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Standard 2 Human Capital

Leading team meetings and working cooperatively with my team to discuss lesson plans, ensure
that the plans are appropriately aligned to the TEKS and that we are following the district
curriculum map, developing common assessments to assess student learning is an integral part of

Having a good mentor program for the campus is vital in the ongoing development of newly
hired teachers (new to teaching and teachers new to the campus). It is instrumental in
developing and keeping strong teachers. When a teacher new to teaching is hired, it is extremely
important for them to know that they are supported. It is critical to have a strong support system
in order develop quality teachers. I was assigned as mentor to two new to teaching teachers at
the start of this school year. I have also been part of the mentor/mentee program for the past
seven years and take my responsibilities to the teachers I mentor very seriously.

Although we have not gotten to the point of hiring any new staff members (this wont take place
until June), I have been on interviewing committees in the past. As part of these committees, I
was acutely aware of the part I was playing in ensuring our campus hired the best candidates for
our campus. Every teacher interviewed had the prerequisite certifications, however, it wasnt
just their skills that was important, but that the candidates fit the needs of our campus. While
shadowing my mentor, I was tasked with reviewing the paraprofessional applications for the
vacant In School Suspension position. I was able to recommend two candidates for the interview
process. My mentor agreed with the recommendations.

At the beginning of this school year I received district professional development training in T-
TESS, our new evaluation system. My campus gave the faculty additional training on T-TESS
in October. I completed the EDAD 5353, Principal and Professional Development Leader (AEL
& T-TESS) course Spring 2017 and was certified as a T-TESS appraiser on March 15, 2017. As
part of my practicum, I have been able to use my knowledge of T-TESS while assisting my
principal in conducting classroom walk-throughs.

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