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Tasks Hazards Risks Risk Rating Who is at Risk? Elimination/Control Measures

Clean benches Germs Food poisoning High Customers Following mandatory legal
prior to prep. eating food requirements for food handling.
Clean hands

Prep food Sharp knives Cuts Medium People prepping Handling equipment properly and
includes, peeling, and peelers food ensuring it has been put up out of
cutting with a reach of little people.
knife, mixing

Cooking food Stoves, ovens Burns Medium Follow kitchen cooking

procedures. Using oven mitts
when getting things off the stove
or out of the oven.

Impact on Participants
Likelihood Inconsequential Minor Moderate Major Severe
Almost Certain Medium High High Very High Very High
Likely Medium Medium High High Very High
Possible Low Medium High High Very High
Unlikely Low Low Medium Medium High
Rare Low Low Medium Medium Medium
Impact on Participants Likelihood
Inconsequential-Injuries not requiring first aid Almost certain- Is expected to occur in most circumstances
Minor- First aid required
Likely- Will probably occur in most circumstances
Moderate- Medical treatment required
Possible- Could occur at some time
Major- Hospital admission required
Unlikely- Not likely to occur in normal circumstances
Severe- Death or permanent disability to one or more
Rare- May occur only in exceptional circumstances

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