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3rd Form Annual Planning 2016

Teacher: Estela Mendez


1st Term

Month: March

Content: Revision activities / Diagnostic Period

Grammar: verb to be - verb to have - can / can't - Do / Dont - Subject Pronouns

(I - he - she - it)

Vocabulary: Greetings - Classroom language - numbers - colours - animals -

Parts of the animals - action verbs - Likes and dislikes - Adjectives
Days of the week and months.

Writing: Write about your favourite things

Listening and speaking: Ask and answer about personal information - Name, surname,
age, favourites.

Evaluation / Assessment: Every day activities. Oral assessment / conversation /

Diagnostic Test.

Month: April

Content: My Day -

Grammar: Present Simple (routines)

Vocabulary: Daily routine verbs - the time - The meals

Writing: Writing about meals

Listening and Speaking: Listen to the story - Asking questions and giving answers

CLIL: Canada

Evaluation and Assessment: Every day activities. Oral assessment / conversation /

Pair work - Written test.
2nd Term

Month: May

Content: In the city

Grammar: Prepositions of place - There is / There isn't - Imperative form (aff and neg)
Vocabulary: City places

Writing: Description of a picture

Listening and Speaking: Listen to the story - Asking questions and giving answers

CLIL: Italy

Evaluation and Assessment: Every day activities. Oral assessment / conversation /

Pair work - Written test.

Month: June

Content: Animal Adventure

Grammar: Ability (can /can't) . Present Simple (3rd person) - Use of Does

Vocabulary: Animals . Giving opinion: I think...

Writing: Description of an animal

Listening and Speaking: Listen to the story - Asking questions and giving answers

CLIL: China

Evaluation and Assessment: Every day activities. Oral assessment / conversation /

Pair work - Written test.

Month: July

Content: At the clothes shop

Grammar: Possessives - Whose...? Demonstrative pronouns: this / that / these / those

Vocabulary: clothes - numbers (30 / 100) - How much is / are...?

Writing: Description of a friend

Listening and Speaking: Listen to the story - Asking questions and giving answers

CLIL: Singapore

Evaluation and Assessment: Every day activities. Oral assessment / conversation /

Pair work - Written test.

3rd Term

Month: August

Content: Rain or Sun? - Food, food, food!

Grammar: Present Simple - 1st person plural "we" (aff, neg and int form).
Countable and uncountable nouns - some / any

Vocabulary: weather and seasons - food - tastes

Writing: writing about what somebody does and has for each meal.

Listening and Speaking: Listen to the story - Asking questions and giving answers

CLIL: Egypt and France

Evaluation and Assessment: Every day activities. Oral assessment / conversation /

Pair work - Written test.

Month: September

Content: Present Simple

Grammar: Present Simple . 3rd person singular . Aff, neg and int forms. Short answers -
Uses of does.

Vocabulary: Jobs - What do you want to be?

Writing: Describe a picture using a sequence

Listening and Speaking: Listen to the story - Asking questions and giving answers


Evaluation and Assessment: Every day activities. Oral assessment / conversation /

Written test.
4th Term

Month: October

Content: Free Time fun - Let's celebrate

Grammar: Present Simple- Like + (verb)+ing - Verb have got: he / she has got.../
hasnt got...
Present Simple: we / they

Vocabulary: Hobbies - accessories - months - parties

Writing: Describe a picture using a sequence.

Listening and Speaking: Listen to the story - Asking questions and giving answers

CLIL: UK and India

Evaluation and Assessment: Every day activities. Oral assessment / conversation /

Pair work - Written test.

Month: November

Content: Recycling and revision period

Grammar: All structures previously learnt

Vocabulary: All vocabulary acquired

Writing: Anglia suggested writings for First Step level students

Listening and Speaking: Anglia listening and speaking activities

Evaluation and Assessment: Oral assessment and Anglia mock exam

Month: December

Content: Smellybear by John Folley - Richmond primary Readers

Grammar and vocabulary: worksheets

Writing: description

Listening and Speaking: Listen to the story - Asking questions and giving answers

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