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Austin Levin

February 8, 2017

Leslie Drake

2:00 - 2:50

Research Proposal

Does over-fertilizing farming land leave a lasting affect on the soil and environment surrounding


Over-fertilization of farming land has been something that is often blown off and ignored

by society because of how it has been seen. Many people do not see the everlasting affect it can

have on a society and environment surrounding. Fertilization isn't what plants exactly need, but it

enhances the opportunity for the plants go grow at an exceeding rate. Soils naturally contain

many nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium that help the plants grow and

produce. As plants search for these nutrients that they need, it becomes essential to their

development and growth. When soil nutrients are missing or in short supply, plants suffer from

nutrient deficiency and stop growing. When the nutrient level is low, they can't produce our

everyday essential needs that everyone around the world needs. After these crops are harvested,

the nutrients are removed from the soil which causes fertilization to go through the process

again. Nutrients can be added from a variety of sources such as organic matter, chemical

fertilizers, and even by some plants. Farmers turn to fertilizing because it replenishes the soil to

continue producing good and healthy plants.

With this being a productive way of growing things and providing for everybody, the

danger of over-fertilizing is a concern. If this occurs, the extra fertilizer can runoff into streams
and creeks which pollutes our everyday water we use. This can have negative affects on

everything in the surrounding environment. Fertilizer is not plant food, it is simply a collection

of building blocks plants use to produce their own nutrients. With this being said, caution has to

be used in fertilizing because if it is overseen or ignored, the more our environment has a chance

of getting damaged or a chance of it hurting us due to the reliance on the environment.


Does over-fertilizing farming land leave a lasting affect on the soil and environment surrounding


I. Introduction

A. What is Fertilizer?

B. What is it used for?

C. How is it used?

II. Positives of Fertilizers

A. Helps the plants produce to the best of their abilities.

B. More plants that produce food help supply everybody

C. Helps boosts the economy with trade and selling

III. Negatives of Fertilizers

A. Over fertilizing can ruin soil in surrounding areas.

B. Water runoff is a major sign of over fertilizing

C. This leads to polluting of our everyday water and everyday essentials

IV. Ways to fix over-fertilization

A. Soil testing before the fertilization is a normal requirement

B. Monthly check ups on the surrounding soil and areas

C. Tighten the requirements for getting fertilizer in different environments.

Research Timeline Format

Date Completed

February 8 Proposal / Outline

February 10 3 sources for Main Point 1

February 13 3 sources for Main Point 2

February 16 3 sources for Main Point 3

February 19 3 sources for Main Point 4

February 22 Finish Introductory paragraph

February 25 Finish Main Point 1

February 28 Finish Main Point 2

March 1 Finish Main Point 3

March 4 Finish Main Point 4

March 7 Final Conclusion

March 8 Turn in rough draft

March 9 Peer Review

March 13-16 Write final draft

March 17 Turn in final paper

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