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As Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) emerges, security vulnerabilities of highly sen

sitive data draw much attention due to hardware limitations of sensor nodes and
wireless communication environment.
Due on this issue, wireless communication standards propose solutions based on c
ryptographic algorithms working on special modes of operation. This work present
s an FPGA implementation of AES CCM* mode for IEEE 802.15.4 WSN. The researchers
aim to implement the AES CCM* mode which is an Authentication Encryption (AE) m
ode defined in IEEE 802.15.4 that provides both data confidentiality and authent
ication in FPGA. By comparatively analyzing several alternatives based on previo
us studies, the researchers arrive at a resource efficient design suitable for r
esource limited implementation. The researchers tend to simulate and verify the
design using UVM methodology which allows for the development of powerful, reusa
ble, and scalable object-oriented verification environments. Separate FPGA is in
tended for implementation of Authentication Encryption and Decryption Verificati
on due to resources required by each.

e indispensable

In order to achieve such security requirements, correct utilization of cryptogra

phic primitives is defined in so-called modes of operation.

Recently, techniques have been invented to combine encryption and

authentication into a single algorithm which is called Authenticated Encryption
Because of combining the programmability with the performance of custom hardware
, FPGAs become more common as an implementation target for such algorithms.

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