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Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations
Graduate Capstone Projects


Pharmacovigilance: A Comparative Study About

the Knowledge of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)
Reporting that Private Practitioners and
Government Doctors Gained in a Random
Locality in India
Shanthan B. Pingili

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Pingili, Shanthan B., "Pharmacovigilance: A Comparative Study About the Knowledge of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Reporting
that Private Practitioners and Government Doctors Gained in a Random Locality in India" (2013). Master's Theses and Doctoral
Dissertations. Paper 535.

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Pharmacovigilance: A Comparative Study About the Knowledge of Adverse Drug Reaction

(ADR) Reporting that Private Practitioners and Government Doctors Gained in a Random

Locality in India


Shanthan B Pingili


Submitted to the College of Health and Human Services

Eastern Michigan University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of



Clinical Research Administration

Thesis Committee:

Irwin G. Martin, Ph.D, Chair

Stephen A. Sonstein, Ph.D, Member

March 15, 2013

Ypsilanti, Michigan
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India ii



My Family
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India iii


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Irwin G. Martin, my research guide, for his

support throughout this project. His encouraging guidance and constructive support helped me

in developing this thesis.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Stephen A. Sonstein, our program

coordinator, for his support during my studies here at Eastern Michigan University.

I thank the Eastern Michigan University Graduate School for their financial support in the

form of National Scholarship Program (NSP) and Dr. Deborah de Laski-Smith, Interim Dean

of Graduate School, for awarding me University Fellowship during my masters program at

Eastern Michigan University.

I also like to thank the Indian Medical Association (IMA- regional chapter, Warangal, India)

for their help in randomly distributing my survey. And also I would like to thank all my

friends who have helped me in my research endeavor.

Finally I would like to thank my mother, Manjula Devi Pingili; my father, Nageshwar Rao

Pingili; and my brother Nithin Bharadwaj Pingili, for their earnest support and love during

pursuit of my masters degree.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India iv


The present pilot study aims to compare the knowledge pertaining to ADR reporting systems

that government doctors and private practitioners gained in a random, tier-II city in India, by

conducting a questionnaire based survey. Their knowledge of ADR reporting, related

guidelines and/or regulations, the frequency of ADRs they observe and diagnose, their

opinion on mandatory reporting by doctors, type of ADRs they would generally report, and to

whom ADRs should be reported are discussed besides evaluating the attributable reasons for

underreporting, if any. A total of 47 (21.36%) responded to this random survey, of whom 27

(57.4%) were government doctors and 14 (29.7%) were private practitioners. Interestingly,

68.2% of doctors from either groups liked the idea of ADR reporting being made mandatory

for doctors. The Chi-square test turned out to be significant with = 26.729, p < 0.05,

indicating there exists a difference between government doctors and private practitioners

regarding the types of ADRs they would generally report. Lack of time, unavailability of

ADR reporting forms, and system of reporting being too bureaucratic were cited as reasons

for underreporting of ADRs. Creating awareness, among doctors of both groups, about ADR

reporting via CME programs, offering incentives to reporters, and establishing ADR

monitoring and reporting systems in hospitals and clinics under the supervision of

pharmacists will help improve ADR reporting in this selected tier-II city of Warangal, in the

state of Andhra Pradesh in India.

Key Words: Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs), ADR reporting systems,

Pharmacovigilance, Central Drug Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), National

Pharmacovigilance Program (NPP).

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India v

Table of Contents
Dedication ................................................................................................................................................ ii
Acknowledments .................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables....................................................................................................................................... viii

List of Figures..........................................................................................................................................ix

Abstract................................................................................................................................................... iv
Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Background .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Objectives..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 Primary Objective (Research Question) ................................................................................. 4
1.4.2 Secondary objective: .............................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Hypothesis.................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.1. Null Hypothesis (Ho): .............................................................................................................. 5
1.5.2. Alternate Hypothesis (H1): ..................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Literature Review ................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Definition of Adverse Drug Reaction ........................................................................................... 6
2.2 Classification of ADRs.................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Concept of Pharmacovigilance: Origin ......................................................................................... 8
2.4 Established ADR systems across the world................................................................................. 11
2.4.1 United Kingdom .................................................................................................................. 11
2.4.2 United States of America ..................................................................................................... 12
2.4.3 Republic of India ................................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Past studies on ADR reporting systems (a review) .................................................................... 16
Chapter 3: Methods ............................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Study design ................................................................................................................................ 19
3.2 Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Questionnaire Development...................................................................................................... 19
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India vi

3.4 Approval of the study ................................................................................................................ 21

3.5 Subjects ..................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria ................................................................................................. 21
3.7 Data collection and Statistical analysis ....................................................................................... 22
Chapter 4: Results .................................................................................................................................. 24
4.1 Demographic data...................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.1 Response Rate...................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.2 Type of Practice and Experience ......................................................................................... 24
4.1.3 Specializations of respondents .......................................................................................... 27
4.2 Adverse Drug Reaction reporting - Knowledge ......................................................................... 28
4.3 ADR reporting - Attitude and practice ........................................................................................ 31
4.4 Types of ADRs generally reported by subjects ........................................................................... 32
4.5 Factors that encourage ADR reporting ...................................................................................... 35
4.6 Factors affecting ADR reporting................................................................................................. 38
Chapter 5: Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 41
Chapter 6 : Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 50

Appendix A: Approved survey questionnaire.......................................................................................59

Appendix B: Study approval from HSRC................................................................................................65

Appendix C: Cover letter.......................................................................................................................66

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India vii

List of Tables

Table Page

1 Frequency distribution of gender of participants ............................................ 24

2 Experience of study subjects in their respective specialties in medicine.......... 25

3 Responses to question asked about the knowledge of ADR s.......................... 29

4 Chi-square analysis of section C...................................................................... . 34

5 Chi-square analysis of section D...................................................................... 37

6 Chi-square analysis of section E...................................................................... 39

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India viii

List of Figures

Figure Page

1 Line graph showing differences in the range of experiences gained by doctors (male and female)

in the government sector and private sector. ............................................................................... 26

2 Distribution of number of respondents to survey by their specialization and type of practice .... 27

3 Bar chart showing response to ADR being made mandatory (n=41). ....................................... 30

4 Bar graph representing the perspective of the subjects to ADR reporting being made mandatory

on part of doctors ....................................................................................................................... 31

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Effectiveness and efficacy are two attributes of a drug that are sought for whenever

clinicians choose a drug to cure or treat an underlying ailment. While effectiveness is the

capacity of a drug to produce known pharmacological effect, efficacy is the ability of a drug

to produce and reproduce, under ideal circumstances, a desired pharmacological effect. Drugs

also produce side effects (besides desired pharmacological effects) which are defined as

normally unavoidable secondary effects of a drug at therapeutic levels/concentrations. These

side effects, at higher doses or of higher severity are often termed as Adverse Drug Reactions

(ADRs). Depending upon the severity ADRs can cause even hospitalization or death. The

International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice

(GCP) defines ADRs as a response to a drug that is noxious and unintended and that occurs at

doses normally used in man for prophylaxis, diagnosis, or therapy of diseases or for

modification of physiological function (World Health Organization [WHO] report 498, 1972).

In the recent years, deaths due to adverse drug reactions are increasing (Shepherd,

Mohorn, Yacoub, & May, 2012; Kieve, 2012). To lower the incidence or prevent those

deaths, spontaneous reporting of ADR is the best possible way, and Desai et al. (2011) opined

spontaneous reporting of ADRs as an important tool in pharmacovigilance. They also

observed that, in daily practice, medical practitioners report very few adverse effects which

are caused by drugs. According to the authorities at Central Drug Standard Control
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 2

Organization (CDSCO), hospitalization, disability, and life-threatening reactions caused by

the drugs need to be reported. But only a small portion of these are officially reported.

1.2 Background

A study conducted by Schneeweiss et al. (2002) shows that 5 to 10% of patients were

admitted to hospitals as a consequence of ADRs. In several studies the frequency was

estimated to be 20% of all cases admitted to the geriatric department as well as in the internal

medicine departments.

A study conducted by Lazrou, Pomeranz, and Corey (1998) concludes that incidences

of serious ADRs reported were 6.7% and fatal ADRs were 0.32% of hospitalized patients.

They also estimated that in the year 1994, a total of 2,216,000 hospital consumers had serious

ADRs and about 106,000 hospital consumers had experienced fatal ADRs, making them the

fourth to sixth leading cause of death in the United States.

A study conducted by Routledge and co-worker (2004) concludes that the expenditure

of ADRs has been anticipated to be as a high as 0.5 billion each year in the United Kingdom

(UK) due to the prolongation of hospital visits.

Ramesh, Pandit, and Parthasarathi (2003), in their study conducted in a south Indian

hospital, reported that 0.7% of hospital admissions were because of ADRs and of the 3.7% in-

patients who suffered an ADR, a total of 1.3% were fatal. Another study conducted by

Arulmani et al.(2007) recorded a 3.4% of ADR related admissions into hospital and 3.7% of

recorded ADRs during hospital stay in nine months. An observational study conducted by

Singh et al. (2010) revealed that in a tertiary care facility (in Northern India) there were 154

ADRs reported over a period of 6 months, which reiterates the regular occurrence of ADRs. It
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 3

was also reported by Arulmani et al. (2007) that ADRs and related hospitalizations prove a

financial burden on the hospitals and thus on the State. They calculated the average cost per

ADR per patient to be 481 (6) while Ramesh and co-workers calculated the average cost in

managing reported ADR (per ADR) to be 690 ($ 12.5).

It's possible that some or many other ADRs might have gone unreported during the

course of the above referenced studies. There are various reasons, as cited by researchers, for

ADRs being not reported to the extent they should. A few are as follows:

- Lack of knowledge with regard to the guidelines/regulations of ADR reporting

- Lack of clarity regarding the responsibility (is it up to the doctor or to other medical

staff [pharmacists/nurse] to report ADRs?)

- Too busy to report ADR/ ignorance with respect to ADR reporting

- Malfunctioning of an established ADR reporting system (unavailability of required

forms), and so on.

Desai et al. (2011) evaluated the KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) of

prescribers with regard to ADR reporting and found that though the attitudes are positive,

practice is lacking, citing some of the above reasons. Many studies were conducted to

evaluate the practice of ADR reporting in various parts of India and to suggest methods to

streamline the system. Sampling studies were conducted in many metropolitan and

cosmopolitan cities like Mumbai, Mysore, Ahmedabad and so on, but a perfect figure would

only be obtained when random studies are also taken up in tier-II and tier-III cities. In an

effort to understand the general trend of the ADR reporting system in those tier-II and tier-III

cities and to contribute to the general understanding of the knowledge of ADRs and its
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 4

reporting systems across India, this study was proposed. Methodology was similar to other

studies. The survey questionnaire was administered randomly to prescribers and the statistical

methods like Student T- test and Chi-square test were used. Prime motive of this research was

to study and understand the general trend of this ADR reporting system in a randomly

selected tier-II city, analyze restraints to this system (if any), and suggest ways to establish a

perfectly functional system, if need be. This research study could serve as a foundation study

in the randomly selected city in tracking the trend of ADR reporting system and in suggesting

changes (if needed) from time to time.

1.3 Purpose

The present study was undertaken to investigate the knowledge that private

practitioners and government appointed doctors gained about the ADR reporting system

and/or the guidelines thereof, in a random locality (a tier-II city) in India.

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 Primary Objective (Research Question)

Are the doctors (both private practitioners and government appointed) in a random

locality in India familiar with ADR reporting system (and/or guidelines/regulations)? If yes,

do they take responsibility in reporting ADRs or do they rely on their staff to do so?

1.4.2 Secondary objective:

- To determine the factors responsible for under-reporting of ADRs (if any)

- To suggest ways of increasing the ADR reporting

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 5

1.5 Hypothesis

1.5.1. Null Hypothesis (Ho): All doctors, both private and government-appointed doctors,

have enough knowledge of the guidelines/regulations for ADR reporting and they do take

responsibility in reporting ADRs to pharmacovigilance authorities or the pharmaceutical


1.5.2. Alternate Hypothesis (H1): There is a difference in the knowledge that private

practitioners and government doctors have regarding the guidelines/regulations of ADR

reporting and the clarity they have regarding the responsibility of ADR reporting.
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 6

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Adverse Drug Reaction

The WHO, in its technical report series (WHO report 498, 1972), defined an Adverse

Drug Reaction as "noxious, unintended and which occurs at dosages normally used in human

beings for prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy for the disease or for the modification of the

physiological function." Allergies, idiosyncrasies, pharmacological and toxicological

mechanisms, and interactions between different drugs were also included in the definition

with them being independent of the mechanism of ADR. The former was later adapted by the

ICH- GCP as their definition of an ADR. Parker (1982) opined that ADR might involve

immunological or non-immunological mechanisms as well.

2.2 Classification of ADRs

Until recently most of the researchers followed the conventional classification of

ADRs by Rawlins and Thompson (1977). Some of the researchers, prescribers, and

pharmacovigilance professionals extrapolated the classification of ADRs based on works of

Rawlins and Thompson (1977) and Naranjo et al. (1981). The classification of ADRs is still

being researched owing to the fact that new kinds of ADRs are being reported that do not fit

into any other previous classifications.

The conventional and probably one of the first classifications of ADR by Rawlins and

Thompson (1977) divide adverse reactions into Type A reactions (also termed as augmented

reactions), which are the undesired pharmacological effects of drugs and are dosage-

dependent, and which are predictable and thus preventable too. Some examples of this type

are bradycardia-with the use of beta blockers, hemorrhage-with use of anticoagulants, and
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 7

drowsiness-with benzodiazepines. Though Type A reactions depict rather high incidence and

morbidity, associated mortality is comparatively low. Inevitably, unpredictable reactions with

an unknown pharmacological mechanism at normal dosages were grouped into Type B

(Bizzare). One example is malignant hypothermia upon administration of general anesthesia.

The associated mortality rate was said to be high with these Type B ADRs while the

incidence rate and morbidity were comparatively low.

Edwards and Aronson (2000) further expanded the classification of ADRs into:

Type C - reactions associated with prolonged therapies for chronic

ailments/diseases. One example is analgesic nephropathy

Type D - uncommon delayed reaction that become apparent only after an elapsed

period of time and those which are dose dependent. Examples are carcinogenesis

and teratogenesis

Type E - reactions that are associated with the withdrawal of drugs. Examples

include antidepressant discontinuation syndrome associated with the withdrawal of

Serotonin Nor-epinephrine Re-uptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) or other class of Selective

Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

Type F- Failure of therapy owing to intrinsic properties of drugs, which are dose-

related and supposed to be caused by drug interactions

Naranjo et al. (1981) devised a method to estimate the causality of ADRs and

classified them based on the probability of causality as definite, probable, possible, and

doubtful. This mode of classification helped clinicians and pharmacists reach consensus in

assessing and reporting ADRs.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 8

Hunziker et al. (2002), relying on the conventional classification of ADRs by Rawlins

and Thompson (1977), classified ADRs based on the largely accepted, contemporary,

pathomechanisms into Type A1 - Type A7 and Type Ba (allergic/immunological reactions)

and Type Bpa. (pseudo allergic/anaplylactoid reactions):

Type A1 : reactions not specified in Type A

Type A2 : dose related reactions

Type A3 : patient related reactions - Idiosyncrasies

Type A4 : drug related (intolerance to drugs example: patients allergic to


Type A5 : drug-to-drug interactions

Type A6 : rebound or withdrawal effects

Type A7 : secondary reaction to drugs

This was one of the most comprehensive classifications of ADRs encompassing many

mechanisms and types of reactions. This sort of classification would help manage the drug

market with more efficacy by assisting clinicians and pharmacists in the detection of ADRs

with accuracy. This in turn would encourage the healthcare professionals to indulge more in

ADR reporting than before.

2.3 Concept of Pharmacovigilance: Origin

Pharmacovigilance, a science of activities relating to the detection, assessment,

understanding, and prevention of adverse drug reactions or any other drug-related problems,

evolved in the mid-1900s (WHO, 2002). Collecting numerous data related to a product's

actions, that is, drugs' life cycles, both pre-market and post-market, is the most important part
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 9

with a concern to public safety. One of the important tools in this area of science is the

spontaneous reporting of ADRs either by clinicians or the pharmacists. This aids in an

exceptional management of various diseases using drugs. A brief review of unfortunate events

in the past associated with drugs will help understand the importance of pharmacovigilance

whilst giving a clear picture of the conception of this skill.

Elixir Sulfanilamide, effectively used in the treatment of streptococcal infections, in

the year 1937 made it to the headlines in the radio and print media for it was responsible for

the death of more than 100 patients (both adults and children) within a period of two months.

Sulfanilamide tablets and powder were used safely in patients and had dramatic curative

effects, which reiterated that Sulfanilamide was not to blame. The elixir mixture contained

diethylene glycol, an anti-freeze agent used in automobiles, a potent toxic chemical. This

chemical was used in the elixir mixture as Sulfanilamide dissolves in this chemical and that

the mixture had good taste, flavor, and texture. Barely any toxicological studies were

performed on this new preparation, perhaps owing to fact that sulfanilamide was already

being effectively used. This episode warranted a swift action on the part of FDA which

accelerated the final enactment of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act 1938

(Ballentine, 1981).

Supposedly, the first need and/ or act of ADR reporting followed the death of a 15-

year-old girl due to ventricular fibrillation upon administration of general anesthetic

chloroform in the year 1948. With the concerns of public health and profession about

anesthetic safety, The Lancet set up a commission inviting doctors from within Britain and its

colonies to report any anesthesia related deaths (Routledge, P., 1998). This event was marked

as the origin of the concept of pharmacovigilance on a national scale.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 10

Chloramphenicol (bacteriostatic antimicrobial) had a Type B, unpredictable ADR

associated with its administration. Upon a series of aplastic anemias detected after the

administration of chloramphenicol in 1950, the drug was subjected to further pharmacological

studies after it was marketed. Kramer (1981) cited more examples like chloramphenicol,

highlighting the importance of continuous studies on a drug's behavior in various populations

in different situations that do not come under the purview of clinical trials. Clinical trials have

always been in a conditioned and controlled environment where a drug undergoes rigorous

testing only in select populations in limited numbers. On the other hand, they are not tested in

those populations in which they are marketed and used. These contrasting environments in a

drug's life cycle warrants a pharmacovigilance program in force for efficient management of

diseases and, in turn, the life cycle of a drug.

Thalidomide is another example. Phocomelic babies were born when pregnant woman

were treated with thalidomide for their acute morning sickness during pregnancies. This was a

Type-D ADR according to Edwards and Aronson's (2000) classification of ADRs.

Thalidomide was later withdrawn from the market because of its teratogenic effects upon

receiving numerous ADR reports from physicians. German physicians published thalidomide

issue in various journals. McBride (1961) stated that this event associated with thalidomide

drove many developed countries to establish an organized and systematic evaluation system

of drugs and associated-ADRs. These systems, in totality, were dependent on physicians and

pharmacists. Sweden, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Australia were the first to

implement a nave pharmacovigilance program, and many other countries followed. Gay

(1997) published astonishing facts about the uses of such pharmacovigilance programs in her

article. Upon withdrawal from the market, thalidomide was subjected to various other studies;
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 11

long-term effects of this drug were also studied and by chance it was discovered that this drug

could be used in treating Erythematic Nodusum Leprosy (ENL). Upon satisfactory results in

trials, thalidomide was re-introduced in the market for treating leprosy. It was learned that

thalidomide is effective in treatment of HIV and some cancers; trials are underway and under

the scrutiny of the FDA. These by-chance discoveries were attributed to the success of

pharmacovigilance programs as new information regarding the drugs in question would be

gathered with each and every ADR reported.

2.4 Established ADR systems across the world

2.4.1 United Kingdom

In the aftermath of the thalidomide event, the Committee on Safety of Drugs (CSD)

was established in the United Kingdom in 1963, which was later transformed into the

Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM) in1968, in the purview of the Medicines Act of

1968. Since 2005, CSM has become CHM- Commission on Human Medicines which

provides independent expert advice to the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products

Regulatory Agency) on safety of drugs. Any new chemical entity or vaccine is effectively put

on a two-year probation by the MHRA with a black triangular caution symbol in the product

labeling, warranting a strict follow-up on the effectiveness and safety of medicines, by the

prescribers/doctors, during the probationary period. This will effectively give a chance to

collect much more data than those collected during the clinical trials on potential and/or

possible side effects upon longer exposure to the drug. The black triangle mark is not

removed by the MHRA unless the drug shows satisfactory safety profile in larger populations.

The black mark may also be placed on new formulations of marketed drugs. On the other

hand, MHRA mandates pharmaceutical companies to closely monitor the side effects caused
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 12

by their marketed products. Besides doctors and manufacturers, MHRA also requests patients

to report potential side effects to OTC (Over The Counter) products and prescription

medications via the Yellow card scheme (retrieved from All information

pertaining to the demographics of reporter, drug therapy treated upon, route of administration

of the drug, dose specification, diagnostic report, and description of reactions, along with

contact information, is sought while using the Yellow card system (Breckenridge et al., 1998;

Jefferys et al., 1998; Moore et al., 1985).

2.4.2 United States of America

The Federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA), being the primary governing body

to regulate the pharmaceutical and medical devices industry, has a dictum to investigate and

publish information on adverse drug events associated with approved products on the market.

In order to serve this purpose, FDA has established a service: Adverse Events Reporting

Service (AERS/FAERS) called MedWatch. (Craigle, 2007). MedWatch is primarily a

reporting tool focusing on medical devices and medicines with two main purposes: AERS

tools for use by medical professionals and the public to report adverse events and medical

injuries associated with products. They provide information to the public on the following:

prescription drugs, OTC drugs, biologics, medical and radiation-emitting devices, and special

nutritional products, such as infant formulas and dietary supplements.

MedWatch achieves FDA's purpose by encouraging medical professionals and the

public to voluntarily report any adverse events and/or medical injuries, but for the industry

(including drug and device manufacturers, importers, and medical facility users) it is

mandatory to report these events as required by law. MedWatch has the reporting form hosted
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 13

on their website, making it easily accessible and

downloadable from the website. The forms may be downloaded, duly filled in, and sent via

email, fax, or regular mail. Special dial-in numbers are available to verbally report any AEs

(Kessler, 1993).

Upon receiving reports pertaining to a single drug or medical device, the FDA

summons more studies into those events whilst temporarily pulling out those products from

the market. The FDA also sends "Dear health care professionals" letters to medical

practitioners warning them of the discovered adverse events and requesting them to refrain

from prescribing "products in question" until more research is done. The FDA holds the

authority to withdraw the market approval, permanently, in case the products cannot be

altered to rectify the problem. MedWatch serves as an impeccable tool for the prescribers in

learning more about the trend in prescription drugs, that is it serves as a CEP (Continuing

Education Program) tool as well. More importantly, it is a nationwide single authority that

pools information on AEs rather quickly and at one place, allowing for swift action in the

interest of public safety. Craigle (2007) mentioned, after reading IOM's report, about the

alarmingly high $3.2 billion lost in maintaining AE-related injuries. This loss in economy in

the form of Medicare/Medicaid budgets and lost wages could be addressed rather quickly with

the aid of such an important reporting tool. The reporting tool, being available over the

internet, helps PI's (Principal Investigators)/prescribers from across the globe, working on

offshore trials (under the FDA's regulatory guidance) of drugs meant also to be marketed in

the USA, to report AEs/associated problems, directly, which has become a huge advantage.
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 14

2.4.3 Republic of India

Pharmacovigilance in India started in the year 1986 with the establishment of 12

regional centers that oversee areas with population sizes of approximately 50 million each

(Kulkarni, 1986). These centers were vested with the authority to collect formal ADRs but

failed to do so. In 1997, India Joined WHO's ADR reporting program based in Uppsala,

Sweden, in order to participate healthily and to contribute to the effort. In 2005, the Ministry

of Health and Family Welfare in India initiated the National Pharmacovigilance Program

(NPP), coordinated by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) based in

the national capital, New Delhi. This new program was established because of the failure of

earlier attempts at pooling ADR reports on a national scale. The established NPP was again

reviewed in July 2010 according to Biswas and Biswas (2007) and Gupta (2010). NPP was

visualized to be rolled out in three phases:

Phase I - to include 40 ADR Monitoring Centers (AMCs) in the program

Phase II - to get 140 MCI (Medical Council of India) recognized medical colleges

and teaching hospitals involved in the program by the end of 2011

Phase III - to orchestrate and weave the program into the healthcare by the end of

year 2013

ADRs collected at the AMCs will be relayed to the regional coordinating centers,

which then would report the same to the Uppsala monitoring committee. The collected ADRs

would be analyzed, and the data generated would be used to assess risk patterns, if any, like

the population at risk. NPP will then circulate the data within the regulatory agencies,
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 15

allowing them to update warnings and drug labeling. So far, only 24 regional centers have

been established in the country to serve NPP's purpose.

A close comparison of the US and UK pharmacovigilance programs with that of the

Indian program reveal the fact that NPP in India is still at its infancy, and only in its first

phase since its establishment in 2005. When compared with the rest of the world, ADR

reporting percentage in India is only 1% (Prakash, 2007). One of the major reasons for this

could be unawareness of ADR reporting guidelines/regulations on the part of the

prescribers/medical practitioners. Another reason could be poor literacy rate of the population

affecting their ability to read and understand drug labels and cautions written on the labels,

and lack of support from the government at the county/district level to make it a success.

Needless to say, incorporating pharmacovigilance concepts into the already extensive syllabi

of Indian medical and pharmacy schools will be a difficult process for state governments.

Nonetheless, doing so will equip medical/pharmacy professionals with tools to identify ADR

signals during the first phase of clinical trials. Instituting a spontaneous ADR reporting

system on par with those in the developed countries would be ideal for India as data of ADRs

associated with marketed drugs can be pooled and analyzed rather easily and in short period

of time with the help of spontaneous reporting tools, which in turn will help update the

labeling on the drugs. This will help to lower the rate of morbidity and mortality besides

reducing the budget spent on ADR management on the whole.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 16

2.5 Past studies on ADR reporting systems (a review)

Numerous studies conducted in various parts of the world indicate that ADR reporting

is not satisfactory, and has not reached the anticipated level in the nations with established

pharmacovigilance programs. In the United States of America, Rogers et al.(1988) studied the

knowledge, attitude and practice of 3000 physicians using a questionnaire. Out of the 1121

(37.3%) physicians that responded only 638 (57%) physicians knew about the FDA's

established ADR reporting system. However, the study concluded that many of the physicians

felt the reporting system was inconvenient. This inconvenience in the reporting system's

functioning or the use of reporting system could lead to a prevalent underreporting of ADRs.

While in another meta analysis conducted on a 32 year data on ADRs, Lazarou et al.(1998)

concluded that 6.7% of ADRs reviewed were serious and 0.32% were fatal. They estimated

that ADRs are one among the six leading causes of death in the United States of America. In a

situation where ADRs contribute in a good proportion to mortality, poor practices of ADR

reporting proves as a financial burden on the nation, besides being a threat to the lives of the


In the United Kingdom, Belton, Lewis, Payne and Rawlins (1995) studied 500

randomly selected doctors from the 1992 Medical Directory of UK to investigate their attitude

towards CSM's ADR reporting scheme. They assessed the understanding of the doctors about

the scheme and tried to identify the possible reasons behind underreporting of suspected

ADRs. Out of the 284 (57%) respondents only 179 (63%) were stated to have previously

reported ADRs to either the CSM or to pharmaceutical companies. They assessed that, though

the number of reporting doctors was higher compared to other studies, a significant

percentage of doctors lacked an understanding of the CSM's yellow card system, which they
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 17

thought was contributing to the underreporting of ADRs. They reported lack of time, lack of

reporting forms and a misunderstanding on the part of doctors in maintaining confidentiality

in the diagnosis of ADRs as the reasons for underreporting.

In India, Singh et al.(2010) observed the trend of ADR reporting with respect to a

poly pharmacy at a tertiary care facility in Northern India and found that in a period of six

months there were 154 ADRs recorded of which 23 (14.9%) were fatal. Gupta and Udupa

(2011) cited only 2.9% of ADRs being reported in the city of Mumbai despite 90% resident

doctors deemed it important to report ADRs to regional centers. They found that the resident

doctors did not have adequate knowledge about the reporting responsibilities, type of events

to be reported and mechanism of ADR reporting. They also cited the resident doctors'

perception of the reporting process being time consuming, lack of knowledge and expertise as

reasons for underreporting. Upadhyaya, Seth, Moghe, Sharma and Ahmed (2012) reported

poor knowledge among postgraduate medical students regarding ADR reporting in India.

They reported only 50% of the students were taught about ADRs and associated reporting

system while only 50% were reported to have witnessed ADRs during their training. They

suggested need to periodically check on the knowledge of ADR reporting of the medical

students. Rehan, Vasudev and Tripathi (2002) in another study, suggested a need to improve

the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of medical students, despite the study revealed an

adequate knowledge of ADR reporting among the students.

However, numerous studies conducted all through India have consistently shown poor

practice or attitude among medical practitioners regarding ADR reporting despite their

adequate knowledge about the system. Commonality among all the cited studies was that they

were performed in metro or cosmopolitan cities. Very few, if any, were performed in tier-II
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 18

and tier-3 cities which only would give us a complete picture of the current National

Pharmacovigilance Program's success so far.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 19

Chapter 3: Methods

3.1 Study design

The study was designed as a cross sectional, observational, questionnaire based survey.

A questionnaire was drafted based on earlier studies and in a way that best suites the Indian

setting and the locality in question. All subjects could answer the questionnaire with ease. The

questionnaire was administered to over 200 subjects, selected at random, so as to represent the

sample (tier-II city selected) under study, and to have statistical validity.

3.2 Setting

The study was conducted in Warangal, a tier-II city in the southern-Indian State of

Andhra Pradesh, inhabited by a population of 865,527 (Census of India, 2004). A total of over

820 medical practitioners, distributed throughout the city, provide medical care (through

various specialties) to the population ( IMA - Warangal branch). The study was conducted

over a period of three months from October, 2012 to December, 2012. Entire area of the city

of Warangal was covered which included East, West, Southwest and the Central zones.

3.3 Questionnaire Development

A questionnaire consisting of 33 questions framed under six sections was prepared,

adapted from previous studies on ADR reporting systems in India. However, the final

questionnaire for the present study was unique in many regards to suit the purpose of the

study and Indian setting. The questionnaire was structured to collect the demographics of the

respondents (subjects of study) limited to their gender, field of study, specialty, type of

practice and their experience, to start with. The rest of the questions were framed under
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 20

sections-A through section-E that were designed to test the knowledge, attitude and current

practice of doctors with regards to ADR reporting in the locality. A total of twelve questions

were designed to evaluate the knowledge, three questions to test the experience they gained,

three questions to assess their attitudes towards ADR reporting and ADR systems, six

questions to evaluate their practice of ADR reporting and six questions to understand the

factors, in their perspective, posed as a hindrance in an efficient pharmacovigilance program.

(Appendix A).

Questions on knowledge would help in gaining information with regards to

understanding the concept of pharmacovigilance, ADRs and guidelines and/or regulations

pertaining to the ADR reporting system by the prescribers in the locality. Questions oriented

on the practice of ADR reporting system and its establishment in a hospital/clinic gave an

insight into current practices of pharmacovigilance by the practitioners as well as governance,

with respect to ADRs, by the Health Administration in the locality. Two questions were

structured specifically to understand how willing are the prescribers to take upon the

responsibility of screening, diagnosing and reporting ADRs. A series of six questions were

framed into a section that covered various factors, as possible reasons, in the prescribers'


In order to maintain confidentiality about the participants, the entire questionnaire was

designed to maintain anonymity. Design of the questionnaire includes consideration of

question format that is, open-ended or closed ended. Provision was also made for suggestions

on ADR reporting system and its establishment within hospitals and clinics besides specifying

the reason for not having the system established in the first place.
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 21

3.4 Approval of the study

An approval for this study was obtained from the Human Subjects Research Review

Committee (HSRC), College of Health and Human Services at Eastern Michigan University

on October 11, 2012 with respect to the initial submission made on August 27, 2012 (file #

MS 1083) to comply with the guidelines of human subjects research established by the

Eastern Michigan University (Appendix B).

3.5 Subjects

A total of 220 doctors were chosen randomly, from among 820 registered medical

practitioners serving the locality. A list of contacts of all those registered practitioners was

requested from the secretary of IMA (Indian Medical Association- Andhra region, Warangal

Chapter). The contact list was edited (de-identified) to only include contact e-mail id's of the

doctors and sorted for common id's, if any. Later 220 doctors were selected randomly using

their contact email id's. The selected doctors included both government appointed and private


3.6 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

An email was sent to each of these selected doctors with HTML link to the online

survey. A letter accompanied each of these emails with a note for their informed consent. It

was the doctors decision either to participate or withdraw from the study. Those who were not

willing to participate in the study were suggested not to respond to the email sent. Those who

had registered their response were deemed to have voluntarily participated in the study.
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 22

Subjects were also informed that in case they wished to participate but have lost the HTML

link previously sent, they could request the HTML link via email and the same was furnished

in the letter document that accompanied the emails. (Appendix C).

No specific inclusion and exclusion criteria were followed in the enrollment of

subjects into this study except that subjects who did not answer the questionnaire were

automatically deemed as excluded from the study.

3.7 Data collection and Statistical analysis

The questionnaire was validated by reviews from research guide, Dr. Irwin Martin and

practicing doctors. Questionnaire was distributed to ten doctors and were given a period of

four days to answer. They were requested to note the time taken to answer the questionnaire

in full and were requested to express their perspective on the suitability of the questionnaire to

local setting. Upon satisfactory feedback, the questionnaire was distributed without any major

changes. Those ten recorded responses were added to the original data collected.

The questionnaire was distributed to all the subjects via email and were asked to

register their responses in their free time. Considering the busy schedules of practicing

doctors, all responses recorded in a 60 day time period were considered for the study, this was

to give ample time for the subjects to participate in the study and to encourage non-

respondents to participate in the study. Reminder emails were sent to non-respondents once in

every two weeks. Responses recorded later than December 15, 2012 were not considered for

the current study.

Data collected were analyzed using a software -Statistical Package for Social Sciences

(SPSS) version 21.0. Results of the study were presented with descriptive measures such as
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 23

mean standard deviation (for quantitative variables), median (for time related variables) and

numbers with percentages and/or graphical presentations for categorical variables. All

statistical analyses were performed at the Power of test at 80% and P value-0.05. Student T-

test was used to compare means of two continuous variables. Chi-square test was performed

to find the significant difference between the knowledge in ADR reporting system of private

practitioners and government appointed doctors. Chi-square test was also used to find out the

association between two attributes for yes or no questions at P< 0.05 significant level. Item

scores were awarded and were added together to create a composite score to find out the

significant difference between those two groups.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 24

Chapter 4: Results

4.1 Demographic data

4.1.1 Response Rate

The survey was distributed to 220 doctors out of which 47 responses were registered,

giving a 21.3% response rate. 30 respondents were male (64.8%) and 17 were female

(36.2%). See Table 1.

Table 1: Frequency distribution of gender of participants

Gender Frequency Percentage

Female 17 36.2

Male 30 63.8

Total 47 100.0

This response rate was achieved only after reminders were sent at regular intervals

(once in every two weeks) during the study period. More responses were recorded,

comparatively, immediately after the reminders were emailed.

4.1.2 Type of Practice and Experience

A total of 27 subjects who responded to the study were doctors working in the

government sector, that is in government run hospitals and/or clinics, which is an healthy

57.4%. On the other hand, a total of 14 (29.7%) respondents were private medical

practitioners. See Table 2.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 25

Table 2: Experience of study subjects in their respective specialties in medicine.

Government Private practitioners

S.No Experience practitioners Total Percentage

(in Years) (% )

Male Female Male Female

1 <1 3 0 2 0 5 12.2

2 1-5 5 3 5 1 14 34.2

3 5 - 10 6 2 3 1 12 29.3

> 10 2 6 2 0 10 24.3

Total 16 11 12 2 41 100.00

The rest of the six (6) responses recorded were by the staff of doctors. Five (5) of them

were pharmacists and one (1) was a staff nurse. All the pharmacists worked in the private

sector, of whom two (2) were male pharmacists and three (3) were female pharmacists. All

pharmacists who responded to this survey on their doctors' behalf had 1 - 5 years of

experience. The staff nurse who answered the questionnaire had greater than 10 years

experience. The percentage response of non doctors was calculated to be 12.7% .

Average experience of both government doctors and private practitioners were

calculated to be 6.75 years and 3.5 years respectively and the median of experience was 5.12

years. Combined average experience of male doctors was 7 years and that of female doctors
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 26

was calculated to be 3.25 years. However, there were a total of 6 (14.6%) female doctors with

greater than 10 years of experience when compared to 4 (9.7%) male doctors with the same

years of experience. Out of them, only 2 doctors had a private practice, the rest were working

in the government run hospitals. A graph was plotted with number of practitioners against

their years of experience in both private and the Government hospitals/clinics to observe a

pattern, if any. Results are shown graphically in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Line graph showing differences in the range of experiences gained by doctors (male

and female) in the government sector and private sector.

Government vs Private practitioners

(male vs female) n=41
number of practitioners

4 male/govt
3 female/govt
2 male/pvt
<1 years 1-5 years 5-10 years >10 years
Experience range (in years)

It is clearly evident from the graph that, comparatively, government doctors had more

experience than the private practitioners. It was found that there were only two female doctors

who have a private practice while there were 11 working on government run hospitals/clinics.
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 27

4.1.3 Specializations of respondents

It has been observed that 6 (12.7%) non-doctors have registered their responses on

behalf of doctors whom they worked for. Assuming the fact that surveys were administered

only to doctors, it hints that the doctors were too busy to answer the questionnaire and instead

had their support staff answer the same which was anticipated. The other 40 (85%) of the

responses were by doctors who specialize in different areas of medicine (Figure 2). A trend

has been observed though. Doctors belonging to super specialties like Cardiology, Neurology

and Endocrinology made up only 8% of the registered responses. Most of the responses were

registered by people practicing internal medicine /OBGY/pediatrics/orthopedics.

Distribution by specialization (n= 47)
number of practitioners

5 Private
3 Government


Figure 2: Distribution of number of respondents to survey by their specialization and type of


The graph validates random distribution of the survey with respect to the specialty of

respondents with the fact that doctors specializing in Medical pharmacology,

forensic medicine and Ayurvedic medicine were also surveyed.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 28

4.2 Adverse Drug Reaction reporting - Knowledge

There were mixed responses from subjects to questions in this section. The responses

are distinctive: 33 subjects (70%) reported they have observed ADRs in the past twelve

months of which only 27 (57%, n= 47) diagnosed ADRs. More importantly, only 23 (48.9%)

subjects have reported ADRs to either pharmacovigilance centers/pharmaceutical companies.

The survey indicated that majority of the subjects observed less than 25 ADRs in a six month

period. On the other hand, only 13% reported ADRs to pharmacovigilance centers and 28%

reported to the companies.

A total of 34% respondents revealed that they neither had any information on current

ADR reporting systems established in the area, nor had they any past knowledge in regards to

ADR reporting systems. However, they all exercised knowledge of the country's guidelines

and/or regulations pertaining to ADR reporting. Most of the respondents gathered information

on ADR systems either verbally from colleagues (30%) or through Continuing Medical

Education (CME) programs (23%). A total of 28% respondents were willing to update their

knowledge with respect to the guidelines and/or regulations on ADR reporting. (See Table 3).
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 29

Table 3: Showing responses to questions 1-5 in section A (n=47 unless specified).

S. no Questions Yes NO Does not apply/do not

remember / not sure

1 Have you observed ADRs in 33 14

the past 12 months?

2 Did you diagnose ADRs in the 27 10 10

past 12 months?

3 Did you report ADRs to 21 26

Pharmacovigilance centers or


4 Would you like ADR reporting 28 4 9

be made mandatory on part of

doctors? (n= 41)

5 Did you receive any 30 16 1

information regarding ADR

reporting in the past 12

months/ have you had past

knowledge with regards to it ?

On the contrary, only 28 (68.2%) subjects liked the idea of ADR reporting being made

mandatory, while 4 (9.7%) subjects did not like the idea, indicating the reason that they

cannot devote time to report ADRs. Out of the 68.2% who liked the idea of ADR reporting be
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 30

made mandatory, most of them were inclined towards having their staff report ADRs to

centers, while they themselves would diagnose and confirm ADRs. A total of 21.9% subjects

were not sure if they would or would not like the idea of ADR reporting being made

mandatory. Results are displayed graphically in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Bar chart showing response to ADR being made mandatory (n=41).

Response to ADR reporting be made

mandatory on part of doctors (n=41)

Number of responses


Private Doctors
10 Government Doctors

Yes No Not sure
Type of response

Nine subjects explained why they did not have an ADR reporting system established

at their clinics/hospitals. It was evident that some were not aware of the system. One subject

pointed to the lack of support from health administration and lack of initiative from hospital

management as the reason for not having an established ADR reporting system. Most of the

subjects were willing to report ADRs with the support of a clinical pharmacist.
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 31

4.3 ADR reporting - Attitude and practice

It was evident from the survey that most of the subjects had positive attitudes towards

ADR reporting. Most of the subjects felt that doctors should report ADRs themselves. A total

of 30 (63.8%) respondents out of 47 believed in doctors reporting ADRs to either

pharmacovigilance centers or the pharmaceutical companies. With one question cross-

referencing the reason for not having an established ADR reporting system at clinics/

hospitals, the response of 10 subjects (21%) was that they are justified in thinking that

pharmacists should report ADRs. The data is summarized and presented graphically in figure


Responsibility of ADR reporting (n= 47)


number of responses





Doctors Pharmacists Nursing staff Do not know Others
Persons responsible for ADR reporting

Figure 4: Bar graph representing the perspective of the subjects to ADR reporting being made

mandatory on part of doctors.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 32

4.4 Types of ADRs generally reported by subjects

Upon analysis, a significant difference was observed between the two groups

(government and private practitioners) of doctors with regards to the type of reactions/medical

occurrences they would generally report to either pharmacovigilance centers or

pharmaceutical companies.

When asked if they would report any suspected serious reactions to an established

product that they have observed, almost all the government doctors 27(96.4% within group)

said they would definitely report such reactions, while only 1(3.6% within group) respondent

said he/she might report such reactions. On the other hand, 14(73.7% within group) private

practitioners answered they would definitely report and 5(26.3% within group) responded

they might report (Table 4).

With regards to reporting all suspected reactions to new products,19 (67.9% within

group) government doctors said they would definitely report and 9(32.1% within group) said

they might report. It was observed that a total of 12(63.2% within group) private practitioners

said they might report all new suspected reactions to new products, while only 7(36.8%

within group) answered they would definitely report such reactions. There lies a significant

difference between the government and private practitioners in this regard (Table 4).

Similar to the responses registered for the first question in this section, 27 (96.4%

within group) government doctors answered they would definitely report all life-threatening

reactions and only 1(3.6% within group) responded he/she might report them. On the

contrary, there were 6(31.6% within group) private practitioners who said they might report

the reactions despite them being life threatening (Table 4).

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 33

Government doctors were consistent in their knowledge of what kind of reactions they

feel should be reported, and a similar 27(96.4% within group) respondents said would

definitely report reactions causing disability, and 1(3.6% within group) respondent said they

might report reactions causing disability.

A mixed response was recorded when the subjects of this survey were asked if they

definitely would, might or definitely would not report ADRs that cause initial or prolonged

hospitalization. Close to 40% (within group) in either of the groups responded they might

report such reactions, and specifically 3(15.8% within group) private practitioners said they

definitely would not report such ADRs that cause initial or prolonged hospitalization. All the

data were analyzed and summarized in Table 4.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 34

Table 4: Chi-square analysis with calculated percentages within groups.

s.n Type Recorded responses

Type of Of Definitely Might Definitely Chi- p-value Df
doctor square
ADRs s Would report Report Would not Total
report value

1 Serious Govt. 27 (96.4%) 1 (3.6%) _ 28

reactions to 0.5 (SR) - 1.4 (SR) 5.258 0.022 1
Pvt. 14 (73.7 %) 5 (26.3%) _ 19
- 0.6 (SR) 1.7 (SR)

2 Govt. 19 (67.9%) 9 (32.1%) _

All suspected 0.9 (SR) - 1.0 (SR) 28 4.405 0.036 1

reactions to
new products Pvt. 7 (36.8%) 12 (63.2%) _ 19

- 1.1 (SR) 1.2 (SR)

3 Govt. 27 (96.4%) 1 (3.6%) _

Life 0.6 (SR) -1.6 (SR) 28 7.005 0.08 1

reactions Pvt. 13 (68.4%) 6 (31.6%) _
regardless of
-0.8 (SR) 1.9 (SR) 19
product age

4 Disability Govt. 27 (96.4%) 1 (3.6%) _

persistent or 0.5 (SR) -1.4 (SR) 28
permanent) -
Pvt. 14 (73.7%) 5 (26.3%) _ 5.258 0.22 1
regardless of
product age -0.6 (SR) 1.7 (SR) 19

5 Hospitalizati Govt. 17 (60.7%) 11 (39.3%) 0 (0%) 28

0.4 (SR) 0.1 (SR) - 1.3 (SR) 4.803 0.91 2
(initial or
prolonged) Pvt. 9 (47.11%) 7 (36.8%) 3 (15.8%) 19
regardless of
- 0.5 (SR) - 0.1(SR) 1.6 (SR)
product age

(SR = Standard Residual, df = Degree of freedom ).

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 35

From table-4, it can be inferred that the Chi-square significance between the

government doctors and private practitioners, with regards to the type of ADRs they would

generally report, was significant with n= 47, df=2, (total ) =26.729, p < 0.05. There was no

significant difference though between the government doctors and private practitioners with

regards to reporting such ADRs that lead to either initial or prolonged hospitalization, with a

= 4.803, p > 0.05 at a 2 level degree of freedom.

Though the Chi-square turned out to be significant for variables 1, 3 and 4, each of the

2x2 tables had at least 2 cells with expected count < 5 that make the data invalid. Upon

observation, with a standard residual 1.7, 1.9 and 1.7 (all close to 2 ) respectively, these

groups of private practitioners influenced this outcome.

4.5 Factors that encourage ADR reporting

Reactions to new products and seriousness of the reactions were the two factors that

encouraged ADR reporting as per the results. On the other hand, unusual reactions and degree

of confidence in diagnosis of ADRs were not a major factor that influenced ADR reporting.

A total of 27(96.4% within group) government doctors felt that seriousness of the

reactions to products does influence their reporting of ADRs, while a similar percentage, 14

(94.7% within group) of private practitioners, felt the same. There was no significant

difference between these two groups in this regard with a value of 2.156 at a 2 level degree

of freedom and p > 0.05 (Table 5).

There was also no significant difference in the opinion of both groups regarding the

influence of degree of confidence in the diagnosis of ADRs. A total of 8(28.6% within group)

government doctors and 7(36.4 % within group) private practitioners felt there is no necessity
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 36

to report the degree of confidence in diagnosing ADRs and that it does not influence their

reporting of ADRs. (Table 5).

However, there was a significant difference between government doctors and private

practitioners regarding the influence of unusual reactions on reporting with a value of

7.404, p < 0.05 (n= 47). Table 5 illustrates the analysis of factors influencing ADR reporting.
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 37

Table 5: Chi-square analysis of factors that encouraged ADR reporting.

Recorded responses Factors Type of Not Required Unsure Tot Chi- P- Df

Doctors required al square value

1 Unusual Govt. 1 (36%) 23 (82.1%) 4 (14.3%) 28

-1.4 (SR) 0.2 (SR) 1.0 (SR)

Pvt. 5(26.3%) 14 (73.7%) 0 (0%) 19 7.404 0.025 2

1.7 (SR) - 0.2 (SR) - 1.3 (SR)

2 Reactions Govt. 0 (0%) 24 (85.7%) 4 (14.3%) 28

to new
products - 1.3(SR) 0.3 (SR) 0.2 (SR) 4.749 0.093 2

Pvt. 3(15.8%) 14 (73.7%) 2 (10.5%) 19

1.6 (SR) - 0.3 (SR) - 0.3 (SR)

3 Seriousness Govt. 1 (36%) 27 (96.4%) 0 (0%) 28

of the
0.5 (SR) 0.0 (SR) - 0.8 (SR)
2.156 0.340 2

Pvt. 0 (0%) 18 (94.7%) 1 (5.3%) 19

- 0.6 (SR) 0.0 (SR) 0.9 (SR)

4 Degree of Govt. 8(28.6%) 18 (64.3%) 2 (7.1%) 28

on - 0.3 (SR) 0.5 (SR) - 0.2 (SR)
diagnosis of Pvt. 7(36.8%) 9 (47.4%) 2 (10.5%) 18 2.432 0.488 3
0.4 (SR) - 0.6 (SR) 0.3 (SR)

(SR = Standard Residual, df = Degree of freedom ).

Similar to the earlier section, Chi-square turned out to be significant for the first

variable despite an expected count of 4 cells < 5 (1.62). Cumulative = 16.741, n = 47, p >

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 38

4.6 Factors affecting ADR reporting

Unavailability of ADR reporting forms was considered as one of the major factors

affecting the overall reporting rate as represented by the data. However, the rest of the factors

also turned out to be contributing to the low ADR reporting rate.

Chi-square association was found to be insignificant with a cumulative =18.669, p >

0.05, n = 47 except for variable (factor) 6, which turned out to be significant with = 8.196,

p < 0.05. But, the data would be consider invalid as none of the calculated standard residuals

were 2.0, and also for the 6 variables in question, the expected count was found to be a

minimum of 2 cells less < 5.

However, for the sixth variable, the Chi-square was significant at p < 0.05 with a value

8.196. But, there was not much difference in the standard residual value, and the private

practitioners in particular contributed to the significance which reiterates the inequality in the

distribution of the sample. Results are tabulated in table 6.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 39

Table 6: Chi-square analysis of factors affecting the ADR reporting (system or practice)

S. Responses
Factors Type of Tot Chi- p- Df
Doctors Neither al Square value
agree nor
Agree Disagree disagree

1 System of Govt. 7 (25%) 6 (21.4%) 15 (53.6%) 28

reporting is
too - 0.1(SR) 0.6 (SR) - 0.3 (SR) 0.979 0.613 2
bureaucratic Pvt. 5 (26.3%) 2 (10.5%) 12 (63.2%) 19

0.1 (SR) - 0.7 (SR) 0.3 (SR)

2 Too busy to Govt. 1 (3.6%) 15 (53.6%) 12 (42.9%) 28

send an ADR
report - 1.1 (SR) 0.0 (SR) 0.6 (SR) 4.110 0.128 2

Pvt. 4 (21.1%) 10 (52.6%) 15 (26.3 %) 19

1.4 (SR) 0.0 (SR) - 0.7 (SR)

3 Report Govt. 14 (50%) 11 (39.3%) 3 (10.7%) 28

forms not
available - 0.8 (SR) - 0.6 (SR) - 0.3 (SR) 2.636 0.268 2
when Pvt. 5 (26.3%) 11 (57.9%) 3 (15.8%) 19
- 1.0 (SR) 0.7 (SR) 0.4 (SR)

4 Feel that Govt. 2 (7.1%) 23 (82.1%) 3 (10.7%) 28

you would
be exposed 0.2 (SR) 0.1 (SR) - 0.3 (SR) 0.305 0.858 2
to legal Pvt. 1 (5.3%) 15 (78.9%) 3 (15.8%) 19
liability by
reporting an - 0.2 (SR) - 0.1 (SR) 0.4 (SR)

5 Believe that Govt. 1 (3.6%) 24 (85.7%) 3 (10.7%) 28

only safe
drugs are - 0.9 (SR) 0.2 (SR) 0.4 (SR) 2.443 0.295 2
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 40

marketed Pvt. 3 (15.8%) 15 (78.9%) 1 (5.3%) 19

1.1 (SR) - 0.2 (SR) - 0.5 (SR)

6 Unsure how Govt. 7 (25%) 17 (60.7%) 4 (14.3%) 28

to report an
ADR 1.4 (SR) 0.1 (SR) - 1.2 (SR) 8.196 0.017 2

Pvt. 0 (0%) 11 (57.9%) 8 (42.1%) 19

- 1.7 (SR) - 0.1 (SR) 1.4 (SR)

(SR = Standard Residual, df = Degree of freedom ).

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 41

Chapter 5: Discussion

In the interest of public safety, the formidable strength of ADR reporting systems is its

ability to continuously and spontaneously collect all such undesired reactions associated with

drugs throughout their life cycles. Though the concept of pharmacovigilance emerged in the

mid 1900's, it has been observed, throughout the world, that many factors influence doctors in

reporting ADRs, and often the reporting rate was low.

In India, the concept of pharmacovigilance is relatively new, compared to the other

developed nations like the UK and USA. Despite reviewing the NPP in the year 2010, there

was a predominant under-reporting of ADRs in India, according to studies by Rishi, Patel and

Bhandari (2012) and Karkhar and Bowelakar (2012). Other studies conducted in the cities of

Mumbai, Mysore and Muzzafarnagar, as reported by Desai et al. (2011) have shown high

knowledge but poor practices with regards to ADR reporting. This study was an attempt to

understand and compare, between government doctors and private practitioners, the

knowledge, attitudes and practices with regards to ADR reporting in a Tier-II city. This study

has found that both the government and private doctors have an adequate knowledge and

possessed positive attitudes towards ADR reporting systems, but their practices were poor

(with some exceptions).

The overall response rate was 21.3%, which is less compared to other survey's

administered by Desai et al.(2011), who documented a 61% response rate and another similar

survey by Gupta and Udupa (2011) who reported a response rate of 77.2% (which were

similar to rates documented in studies from Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Nigeria and the

Netherlands). But, the ratio of male to female respondents to this survey was comparable to
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 42

other studies that recorded similar frequencies of male and female participants. However, this

response rate was indicative of the factors affecting the practice of ADR reporting by both

groups of doctors. Having said that, this could be a rather satisfactory response rate following

repeated reminders sent every two weeks, given the limitations of this study.

A total of 27 (57.4%) government doctors and 14 (29.7%) private doctors responded

to this survey. The comparison could have been effective had the percentage of respondents in

the private practitioners group increased. It was understood that many doctors working in the

government run hospitals also had a private practice of their own, but instead, chose to be

identified as government doctors. A choice was given in this regard to study subjects in the

study consent: if they wished to be identified as a private practitioner or as a government

doctor when they fulfilled both, and as a result we see a higher number of responses registered

in the group of government doctors.

The average practice experience of government doctors was high with 6.75 years of

experience, while the private practitioners only had an average of 3.5 years of experience

(Figure1). This could be attributed to the fact that government institutions (hospitals/clinics)

relied on experienced doctors to treat patients in need of treatment and believed that the more

the experience, the greater the skill a doctor has. An interesting observation was that there was

a greater number of female government doctors with greater than 10 years of experience

compared to male doctors. Many of the private practitioners had an experience ranging

between 1-10 years, and there were only two private practitioners who reported they had

greater than 10 years of experience (Table 2). A proper statistic, with regards to this

difference in the experience gained, could only be obtained with a bigger sample size.

Nonetheless, it had been observed that knowledge of ADRs and their reporting systems is
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 43

directly proportional to the experience gained through years of medical practice, based on a

report by Upadhyaya et al. (2012) who stated that medical students had poor knowledge of

ADRs/their reporting systems, while in another study, Rehan, Vasudev and Tripathi (2002),

stated a need to incorporate a detailed concept of pharmacovigilance in the undergraduate

medical curricula besides periodically strengthening this concept among the doctors.

Though the sample population was selected randomly (Figure 2), there were only a

few respondents from specializations like cardiology, oncology, neurology etc. where there is

large scope for occurrence of ADRs, owing to the fact that drugs used in the treatment of

cardiovascular events or cancers or neuronal disorders are often potent chemical entities and

exert a wide range of undesirable effects on the organ system and/or body. This low response

to the survey from doctors belonging to these super-specialties might be due to their busy

schedules. However, in the context of ADR reporting, it is important to devote quality time in

reporting all those ADRs associated with the prescribed drugs despite busy schedules.

A majority of the doctors, indicated by the survey, observed less than 25 ADRs in a

period of six months, which was a positive reflection on the knowledge, skill and awareness

about ADRs among the doctors. However, only 57% of the doctors ever diagnosed ADRs and

only 48% ever reported them. A majority (28%) of the respondents said they reported ADRs

to pharmaceutical companies and only few reported ADRs to pharmacovigilance centers. This

is a concern, as it reflects the failure of the NPP program. Few doctors reporting to

pharmacovigilance centers might indicate poor knowledge with respect to the NPP program,

which is consistent with the finding of 34% doctors' lack of information on the current ADR

reporting systems established in the country. Though all the subjects of this study exercised

adequate knowledge of the country's guidelines pertaining to ADR reporting, lack of

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 44

information on the current practices of ADR reporting reflects their low interests in reporting

the otherwise burdensome ADRs. This emphasizes the need to extravagantly propagate the

established NPP program and the ADR reporting systems by creating awareness among the

prescribers of the program and the systems. This is possible by regularly organizing CME

programs with an emphasis on pharmacovigilance as a majority of the study subjects stated

their intention to update their knowledge with respect to the guidelines and/or regulations on

ADR reporting via CME programs, indicating a broad scope for change in their present

attitudes towards reporting ADRs.

On the contrary, only 48% of doctors reported ADRs to either pharmacovigilance

centers or pharmaceutical companies which is comparatively low. In a pilot study conducted

by Kharkar and Bowalekar (2012), 19% of their subjects were found to have reported

diagnosed ADRs to ADR/pharmacovigilance centers while a majority of their respondents,

(89.7%) were said to have reported ADRs to pharmaceutical companies/DGCI/ other NGO's

who have a statutory obligation to report to the drug authorities concerned. These figures are,

however, low compared to other countries like the UK where a high spontaneous ADR

reporting rate was recorded. Also reporting rates in relation to prescription volumes was best

among the European countries (Rishi et al., 2012). Ramesh and Parthasarathi (2009),

estimated that only 10% of serious ADRs and 2-4% of non-serious ADRs are being reported,

which is a rather high rate of under-reporting. Though doctors did not personally cite reasons

for underreporting, they could be among the "seven deadly sins" summarized by Inman

(1996) as :

Ignorance - not obtaining information on how to report ADRs despite their

feeling that they are unsure how to report ADRs

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 45

Diffidence - feeling foolish to report suspected ADRs

Fear of exposure to legal liability

Lethargy - being of the opinion that they are too busy to report ADRs

Guilt of unknowingly causing harm to the patient

Ambition of collecting the information on ADRs to publish them to their credit


Complacency - being of the opinion that only safe drugs are marketed

Among these, lethargy could be assumed to be the reason for underreporting in this

tier-II city, as there was a low response to this survey from doctors practicing super-

specialties, as mentioned earlier, and also that there were 12.7% (6) responses registered by

other medical/health care staff on behalf of the doctors they work for, though this survey was

only administered to doctors. This indicates that the doctors were either ignoring to respond to

the survey, or were too busy to respond, and hence had their staff answer the questionnaire.

This is supported by the results that 9.7% (4) respondents did not like the idea of ADR

reporting to be made mandatory on part of doctors (Table 3).

Interestingly, however, 68.2% respondents liked the idea of ADR reporting be made

mandatory on part of doctors and 21.9% of them were not sure if they liked this idea, which

was similar to the findings by Rishi et al. (2012). Out of the 68.2% who would like ADR

reporting be made mandatory, many inclined toward taking the help of their support staff,

especially clinical pharmacists, in reporting ADRs. This was inferred from the explanation of

one of the respondents, who said, "An ADR reporting system need to be established at the

clinic, with an office directly under the supervision of a clinical pharmacist." Another
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 46

respondent also stated the absence of clinical pharmacist in their clinic, as one of the reasons

for not having an established ADR reporting system at their place.

This also indicates that most of the respondents (68.2%) had positive attitudes towards

ADR reporting/systems, which is consistent with the findings in a study carried out by Rishi

et al. (2012). The respondents' intention of the involvement of clinical pharmacists' in

reporting ADRs, found in this study, was similar to a study conducted by Amrita and Roomi

(2011) who reported, from various other studies, that for the success of pharmacovigilance

programs involvement of pharmacists is essential. According to Grootheest et al. (2004),

underreporting of ADRs could be lowered with considerable surveillance of the system by

pharmacists. So, involving pharmacists in reporting ADRs can be considered pivotal in

tackling the menace of underreporting in the first place. Pharmacists also play a major role in

the detection of ADRs and contribute their part in reducing the occurrence of ADRs as found

by Shulman, Shulman and Haines (1981). In their study, they found that pharmacists detected

83 potential ADRs, and suggested general practitioners to change the prescription to avoid

ADRs in another 53 cases. They also found pharmacists being instrumental in detecting 76

unwanted prescription errors in their meta analysis of 1,366 patient medication records,

collected over a period of 3 years, at a local pharmacy. They suggested that a closer

collaboration between doctors and pharmacists would be mutually beneficial, while

addressing the issue of ADRs.

In this study, a significant difference was observed ( N= 47, df= 2, [total] = 26.729, p

< 0.05) between the government doctors and private practitioners with regards to the

knowledge they possess about ADRs and ADR reporting systems. The government doctors

had, comparatively, more knowledge about the types of ADRs that need to be reported than
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 47

the private practitioners. However, it appears that both government and private doctors need

to reinforce their knowledge on the current systems of ADR reporting and keep themselves

abreast of knowledge with regards to the types of ADRs associated with drugs they usually

prescribe. Most of the respondents from either group, if not few, said they might report, or

definitely would not report, drug reactions causing initial or prolonged hospitalization. In this

regard, there is a definite need to make these doctors understand the economic burden caused

by such hospitalizations on the state government or health administration. It is important to

note that in the year 2007, the average cost per ADR per patient was calculated to be 481

(6) by Arulmani et al. On the contrary, this difference could not be taken for granted, as a

particular cell in the 2X2 table (Table 4) represents a group of private practitioners who

influenced the outcome. As such, a definite statistic eliminating such influences could only be

obtained with a larger sample size or a greater number of responses.

While most of the doctors identified reactions to new products and seriousness of the

reactions as factors while reporting ADRs, many private practitioners did not consider

unusual reactions to products worth reporting, which most of the time could turn out to be

serious ADRs associated with drugs (Table 5). In this regard, government doctors had a good

knowledge. These findings were in contrast with those in the study conducted by Rishi et al.

(2012) where physicians were found to be more likely to report suspected ADRs for serious,

unknown reactions/events for new drugs (81%) and serious, unknown reactions for

established drugs (73%). When assessing the factors considered to affect the ADR reporting

by doctors (Table 6), unavailability of ADR report forms, feeling that the system is too

bureaucratic and busy schedules were cited predominantly, which are in line with the findings

of Rishi et al. (2012) where 22.3% of respondents cited their busy schedules as reason for
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 48

underreporting and 2.1% of respondents cited the bureaucratic system as being the reason.

Interestingly 8.5% (4) respondents believed only safe drugs are marketed, while a vast

majority thought not all marketed drugs are safe. This obviously warrants a need to strictly

enforce pharmacovigilance in their practice. Though many considered all marketed drugs are

not safe, underreporting of ADRs still exist.

These results suggest a need to improve the practice of pharmacovigilance in the best

interest of public safety in this tier-II city. With an insight into the factors affecting ADR

reporting, there could be a possibility to come up with suggestions that might help improve

the present trend in pharmacovigilance in this tier-II city of Warangal, of course with the

limited information gathered via this survey. Some of the suggestions are:

Offering incentives to doctors for regularly reporting ADRs. This will

definitely up-gear the practice of reporting, as many doctors think devoting

time to reporting ADRs might, in a way, affect their time spent in earning


Periodically conducting CME programs with good emphasis on the concept of

Pharmacovigilance and the concept of ADRs. It can be observed from the

results that about 28% of the respondents stated their willingness to update

their knowledge through CME programs. This in particular, will have an

immense response as many doctors do attend CME's to update their medical


Establishing spontaneous ADR reporting systems (electronic/paper - like the

yellow card system established by the CSM in UK) in hospitals and clinics and
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 49

offering training, in the first place, on the working of such systems to doctors

and their medical staff

Assuring all the doctors that they will not be held legally liable for

discrepancies in any such ADR reports

Improving the system of pharmacies from merely filling prescriptions and

dispensing to taking part in decision making during writing prescriptions as a

primary care team member (Amrita and Roomi, 2011)

Offering clinical pharmacists good training in ADRs and their reporting

systems and also incorporating the same in their curricula. Clinical

Pharmacists often make good supervisors for ADR reporting systems given

their knowledge about drugs and their interactions (Amrita and Roomi, 2011)

Periodically sending feedback to reporters on all the data gathered by NPP.

This will definitely have a positive impact as it gives assurance to all the

reporters that each and every ADR report is being considered, in-turn, to

update their knowledge. Doing so will also improve the working of NPP,

ultimately paving the way to its success (Amrita and Roomi, 2011)

Sending warning letters or notifications to doctors regarding serious ADRs

associated with drugs, immediately upon obtaining information from drug

authorities/Pharmacovigilance centers (Amrita and Roomi, 2011)

Educating patients about ADRs and encouraging them to participate directly in

spontaneous ADR reporting. As it is believed that patients themselves will

have a better understanding of how ADRs / related events affect their lives/life

styles (Blekinsopp, Wilkie, Wang and Routledge, 2006)

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 50

Chapter 6 : Conclusion

There is a significant difference between government doctors and private practitioners

in the tier-II city of Warangal, with regards to the knowledge of ADR reporting systems.

Government doctors exhibited good knowledge of ADRs and current ADR reporting systems

established in the nation, while private practitioners had a little knowledge of current systems

in place. However, all the doctors surveyed do have knowledge of the guidelines and/or

regulations pertaining to ADR reporting in India. Both groups of doctors had positive

attitudes towards reporting ADRs, as a majority of them were open to the idea of ADR

reporting being made mandatory on the part of doctors. However, some of them inclined

towards having their support staff like pharmacists and/or nursing staff, report ADRs on their

behalf which was also evident from 6 responses registered by non doctors in a survey drafted

only for doctors. There is a need to improve the concept of pharmacovigilance in this city,

which requires the participation of CDSCO via the NPP program.

The underreporting of ADRs in this city can be attributed to several factors as

discussed earlier, but it would be inappropriate to generalize those factors and suggest ways to

improve the situation based on a pilot study like this, which has certain limitations according

to Launiala (2009). This was evident when a smaller group of private practitioners influenced

the statistics. However, implementing the discussed suggestions would surely improve ADR

reporting in this city, by motivating doctors to rigorously participate in pharmacovigilance

programs in the best interest of public safety. There is also a need to conduct more research,

with a larger sample size, including the adjacent cities, to the immediate North and South of

this City. This would give a good sample size of doctors as these cities make the central zone
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 51

of the District of Warangal. Also, with a larger sample size, there is a possibility of a greater

response rate and close to equal participation within both the groups of doctors.
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 52


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Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 59

Appendix A : Survey Questionnaire

Eastern Michigan University

CLRA 692

Questionnaire for proposed research survey in a random locality in India


1- Gender Male Female

2- Educational Qualifications of the person completing questionnaire.

Medicine Pharmacy
Nursing Others, Please Specify _________________.

3- If a Physician, which Board of classification best describes your current area of


a.General medicine b.Obstetrics&Gynecologist

c. Surgery d. Pediatrics

e.Psychiatry f.Others, please specify

gNot Board certified h.Does not apply

4- Type of practice?
a. Private
b. Government appointed
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 60

5- How long have you been practicing?

a. < 1 year b. 1-5 years
c. 5-10 years d. > 10 years

Section A: Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Reporting

1- During the past 12 months, have you observed any adverse drug reaction with any

a. Yes b. No

2- If a Physician, have you ever diagnosed an adverse drug reaction in a patient under
your care in the past 12 months?
a. Yes b. No c.Does not apply

If yes, on an average how many ADRs would be diagnosed under your care in
a period of 6 months?

a. < 25 b. 25 - 75
c. 75 -125 d. > 125

3- During the past 12 months have you reported an ADR either to a Pharmacovigilance
center or a Pharmaceutical Company?

a. Yes b. No.

4- To whom did you send adverse drug reaction reports?

a. To nearest Pharmacovigilance centers

b. To pharmaceutical company
c. Both

5- Did you receive any information regarding ADR reporting in the past 12 months or
have you had past knowledge of ADR reporting system?
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 61

a. Yes b. No c. Do not remember

If yes, what type of information?

Written information in medical handbooks
Verbal information from colleagues
Through CEP programs

If No, Are you familiar with your countrys Guidelines and/or regulations pertaining to
ADR Reporting?

a. Yes b. No

If No, Would you consider updating your knowledge about your countries
established system of ADR reporting through CEP programs?
a. Yes b. No

6- If you have a private practice, do you have any established ADR reporting system at
your clinic?
a. Yes b. No c.Does not apply

If No, What was the reason for not having an ADR reporting system in place
at your clinic? Please specify_______________________________________

Please proceed to section C.

Section B: ADR System at hospital/clinic

7- How long current ADR system has been operating in your hospital/ clinic?
Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 62

a. < 1 year b. 1-2 years

c. 2-5 years d. > 5 years

8- Are records of ADR reports stored in the hospital/clinic?

a. Yes b. No c. Do not know

9- Does your system involve screening laboratory results to detect ADRs?

a. Yes b. No c. Do not know

10- Are ADR reporting forms available in the hospital?

a. Yes b. No

11-Is there any acknowledgement for reporting an ADR in your hospital?

a. Yes b. No

12- Who is the person responsible for screening ADR reports and

Submitting the same to the nearest Pharmacovigilance Centre?

a. Doctors b. Pharmacists

c. Nurse d. Other (specify)

e. Do not know

Section C: Type of ADRs you would generally report to either Pharmacovigilance centers or
Pharmaceutical companies (who manufacture the product that causes such ADRs)? Types of ADRs Definitely Might Definitely

would report would not
report report

1. Serious suspected reactions to

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 63

established products

2. All suspected reactions to new


666 3. Life-threatening reactions (risk of

death)regardless of product age

4. Disability (significant, persistent

or permanent) regardless of
product age

5. Hospitalization (initial or
prolonged)regardless of product

Section D: Which of the following factors do you think are required to be submitted in an

Report? Factors Required Not required Unsure

Unusual reactions
2. Reaction to new products

3. Seriousness of the reactions

4. Degree of confidence in diagnosis of


Section E: Factors that pose as a hindrance to you in reporting ADRs?

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 64 Factors Agree Neither Disagree

agree nor

1. System of reporting too bureaucratic

2. Too busy to send an ADR reports

3. Report form not available when needed

4. Feel that you would be exposed to legal

liability by reporting an ADR

5. You believe that only safe drugs are


6. Unsure how to report an ADR

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 65

Appendix B: Letter of Approval from HSRC

Approval Letter from the Chair of CHHS HSRC:

Date: Thu Oct 11 2012

Subject: MS #1083 - College of Health and Human Services Human Subjects
From: Gretchen Dahl Reeves
Decision: Accept Submission

Dear Shanthan,

Congratulations! After careful review, your proposal "Pharmacovigilance: A comparative

study about
the knowledge of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reporting that Private practitioners and
Govt. Doctors
gained in a random locality in India" has been accepted by the College of Health and Human
Human Subjects Review committee. We stress that you do not stray from your proposed plan.

The current version of your paper is available here:

To submit revisions, use the Revise Submission link on that page.

Good luck with your research effort.


Gretchen Reeves, PhD.

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study on ADR reporting in a random city in India 66

Appendix C : Cover Letter

Good Morning !

I am Shanthan Pingili, pursuing my MS in Clinical Research Administration at Eastern

Michigan University (USA) and as part of my Thesis I've proposed a survey research here in
India. My survey is designed to compare the knowledge of ADR reporting system that private
and government doctors have gained and also to assess the factors that affect the proper
functioning of the above said system in this tier-2 city of Warangal.

You were randomly selected for this survey and I request your participation. The
questionnaire is self-explanatory and should not take more than 5 - 10 minutes to answer. This
is an anonymous survey and no identifying information, what so ever, is being requested. This
is an absolutely no risk survey and your esteemed participation will help in understanding the
current status of ADR reporting system in this city of Warangal. To collect valuable statistical
data, government doctors who also practice privately, can wish to be identified either as a
government doctor or as a private practitioner.

The responses registered prior to December 15, 2012 are considered for data analysis. All
subjects who register their responses are deemed as included in this study. If you wish not to
participate in this survey, do not register your responses and are deemed as excluded from this
survey study.

Below is the Link for the survey questionnaire:

Pharmacovigilance: A comparative study about the knowledge of Adverse Drug Reaction
(ADR) reporting that Private practitioners and Govt. Doctors gained in a random locality in

In case you lost the link, email me at and I will re-send the
link to this survey.
Thank You for your time and support.

PN: your advice/suggestions regarding this survey is sincerely appreciated.

Shanthan B Pingili
MS in clinical Research Administration
Eastern Michigan University

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