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Personality Assessment: Subject Camila

The subject being tested is named Camila and she is a 22-year-old Hispanic female

currently studying Biology at the University of South Carolina. Camila grew up in Ecuador and

moved to the United States at 7-years-old, which she claims has had a big cultural and emotional

impact on her life.

Camila was tested with four different personality tests the Color Code, the 16PF, the the

MBTI, and the Big Five.

The Color Code:

The color code is a test which asks questions about personality traits during childhood, as

well as scenarios during childhood. After doing the Color Code Test, Camila received a result of

the color red. Red indicates dominance and a pursuit of power, which were interpreted from

Camilas answers that included her assertiveness and confidence in her youth. Other colors in

this test include blue (intimacy), white (peace), and yellow (fun).

The MBTI is based on the Myers-Briggs personality test. This test concentrates on 4

continuums of personality: extraversion vs. introversion, intuition vs. sensing, thinking vs.

feeling, and judging vs. perception. Camila received the Executive personality type, which is

characterized by high extraversion (89%), high observance (70%), high thinking (84%), high

judging over prospecting (81%), and high assertiveness (68%).

The 16 PF:
The 16 PF is based on the work of Raymond Cattell, who believed that personality could

best be determined through 16 personality factors and through factory analysis. The test includes

164 statements in which the subject chooses between the options of (1) disagree (2) slightly

disagree (3) neither agree nor disagree (4) slightly agree, and (5) agree. The results are based on

a scale of 0-4 with 0 correlating to a low degree of that trait and 4 correlating to a high degree of

that trait. Camilas traits resulted in order from score closest to 4 to score closest to 0 in the

following order: dominance, tension, social boldness, reasoning, vigilance & apprehension,

warmth, rule consciousness, emotional stability & liveliness, openness to change &

abstractedness, self-reliance, sensitivity, and privateness.

The Big Five:

The Big Five Personality Test uses the five markers of personality developed by

Goldberg. These five personality traits are said to tell the most about a persons personality and

include extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience.

The test contains fifty statements that the subject must rate on a scale of how true the statements

are about them. The scale ranges from 1=Disagree, 3=Neutral and 5=Agree. Factor analysis is

used for the results, which show the percentile that a person ranges on each trait compared to

other people. Camila resulted in the 88th percentile for extroversion, 26th percentile for emotional

stability/neuroticism, 2nd percentile for agreeableness, 92nd percentile for conscientiousness, and

23rd percentile for intellect/openness to experience.

Based on the four personality tests taken by Camila, we can conclude that her most

recurring trait is extraversion. She scored the highest percentile in all of the tests on this trait or

traits that co-occur with extraversion. Her high presence of extraversion seems to correlate with a

high degree of a dominant and assertive personality, as well as a seemingly low degree of

emotional stability. Based on her results, we can assume that Camila is a power-seeking

individual who describes herself as a perfectionist and a leader in her pursuits. She is most likely

meticulous about her work and very calculating. A surprising result from the 16 PF was her high

degree of warmth to others. This result may show that although assertive, Camila shows a high

degree of empathy and may pursue a future career where she is able to be in charge while

helping others. Such careers can be found in the field of medicine, military, or politics. Her self-

report of her background as a Hispanic immigrant having a high influence on her indicates why

many of these traits may have developed. Perhaps her upbringing from a low SES background in

South America and the change of lifestyle through her move to the U.S. created a hard-

working/perfectionist attitude as well as forced her to be able to adapt to different situations and

to approach others. Further studies could include testing her close family members in order to

determine the degree of nature vs. nurture to which these traits developed in Camilas


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