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Type kaching or rosebud - Gives the family $1000 each time you type them.

Type Motherlode - Gives the family $50,000 each time you type it.
Sim Stuck? Type Resetsim Firstname Lastname - to reset a stuck Sim back to t
he home lot and resume your game.
Type death.toggle true/false Use false to disable death. You will need to do
this every time you load your game. Without true/false it does not say death is
off/on, just that it's toggled.. It's safer to just use death.toggle false
headlineeffects on/off toggle between showing headline effects over Sims. Th
is is good for taking screenshots or making movies.
freerealestate on/off - Makes homes free when typed while shopping for a hou
se - this can let you live in a mansion without needing to afford it. This is a
helpful cheat when you're Moving a Sim out of the house and want that Sim to liv
e in a better home.
households.autopay_bills true/false - Annoying bills will trouble you no lon
sims.remove_all_buffs will remove all moodlets from your Sim. Those from hig
h needs and environment will come back up, so you can effectively remove negativ
e moodlets with this one.
fps on/off - display frames per second. Good for tuning graphical settings f
or optimal performance.
hovereffects on/off - enable/disable the outline effect when mousing over an
fullscreen - type this to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode - you
can even adjust window size! Great for checking guides while you play.
bb.moveobjects - the Move Objects cheat returned in a Patch. Type this, then
use 9 and 0 to adjust the item being 'held'. With this, you have powerful creat
ive control over objects and can place them without constraint. It allows for so
me super cool looks, so experiment with this one if you love building/decorating
bb.showhiddenobjects (Buydebug Cheat) - After typing this, look to the top r
ight of the list for 'Filter Objects'. You can see Content there. Under Content
will be Debug. Then, when going to a category, you will see only the Debug objec
ts. By doing this, you can build things like ponds on your lot, objects created
by skills, and other debug objects. An easy way to see everything under build mo
de is to go to objects by function and select Show All on that dropdown. To find
Ponds for fishing holes, type fishing in the search box.
bb.enablefreebuild - Allows you to build on otherwise locked lots, such as t
he new Active Careers' Science Lab, Police Station, and Hospital
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - to make that one more readable, it's s
pelling ignore gameplay unlocks entitlement. This allows you to ignore the restr
ictions placed on certain objects and the styled rooms that come with career pro
sims.give_satisfaction_points x - to give you satisfaction to spend at the R
ewards Store. For example, if you wanted 30,000 points you would type: sims.give
_satisfaction_points 30000 - note the lack of a comma. Requires testingcheats on
to be enabled or it won't work.
fillmotive X. fillmotive motive_energy or fillmotive motive_hunger.

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