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Prof. dr. sc. Vladimir Muljevi,
Trg Francuske Republike 7, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
Prof Vladimir Muljevi, PhD,
Trg Francuske Republike 7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
lanak ukratko opisuje ivot Nikole Tesle, od sela Smiljana do New Yorka, od snalaljivog
djeaka, ljubitelja ivotinja do znanstvenika svjetskog glasa. Poevi od opisa stanovnitva
Like razmatra se porijeklo obitelji Tesla. Nastavlja se s Teslinim kolovanjem u Hrvatskoj:
puka kola u Smiljanu i Gospiu, gimnazija u Gospiu i Rakovcu. Slijedi kolovanje na
Tehnikoj visokoj koli u Grazu te boravak i dopuna obrazovanja u Pragu. Prikazan je Teslin rad
u Budimpeti i Francuskoj, odlazak iz Europe i nastavak rada u SAD-u te osnivanje vlastitog
laboratorija. Ukratko su prikazani Teslini patenti u podruju elektrinih strojeva i ureaja koje
je patentirao u Patentnom uredu SAD. Na kraju su iznesena miljenja znanstvenika o Nikoli
Tesli i priznanja koja je zasluio svojim radom.
The article briey describes the life of Nikola Tesla, from the village of Smiljan to New York,
from a resourceful boy and animal lover to a world famous scientist. The ancestry of the Tesla
family is discussed, starting with a description of the ethnic background of the inhabitants
of Lika. Teslas education in Croatia consisted of elementary school in Smiljan and Gospi,
and secondary school in Gospi and Rakovac. This was followed by the polytechnic school
in Graz and further education in Prague. Teslas work in Budapest and France, his departure
from Europe and the continuation of his work in the USA are discussed, as well as the
establishment of his own laboratory. Teslas patents in the eld of electrical machinery and
equipment that he patented at the United States Patent Ofce are briey presented. There are
also comments by distinguished gures about Nikola Tesla and the recognition he merited.
Kljune rijei: beini sustav, elektrini stroj, luna svjetiljka, mehaniki oscilator, Nikola
Tesla, Tesline struje, viefazni sustav
Key words: arc light, electrical device, mechanical oscillator,
Nikola Tesla, polyphase system, Tesla currents, wireless system

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 218
Izvor: Muzej Nikole Tesle, MNT, VI/V, 15
Source: Muzej Nikole Tesle, MNT, VI/V, 15
Kada se o Nikoli Tesli govori i pie, uvijek se Any discussion of Nikola Tesla always begins with
poinje od sela Smiljana, nedaleko od Gospia. the village of Smiljan, not far from Gospi. The
Njegovo podrijetlo, odnosno podrijetlo njegove origins of his family were not from that place but
obitelji nije meutim ondje, nego u drugom dijelu from another part of Lika and beyond.
Like, pa i dalje.
Data on all the families who lived in the various
Razmotreni su podaci o svim obiteljima koje su parts of Lika several centuries ago have been
prije vie stotina godina ivjele u raznim dijelovima studied but the name Tesla is nowhere to be found.
Like, ali nigdje se nije nailo na prezime Tesla, jer It was merely the nickname given to one of Nikolas
to je bio samo nadimak koji je dobio jedan od ancestors, actually named Dragani, who most likely
Nikolinih predaka, koji se zapravo zvao Dragani, came to Lika from the surroundings of Ledenice.
a bio je doseljenik vjerojatno iz okolice Ledenica. He married into the family of the Orthodox priest
Prienio se u obitelj prote Mandia, pa je tako Mandi and thus began the Lika family of Tesla.
nastala lika obitelj Tesla.
Nikolas father was also a priest. After serving in
I Nikolin je otac bio sveenik, pa je nakon Senj, he came to Smiljan, where Nikola was born
slubovanja u Senju doao u Smiljan, gdje se and then attended elementary school, which he
rodio Nikola i ondje poao u puku kolu, koju continued in Gospi. The ne secondary school in
je nastavio u Gospiu. Dobra krajika gimnazija u the Croatian Military Border town of Gospi and the
Gospiu i njegovo kolovanje ondje bili su solidna education Nikola obtained there provided a solid
osnova za njegovu daljnju izobrazbu. Nikolina foundation for his further studies. Nikolas natural
prirodna sklonost tehnici bila je u znatnoj mjeri afnity for technology was signicantly fostered and
pojaana i obogaena njegovim kolovanjem enriched by his schooling at the secondary school
u Velikoj realnoj gimnaziji u Rakovcu (pokraj in Rakovac (near Karlovac). Undoubtedly, Nikolas
Karlovca). Nedvojbeno je da je kolovanje Nikole education at the secondary school in Rakovac had
Tesle u Velikoj realnoj gimnaziji u Rakovcu imalo a crucial role in the selection of the profession to
presudnu ulogu za njegov odabir struke kojoj je which he devoted his life - electrical engineering.
posvetio cijeli svoj ivot - elektrotehnike.
The polytechnic school (Teschnische Hochschule)
Tehnika visoka kola (Teschnische Hochschule) u in Graz, by virtue of its relative vicinity and
Grazu svojom je relativnom blizinom, a i tradicijom tradition, was the place the young Tesla aspired to
bila cilj mladome Tesli u stjecanju znanja na polju attend in order to acquire knowledge in the eld of
elektrotehnike. electrical engineering.

Bujna mata mladog Tesle dovela ga je u While in Budapest, Teslas fertile imagination led to
Budimpeti do osnovnog njegova otkria na his fundamental discovery in the area of alternating
podruju izmjeninih struja. Odlazak u Pariz, current. His departure to Paris, work in Strasbourg
rad u Strabourgu te konano prijelaz u New York and nal transition to New York accelerated Teslas
ubrzali su Teslin struni, a uskoro i znanstveni rad professional and scientic activity in the growing
na sve irem polju elektrotehnike. eld of electrical engineering.

Nizala su se otkria, izumi, nove konstrukcije There followed discoveries, inventions, new
i patenti zadivljujuom kvalitetom i brzinom. constructions and patents of enviable quality and
Vlastito poduzee, vlastiti laboratorij, mnogi frequency. His own company, his own laboratory,
suradnici te predavanja, lanci i putovanja postali many associates and lectures, articles and travels
su svakidanjica Teslina ivota u Americi. became the daily events of Teslas life in America.

Meutim poar u laboratoriju, Teslina nezaintere- However, a re in his laboratory, Teslas disinterest
siranost za novac te opseni planovi i projekti in money, and extensive plans and projects caused
doveli su ga u velike potekoe. Godine su him grave difculties. The years passed, he
prolazile, mijenjao je donekle i podruje svojih somewhat changed his area of investigation, his
istraivanja, materijalno mu se stanje pogoralo, nancial situation worsened and his health failed.
a i zdravlje je poputalo, pa je tako doao i kraj Thus ended the life of our world famous gure in
tom naem i svjetskom velikanu elektrotehnike i electrical engineering and science, whose works
znanosti, koji je svojim djelima ovjekovjeio svoje have immortalized his name and are a credit to his
ime i ime svoje domovine. homeland.

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 220
U doba prodiranja Turaka na podruje Like, Podgorja
i Senjskoga primorja oko 1520. godine mnogi su During the time of the Turkish penetration into
stanovnici izbjegli u druge krajeve, sigurnije the region of Lika, Podgorje and the Senj littoral,
od turske najezde. U Dalmatinskoj zagori i Lici in approximately the year 1520, many of the
ostali su Hrvati i dio starobalkanskog stanovnitva local inhabitants ed the Turkish invaders to
Morlaci, Lahi i Olahi. Dio tog stanovnitva prihvatio safer regions. Croats and some of the old Balkan
je pravoslavnu, a dio muslimansku vjeru. Ti su se inhabitants, the Morlachs, Lachs and Olachs,
pomuslimanjeni starodjedioci poslije pomijeali s remained in Dalmatinska Zagora and Lika. Part of
doseljenim muslimanima koji su u Liku dolazili iz this population accepted Orthodoxy and part the
zapadne Bosne, gdje je starosjedilako katoliko Islamic faith. These indigenous converts to Islam
i bogumilsko stanovnitvo veinom prelo na later intermarried with the Muslims who arrived in
islam. Opustjele krajeve, nakon to su iz njih Lika from western Bosnia, where the majority of the
izbjegli katoliki starosjedioci, naseljavali su Turci indigenous Catholic and Bogomil inhabitants had
pravoslavnim stanovnitvom koje su dovodili iz converted to Islam. The Turks brought in Orthodox
Podrinja, Poibarja i Polimlja. settlers from Podrinje, Poibarje and Polimlje to
settle the regions that the indigenous Catholic
U dijelovima Like koje Turci nisu mogli osvojiti population had ed.
ostalo je do danas jedino isto potomstvo pred-
turskoga stanovnitva tih krajeva. Tako su se In the parts of Lika that the Turks could not
starosjedioci odrali u staroj Gackoj i Brinjskoj conquer, there dwell what are today the only direct
upaniji, u Senju te u senjskoj okolici, nedaleko descendents of the pre-Turkish population in these
od Ledenica. regions. These indigenous inhabitants remained
in the old Gacka and Brinj County, Senj and the
Kada su Turci, nakon mira sklopljenoga 1699. surroundings of Senj, not far from Ledenice.
godine u Sremskim Karlovcima, otili iz Like,
ondje osim katolikih ostaju naselja pravoslavaca. When the Turks left Lika, following the peace
Stanovnici Like nazivali su ljude grkog accord of 1699 in Sremski Karlovci, in addition
zakona, odnosno pravoslavce, Vlasima, a Srpska to the remaining Catholic settlements there were
pravoslavna crkva im je odredila srpsku nacionalnu also some Orthodox settlements. The inhabitants of
pripadnost. Lika called them the people of the Greek rite, i.e.
Orthodox, Vlachs, and the Serbian Orthodox Church
Do danas nije dovoljno istraeno, niti se pouzdano conferred Serbian nationality on them.
zna podrijetlo obitelji Tesla. Poznato je da su
neki preci imali prezime Dragani. To se prezime The origin of the Tesla family has neither been
nalazilo u srednjoj Dalmaciji, pa su ga u 16. sufciently investigated nor is there reliable
stoljeu nosili i dijelovi obitelji Vrani koja je information. It is known that some of Nikola Teslas
ivjela u ibeniku. ancestors had the surname of Dragani. This is a
surname that is found in central Dalmatia, and in
Prema obiteljskoj predaji jedan je od predaka the 16th century was also the name of parts of the
imao istaknute prednje zube slino tesli, alatu Vrani family who lived in ibenik.
za obraivanje drva. Rije tesla - sjekira nalazi
se u poznatom rjeniku Dictionarium Quinque According to family lore, one of the ancestors had
nobilissimarum Europae lingvarum, Latinae, prominent front teeth that resembled tesli, tools for
Italicae, Germanicae, Dalmaticae, et Ungaricae, processing wood. The word tesla, or ax, is found in
objavljenu 1595. godine u Veneciji, koji je sastavio a famous dictionary entitled Dictionarium Quinque
hrvatski polihistor Faust Vrani (ibenik, 1552.- nobilissimarum Europae lingvarum, Latinae, Italicae,
Venecija, 1617.). Po tom je alatu dotina grana Germanicae, Dalmaticae, et Ungaricae, compiled by
Dragania dobila nadimak, koji je kasnije preao the Croatian polyhistor Faust Vrani (ibenik, 1552
u prezime Tesla. - Venice, 1617) and published in Venice in the year
1595. It was after this tool that a branch of the
Draganii su u Liku, na podruje Divosela doli Dragani family received its nickname, which later
vjerojatno u 17. stoljeu iz sela Ledenice kraj became the surname of Tesla.
Novoga Vinodolskoga, kamo su se doselili iz
srednje Dalmacije. Jeli i neki drugi Dragani ve u In the 17th century, the Dragani family probably
Ledenicama dobio nadimak Tesla, nije poznato. arrived in the Divoselo region of Lika from the

221 Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235
U doba kada su Francuzi osnovali Ilirske village of Ledenice near Novi Vinodol, to which
provincije (1809.-1813.) Nikola Tesla stariji, they had emigrated from central Dalmatia. It is not
otac Milutina Tesle (1819.-1879.) sluio je neko known whether some other Dragani received the
vrijeme kao seran, tj. doasnik pjeake vojske nickname of Tesla while still in Ledenice.
u Napoleonovoj vojsci, gdje je bio odlikovan za
hrabrost. Vjerojatno je da je on i prije bio vojnik During the period when the French established the
u austrijskoj vojsci, odnosno u Vojnoj Krajini u Illyrian Provinces (1809-1813), the senior Nikola
Hrvatskoj. Prema obiteljskoj predaji seranov otac Tesla, the father of Milutin Tesla (1819-1879), served
ivio je 129 godina. ivio je u Raduu i vjerojatno for a time as a sergeant, i.e. a noncommissioned
je imao mnogo djece. Njegovi potomci su dananje ofcer in the infantry of Napoleons army, where he
Tesle iz Radua. was decorated for bravery. It is likely that he had
previously been a soldier in the Austrian army, i.e.
ena Nikole Tesle st. Ana bila je iz graniarske in the Military Border Territory in Croatia. According
obitelji Kalini, divoselske skupine pravoslavnih to family lore, the sergeants father lived for 129
stanovnika Like. Iz toga braka potjee i Milutin years. He made his home in Radu and probably had
roen u selu Raduu. On je u Gospiu polazio many children. His descendents are todays Teslas of
njemaku puku, a poslije i vojnu kolu. Nije Radu.
mu, meutim, odgovarao ivot u vojsci pa je u
Plakome uio bogosloviju, koju je zavrio 1845. The wife of the senior Nikola Tesla, Ana, came from
godine. Zatim se oenio ukom Mandi (1821.- a family from the Military Border Territory, a group of
1892.) iz Tomingrada kraj Graaca. Orthodox inhabitants of Divoselo in Lika. Their son
Milutin was born in the village of Radu. Milutin
Milutin Tesla je kao mladi sveenik slubovao u attended German elementary school in Gospi,
Senju, odakle je bio premjeten za upravitelja followed by military school. However, life in the army
parohije u Smiljan, selo nedaleko od Gospia. U did not suit him so in Plakome he studied theology,
Smiljanu se 10. srpnja 1856., u kui prikazanoj which he completed in 1845. He then married uka
na slici 1, rodio Nikola Tesla, a zatim i njegova Mandi (1821-1892) of Tomingrad near Graac.
sestra Mandica.
As a young priest, Milutin Tesla served in Senj, from
which he was transferred to administer the parish in
Smiljan, a village not far from Gospi. On July 10,
1856, Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan in the house
shown in Figure 1, and was later followed by a sister,

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 222
Nikola je prvi razred trivijalke polazio i zavrio Nikola completed the rst grade of elementary school
u Smiljanu. Tu su kolu tada polazila djeca in Smiljan. At the time, the school was attended by
smiljanskih obitelji Milkovi, Kovaevi, Rudeli, the Smiljan families of Milkovi, Kovaevi, Rudeli,
Tomljenovi i ostalih. Moja baka Marija Milkovi, Tomljenovi and others. My grandmother, Marija
roena Kovaevi, ila je u prvi razred s Nikolom Milkovi, ne Kovaevi, was in the same rst grade
Teslom, koji je ve kao djeak volio igrake class as Nikola Tesla, who was already a boy who liked
tehnikog sadraja. toys of a technical nature.

Milutin Tesla je nakon est godina slubovanja In 1862, following six years of service in Smiljan, Milutin
u Smiljanu na vlastitu elju bio premjeten Tesla was transferred at his own request to Gospi.
1862. u Gospi. Nikola je ondje polazio tzv. Thereafter, Nikola attended the preparatory elementary
Pripremnu osnovnu kolu koju je zavrio 1866. school in Gospi, which he completed in the year 1866.
godine. Ve kao dijete volio je ivotinje. Hranio Even as child, Nikola loved animals. He cared for tame
je i pripitomljavao golubove, a to je radio i u New pigeons, as he did in New York until the end of his life.
Yorku do kraja ivota.
Nikola demonstrated his resourcefulness in Gospi when
Svoju snalaljivost pokazao je u Gospiu kada je a new reghting hose malfunctioned on the occasion of
prigodom sveanog putanja u rad nove vatrogasne its ofcial trial. Little Tesla quickly understood that the
trcaljke ova zatajila. Mali je Tesla brzo shvatio da pipe conveying water from the river was blocked. He felt
se dovodna cijev u rijeci zaepila. Izuo se, zagazio for the suction hose in the water and found that it had
u vodu i odepio cijev, nakon ega je trcaljka collapsed. When he waded into the river and opened the
proradila. hose, water rushed forth.

Nakon zavretka puke kole u Gospiu poao je u After completing elementary school in Gospi, Nikola
Niu realnu gimnaziju, gdje je stekao dobro znanje attended the lower secondary school where he acquired
iz prirodnih znanosti i nauio njemaki jezik. a good foundation in the natural sciences and learned
the German language.
Konstruirao je vodenu turbinu i izvodio pokuse na
podruju elektriciteta s pomou ureaja iz kolskog Tesla constructed a water turbine and performed
zikalnoga kabineta. Zanimala ga je matematika, experiments in the eld of electricity with the help of
ali prostoruno crtanje nije mu ilo od ruke. Bio je equipment from the schools physics laboratory. He was
ljevak, uvak. Mnogo je itao, sluio se oevim interested in mathematics but freehand drawing was not
knjigama. Bio je osrednji ak, volio je raunanje, an easy subject for him. He read a lot, borrowing his
pa je i napamet izraunavao sloenije raune. fathers books. He was an average student but enjoyed
calculation so that he was able to compute complex bills
Kada je u ljeto 1870. godine zavrio trei razred in his head.
Nie realne gimnazije u Gospiu, zbog bolesti je
morao odleati dva mjeseca. Nakon toga bio je na In the summer of 1870, when he had completed the
oporavku kod ujaka Tome Mandia u Tomingradu. third year of the lower secondary school in Gospi, he
had to remain in bed for two months due to illness. After
Velika realna gimnazija nedaleko Karlovca, that, he was sent to recover at the home of his uncle,
prikazana na slici 2, osnovana je za potrebe Toma Mandi, in Tomingrad.
Vojne Krajine i za pripremanje aka za studij
tehnike. Od kolske godine 1869./70. Vlada je u The upper secondary school not far from Karlovac,
realnu gimnaziju u Rakovcu uvela maturu, pa pri shown in Figure 2, had been established for the
upisu na studij tehnike aci nisu trebali polagati needs of the Military Border Territory and for preparing
prijamni ispit (Aufnahmeprufung). students for the study of technology. Starting in the
academic year 1869/70, the government introduced a
nal examination at the secondary school in Rakovac,
so that it was no longer necessary to take an entrance
examination (Aufnahmeprufung) in order to enroll in
further technical studies.

223 Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235
Ratno ministarstvo u Beu imenovalo je 1863. In 1863, the Ministry of War in Vienna appointed
godine devet uitelja Velike realne gimnazije u nine teachers to the higher secondary school
Rakovcu, meu njima i Martina Sekulia (Lovinac, in Rakovac, including Martin Sekuli (Lovinac,
1833.- Zagreb, 1905.), dotadanjeg uitelja Nie 1833 - Zagreb, 1905), until then a teacher at the
realne gimnazije u Rakovcu, za matematiku i lower secondary school in Rakovac, who taught
ziku. Martin Sekuli bio je tada kustos kolske mathematics and physics. Martin Sekuli was the
knjinice. custodian of the school library at the time.

Nastavnici Velike realne gimnazije u Rakovcu In 1866, the teachers at the secondary school in
dobivali su od 1866. godine naslov profesor. Rakovac were given the title of professor. During the
kolske godine 1871./72. profesor Sekuli 1871/72 academic year, Prof. Sekuli taught the
predavao je predmete Maschinenlehre (stro- subjects of mechanical engineering and arithmetic.
jarstvo) i Aritmetik. Nastavni jezik bio je njemaki, The language used in the classroom was German.
a iz njega je Tesla dobivao uvijek najbolju ocjenu. Tesla always received the highest grade.

Nakon to je 1870. godine zavrio trei razred After Nikola completed the third year of the lower
Nie realne gimnazije u Gospiu, roditelji su secondary school in Gospi in 1870, his parents sent
Nikolu poslali u Viu, poslije Veliku realnu him to the higher secondary school, and afterwards
gimnaziju u Rakovcu. Ondje je stanovao kod svoje to the secondary school in Rakovac. Here he lived
tetke Stanke, udane za umirovljenoga majora with his aunt, Stanka, who was married to a retired
austrijske vojske, Danila Brankovia. Tetka je major in the Austrian army, Danilo Brankovi. His
pazila na njegovu prehranu, te je pokuavala u aunt was careful about his nutrition and attempted
njemu probuditi zanimanje za umjetnost i povijest to kindle Nikolas interest in art and history, without
umjetnosti, ali to Nikolu nije zanimalo. Iako je success. Although he had a sensitive and good ear,
imao osjetljivo uho, odnosno dobar sluh nije he never showed an interest in music.
pokazivao zanimanje za glazbu.
Nikola was constantly thinking about some
Nikola je neprestano razmiljao o nekim izumima. invention. On a wagon trip from Gospi to Karlovac,
Tako je jednom na putovanju kolima iz Gospia he told a friend that he was working on an invention
u Karlovac pripovijedao svojem prijatelju, da se that would make it possible to transmit speech
bavi izumom koji e omoguiti prenoenje govora between Europe and America without any material
izmeu Europe i Amerike bez ikakve materijalne connection, i.e. without wires or cables.
veze, tj. bez ica ili kabela.
At the secondary school in Rakovac, he was not
Tijekom kolovanja u Realnoj gimnaziji u a particularly good student. Although he always
Rakovcu nije bio osobito dobar ak. Premda je passed his courses, he usually received barely
uvijek uspjeno prolazio, iz nacrtne geometrije passing grades in drawing. He was of delicate
i prostornog crtanja obino je dobivao ocjenu health and was absent for two months due to illness
dovoljan. Bio je osjetljiva zdravlja, pa je u kolskoj during the 1872/73 academic year in the rst
semester of his seventh year of studies.

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 224
godini 1872./73. u prvom polugoditu sedmog In 1870/71, he attended the fourth year of studies.
razreda izostao dva mjeseca zbog bolesti. The next year he completed the fth and sixth years
of studies. He had an average grade of good. During
kolske godine 1870./71. pohaao je etvrti razred. the rst semester of that academic year, he received
Sljedee godine pohaao je peti i esti razred. Imao the grade of unsatisfactory in mathematics, which
je prosjenu ocjenu dobar. U prvom polugoditu he later corrected. This poor grade in mathematics
te kolske godine dobio je iz matematike ocjenu was most likely due to his two months of illness.
nedovoljan, koju je poslije ispravio. Slaba ocjena
iz matematike bila je vjerojatno posljedica njegove Nikola passed his nal graduation examination on
dvomjesene bolesti. July 24, 1873. The inspector at the examination
was the natural scientist and zoologist ivko
Maturu je Nikola polagao 24. srpnja 1873. godine, Vukasovi (1829-1874).
a inspektor na maturi bio je prirodoslovac i zoolog
ivko Vukasovi (1829.-1874.). After his nal examination, he returned to live with
his parents in Gospi, disregarding the wishes of his
Nakon mature vratio se roditeljima u Gospi, iako father, Milutin, who wanted him to stay away from
se tome njegov otac Milun protivio, jer je tada u the cholera epidemic raging in Lika at the time.
Lici vladala velika zaraza kolere. Nikola se ondje Nikola caught cholera and was bedridden for nearly
doista zarazio kolerom, pa je gotovo devet mjeseci nine months. After he recovered, he faced three
bio vezan uz krevet. Nakon ozdravljenja oekivalo years of military service in the Austrian army. Since
ga je sluenje vojnog roka u austrijskoj vojsci u he had changed his place of residence and was
trajanju od tri godine. Kako je tada promijenio registered as living with his uncle, Toma Mandi,
boravite te je boravio kod ujaka Tome Mandia in Tomingrad near Graac, he was technically an
u Tomingradu kraj Graaca, bio je zapravo vojni army deserter.
Nikola did not pursue a priestly vocation, as his
Nikola se nije posvetio sveenikom zvanju, po elji father would have liked, but electrical engineering.
svojega oca, nego tehnici, odnosno elektrotehnici. A crucial role was played by his secondary school
Pritom je presudnu ulogu imao njegov profesor professor in Rakovac, Martin Sekuli, who was an
u gimnaziji u Rakovcu, Martin Sekuli, koji je excellent experimenter and constructor of physics
bio izvrstan eksperimentator, pa i konstruktor devices. Nikola wrote the following about this: I
zikalnih aparata. Sam je Nikola o tome was very interested in electricity, under the inuence
napisao: Veoma sam se zanimao za elektricitet of a physics professor who was an ingenious man
potaknut utjecajem svog profesora zike koji je and often demonstrated the basic laws with devices
bio genijalan ovjek, a esto je demonstrirao he had invented himself. I remember one device
osnovne zakone aparaturama koje je sam izumio. in the shape of a freely rotatable bulb with tinfoil
Sjeam se jedne sprave u obliku staklenog balona coating, which was made to spin rapidly when
obavijenog staniolom, koji se brzo okretao kad bi connected to a static machine. It is impossible for
bio spojen s elektrinom strujom. Ne mogu vam me to convey an adequate idea of the intensity of
izraziti ni priblino objasniti svoje uzbuenje feeling I experienced in witnessing his exhibitions
dok sam prisustvovao njegovim pokusima s ovim of these mysterious phenomena. Every impression
tajanstvenim fenomenom. Svaki dojam proizveo produced a thousand echoes in my mind. I wanted
je tisue odjeka u mom mozgu. elio sam o toj to know more of this wonderful force; I longed for
izvanrednoj snazi saznati vie. udio sam za experiment and investigation and resigned myself
pokusom, za istraivanjem, ali predao sam se to the inevitable with an aching heart. Tesla does
teka srca sudbini. Tesla ne spominje izriito o not specically mention which professor he was
kojem je profesoru rije, ali se sa sigurnou moe writing about but it can be inferred with certainty
zakljuiti da je to bio Sekuli. that it was Sekuli.

225 Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235
Dvije godine nakon mature i oporavka od bolesti, u Two years after passing his nal secondary school
svojoj devetnaestoj godini upisao se kolske godine examination and recovery from illness, at the
1875./76. na K.u.K. Technische Hochschule u age of nineteen he enrolled during the 1875/76
Grazu. Imao je najprije stipendiju Vojne Krajine. academic year at the polytechnic school (Technische
Odreenu novanu pomo slali su mu otac Milutin Hochschule) in Graz, Austria, with a scholarship from
i ujak Toma Mandi. the Military Border Territory. His father, Milutin, and
uncle, Toma Mandi, also sent him some money.
Dekan Tehnike visoke kole pisao je tada Nikolinu
ocu: Va je sin zvijezda prvog stupnja. Nikolin The dean of the polytechnic school wrote the following
napor u studiju utjecao je na njegovo zdravlje, pa to Nikolas father: Your son is a star of the rst
je profesor ocu preporuio da ga ispie iz kole, jer magnitude. Nikolas efforts in his studies affected
postoji opasnost da e Nikola upropastiti zdravlje his health, so the professor recommended that his
pretjeranim radom. father remove him from the school because there
was danger that Nikola would ruin his health with
Drugu godinu studija Tesla je upisao uvjetno jer je excessive work.
stipendija izostala pa nije mogao platiti kolarinu.
Istaknuvi se radom i rezultatima, pribliio se i Tesla enrolled conditionally in the second year of his
svojim profesorima, meu kojima je bio i profesor studies because there was no scholarship and he was
teorijske i eksperimentalne zike Jakob Pschel. not able to pay tuition. Distinguishing himself by his
work and results, he became closer to some of his
Kada je bio na drugoj godini studija, Tehnika professors, including his professor in theoretical and
visoka kola u Grazu dobila je Grammeov dinamo. experimental physics, Jakob Pschel.
O tome je Tesla zabiljeio: Dok je profesor J.
Pschel demonstrirao vrteu mainu kao motor, During the second year of his studies, the polytechnic
etkice su zadavale probleme, jer su iskrile, a ja school in Graz obtained a Gramme dynamo. Tesla
sam primijetio da bi moda rad s motorom bio wrote the following about it: While Prof. J. Pschel
mogu i bez etkica. Ali profesor se izjasnio da was making demonstrations, running the machine as
je to nemogue, pa je itavo predavanje posvetio a motor, the brushes gave trouble, sparking badly. I
tom problemu, da bi na kraju naglasio: Gospodin observed that it might be possible to operate a motor
e Tesla moda uiniti velike stvari, ali je sigurno without these appliances. But he declared that it could
da ovo nee unaprijediti. Tesla zatim nastavlja: not be done and did me the honor of delivering a lecture
Neko sam se vrijeme kolebao impresioniran on the subject, at the conclusion of which he remarked:
profesorovim autoritetom, ali sam se uvjerio da sam Mr. Tesla may accomplish great things but he certainly
bio u pravu i preuzeo sam zadatak da ga rijeim, will never do this. Tesla continued: For a time I
sa svim arom i bezgraninim mladenakim wavered, impressed by the professors authority, but
samopouzdanjem. Poeo sam zamiljati stroj soon became convinced I was right and undertook the
istosmjerne struje, vrtei ga i pratei promjenljive task with all the re and boundless condence of my
struje u armaturi. Tada bih zamislio alternator i youth. I started by rst picturing in my mind a direct-
istraivao procese koji se odvijaju na slian nain. current machine, running it and following the changing
Nakon toga bih sebi doarao sistem s motorima i ow of the currents in the armature. Then I would
generatorima i radio s njima na razliite naine. imagine an alternator and investigate the processes
Zamisli su mi se inile savreno stvarne i opipljive. taking place in a similar manner. Next I would visualize
itav boravak u Grazu proao je u stalnom ali systems comprising motors and generators and operate
neplodnom naporu i gotovo sam zakljuio da je them in various ways. The images I saw were to me
problem nerjeiv. perfectly real and tangible. All my remaining term in
Graz was passed in intense but fruitless efforts of this
Na kraju druge godine studija (1877.) Tesla kind, and I almost came to the conclusion that the
marljivo polae ispite, no na treoj godini (1878.) problem could not be solved.
poputa u radu. Tomu je moda bio razlog to svoj
problem konstrukcije elektrinog stroja nije uspio At the end of the second year of his studies, (1877),
privesti kraju. Tesla diligently passed his examinations but in the
third year, (1878), he became slack in his work. This
may be due to the fact that he was unable to bring

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 226
Nakon to je u svojoj 23 godini ivota izgubio his problem regarding the construction of an electrical
godinju stipendiju od 420 forinti od Komande motor to conclusion.
Vojne Krajine, u dva je navrata zamolio stipendiju
od Matice srpske u Novom Sadu, ali je odbijen After he lost his scholarship of 420 forints from the
1876. i 1878. godine. Stoga prekida studij i Command of the Military Border Territory at the age of
nestaje iz Graza te prekida vezu s rodbinom. 23, on two occasions he sought a scholarship from the
Serbian Cultural Society in Novi Sad but was refused in
Neko je vrijeme boravio u Mariboru, gdje ga je 1876 and 1878. Therefore, he interrupted his studies
sluajno, u jednoj gostionici pri kartanju, sreo and left Graz, also breaking ties with his family.
neki njegov znanac. Nikola je u Mariboru navodno
radio kod nekog inenjera kao pomonik i dobivao For a time, he lived in Maribor, where by chance, in an
plau od 60 forinti. Ipak su ga kao nezaposlenoga inn during a game of cards, he met an acquaintance.
mjesne vlasti prisilno vratile u Gospi, mjesto Allegedly, Nikola worked in Maribor for an engineer
njegovog stalnog boravka. Sve se to teko dojmilo as an assistant and received a wage of 60 forints.
njegovog oca Milutina pa je on uskoro, 29. travnja Nonetheless, he was forced by the local authorities
1879. godine i umro. Nikola je zatim kratko to return to Gospi, the place of his permanent
vrijeme radio kao nastavnik u gimnaziji u Gospiu residence, as an unemployed person. All of this was
koju je i sam prije pohaao. difcult for his father, Milutin, to accept and he died
soon after, on April 29, 1879. Nikola then worked
Poetkom sijenja 1880. godine Nikola Tesla for a short time as a teacher at the Gospi secondary
je kao 24-godinjak otiao u Prag. U svojoj school that he had previously attended.
biograji napisao je na engleskom jeziku, da je
otiao u Prag, u eku kako bi ispunio oevu In early January of the year 1880, Nikola Tesla went
elju, da upotpuni svoje kolovanje na tamonjem to Prague at the age of 24. In his autobiography,
Sveuilitu. Nema, meutim, dokumenata o tome written in the English language, he wrote that he
je li bio upisan na koji od dvaju fakulteta, odnosno went to Prague to carry out his fathers wishes for
Tehnike visoke kole, tj. na njemaku ili eku. him to complete his education at the university.
Mogue je da je posjeivao predavanja pojedinih However, there is no document showing that he
profesora, ali o tome nema podataka. O svojem was enrolled at either of the two colleges there or
boravku u Pragu Tesla kae da je u tom gradu either of the polytechnic schools, German or Czech.
znatno napredovao, odvojio sam komutator od It is possible that he attended lectures given by
stroja i prouio fenomen s ovog novog stajalita, individual professors but there is no information on
ali jo uvijek bez rezultata. this. Regarding his sojourn in Prague, Tesla wrote that
it was in that city that I made a decided advance,
which consisted of detaching the commutator from
the machine and studying the phenomena in this new
5 BORAVAK I RAD NIKOLE aspect, but still without result.
Tesla je 1881. godine zapoeo raditi u Telefonskoj
centrali u Budimpeti. U tom je gradu doao do AND FRANCE
izuma elektromotora s okretnim magnetskim
poljem. Do tog je izuma sluajno doao za vrijeme In 1881, Tesla began working at the Central Telegraph
jedne nedjeljne etnje u veljai 1882. s prijateljem Ofce in Budapest. It was in this city that devised an
Antalom Szigetyjem u Gradskom parku, gdje je u electrical motor operating on the rotating magnetic
pijesku tapom nacrtao dijagram svojega motora eld principle. Tesla had arrived at this invention by
temeljenoga na okretnom magnetskom polju. Svoj chance in February 1882, during a Sunday walk in
je izum priopio efu Tivadaru Puskau, koji ga the municipal park with his friend Antal Szigety, when
je nakon toga poslao u Pariz nadajui se da e he drew a diagram of this device in the sand with a
ondje moi ostvariti svoj izum. Za to, meutim, stick. He showed his invention to the inspector-in-
nije bilo zanimanja u tvornici amerikog izumitelja chief, Tivadar Pusks, who subsequently sent him to
Thomasa Alve Edisona (1847.-1931.), u kojoj su Paris, where he hoped to build his invention. However,
se tada projektirali i konstruirali elektromotori za there was no interest in the factory of the American
istosmjernu struju, po Edisonovom patentu, za inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), that
Francusku i Njemaku. Tesla je tada izveo neke was then designing and constructing direct current
izmjene na postojeim elektrinim strojevima. electric motors, under Edisons patent, for France and
Germany. Instead, Tesla made several changes in the
existing electrical machinery.

227 Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235
Edisonovo poduzee poslalo ga je u Strasbourg Edisons company sent him to Strasbourg in order
radi popravka novoizgraene elektrine centrale. to make repairs on a newly built power plant. It was
Ondje je Tesla konstruirao svoj prvi jednofazni there that Tesla constructed his rst single-phase
asinkroni motor. electromagnetic (asynchronous) motor.


Iz Francuske 1884. odlazi u Edisonovu tvornicu In 1884, Tesla left France to work in Edisons
u New Yorku, gdje radi godinu dana i usavrava factory in New York, where he stayed for one
24 razliita tipa elektrinih strojeva. Budui da year and perfected twenty-four different types
za svoj rad nije dobivao odgovarajuu nagradu, of electrical devices. Since he did not receive
naputa Edisonovu kompaniju i po savjetu nekih suitable compensation for his work, he left Edisons
tehniara i nancijera osniva vlastito poduzee company and, at the advice of several technicians
Tesla Arc Light Company. and nanciers, opened his own rm, the Tesla Arc
Light Company.
Slika 3 je iz 1884. godine i prikazuje Nikolu Teslu
u dobi od 28 godina. The gure shows Nikola Tesla at 28 years of age

Namjeravao je ondje s kapitalom drutva kons- At the time, he intended to construct new alternating
truirati nove motore na izmjeninu struju, ali mu current motors using company capital. However,
nancijeri to nisu odobrili, budui da su se bavili the nanciers did not approve because they were
konstrukcijom i montaom lunih svjetiljaka. engaged in the construction and installation of
Tesla je 1886. usavrio lunu svjetiljku i nainio arc lamps. In 1886, Tesla perfected the arc lamp
praktini sustav tvornike i uline rasvjete. Za svoj and made a practical system for factory and street
rad dobio je od drutva samo dionice, koje nisu lighting. For his efforts, the company merely gave
imale nikakvu vrijednost. him some worthless stocks.

Godine 1887. osniva Tesla Electric Company te In the year 1887, he founded the Tesla Electric
u laboratorijima toga poduzea, prema svojim Company. In the laboratory of this enterprise, he
idejama, konstruira motore izmjenine struje. Te constructed alternating current motors based upon
je godine prijavio svoja etiri patenta: his own ideas. That year, he led four patents:

- iz podruja okretnog magnetskog polja, - in connection with the rotating magnetic eld,
- o viefaznim strojevima, - polyphase devices,
- o sinkronim motorima, - induction motors,
- o daljinskom prijenosu elektrine energije. - a long-distance electrical transmission system.

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 228
Radi uspjenog razvoenja svojih viefaznih For the distribution of polyphase currents, Tesla
struja Tesla je konstruirao viefazne generatore constructed polyphase generators and transformers,
i transformatore te pronaao sustav trokut- and discovered the star delta system. This made
zvijezda. Time je omoguio proizvodnju elektrine it possible to produce electricity at the sites of its
energije na mjestima njezinih prirodnih izvora natural sources and then transmit it great distances
te njezino prenoenje na velike udaljenosti, do to the places of consumption.
mjesta potronje.
In the year 1888, Tesla sold his patents to the
Tesla je 1888. godine prodao svoje patente Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company.
tvrtki Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing At the request of this company, during 1888 and
Company. Po elji te tvrtke usavrio je tijekom 1889 he perfected a single-phase induction motor
1888. i 1889. godine jednofazni indukcijski and adapted his entire system to the signicantly
motor i preuredio cjelokupni sustav za znatno vie higher frequency of 133 cycles because the
frekvencije od 133 periode u sekundi, jer je tvrtka company had been making lighting transformers for
do tada za tu frekvenciju izraivala transformatore that frequency.
za rasvjetu.
Teslas system for the transmission of electricity
Teslin sustav prijenosa elektrine energije prikazan was presented for the rst time at the Chicago
je prvi put na Svjetskoj izlobi u Chicagu 1893. Worlds Fair of 1893, and in 1896 a hydroelectric
godine, a po njegovu je sustavu 1896. godine power plant was built at Niagara Falls according
izgraena hidroelektrana na Niagari. Ploica to his system. The plaque of the Westinghouse
tvrtke Westinghouse Co u HE na Niagari s popisom Company at the Niagara Falls Power Plant is shown
primijenjenih Teslinih patenata prikazana je na in Figure 4.
slici 4.

Godine 1889. konstruirao je stroj visoke fre- In the year 1889, he constructed an apparatus
kvencije od 15 tisua perioda u sekundi. Nakon for producing high frequency electrical currents
toga posebnom je konstrukcijom s pomou of 15,000 cycles per second. After that, using a
iskrenja u strujnom krugu sastavljenom od izvora special arcing construction in an electrical circuit,
izmjenine struje niske frekvencije, indukcijskog consisting of a low-frequency alternating current
svitka, kondenzatora i iskrita dobio slabo source, induction coil, condenser and spark gap,
priguene oscilacije. Iskre brzo slijede, a nizovi he obtained weakly damped oscillations. Sparks
oscilacija kontinuirano se obnavljaju. Time se quickly ensued and continuous oscillations were
dobivaju struje od nekoliko stotina tisua perioda generated. Thus, current of several hundred
u sekundi. Te struje Tesla transformira preko thousand cycles was obtained. Tesla transformed
svojega transformatora u struje iste frekvencije, ali this current via his transformer into current of the
viega napona. To su tzv. Tesline struje, a djeluju same frequency but higher voltage. These are the
zioloki i mogu se prenositi jednom icom. so-called Tesla currents, which act physiologically
Tesline struje visoke frekvencije upotrebljavaju se and can be transmitted via a single wire. Teslas
u medicini kod dijatermije i darsonvalizacije, a u high frequency currents are used in medicine in

229 Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235
kemiji za dobivanje ozona. Tim se strujama postiu diathermy and darsonvalization, and in chemistry
svjetlosni efekti koji se osnivaju na luminiscenciji, for obtaining ozone. These currents achieve light
a daju znatno ekonominije svjetlo od elektrine effects based upon luminescence, and provide more
arulje s uarenim vlaknom. Te su struje dobile i economical illumination than incandescent light
najveu primjenu u radiotehnici. bulbs. However, their most important applications
are in radio technology.
Tesla je 1892. izvodio pokuse s beinim
prijenosom, a 1896. zapoeo je prenositi signale In 1892, Tesla conducted experiments in wireless
na udaljenosti od 32 kilometra. Svoj radio- transmission and in 1896 began to transmit signals
telegrafski odailja i prijemnik prikazao je 1897. at distances of 32 kilometers. He presented his
godine. Iz tog je vremena fotograja na slici 5 radio-telegraph transmitter and receiver in 1897.
kada je Tesla imao 39 godina. Figure 5 shows Tesla from this period, at 39 years
of age.
Godine 1898. sagradio je brod i pustio ga u more
kraj New Yorka te je njime upravljao s obale. Iste In the year 1898, he built a teleautomatic boat
je godine istaknuo potrebu rezonancije izmeu operated by remote control, that he demonstrated
primarnog i sekundarnoga kruga odailjaa i before a crowd at Madison Square Garden in New
prijamnika. U dravi je Colorado 1899. godine York City. That year, he demonstrated the need
prenosio znakove beinim putem na udaljenosti for resonance between the primary and secondary
od 1 000 kilometara, te podignuo prijamno- circuits of a transmitter and receiver. In 1899 in the
odailjaku postaju. Tom postajom Tesla je tvorac state of Colorado, he transmitted signals wirelessly
radiotehnike. at a distance of 1,000 kilometers, and built a
primary transmitter station. With this station, Tesla
became the creator of radio technology.

Uvidjevi ve nakon prvih pokusa da i slabo Realizing after his rst attempts that weakly damped
prigueni oscilatori stvaraju poremeaje u eteru, oscillators were creating signal interference, he
on je s priguenih valova preao na podravanje abandoned damped waves in favor of undamped
nepriguenih elektromagnetskih oscilacija. Time je electromagnetic oscillations. In this he surpassed
preduhitrio Guglielma Marconija (1873.-1937.), koji Guglielmo Marconi (1873-1937), who had achieved
je tada ostvario domet signala od 16 kilometara. a signal range of 16 kilometers.

Nakon ispitivanja u kolovozu 1899. i 1900. godine After testing in August 1899 and 1900, Tesla
Tesla obavlja prenoenje elektrine energije s transmitted electricity by means of electromagnetic
pomou elektromagnetskih valova, pod naponom od waves 30 kilometers from a 12 million volt source.
12 milijuna volti na udaljenosti od 30 kilometara. U In Long Island, he erected a 57-meter tower and
Long Islandu podie toranj visine 57 metara i bavi engaged in the problems of the transmission of large
se problemima prenoenja velike koliine elektrine quantities of electricity for household and industrial
energije za potrebe domainstava i industrije. use. In 1917, an unknown perpetrator destroyed the
Godine 1917. taj su toranj unitili dinamitom tower with dynamite, perhaps at the orders of the
general headquarters of the US Army.

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 230
nepoznati poinitelji. Moda je to uniteno po Tesla completed work on over 100 patents, many of
nalogu Generalnog taba vojske SAD-a. which are still awaiting practical application.

Tesla je zavrio svoje radove na vie od 100 In experiments conducted during 1891/92, he used
patenata, a mnogi su od njih ekali primjenu. units with secondary circuits, a Tesla transformer and
earth, i.e. all the essential parts of the transmitter
U pokusima 1891./92. godine upotrebljavao je that appeared ten years later.
sklopove sa sekundarnim krugovima, Teslinim
transformatorom i zemljom, dakle sve bitne dijelove The Italian engineer G. Marconi was using a wireless
odailjaa, koji su se pojavili desetak godine poslije. telegraph later than Tesla, in the year 1897.

Talijanski inenjer G. Marconi upotrebljavao je In 1892, Tesla held lectures in London and Paris
beinu telegraju nakon Tesle i to 1897. godine. on electromagnetic waves. The following year,
1893, he had developed his own system for wireless
Tesla je 1892. godine odrao predavanje u Londonu transmission.
i Parizu o elektromagnetskim valovima. Sljedee
godine, 1893. imao je vlastiti sustav za beini
LANCI It is not possible to obtain an accurate or complete
picture of Teslas discoveries, inventions and
Pravu i potpunu sliku o Teslinim otkriima, constructions without inspection of his writings,
izumima i konstrukcijama nije doista mogue notes and drawings.
dobiti bez uvida u sve ono to je on zapisao,
pribiljeio i nacrtao. Nikola Tesla patented ninety-nine of his inventions
at the US Patent Ofce. These patents can be
Nikola Tesla je u Patentnom uredu SAD-a divided into the following groups:
patentirao 99 svojih izuma. Ti se patenti mogu
podijeliti na sljedee skupine: - motors and generators - 36 patents,
- transformation of electrical power - 9 patents,
- motori i generatori - 36 patenata, - lighting - 6 patents,
- transformacija elektrine snage - 9 patenata, - high frequency equipment and regulators - 17
- rasvjeta - 6 patenata, patents,
- visokofrekventni ureaji i regulatori - 17 patenata, - radio - 12 patents,
- radio - 12 patenata, - telemechanics - 1 patent,
- telemehanika - 1 patent, - turbines and similar devices - 7 patents,
- turbine i sline naprave - 7 patenata, - miscellaneous inventions - 11 patents.
- razliiti izumi - 11 patenata.
Patent certicates for Teslas main patents: the
Patentni spisi dvaju Teslinih glavnih patenata: electromagnetic (asynchronous) motor and the
asinkroni motor i elektrini prijenos energije, koje electrical transmission of power, which he patented
je prijavio 12. listopada 1887. godine, prikazani on October 12, 1887, are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
su na slikama 6 i 7.
He also published seventeen scientic and
Nadalje, objavio je 17 znanstvenih i strunih professional articles in journals:
lanaka u asopisima:
- The Electrical World - 1 article,
- The Electrical World - 1 lanak, - The Electrical Engineer - 4 articles,
- The Electrical Engineer - 4 lanka, - The Electrical Review - 11 articles,
- The Electrical Review - 11 lanaka, - Electrical Experimenter - 1 article.
- Electrical Experimenter - 1 lanak.
He published seven articles on general subjects
Objavio je sedam lanaka o nekim opim in various journals during the period from 1897
problemima u raznim asopisima, u razdoblju od to 1917.
1897. do 1917. godine.

231 Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235
Sauvana fotograja, nastala 1938. godine, A photograph taken 1938 with Tesla at his older
prikazuje Teslu u njegovoj starijoj ivotnoj dobi ages is shown in Figure 8.
(slika 8).

Autobiografski lanak Some Personal Recollections Tesla published an autobiographical article, Some
(Neka osobna sjeanja) objavio je u asopisu Personal Recollections, in the journal Scientic
Scientic American od 6. lipnja 1915. godine. American, on June 6, 1915. This group also
U tu skupinu pripada i niz lanaka pod naslovom includes a series of articles entitled My Inventions,
My Invetions objavljenih u asopisu Electrical published in the journal The Electrical Experimenter
Experimenter iz 1919. godine. Hrvatski prijevod in 1919. The Croatian translation of this work was
tog djela pod nazivom Moji pronalasci objavljen je published in 1977 in Zagreb under the title Moji
1977. godine u Zagrebu. pronalasci.

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 232
Grof George Arco, (1869.-?) njemaki izumitelj
na podruju radiotehnike bio je veliki potovalac Baron George Arco, (1869-?), a German inventor in
Nikole Tesle, a takoer i njemaki ziar Adolf the area of radio technology, was a great admirer of
Slaby (1849.-1913.), koji je zajedno s G. Arcom Nikola Tesla, as was the German physicist Adolf Slaby
1897. godine gradio u Njemakoj prve radio (1849-1913), who together with G. Arco in the year
telegrafske ureaje. 1897 built radiotelegraphic devices in Germany.

Predsjednik amerikog udruenja IRE u New Yorku The president of the American society IRE in New
rekao je 1915. godine da je rad Nikole Tesle jedan York said in the year 1915 that the work of Nikola
od najveih pothvata ljudske mate u povijesti Tesla was one of the greatest undertakings of the
svijeta. human imagination in the history of the world.

Njemaki profesor D. Ing. h. c. Grges objavio je The German professor D. Ing. h. c. Grges published
1930. godine u strunom asopisu u Dresdenu an article in a professional journal in Dresden in
lanak pod naslovom ber die Bedeutung Nikola 1930, entitled ber die Bedeutung Nikola Tesla fr
Tesla fr die Elektrotechnik. die Elektrotechnik.

Prof. dr. sc. Milan Vidmar (Ljubljana, 1885.- Prof. Milan Vidmar, PhD (Ljubljana, 1885 - Ljubljana,
Ljubljana, 1962.) objavio je 1930. godine u 1962) published an article in a professional technical
strunom tehnikom listu lanak Nikola Tesla. journal about Nikola Tesla in 1930.

Charles F. Scott, doao je u ljeto 1888. godine u Charles F. Scott came to the Westinghouse Company
Westinghouse Company te je bio Teslin asistent u in 1888 and was Teslas assistant in the testing of
prvim pokusima na njegovim motorima. Scott je his motors. Scott continued work in this area for over
nastavio rad na tom podruju vie od dvadeset twenty years, actively participated in the development
godina i aktivno sudjelovao u razvoju viefaznog of a polyphase system and was directly involved with
sustava te je bio neposredno povezan za pionirske the pioneering work on Niagara Falls. He wrote an
radove na slapovima Niagare. On je napisao article entitled The Contribution of Tesla to Electrical
lanak The Contribution Of Tesla To Electrical Power Development, on the occasion of the awarding of
Power Development, u povodu dodjele Edisonove the Edison Medal to Nikola Tesla in the year 1917.
medalje Nikoli Tesli 1917. godine.
In 1888, A. du Bois-Reymond published an article
A. du Bois-Reymond objavio je u asopisu ETZ in the journal ETZ entitled Neues System von
1888. godine lanak pod naslovom Neues System Wechselstrommotoren und Transformatoren von N.
von Wechselstrommotoren und Transformatoren Tesla.
von N. Tesla.
Prof. Miroslav Plohl (1881-1939) published an article
Prof. dipl. ing. Miroslav Plohl (1881.-1939.) in Techniki list in Zagreb entitled Dr. tech. h. c.
objavio je u Tehnikom listu u Zagrebu lanak pod Nikola Tesla.
naslovom Dr. tech. h. c. Nikola Tesla.
On the occasion of the anniversary of Teslas death,
L. erni je u Vjesniku u Zagrebu povodom L. erni published an article in the Zagreb newspaper
godinjice Tesline smrti objavio lanak pod Vjesnik entitled Zaboravljeni genij iz Smiljana (The
naslovom Zaboravljeni genij iz Smiljana. U njemu Forgotten Genius from Smiljan). This article points
istie da Tesla nije znao komercijalizirati svoje out that Tesla did not know how to commercialize his
projekte, ali je bio genijalni vizionar koji je mislio projects but was a brilliant visionary who believed that
da se uz pomo elektriciteta moe uiniti sve i to everything was possible with electricity, as he proved
nebrojeno puta i dokazao. countless times.

asopis Nature (SAD) u veljai 1943. godine pie The US journal Nature wrote about Tesla and his work
o Tesli i njegovu radu. in the February 1943 issue.

Vijest o smrti Nikole Tesle proitao je na radiju News of the death of Nikola Tesla was announced over
7. sijenja 1943. gradonaelnik New Yorka La the radio on January 7, 1943, by Mayor Fiorello La
Guardia. Rekao je da je umro siromaan, ali je bio Guardia of New York. He said that Tesla died a poor
jedan od najkorisnijih ljudi koji su ikad ivjeli. man but that he was one of the most useful people who
had ever lived.

233 Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235
Engleski ziar Lord Kelvin (1824.-1907.), po The English physicist Lord Kelvin (1824-1907), the
kojemu se naziva jedinica za temperaturu, rekao namesake of the unit of temperature, said that Tesla
je da je Tesla vie pridonio znanosti o elektricitetu contributed more to the knowledge of electricity than
nego bilo tko prije njega. Taj je citat objavljen u anyone before him. This quotation was published in
sijenju 1943. godine. the year 1943.

Za svoj 75. roendan 1931. godine Tesla je primio For Teslas 75th birthday in the year 1931, he received
mnogo estitaka, meu ostalima estitao mu je i many congratulations, including one from Dr. Lee de
dr. Lee de Forest (SAD, 1873.-1961.), konstruktor Forest (USA 1873-1961), the constructor of the triode,
triode, koji je prije s njim suraivao. who had worked with him previously.

estitao mu je i veliki ziar Albert Einstein, He was also congratulated by the great physicist Albert
zaetnik teorije relativnosti (1879.-1955.), Einstein, author of the theory of relativity (1879-
napisavi mu: S veseljem sam saznao da slavite 1955), who wrote him: I was pleased to learn that
svoj 75. roendan i da ste kao pionir u podruju you are celebrating your 75th birthday and that you,
struja visoke frekvencije doivjeli izvanredan as a pioneer in the area of high frequency electricity,
razvoj tehnike. estitam na velikom uspjehu Vaeg have lived to see the exceptional development of the
ivotnog djela. technique. I congratulate the great success of your
lifes work.
Knjiga Tesla Master Of Lightning autora Margaret
Cheney i Roberta Utha objavljena je u SAD-u A book entitled Tesla, Master Of Lightning, by the
1999. godine u izdanju Metro Books. Prevodi Margaret Cheney and Roberta Utah, was published
se na hrvatski jezik i bit e objavljena u Zagrebu in the United States in 1999 by Metro Books. The
2006. godine u nakladi Zoro pod naslovom ovjek translation in the Croatian language will be published in
izvan vremena. Zagreb in the year 2006 by Zoro under the title ovjek
izvan vremena.

U povodu Teslina etrdesetog roendana, bio je 17.
prosinca 1896. godine izabran na glavnoj skuptini On the occasion of Teslas fortieth birthday, on
za poasnog lana JAZU u Zagrebu. December 17, 1896, he was chosen by the general
assembly as an honorary member of the Yugoslav
Nikola Tesla i Thomas Alva Edison bili su 1912. Academy of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb.
godine predloeni za dodjelu Nobelove nagrade za
ziku, ali im ta nagrada nikad nije dodijeljena. Tesla In the year 1912, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Alva
je pravio razliku izmeu izumitelja korisnih izuma i Edison were nominated for the Nobel Prize in
otkrivaa novih principa. Tvrdio je da je on otkriva, physics. However, this prize was never awarded. Tesla
a Edison izumitelj. Ako bi obojica bili stavljeni u differentiated between the inventor of useful inventions
istu kategoriju smatrao je da bi to unitilo smisao and the discoverer of new principles. He maintained
relativne vrijednosti njihovih dostignua. that he was a discoverer and Edison was an inventor.
He felt that if both of them were placed in the same
Vrlo je vjerojatno da je na Teslu utjecalo i to to category, it would destroy the relative value of their
je Nobelovu nagradu za ziku 1909. godine achievements.
dobio Guglielmo Marconi u zajednici s Karlom
Ferdinandom Braunom (1850.-1918.). Bio je time It is highly likely that the awarding of the Nobel Prize
razoaran, jer dodijeliti nagradu najprije Marconiju, in physics for the year 1909 to Guglielmo Marconi
a zatim traiti od Tesle da nagradu dijeli s Edisonom, together with Karl Ferdinand Braun (1850-1918)
bilo je preveliko podcjenjivanje vrijednosti Teslina upset Tesla. He was disappointed because to award
rada. Stoga je Nikola Tesla bio prvi znanstvenik koji the prize rst to Marconi and then ask Tesla to share
je odbio da bude predloen za nagradu. his with Edison belittled Teslas work. Therefore,
Nikola Tesla was the rst scientist who refused to be
Sveuilite u Zagrebu dodijelilo mu je 3. lipnja nominated for the prize.
1926. godine naslov Doctor honoris causa, a 15.
lipnja 1926. godine Tehniki fakultet Univerziteta On June 3, 1926, the University of Zagreb awarded
u Beogradu dodijelio mu je naslov poasnog doktora him the title of Doctor honoris causa, and on June
tehnikih znanosti. 15, 1926 the Technical College of the University
of Belgrade awarded him an honorary doctorate of
technical sciences.

Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235 234
Da bi se na meunarodnom planu iskazalo In order for Nikola Tesla to be recognized at the
priznanje Nikoli Tesli kao velikanu suvremene international level as a great gure in modern electrical
elektrotehnike, studijski je odbor IEC-a (Meu- engineering, a study group of the the International
narodna elektrotehnika komisija) preporuio da Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) recommended that
se meunarodna jedinica magnetske indukcije the international unit of magnetic induction should be
nazove tesla. Tu je odluku prihvatila i potvrdila 11. called a tesla. This decision was adopted and conrmed
generalna konferencija za mjere i utege (Conference at the Eleventh General Conference on Weights and
General des Poids et Measures), odrana 10. Measures, held on October 10, 1960 in Paris.
listopada 1960. godine u Parizu.

Urednitvo primilo rukopis: Manuscritp received on:

2006-02-21 2006-02-21

Prihvaeno: Accepted on:

2006-03-20 2006-03-20

235 Muljevi, V., ivot i djelo Nikole Tesle, Energija, god. 55 (2006), br. 2., str 218-235
Muljevi, V., The life and work of Nikola Tesla, Energija, vol. 55 (2006), No. 2, p.p. 218-235

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