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Concordia University Ann Arbor Lesson Plan Prepared By: Autumn Carter

Lesson Title Grade/Age

Messy Paints 4 Year Olds
Subject/Domain Date:
Creative Arts January 13, 2017
Time Available
15 minutes

Standards Addressed
1. Early Learning Expectation: Visual Arts. Children show how they feel, what they think, and
what they are learning through experiences in the visual arts.

Objectives: Through these learning activities, children will be able to:

Children will be able to create a picture using their fingers as paintbrushes during small group

Teaching Strategy
Indirect Teaching

Introduction/ Set induction

Do you want to go experiment with some gooey paint?

Do you want to paint a picture without using a paintbrush?

Instructional Activities

Have them sitting at the small group table.

Explain to them how paintings and drawings can be done without using a paintbrush or paper
Ask them if they have ever painted with their fingers before.
Let them start painting; teacher can just observe and make sure no one is making a mess. Watch
them have fun with it
During you can ask questions like, is the paint cold? Or what does the paint feel like? or do you
like the feeling of the paint in your hands?

Incidental Activities

Some might cover their whole hands in the paint.

Some might try and paint other things, like the table and not the paper


Thanks for trying new things with me, I hope you liked painting with your fingers!
Transitional Activities

Now I want everyone to show me what they painted, after you show me take it carefully to the
drying rack and then go wash your hands!

Assessment: How this lesson provides for assessment of student learning

Children were able to create a painting using their fingers during small group time

Differentiation: How this lesson provided for multiple learning styles and developmental

Some might not like the feeling of the paint, so you can give them different materials, like qtips
or erasers to paint with.

Resources Needed__________________________________________________________
Site your sources:
Paint trays
Other materials, like qtips

Reflection: How successful was this lesson. What would you change? What would you do the

During one of my observations, I went to a preschool and during their free time I had them paint
with me. I explained to them how painting doesnt have to be done just with a paintbrush but can
be done with our fingers or even our whole hands and even other things we just see lying around.
They thought that it was cool you didnt have to just use a paintbrush. During their free time, the
children are allowed to paint, so with permission I asked if we could use our fingers. During this
I asked the children different questions about how the paint felt and did they like painting with
their fingers. The children really liked finger-painting and found it to be fun without using a
paintbrush. I would keep it the same, but I think I could even implement more materials to paint
with instead of just fingers and paintbrushes.

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