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Nyeri Kepala

- Primer
Migraine Without Aura
Duration of 4 - 72 hours
At least two of the following
o Unilateral location
o Pulsating quality
o Moderate or severe intensity (inhibit / prohibit ADLs)
o Aggravation by routine physical activity (e.g. stairs)
At least one of the following
o Nausea and / or vomiting
o Photophobia and phonophobia
Can not be explained by a secondary cause
At least five attacks

Migraine With Aura

Migraine without aura criteria
Plus at least three of the following
One or more fully reversible aura symptoms
At least one symptom develops gradually (>4 min) or two or more
symptoms occur in succession
No single aura symptom lasts longer than 60 min
Headache follows aura within 60 min (may begin before or
simultaneously with aura symptom(s)
Secondary causes excluded
At least two attacks

Tension Type Headache

IHS criteria
Headache < 15 per month Sakit kepala <15 per bulan
Last 30 mins 70 days 30 menit terakhir - 70 hari
No nausea or vomiting Tidak ada mual atau muntah
No photophobia and phonophobia Tidak ada fotofobia dan

Headache has at least 2 of the following criteria : Sakit kepala memiliki

setidaknya 2 dari kriteria berikut:

Pressing/tightening Menekan / pengetatan

Bilateral Bilateral
Mild-moderate Ringan-sedang
Not aggravated by physical activity Tidak diperburuk oleh
aktivitas fisik

- Sekunder
trauma kepala dan atau leher
kelainan vaskuler kranial atau servikal
kelainan non vaskuler intrakranial
substansi atau withdrawalnya
kelainan homeostasis
kelainan psikiatrik
kelainan kranium, leher, mata, telinga, hidung, sinus, gigi, mulut, atau
struktur facial atau kranial lainnya

Tension Type Headache - Treatment

Pharmacological therapy
NSAIDs and rest if needed
Preventive (antianxiety, antidepresan)
Tricyclic (or SSRI)
Psychophysiological therapy
Reassurance, stress management, relaxation therapy
Physical therapy
Modality treatments (heat, cold, ultrasound, electrical)
Stretching, exercise, traction
Trigger point injections and occipital nerve blocks
Accupuncture & TENS
Chronobiological regulation (exercise, meals, sleep)

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