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11 Verbrennung und Brennstoffe

Tabelle 11.11. Eigenschaftswerte von Fliissiggasen [5]

Propan i-Butan n-Butan

Totals formula C3H8 C4Hjo C4H10
Relative Molecular Weight 44,09 58,12 58,12
composition Gew.-% C 81,72 82,66 82,66
Gew.-% H 18,28 17,34 17,34
Density of liquid (15.56 C) kg/dm3 0,508 0,563 0,584
Spec. Volume of liquid (15.56 C) dm3/kg 1,969 1,776 1,712
Density of the of
Spec. Volume gasthe
1 bar) C, 1 kg/m3 2,019 2,668 2,703
bar) m3/kg 0,543 0,410 0,410
Density ratio (0 C, 1 bar) Luft = 1 1,562 2,064 2,091
Boiling point (1 bar) C -42,1 -11,7 -0,5
Evaporation heat (at boiling point, 1 kJ/kg 0,426 0,366 0,385
Steam pressure - 20 C bar 2,35 0,72 0,45
0C bar 4,71 1,57 1,02
20 C bar 8,44 3,04 2,06
30 C bar 10,79 4,02 2,84
Critical temperature C 96,8 135,0 151,6
Critical pressure bar 42,58 36,49 38,06

Tabelle 11.12. Daten fur die Verbrennung von Flussiggas [5]

Propan i-Butan n-Butan

Calorific value H0 a kJ/m3 101803 131984 133993
Heating value 7 / ua kJ/m3 93557 121603 123528
Calorific value H0 kJ/kg 50399 49478 49562
Heating value Hu kJ/kg 46339 45585 45711
Air supply3 m3/m3 23,9 31,0 31,0
m3/kg 12,2 12,0 12,0
kg/kg 15,7 15,5 15,5
Exhaust gas volume
dry m3/m3 21,9 28,5 28,5
damp m3/m3 25,9 33,5 33,5
Ziind limits
With air Vol.-% 2,37... 9,50 1,80... 8,44 1,86... 8,41
With oxygen Vol.-% 2,0 ...48,0 1,3 ...47,0 1,3 ...47,0
Ziind speed
With air cm/s 32 32 32
With oxygen cm/s 450 370 370
With air C 500 510 480
With oxygen C 490 460 460
Flame temperature
Combustion with air max. C 1935 1900 1896
Combustion with oxygen max. C 2850

Gases in the standard state

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