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RetroPie - Post Install Tweaks


Use of these changes come with no written warranty
You are responsible for making them work and not breaking your install
If you break it, you fix it.
But if you need help, post to the group and someone will answer
Always make a backup copy of the files BEFORE you change them
These are tweaks that I do to my RetroPie installs, your mileage may vary

After a fresh image install of Retropie, my list of standard tweaks that I do.

For the button assignment file changes, it may take saving it and testing a few times to
get the right button assignment value correct.

I edit all of the files at the unix command line on the Pi itself using an attached keyboard
or by using an SSH program from my computer (something like PUTTY on Windows or
on a Mac use Terminal).

You could probably copy the files to your computer, edit them there, and copy them
back. Thats just not how I do it though. For me, its easier to edit them on the Pi itself
using the methods above.

1) Edit config.txt to get HDMI audio out

file: /boot/config.txt

uncomment the following line


2) Edit cmdline.txt and add Xin-Mo USB Controller Board information

file: /boot/cmdline.txt

keeping all text on the same line, at the end of the first line, insert a space and then the
following text

3) Joystick test to determine button assignments

type: cd /dev/input
type: jstest js0 (or js1 for second controller)

when pressing buttons, will see corresponding button go from OFF to ON to OFF

I like to setup a single EXIT button on my controllers instead of always using the default
two button (SELECT + START).
For my gamepads, I like to figure out what the -center- button is. For example on an
Xbox controller, what button is the Xbox button?

4) Setup single button to be used for EXIT instead of having to use the default

After determining what the -center- button on my gamepad is (or any other button like
one of the Xin-Mo buttons), edit the following file and insert this text at the bottom. This
will setup a single EXIT button for all games except MAME and N64 (MUPEN64) games
(more on mupen64 games later). Those will configure later.

file: /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg

add the following lines at the bottom of the file
make sure to put the button number assignment determined from step 3, the ones
below are just examples

# Added to enable gamepad center buttons to

# be the exit game button
input_enable_hotkey_btn = 10
input_exit_emulator_btn = 10

5. Setup controller configuration for Sega to use a 6 button controller instead of 3


edit the following files and insert/change the lines

file: /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg
add/change the following lines of config file:

picodrive_input1 = "6 button pad"

picodrive_input2 = "6 button pad

file: /opt/retropie/configs/segacd/retroarch.cfg

add/change the following lines of config file:

input_libretro_device_p1 = "513"
input_libretro_device_p2 = "513"

6. MAME Advance - change to get rid of the exit question

to remove the exit question for mame-advance, edit the two config files and change the
following line

file: /opt/retropie/configs/mame-advmame/advmame-0.94.0.rc
file: /opt/retropie/configs/mame-advmame/advmame-1.4.rc

change the value for the following line to make it be : no

misc_safequit no

7. MAME Advance - changes to get trackball working and setup

make the following changes to the two config files to get a trackball all setup and

file: /opt/retropie/configs/mame-advmame/advmame-0.94.0.rc
file: /opt/retropie/configs/mame-advmame/advmame-1.4.rc

add/change the following lines

device_mouse raw
device_raw_mousedev[0] /dev/input/mouse0
device_raw_mousedev[1] /dev/input/mouse1
device_raw_mousedev[2] /dev/input/mouse2
device_raw_mousetype[0] ps2
device_raw_mousetype[1] ps2
device_raw_mousetype[2] ps2

input_map[p1_trackballx] mouse[0,x] mouse[1,x] mouse[2,x]

input_map[p1_trackbally] mouse[0,y] mouse[1,y] mouse[2,y]
input_map[p1_dialx] mouse[0,x]
input_map[p2_dialx] -mouse[0,y]

8. Daphne emulator - setup custom controls

I like to have a custom controller configuration for the Daphne games, editing the
following config file will setup the controls to the buttons needed

must first get a button assignment layout for all of the buttons (gamepad, Xin-Mo, etc) in
step 3 above

file: /opt/retropie/configs/daphne and open the dapinput.ini

only adjust the LAST numeric value not any of the other values
the last number corresponds to the button assignment from step 3 above
to match gamepad buttons (start with 1, not 0)

KEY_UP = 273 114 5
KEY_DOWN = 274 102 7
KEY_LEFT = 276 100 8
KEY_RIGHT = 275 103 6
KEY_BUTTON1 = 306 97 1
KEY_BUTTON2 = 308 115 2
KEY_BUTTON3 = 32 113 3
KEY_START1 = 49 0 7
KEY_START2 = 50 0 0
KEY_COIN1 = 53 0 7
KEY_COIN2 = 54 0 0
KEY_QUIT = 27 113 10

9. Setup Nintendo 64 configurations to have a single EXIT button instead of the two
button default (SELECT + START)

This change is a bit more complex as retroarch overwrites the mupen64 config file each
boot up/launch Have to turn off this overwriting function before making the single button
config changes.

file: /opt/retropie/emulators/mupen64plus/bin/

disable the overwrite function by commented out the two lines below

# write hotkey to mupen64plus.cfg

#iniConfig " = " "\"" "$configdir/n64/mupen64plus.cfg"
#niSet "${hotkeys_m64p[$i]}" "$bind"

file: /opt/retropie/configs/n64/mupen64plus.cfg

add/change the following line to be correct joystick button assignment from step 3
J0B8 = joystick 1 button 8
J1B8 = joystick 2 button 8

# Joystick event string to stopping the emulator

Joy Mapping Stop = J0B8,J1B8

10. Kodi - setup a Xin-Mo controller to be able to use for Kodi menu movement

After installing and launching Kodi the first time, the newest RetroPie image version of
Kodi includes gamepad support.

However, it does not automatically setup configuration files if using the Xin-Mo USB
controller board.

After the initial launch of Kodi, exit the the command line and create the following file.
May also have to create the directory also.

directory: /home/pi/.kodi/userdata/keymaps

file: joystick.xml

add the following lines into the joystick.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<joystick name="Xin-Mo Xin-Mo Dual Arcade">
<button id=1>Select</button>
<button id="2">Back</button>
<axis id="1" limit="+1">Right</axis>
<axis id="1" limit="-1">Left</axis>
<axis id="2" limit="-1">Up</axis>
<axis id="2" limit="+1">Down</axis>


more to come from other RetroPie group members!!!

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