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NASA Space AppsPP Challenge 2017

AAn Iintergenerational Ecosphere for Innovation

An interview by Roxy Rahnama with Ddr. Lucas Pawlik

Roxy Rahnama: NASA SpaceApps APPS Challenge 2017. . First I first

read NASA and Space, yeah, but then AppsPP. Doesnt itNot it sounds like
a challenge to create appss? And why is it sometimes called a
hHackathon? Some many words, so many questions?

Yes, the title is the first challenge. NASA invites creative people to come together for
two days and , to use by their own rules, to present and solve, real worlds problems
and perhaps start a business in by doing sothis. NASA presents different
challenges each year to show what matters from their perspective. Appspps stands
for applications. At the end of theseis two days you can present, what you have
achieved to a jury to decide which projects seem most promising and should get
further support.

Couldnt the title be more self-explanatoryeasier? What if people read different

things into it?

Confusion is an underestimated part of innovation. Disorientation interrupts your old

way of looking at things and confusion opens up present you different new
possibilities. Social innovation invites new interpretation. Apps for example still play
still an important part in the NASA Space Apps Challenge, but our perspective has
changed. The exploration of space has changed the world market. What we learn
through space explorations now affects our whole life on earth, and Apps have
become a small part of the picture.

Okay, let us now delve deeper and address some of the highlights of this
years hhackathon your are involved in:
We can already announce a group of participants led by Ddr. Lucas Pawlik who want
to start by developing present future principles of cyber-ethics.

What exactly is cyber-ethics, and how are you going to develop and present
these future principles?

Cyber-ethics describes an approach aimed at understanding the need to

regenerate the balance between our lives in a digital world and our organic
desires and needs. We do this via feedback and in collaboration with others.
Thus new forms of collaboration emerge from this correspondence to the
organisms actual needs. Hacking a hHackathon is therefore a perfect place to
start, and we cannot say what will happen. Taking on the callenge of hacking the
hHackathon will not only achieve goals, but create sustainable networks to design
and grow a social eco-sphere for our world innovators.

The next point sounds important, but an almost impossible task:

While hacking and hackathons have become very popular, there is a need to
understand how we as organisms function and in which kind of context we can best
collaborate and create solutions.

How are you going to explain this to/explore this with kids?

By immersing them in a learning enviroment which furthers collaboration. By inviting

them into an ongoing conversation and sharing stories of our evolution and possible
future in which we are in harmony with ourselves, technology and nature. The kids
will arrive on the second day of the NASA Space Challenge. By then I will have spent
a day with the adults preparing ourselves to support the kids. In the center is the
awareness that we learn together and by relating to each other and our visions of the
future an evolutionary co-learning experiment.

How does And who this collaboration take place exactly? The highlights

They want to provide a model of a sustainable biotechnological future as a storytelling

frame for our junior pitches.
What kind of model? Are we preparing pitches with the kids for their

A story of human history that ends well. A story of the future in which we are
biosphere babies who have taken on the responsibility for this planet, as we would
take care of a baby. Our Da Vinci kids come to design future robots and space
stations. As adults, we have to provide the background story for of a sustainable
space ship earth.

We invite innovators to join us to support our kids original evolutionary challenge to

change the adult world as equals in collaboration with adults.

We will document our co-learning journey of sharing this story as part of the NASA
SpaceApps Challenge by filming our own learning process leading up to the
intergenerational collaboration with the young filmmakers to pitch our kids visions of
the future.

Our hacking of the hHackathon is modeled after Gary Vaynerchuks approach to

economy and marketing. We compete by outcaring others. Whoever wins the
competitions when the first kids will have delivered their visions of the future we
have already delivered results. ;-)

We want to explore hacking as a transformational tool for the collaborative

design of our lives.

What exactly is hacking? Is there an easier way to make it also

understandable to kids? (like me ;))

Hacking broadly means to change a system by unconventional means. It can be

applied to everything from hacking into a computer system to life-hacks like doing
headstands to regulate the immune system, further brain genesis and boost your
nervous system. Our hacking of the NASA hHackathon is a perfect example of using
hacking as collaborative design. It provides social space and resources for humans to
provide their expertise and their life experience to tackle actual challenges we face.
The technological perspectives for our survival in Space are in the forefront as this is
NASAs expertise.

From the great balls to the Vienna Circle and the UNO, Vienna has been a place for
social innovation. We invite you, adults and kids alike, to the NASA Space App
Challenge 2017 to hack hacking by re-learning how to collaborate. We will document
the process and the results. The rest is future history.
Now. I am excited and I little bit jealous. To come together with people who
want to change the world for the betters is great news, but adults should
also have a chance to build robots and space stations.

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