2001):216-220
doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.20.5.216

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H E A L T H T R A C K I N G : T R E N D S

The Link Between Gross

Profitability And

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Pharmaceutical R&D Spending
An analysis that answers the question: What does the pharmaceutical
industry really do with its profits?
b y F. M . S c h e r e r

i n c e t h e l a t e 1 9 5 0 s , when the be raised through new capital issues. Prior
Kefauver Committee investigated the tests of the hypothesis of internally generated
business practices of U.S. pharmaceuti- funds have yielded mixed results. For most
cal companies, representatives of that indus- well-established corporations, R&D spend-
try have argued that its profits are an impor- ing is not greatly dependent upon internal
tant stimulus to, and source of funding for, cash flow, but small high-tech enterprises
research and development (R&D)which in before the 1990s venture capital boomand
turn leads to a stream of health-enhancing the research-intensive pharmaceutical indus-
216 new products. Although the argument is try were probable exceptions.2 Third, manag-
plausible on its face, quantitative evidence on ers expectations of future profit opportuni-
the robustness of the linkage has been scarce. ties, which are tempered, inter alia, by
This paper reports the results of a simple data contemporary market conditions, can exert a
analysis yielding surprising new insights. demand-pull influence on R&D investments.3
Profitability and investments in R&D can, Testing how well these relationships hold
in principle, be linked in three rather different for investments in pharmaceutical R&D is
ways. First, successful R&D leads, with long rendered difficult by the complex structure of
and variable lags, to new products, which, de- the leading pharmaceutical companies. They
pending upon their reception in the market, operate within a wide variety of fields in addi-
can add greatly to company profits. The dis- tion to ethical drugsfor example, pharmacy
tribution of profit outcomes, as research by benefit management, herbicides and pesti-
Henry Grabowski and John Vernon has cides, medical instruments and supplies,
shown, is highly skewed.1 A minority of new prosthetics, hair care products, dental prod-
products confer blockbuster profits, while the ucts, and nutritional products. The more di-
majority return less than the capitalized cost versified companies almost never publish
of R&D, including the cost of failed projects. R&D outlay breakdowns subdivided among
Second, the profits earned by a company these fields, and they seldom report their op-
serve as a source of funds to support R&D erating margin results in enough detail to re-
investments, and some managers are known late R&D indices with any precision to meas-
to set R&D budgets using rules of thumb em- ures of profitability.
phasizing an indicator of current cash flow or An alternative approach, and the one used
sales. To be sure, as recent experience in here, is to analyze data on R&D investment
biotechnology shows, funds for R&D can also and profits at the aggregated industry level.

F.M. Scherer is Aetna Professor of Public Policy Emeritus at Harvard Universitys Kennedy School of
Government and a lecturer in public affairs at Princeton University.

H E A L T H A F F A I R S ~ V o l u m e 2 0 , N u m b e r 5
2001 Project HOPEThe People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
H E A L T H T R A C K I N G : T R E N D S

The principal industry trade association, those mandated by law along with voluntary
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers benefits. As such, it is best described as a
of America (PhRMA), conducts an annual measure of pharmaceutical manufacturing
survey, from which one can obtain a continu- plants gross marginsthat is, the surplus of
ous data series on PhRMA members ethical revenues over in-plant production costs avail-
drug R&D outlays extending back to the able to cover R&D costs along with deprecia-

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early 1960s (Exhibit 1). tion, marketing costs, central office costs,
n Time-series analysis. Examination of debt service costs, income taxes, and net prof-
Exhibit 1 reveals why the usual techniques of its. The coverage match between ethical drug
time-series analysis used by economists work R&D outlays and this gross margin measure
poorly in ascertaining the links between is not perfect, as the census universe under
R&D and profitability. Those methods focus the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
on year-to-year changes in the variable of in- code 2834Pharmaceutical Preparations
terest. But there are few sharp changes in the also includes less research-intensive over-the-
spending path from year to year and, accord- counter drugs, generic drugs, and some vita-
ingly, few true degrees of freedom necessary min formulations.5 Fringe benefit outlays,
for a standard time series analysis.4 Rather, amounting to 3.68 percent of gross margins in
one sees gradual swings in actual R&D 1967, had to be estimated by extrapolation for
spending around a best-fitting long-term 19621966, imparting possible inaccuracies in
R&D time trend, assuming steady exponen- the gross margin measure too small to affect
tial growth. The trend line implies growth in the results reported here.
inflation-adjusted spending at an average rate n Gross margins versus R&D outlays.
of 7.5 percent per year. The growth rate of deflated gross margins was
The most closely comparable aggregate 4.23 percent per yearmuch lower than the 217
time-series measure of industry profitability 7.51 percent growth rate found for R&D out-
is derived from Census of Manufactures and An- lays (Exhibit 2). The disparity of growth rates
nual Survey of Manufactures data from the U.S. implies a likely slackening of R&D growth
Census Bureau. It is computed as sales less rates in the future. If R&D were covered
outside materials purchases, payroll outlays, solely by domestic gross margins, continu-
and employee fringe benefitsincluding ation of growth trends experienced since 1962

Pharmaceutical Industry Research And Development (R&D) Outlays Against Exponential
Time Trend, 19621996

Millions of 1992 dollars

R&D outlays

8,000 Time trend


1962 1970 1980 1990 1996
SOURCES: Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Industry Profile: 1998 (Washington: PhRMA, July 1998); and
PhRMA, Annual Survey Report: 198385 (Washington: PhRMA, 1986).
NOTE: Outlays have been adjusted for inflation, using the deflator for U.S. gross domestic product, with 1992 as the base year.

H E A L T H A F F A I R S ~ S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 2 0 0 1
H E A L T H T R A C K I N G : T R E N D S

Pharmaceutical Industry Gross Margins Against Exponential Time Trend, 19621996
Millions of 1992 dollars

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Gross margins
Time trend


1962 1970 1980 1990 1996
SOURCES: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census of Manufactures: 1992, and Annual Surveys of Manufactures, various years.

would mean that R&D outlays would exceed changes in R&D spending. However, the
gross margins in the year 2025. To be sure, paradox diminishes if decisionmakers are able
profits from overseas sales also help to repay to foresee changes in general industry condi-
R&D costs, but since the United States is the tions two or more years into the futurefor
largest single market for U.S. drug companies example, recognizing that the rational drug
products, retardation of R&D growth rates design approaches, demonstrated by the in-
218 seems likely in the long run. troduction of Tagamet in 1977, presaged in-
As in the R&D time series, pharmaceutical creasingly rich opportunities for profitable
industry gross margins exhibit long swings new product development.
around their exponential time trend. To some Sensitivity tests revealed that the patterns
extent, coincidence in the timing of the observed in Exhibit 3 persist when domestic
swings can be seen by comparing Exhibits 1 R&D outlays, a time series available only be-
and 2. However, the relationships are brought ginning in 1970, are substituted for worldwide
into sharper focus by computing the percent- R&D outlays, and when fringe benefit out-
age deviations of actual R&D outlays and lays, reported by the Census Bureau only be-
gross margins from their exponential time ginning in 1967, are not deducted in calculat-
trend values.6 The resulting trend deviation ing gross margins.
series are juxtaposed in Exhibit 3. It is conceivable, as one referee suggested,
The degree of coincidence was, at least to that the cycles observed here reflect spuri-
this investigator, surprisingly close. The sim- ously correlated changes in industry aggre-
ple Pearsonian correlation between the two gates, for example, as a result of differences in
time series is +0.92. Deviations from trend sample coverage between the trade associa-
values rise and fall in tandem. The swings are tion and Census Bureau universes. To test this
so closely correlated that it would be implau- possibility, a further analysis correlated trend
sible to infer a chain of causation running deviations in variables defined as ratios, with
from R&D to profits, since lags of ten to fif- no intermingling of trade association and cen-
teen years from peak R&D spending to peak sus universe data for a given ratio. For R&D,
profitability for new products are typical.7 At the relevant ratio was worldwide R&D out-
two of the three clear turning points, reversals lays, divided by worldwide sales of trade asso-
in the R&D spending series precede reversals ciation members in any given year. The
in the gross margin series by a year or two. PhRMA sales variable was not used in the
This is superficially inconsistent with a hy- previous analysis. For gross margins, the rele-
pothesis that changes in gross margins drive vant ratio was the gross margin, as defined for

H E A L T H A F F A I R S ~ V o l u m e 2 0 , N u m b e r 5
H E A L T H T R A C K I N G : T R E N D S

Percentage Deviations From Trend For Pharmaceutical Industry Gross Margins And
Research And Development (R&D) Outlays, 19621996
Percent deviation

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Gross margins

R&D outlays


1962 1970 1980 1990 1996
SOURCES: Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Industry Profile: 1998 (Washington: PhRMA, July 1998),
and Annual Survey Report: 198385 (Washington: PhRMA, 1986); and U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census of Manufactures:
1992, and Annual Surveys of Manufactures, various years.
NOTE: Percentages were figured using constant 1992 dollars.

Exhibit 2, divided by the total value of plant with a distinct upper bound, the two ratios
shipments, a rough Census Bureau surrogate could not plausibly sustain exponential 219
for sales, which can double-count interplant growth for any extended period. Percentage
shipments. For the time series of each vari- deviations from these best-fitting linear
able, a best-fitting linear trend was estimated. trends were computed (Exhibit 4). Except
A linear trend was used because, as variables during the early 1960s, their movements over

Percentage Deviations In Research And Development (R&D) As A Percentage Of Sales
And Price-Cost Margins As A Percentage Of Census Sales, 19621996
Percent deviation


0 Gross margins


R&D outlays

1962 1970 1980 1990 1996
SOURCES: Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Industry Profile: 1998 (Washington: PhRMA, July 1998),
and Annual Survey Report: 198385 (Washington: PhRMA, 1986); and U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census of Manufactures:
1992, and Annual Surveys of Manufactures, various years.
NOTE: Percentages were figured using constant 1992 dollars.

H E A L T H A F F A I R S ~ S e p t e m b e r / O c t o b e r 2 0 0 1
H E A L T H T R A C K I N G : T R E N D S

time are similar to and consistent with those classification, the North American Standard In-
of Exhibit 3. Their simple correlation is 0.863. dustrial Classification, was adopted by the U.S.
Census Bureau in that year. Using splice data
Given the internally consistent industry sam- provided by the Census Bureau for 1997, one
ple frames but different trend measurement finds that constant-dollar gross margins for the
assumptions used for Exhibit 4 compared industry, as defined in 1996, probably rose by
with Exhibit 3, the similarity of trend devia- approximately 11.9 percent relative to 1996. Con-
tion patterns suggests that there was indeed stant-dollar R&D outlays rose by 10.6 percent.
The census universe excludes production in
cyclical comovement in pharmaceutical in- Puerto Rico, which is an important source of
dustry gross margins and R&D outlays. U.S. pharmaceutical products.
n A virtuous rent-seeking model. Thus, 6. For example, for R&D, the calculation is
a robust pattern persists. Combined with evi- [(R&DTrend)/Trend] 100.
dence that profit rates of return on pharma- 7. See U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assess-
ment, Pharmaceutical R&D: Costs, Risks, and Rewards,
ceutical industry R&D investments tend to Pub. no. OTA-H-522 (Washington: U.S. Gov-
exceed risk-adjusted capital costs by only ernment Printing Office, February 1993), 2022.
modest amounts, the pattern suggests that 8. Ibid., chap. 1. For the pioneering theoretical
pharmaceutical industry R&D is best de- analysis of such behavior, see Y. Barzel, Optimal
scribed by a virtuous rent-seeking model.8 Timing of Innovations, Review of Economics and
Statistics (August 1968): 348355. For an applica-
That is, as profit opportunities expand, firms tion to pharmaceuticals, which at the time of
compete to exploit them by increasing R&D writing was considered one of two plausible
investments, and perhaps also promotional theoretical alternatives, see Scherer, Industry
costs, until the increases in costs dissipate Structure, Strategy, and Public Policy, 365366.
most, if not all, supranormal profit returns. If
this is a correct interpretation of the indus-
220 trys behavior, it has self-evident implications
for policy interventions aimed at reducing in-
dustry prices and profits.
1. H.G. Grabowski and J.M. Vernon, A New Look
at the Returns and Risks to Pharmaceutical
R&D, Management Science ( July 1990): 804821.
2. See C.P. Himmelberg and B.C. Petersen, R&D
and Internal Finance: A Panel Study of Small
Firms in High-Tech Industries, Review of Econom-
ics and Statistics (February 1994): 3851; W.W.
McCutchen Jr., Estimating the Impact of the
R&D Tax Credit on Strategic Groups in the
Pharmaceutical Industry, Research Policy (Au-
gust 1993): 337351; and H.G. Grabowski, The
Determinants of Industrial Research and Devel-
opment, Journal of Political Economy (March/April
1968): 292306.
3. See J. Schmookler, Innovation and Economic Growth
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966);
and F.M. Scherer, Demand-Pull and Techno-
logical Innovation: Schmookler Revisited, Jour-
nal of Industrial Economics (March 1982): 225238.
4. Despite that difficulty, the use of standard year-
to-year time series analysis yields results consis-
tent with those reported here. See F.M. Scherer,
Industry Structure, Strategy, and Public Policy (New
York: HarperCollins, 1996), 388.
5. Extending the analysis into 1997 and especially
beyond is problematic, since a new industry

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