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CONeRexriona: caunCH OF MOUNT DORA BORE E- PUNISHMENT AT MADE HIS WOUNDS ARE HEALED. N S— isan 535 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, WE GATHER AS GOD’S PEOPLE PRELUDE: “The Palms” — J. B. Faure (Please, no applause) *Denotes please stand all who are able. *CALL TO WORSHIP: Pastor: Hosanna! People: Hosanna in the highest! Pastor: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! People: Hosanna in the highest heaven! Pastor: Friends in Christ, we gather with Christians around the world to celebrate the holiest of all weeks in the church’s life. It is the week in which Christ entered in triumph into the Holy City of Jerusalem to complete His work as God’s Messiah, to suffer, to die, and to rise again. Let us remember with devotion this entry which began His saving work and follow Him with a lively faith as we hear the story of our Lord coming into Jerusalem. ALL: Hosanna to God in the highest! Let us worship our Lord God! Matthew 21:1-11 *HYMN OF PRAISE NO. 173 “All Glory, Laud and Honor” *PRAYER OF INVOCATION (in unison): O God, who by the Cross and Passion of Your Son Jesus Christ did save and deliver mankind, grant that by steadfast faith in the merits of that holy sacrifice we may find help and salvation, and may triumph in the power of His victory, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who died on the Cross to set us free. Amen. *THE GLORIA PATRI NO. 623 The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ: Matthew 27:11-54 Leader: This is the Word of God! People: Thanks be to God! SPECIAL MUSIC BY JAY: “The Old Rugged Cross” (No applause) SERMON: “The Son of God” — Reverend Gary Marshall, Pastor PRAYER HYMN NO. 178 “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” CALL TO PRAYER: Pastor: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. MORNING PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (use debts/debtors): INVITATION TO THE OFFERING: You, O Lord, are a God of bountiful plenty. In You there are no shortages, no scarcity, no wanting. You have held nothing back from us and have poured out lavishly your loving kindness. Let us now give our offering this morning, remembering these words from Your Son Jesus: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” THE OFFERTORY: Karyn Holmes and Karen Marshall “Via Dolorosa” - B. Sprague and N. Borop (Please, no applause) *THE DOXOLOGY NO. 625 *PRAYER OF DEDICATION (in unison): Generous God, we acknowledge how much You have given us and we are grateful. Yet somehow we are not always as giving as we could be. Grow in us more generous hearts that we might share more freely with all Your children. Amen. *CLOSING HYMNNO. 181 “Were You There?” *BENEDICTION: Pastor: Grant now that we have heard Your Word and shared in the fellowship of brothers and sisters that we will be strengthened for the journey that lies ahead. People: We leave in darkness, departing now to go back into the world to live out the words we have heard. ALL: May God give us strength for the journey out and for the journey back. Amen. CLOSING RESPONSE NO. 602 “God Be With You” POSTLUDE: “Open the Gates” — J. F. Knapp BULL PASSION SUNDAY 4.09.17 This church is a member of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. PLEASE COME AGAIN AND JOIN US FOR COFFEE EVERY SUNDAY FOLLOWING MORNING WORSHIP WELCOME to the Historical Mount Dora Congregational Church. If this is your first visit, please sign our guest register at the front of the church and take a few moments to fill out the “I Wish” card in the pew. You may place it in the offering plate or give the card to the Pastor as you leave today. God sends us all forth in love. UPCOMING EVENTS! REMINDER TO LOOK AT THE FOR SCHEDULED EVENTS DURING HOLY WEEK NOTE: BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING DATE CHANGED TO TUESDAY, APRIL 11 AT 6:30 P.M. - NO BIBLE STUDY : APRIL 23, FOLLOWING MORNING WORSHIP, QUARTERLY CONGREGATIONAL MEETING — ALL PLEASE ATTEND. SIGN UP ON BULLETIN BOARD TO BRING FOOD MAUNDAY THURSDAY APRIL 13 and POT LUCK LUNCHEON APRIL 23 HAPPY BIRTHDAYS APRIL 2017: Judy Grimm, 3 - Glenn Taylor, 4 Carolyn DeMuro, 7 - Ruth Goble, 8 - Dean Morton, 9 - Ed Glover, 9 - Keith Faulkner, 10 - Rev. Joseph Babcock, 17 - Wendy, 19 - Karyn Homes, 21 HAPPY ANNIVERSARIES APRIL 2017: Pastor Gary & Karen Marshall, 3 PLEASE LIFT THESE LOVED ONES IN PRAYER Departed: Eleanor Goodnow Stewart — Joyce Miller (Joanne’s sister) - Erin Travis (16 years old) Illness: Avelyn Marie, Susan Elizabeth, Christl, Randy, George, Paul, Steve, Lisa, Jahan, Nancy, Molly, Barbara, Dean, Susan, Gary W., Deb’s Mom, Liz, ee Mary Jo, Sherry, Mary, Sue ns: Ramona & Family, Bill Stewart & Family, Joanne Folder & ean Michaela, Arik, Mike, Maxi, Callie, Carlyle, Christian, Glenn, Dale, Bob, Bill, our men & women in armed services, our president & family, our government, this congregation Travel: Susan & David CHURCH OFFICE 352.383.2285 FOR PASTOR CONSULTATION, ARRANGE A WEDDING, OR PRAYER FOR YOURSELF OR OTHERS.

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