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Shreya T. Shah

Christ College, Saurashtra University, Rajkot.

January 2017
ABSTRACT: The theory of a Parallel universe or an alternate reality is a prodigy for the world of fantasies as it
dates back to the time of Plato. The model for this conjecture has been proposed in 4 levels, each with a reasonable
description in terms of theory as submitted by physicist Max Tegmark. Level -1 states a possibility of a parallel
universe which includes Hubble volumes sharing the same laws of nature and initial conditions as our
universe.Level-2 is a group of domains of many parallel universes that are constantly moving away from each other
due to inflation owing to unexplained forces, now known as dark energy, which could have any number of
dimensions and the physical constants differ as well. Level -3 has been discretely carved as the MANY WORLDS
THEORY in which a single event can lead to multiple outcomes each leading to a different branch or a different
reality rooting from a unary universe. Level -4 describes the possibility of alternate dimensions in the form of
mathematical structures. This paper is an alternate version of the paper proposed by Max Tegmark with my
individual outlook and arguments on the subject.


The theory of a parallel universe is widely classified as an assumption or a myth or a

legend. Plato deeply reflected on the possibility of an alternate universe or a world which differs
from us maybe in terms of the laws of nature or can be a prototype to ours. Imagine a universe
where humans could fly or fishes could live without water or a doppelganger of you is reading
this same paper in that universe only to find himself confused, whereas you absorb this article
quite certainly. A hypothetical set of parallel universes is called a multiverse. A parallel
universe in a multiverse constitute the laws of physics unlike our own universe. The laws of
physics and the reality may differ from one universe to other. The simplest cosmological model
suggests that an identical copy of you exists in a galaxy 10 10 meters away from ours. This is
not even close to being an evidence for the existence of parallel universe, as modern physics
favors the observations that space is infinite and rather uniform and it is legitimate that a galaxy
can exist even at such an astronomical distance in the same universe. In quantum mechanical
terms parallel universe is stipulated as a hypothesis where finite or infinite, all universes follow
the universal wave function Phi which is the customary constant for all laws of physics in this
or any universe, if they exist. This theory has now been subject to quantum mechanics more than
ever, where all the alternate realities are possible if not in our world then some another world
although it seems implausible.

The farthest you can observe is the distance that light has been able to travel in 14 billion
years since the Big Bang. If light emitting matter exists beyond the distance of 41026 meters, the
light from it has not yet reached us. Assuming a sphere of this radius we get our Hubble volume,
considerably known as the observable universe. This distance is the distance upto which all the
laws and theories can be subject to observational evidence. What lies beyond this limit, we do
not know. Our observational universe may merely be a fractional part of the infinite space.

We will now testificate and detailed description of the 4 distinct types of parallel universes as put
forth by Max Tegmark.


The idea of another me may actually seem absurd, but according to the most popular
spatially infinite cosmological model a persons twin lies exactly 10 10 meters away. Every
universe, if it exists, consists its own cosmological horizon. A cosmological horizon is the
constraint which sets the scale or the limits for the observable universe and it is the farthest
distance from which particles have reached us ever since the occurrence of Big Bang. The
frontier of an observable universe ends at that cosmological horizon. The topological features of
the universe suggest that the universe is simple and infinite as aided by experimental and
observational data. Hubble first discovered that the universe is expanding at a rate, which was
later assigned the name Hubbles constant. As the universe is expanding, so is the fractional
observable universe and so the radius of the observational universe is constantly increasing by 1
light year owing to the expansion of universe of space at 70 km/s per megaparsec. Due to
expansion, the galaxies are movies farther away from each other at a tremendous rate, as a result
the scale of the Hubble volume also increases from time to time. We live in a universe, which is
seemingly endless yet wherever you stand everything moves farther away relative to your frame
of reference at a velocity proportional to the distance.

Level-1 idealizes the structure where finite or infinite parallel universes are piled over
each other such that each of them are separated by a quantum event. These events can be
exemplified by theoretically predicted phenomena such as Black holes and Wormholes which are
yet as fictional as the theory of multiverse itself. Another theory explains that instead of standing
apart, the alternate realities can actually interact and share the same space and time, which
concludes that there can be repetition of a physical being for infinite times each in a different
universe sharing same space and time.




Figure 1
For interacting worlds, we have 2 assumptions:

1. The universe is infinite and the matter is uniformly distributed.

2. As the universe is infinite, there is a possibility of an event occurring multiple times at
another place in the same fabric of space time.

The first assumption is the pillar to the latter, also by infinite we can either assume a
universe that is devoid of an upper bound or never-ending, or a universe which is
constantly expanding for an infinite amount of time. The universe can either be a flat infinite
plane or a finite sphere. The data obtained from the CMB has put forth that in our own
observable universe which is 13.8 billion light years across, the distribution of matter is quite
homogenous at appropriate scales the universe is homogenous. If the same is veritable for the
universe which lies beyond the cosmic horizon from where light has not yet reached us, and
has zero curvature, the universe is infinite and devoid of any upper bounds. In such a
universe, it would be rather injudicious to believe that occurrence of an event takes place
only once in an infinite space. The probability rises to maximum in an infinite domain of
anything. In fact, there must be infinite number of galaxies, inhabited planets and solar
systems identical to ours but with a discreet providence.

Max Tegmark the observable universe as our universe. It contains cosmic matter that can
be observed by us because the light from them had had the time to reach us. Each point in the
universe has its own radius of the observable universe depending on the coordinates of the
frame where the observer is standing. The radius (c/H0) increases with time at the rate of
1LY per year.


Indicating that the cosmic inflation increases with time.


The Hubble radius is a tremendous value for a radius and at this speed the visible cosmic
matter appears to be receding from us at the speed of light. For a long time, Hubble volume
was considered synonymous to the observable universe but as cosmological data from the
CMB had something different to show. The maximum distance from which the photons
travelled ever since the Big Bang creating the observable universe, is sizeable as compared to
the Hubble sphere. The Hubble sphere is 14.5 GLY in radius while the observable universe is
46 GLY. If we consider these Hubble volumes as our parallel universes in the same space
time assuming that it is three-dimensional, we may have a chance with alternate reality.
Level-1 provokes a model of multiverse where there is an infinite space which contains
finite or infinite number of Hubble volumes containing same physical constants and different
initial condition better known as Ergodic. What happens in one Hubble volume can also
happen somewhere else. The nearest Hubble sphere similar to ours lies 10 10 away.


1 LIGHT YEAR= 9.16 1015 METERS

= 14.5 9.16 1015 METERS

=132.2 1024 METERS

This is the distance of the Hubble volume in meters. The objects beyond this distance
simply appear to be accelerating away from us at a speed much greater than the speed of light
and are outside our light cone. Hubble volumes are not in relation with dark energy, which is
the driving force in inflation of the universe. The galaxies and other matter will be pushed
beyond the Hubble limit keeping the Hubble radius constant, but the scale of the observable
universe keeps on swelling.

13.7 billion years

The light started travelling towards us 13.8 billion years ago according to CMB

Cosmic expansion universe =47 billion
light years
due to dark energy
Hubble volume=13.8 billion
light years

The co-moving or proper distance of the farthest objects visible to us is 13.8 billion light
years, simply because our universe is theorized to have initialized by the Big Bang that many
years ago. The surface of the Hubble sphere is called a microphysical horizon. The dark
energy causes the cosmic matter in and beyond this horizon to accelerate at a speed greater than
c. The objects that were once visible within the Hubble volume which is (C/H0)3 now lay beyond
the horizon, as more distant a galaxy is away from us, the faster it recedes away from us. We can
still see these galaxies and clusters as the light from them had already reached us when it was
within the Hubble volume, because you see the matter can be pushed away but not the light
effused from them. In interacting universes, discreet Hubble volumes are considered to be
parallel universe and together they form a multiverse where all the probabilities of an outcome is
certain in any of the universes.

Island universes do not share the same space and time and hence the ideology of Hubble spheres
is not applicable to them.


Imagine an infinite set of bubbles that are exponentially accelerating with the passage of
time. This acceleration is the result of cosmic expansion due to chaotic inflation. The bubbles
differ in physical laws, constants and dimensionality from each other and they are receding so
fast from each other that it would be impossible to reach them even if we travelled at the speed
of light.

This is our Level-2 type multiverse, a series of infinitely large bubbles extending till
infinity. A non-bosonic string theory demonstrates 9 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension,
where Lorentz transformation equations have already provided with 4 co-ordinates (x,y,z,t) each
representing a dimension , and the remaining 6 dimensions are unseen or presently undetectable
as they are unobservable due to compactification where all these remaining 6 dimensions are
curled up at a microscopical level. String theory is fundamentally all quantum mechanics, and as
I alluded to it before, the theory of parallel universe now consists quantum mechanics more than
ever. The string theory aims at representing the gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear forces
altogether. Supersymmetry aims to create a relation between bosons and fermions practically,
and experiments aiming at this are being conducted at LHC accelerators. For this theory to be
theoretically apt, mathematics has to find a way to work out with all 10 dimensions. String
theory has predicted that there are about 10500 ways in which this compactification takes place,
each representing a universe with its own self-consistent set of laws, constants and initial
conditions. The CMB observations have brought to our light that some regions of the expanding
universe undergo temperature fluctuations, although the universe was believed to have uniform

This suggests that in this eternal process of cosmic inflation, which is accepted by almost
every modern physicist, these regions with quantum fluctuations have formed universes of their
own having physics of its own. We know these parallel universes as bubbles of a level-2 type
multiverse. Level-2 type universes are assumed to be more diverse than level-1 because not only
the laws and initial conditions change, but the dimensionality also changes. Also the origin, of
both type of universes is discreet and non-relatable. Level-1 type universes are Hubble volumes
laying in spaetime that has obviously originated from the super explosion caused by the Big
Bang, if it were ever a reality. The level-2 universes originate from those regions in space where
inflation came to an end causing fluctuations and at the next level, creating universes with
different constants, conditions and dimensions.

Symmetry breaking is the breakthrough here, explaining everything that goes on in this
level. Symmetry breaking is the phenomenon in which innumerable quantum fluctuations pass
through a single critical point, giving life to new aspects of the same symmetry or rather
breakage of symmetry from one order to another. The genesis of a parallel universe is exemplary
to this phenomenon as the quantum fluctuations give rise to explicit symmetry breaking where
the equations of motion provided under the GUT are variant and exceptional, which means all
the universes formed due to symmetry breaking must have their own set of GUT, and other
physical laws and customized vacuum states. Meaning, our universe is also one of the low-
energy occurrence which took place post-symmetrical breaking from a repressed unified
supersymmetric and extremely high-energy and orderly form of the universe which prevailed at
the time of the Big Bang.

Figure 2.

The unrevealed theory may consist of all the compactified dimensions we previously
mentioned about in uncurled state, the bifurcation or the breaking of symmetry leading to
different quantum low-energy or vacuum states, each having variant dimensionality, variant
fundamental particles and variant laws and constants at both quantum and classical level.
Although the fundamental equations remain invariant in level-2, but the effective equations
change. The co-incidence of the precise and convenient laws, that prevail in each vacuum state
or in our case as we say parallel universe is mind-blowing and magically fine-tuned. Even a
microscopical incongruity in the composition of our universe could have caused astronomical
imbalance or even could have led it to collapse, ruling out any possibilities of any form of life.

M-theory is related to the String theory and it describes zero or multidimensional objects
containing both mass and charge called Branes. In the Brane term our universe is a 3-
dimensional brane and the number of dimension i.e p, differs from one universe to other. If this
be the case, another three dimensional universe can be parallel to us the conditions may differ.
Level-2 is the set of bubbles of level-1 type universes, yet highly diverse and at the same time
extra intricate at the quantum level. Another idea says that, a point of junction of two branes or
multiple points where the branes meet, must the place where a parallel universes are formed.
This very idea was supported by the observations from the cosmic microwave background where
matter was unevenly distributed at some places

Figure 3


Imagine a game of dice, then imagine a situation such that when you roll it the number 3
is your outcome. Taking our imagination to the next level; we imagine this unitary event has had
all the possible outcomes at the upper side of the dice, but due to the limitations of the space time
continuum our universe observes only one outcome, and the universe branches into other parallel
universe, one outcome in each branch. In a nutshell, these type of universes are neither beyond
our reach like level-2, nor besides us like in level-1, but they are right here though in the same
space-time with different constants, particles and dimensions. Unitary physics ensures the fact
that probability of all the possible outcomes of a certain event is always 1. This is our Level-3
multiverse, exceptionally different from the previous levels yet sharing similar features to an
Level-3 type parallel universes propose that, when we get an outcome of a certain event it
is only relative to our universe. Meaning, the probability of all the outcomes is equally divided,
taking up one universe per outcome and we only get to witness a fragment of the entire quantum
reality. Schrodingers wave function equations are unitary which contain all the possibilities, and
are capable of collapsing into a non-unitary system which ignores all the possibilities that never
took place. A wave function provides the description of a quantum state. When two or more
wave functions undergo mathematical operations such as addition and multiplication, they
evolve into an advanced wave function in the Hilbert space, which is generally known as
infinite dimensioned space. Wave function collapse occurs when a single wave function,
previously residing in several eigenstates, suddenly falls into any one of the eigenstate. In which
state does it fall, when does it fall or how does it fall is still alien to us, since there are no set of
equations specifying this phenomenon. The pitfall of wave function collapse is that once the
collapse transpires , the wave function loses its unitarity. Consequently, the sum of the
possibilities of it being present in several eigenstates which was formerly one, is now of
probability amplitude less than one and as a result becomes non-unitary. It is definitely one of
the most controversial problems in physics today. Einstein himself did not like this idea which
was indeterministic and believed that certain assumptions of quantum science, are pointless and
purely speculative. A wave function collapse occurs when two systems interact with each other
such as, when two particles interact with each other or when certain event is brought to

However, Hugh Everett showed in the Many Worlds Interaction theory that the quantum
collapse was needless, and that our universe was the superposition of many other interacting
universes. It denied the idea of wave function collapse and backs up the notion of one universal
wave function. According to this theory, infinite number of universes are present in the same
space time, each witnessing a different reality. A macroscopic or a classical world is the result of
quantum superspositions, which means splitting or bifurcation of a universe into multiple
universes such that all the probabilities are contained, and the system remains unitary. The
standard definition for a wavefunction has been provided by Heisenberg, through his famous
Copenhagen Interpretation which idealizes that once a classical system is measured, the only one
of the probability can be the actual measurement, that is the wave function collapses into that
measurement, while the remaining are not viable. However, the MWI theory shows that the
remaining measurement possibilities can be a fragment of different world in the same space time.

What differs the quantum state of an object, to its classical state is the superposition
episode. During this superposition activity, change in phases is discerned. This superposition of
states brings about a commendable change in state such that, the physical features are decohered
but the quantum mechanical features of the building units still remain intact. Every classical
object is an exemplification of the superposition of underlying quantum units that interact and
build up on each other. The dissimilarity between wave function collapse and decoherence, is
that in the collapse phenomenon, elimination of several probabilities takes place and in the end
the wave function reduces to only one measurement. While with decoherence, the loss of
quantum phases takes place due to superposition. The wavefunction belonging to each quantum
state remain, but they are mixed to form a classical structure or system. Decoherence is unitary,
unlike wavefunction. Moreover, it is in relation with the MWI theory proposed by Everett, as in
our universe is the superimposition of the quantum worlds that co-relate with ours. Decoherence
saves the controversies as it has been widely proven in numerous events.

Figure 4

The figure above, represents pictorially how a level-3 universe would work or appear.
For every event there are several outcomes. And for several outcomes, there are several
probabilities associated with them. The sum of all the probabilities is one, thus making the
system unitary. Quantum decoherence separates these underlying quantum states in the Hilbert
space by branching each outcome into each universe one-on-one along. The probability that of
an event that collapsed in our universe, must have been a reality elsewhere.

The evolution of a wave function or in this case, the probabilities of events should be unitary for
a level-3 parallel universe to be plausible or existential. The major three examples of symmetries

1. Homogeneity of space

2. Homogeneity of time

3. Isotropy of space
These three properties govern the rules of symmetry as proposed in Noethers theorem
using Lagrangian mechanics. The homogeneity of space means that the space is homogenous and
invariant at an average scale throughout and laws of physics do not change under translations,
while the isotropy of space reflects that the space is same relative to a certain point.
Homogeneity of time, is the derived disposition of the fact that the laws of physics do not change
with time, neither in past nor in the future. The time goes by at similar pace throughout the
universe after ruling out quantum gravitational effects. If any of these parameters are unrealized,
then the phenomenon known as symmetry breaking takes place. This type of symmetry
breaking explains how the different quantum possibilities split into reality in different quantum

We now, have three variant criterions that a level-3 parallel universe might fulfill: The
unary should be contained, spontaneous symmetry breaking should occur and the dimensionality
changes, but the state of fundamental equations remain similar to level-2. For the sake of
physics, symmetry breaking and unitary do not go together if one wants a unique outcome. Our
universe is believed to have undergone spontaneous symmetry breaking, from its once high
energy symmetrical nature at its beginning. The major definition of SSB states that, symmetry
can be considered as unitary transformation into Hilbert space, thus conserving the probabilities
in each quantum state. As for my views, the symmetry breaking although yields various vacuum
states comprising a probability each, the underlying information and wave functions are not lost.
The only difference between level-1 and level-3 type parallel universes, is that level-1 type if
exist, exist classically in form of Hubble volume, whilst level-3 are degenerate unitary vacuum
states that are a result of spontaneous symmetry breaking where the priory probabilities are
branched yet restored.

From a viewpoint, any theory can be looked upon in two ways: The Frog perspective and
the Bird perspective. The Bird perspective or the Birds eye view, gives an overview of the
underlying quantum worlds of whose, a classical universe is a superposition. The wave function
evolves smoothly over each abstract and parallel quantum universes. The Frog perspective
reveals only a fraction of the full reality, alike to an observer standing at a point in his own
universe and looking around, absolutely unknown about the counter-realities. A frog inside a
building can only look up to the interior of the building. As observers, we can only see the event
that occurs in our own Hubble Volume and are completely unaware of the full repressed reality.
A single thought branches into several outcomes each taking place in a parallel quantum world
having wave function, but from the frog perspective our copy is aware of only the reality
escalating in its own universe which is only a fraction of the entire wrapped cohered reality. A
chasm of two paradigms proposed by the two greatest philosophers our world has ever seen,
separately briefs on each of them. They are called: The Aristotlean paradigm and the Platonic

Aristotlean paradigm- Favorably supports the frog perspective, ruling out the actuality of the
bird perspective.
Platonic paradigm- Involves the belief of the bird perspective being physically real and
legitimate, and denying that the frog perspective is the only way to see the reality.

Physics is caught up between these two paradigms, reality and actuality, one-world and
many worlds, symmetry-breaking and symmetrical universe. Level-3 universe comes naturally to
the Platonic paradigm. It is biased towards the bird perspective, which evidently originates the
idea of quantum reality. The platonic paradigm is what the humanity has known throughout the
evolution. This notion has been engraved in our minds so much so that it took us this long to
work on the greatest controversy: Are we alone in the universe? As for the Platonic paradigm,
it believes in an eternal reality which transcends our own universe and that all of physics is a
mathematical model, which has to originate from a lower bound. Level-3 is more pros than cons,
and appears more actual than an assumption. The decoherence phenomenon and the unitary
structure of the universe can be evident, but theres still time till further notice.


Mathematics and Physics, have always gone hand-in-hand. Without the art of numbers,
Physics is just literature digging and striving to annotate Nature. You can construct an abstract
notion of how something might work, but without mathematics, you will never know if it does.
Mathematics is an entire universe of abstract ideas, structures, numbers and designs. It is by far,
the most majestically developed human endeavour. Physicist Richard P. Feynmen, in his book,
mockingly stated that mathematicians can only prove trivial theorems, whereby he meant that
every theorem ever that mathematicians, with such toil over the years have proved, are all
Trivial! What we may assume and what we must assume by trivial, is completely contrary.
Trivial here, is the word used for the proof that is articulated from the labyrinthine, hard-hitting
set of data which although accurate, needs to be simplified, or in this case trivialized. This is
the only way mathematics works, multifarious to negligent.

Our universe is defined by a set of equations, which are defined by functions and
operators. These sets, operators, spaces, etc are what incorporate the mathematical structures.
The structures form the basis for the study of our level-4 parallel universe. The laws of nature are
etched by certain mathematical equations. These laws exemplify our universe, how it works and
what it constitutes. Thinking otherwise, what about the other equations that DO NOT exemplify
our universe? . This dilemma was put forth by John Wheeler, which was later emphasized by a
few cosmologists including Max Tegmark. Tegmark has valiantly risked his career and put forth
this bold proposal which is completely off-the-mill when correslated to all the above types. He
proposed that all the parallel universes are different mathematical structures, with radically
different laws of physics as well as dimensionality and constants. Trivializing this idea, our
universe is regarded as the 4-dimensional space-time ( Minkowski spacetime) which consists 3-
dimensional space and time as the fourth dimension, although the 4-dimensional Euclidian space
is varies from Minkowski spactime as both treat time dimension differently. Both of them are
separate mathematical structures, but only one can be discretionary to our universe.

This quest is not about which set of equations belong to our universe, but about why do
these particular set of equations define our universe and not the others?. If these particular
groups and spaces epitomize our universe, then what about the ones that do not?. Mathematical
structures were rather discovered than invented. Meaning, they had existed ever since the origin
of the Big Bang, long before the universe found order and life occurred. The fourth level, if
substantial, can be the superset to all the other 3 types of multiverse discussed above. Individual
existential universes, instead of portraying them through mathematical structures, can be
pronounced as mathematical structures themselves. The Mathematical Democracy Principle
states that: A universe that has mathematically existed, has equal possibility of existing in real
and solid as well. According to Max Tegmark, these structures are independent, abstract and
timeless. They are consistent and never-changing hence they cannot exist in space along with
other forces. A mathematic al baggage is something you can expect to be free from the human
baggage, and will continue to exist even if there were no humans., said Max in an interview,
precisely stating that these structures are out there, regardless of whether we discover them or
not, and they are extensively independent of any human assumptions. Besides the inquisition of
whether mathematical structures exist as independent parallel universes or not, we also
apprehend if physical world is homologous to the mathematical structures.

Of course, everything in classical physics world is elaborated using mathematics, but it

cannot be the other way around. You cannot explain the mathematical structure using classical
physics. The Poincare invariance, the Randall-Sandrum model, the brane theory, Lorentz
manifolds, and other indefinite number of structures are embraced by mathematical equations.
Most of them are implausible to our universe, but somewhere out there they must be real, thats
the only explanation for why we discovered them. Physicist Eugene Wigner stated that the
effectiveness of mathematical models to explain the laws of physics is unreasonably outstanding,
and that there must be some relation between the two worlds. A Mathematical model is at best,an
approximation of physical world, and are constructed using certain principles and empirical

The following figure, describes the relation between the mathematical and physical worlds, and
how each of them are simplified into certain sections.
Figure 5

Our observational 3+1 dimensional universe could be a surface, a brane, embedded in a

higher 3+1+d dimensional spacetime, the Bulk. Level-4 type, is a string theory intrigued model,
suggesting that the universes apart from ours, can probe Large Extra Dimensions (LED). The
Kaluza-klein theory extravagantly unifies the two fields, Gravitation and Electromagnetism. The
idea of a fifth dimension formerly sprung from this theory proposed originally by Kaluza, in
1919. Oskar klein, later gave a quantum mechanical approach to the basic framework. In which
the fifth dimension was assumed to be compacted and curled up into a loop of order 10-33 cm.
Kaluza and Klien made the extra dimensions an integral part for the attempts in discovery of the
ultimate TOE. Perhaps, overbearing the condition that in a level-4 mathematical multiverse the
curling up of dimensions varies from one universe (structure, here) to another and varying scalar
fields or a fragments of the brane world can ease the understanding of this concept.

Max Tegmark, in his book Our Mathematical Universe has written, Theres something
mathematical about our universe. The more we look into it, the more math we find. The shape
of the earth, the solar system, the golden number, the fibonnaci sequence, the Chandrashekhar
limit for a collapsing star and numerous such mathematical testament, that are completely
independent of the human pressumptions, define our universe. We humans have conceptualized
the universal truths limited to our observable bubble, for our convenience and prescribed it as
physical names and stratums which deep down is just math at work. Maybe the mathematics
here, is different from there. Maybe our universe is an elongated ellipse, and maybe the other is a
double helix with seemingly different symmetries and laws of nature. This is our level-4
multivese.In brief, it preserves the idea that any mathematical possibility exists out there as a
reality as much as it exists theoretically and is completely devoid of human acknowledgement.

Figure 6

Max Tegmark implies that the driving force in the quantum computers is their ability to
derive data from the parallel universes or alternate realities. A quantum bit or a qubit is a two
state quantum mechanical system, and the number of parallel universes increases exponentially
(2n ) with increasing qubits. Recently, a 1000-qubit barrier was broken by the D-wave computers,
a company that manufactures quantum computers. These computers are extremely fast and
hypothetically saying, a computer that can with 1000-qubit system can engage in 21000 parallel
universes at a time, which itself is breakthrough. Shors algorithm : a result that shows a certain
problem about integer factorization can be solved far more efficiently on a quantum algorithm
than the fastest known classical algorithm. Tegmark believes that these unimaginably high
number of computations cannot take place in a single universe, and hence they must be in some
sort of physical contact with other co-existing realities.

6. The Lesser Known Types

The bosonic string theory requires 26 dimensions (25 space d+1 time d) to attain
consistency and reasonable amount of symmetry, which clearly does not relate with our universe.
Even if these dimensions were, compactified ,their existence must be too quantum to locate.
Also, the 26-dimensional spactime had 2 flaws. The tachyons or the imaginary mass particles
that travel faster than the speed of light c, which were later ruled out by introducing
supersymmetry. The bosonic theory does not permit fermions, meaning the matter particles
being absent, existence of matter is unquestionable. The theory of Special Relativity, denies the
existence of Tachyons by its suggestion that nothing in the universe could any day travel faster
than the speed of light.

The article Particles Beyond The Light Barrier by Olexa-Myron and E.C Sudarshan
was published in 1969, where they reanalyzed the relativistic equation, and reassumed the
equation as

E = mc 2 / ((1-v/c) 2)1/2
The positive and negative signs is implied so as to obtain results for universes in two different
spaces. Mathematically, if particles greater than c existed then the radical equation would have a
negative sign resulting in an imaginary mass m. These Tachyons, will move against time and
regardless of the time dimension in our universe. Scientists have split up the elementary particles
into 3 classes-Tardyons, Luxons and Tachyons. Tardyons have v < c, Luxons have v = c, and
Tachyons have v > c. If these particle existed, they would move reverse in time and produce a
tachyonic field. An eccentric particle like this is bizarre for our universe, but it is believed yo
exist in a SUPERLUMINAL PARALLEL UNIVERSE. Tachyons are inhibitors of the Godel
model, and although these particles physical existence is refused, they are still mathematically

Unexpected variations such as increased baryonic mass in certain regions in the CMB
has led cosmologists to assume leakage or interaction among parallel universes, yet intriguing
techniques have failed to surface with proofs. Brian Greene, in his book The Hidden reality
has given 9 types of parallel universe- Quilted, Inflationary, Brane, Cyclic, Landscape, Quantum,
Holographic, Simulated and Ultimate. Each of this has a theoretical model of its own, with
individual assumptions and conclusions. A different timeline, extra spatial dimensions,
contrasting physical laws are the features of a parallel universe co-existing with ours. And a
reverse light-cone in case of superluminal parallel universe with a negative cosmological
constant as proposed in Gdels model.


The exceptional logician, Kurt Gdel derived profound yet universally unacceptable
exact solutions to Einteins Field Equations. In his paper Godel implied on the existence of time-
like curves which allows time travel, considering the universe is a static one that rotates with an
angular momentum but does not profile expansion. But our universe does not rotate, and hence
the model was a conflict to our universe as well as to general relativity. In his model, he stated
that absolute time does not exist and that, objective lapse of time is just an illusion. Although it is
important to note that Gdel did not rule out the existence of time dimension, but the conceptual
way of passage of time. Apart from indication of CTCs in Gdels model, the Einstein-Rosen
bridge also leaned on them, popularly known as Wormhole which is a bridge connecting two
different points in spacetime or better, two variant universes. Black holes are types of
wormholes, although they fairly justify the CTCs, except if they are rotating blackholes (Kerr-
Newman blackholes). Both of these concepts are purely mathematical and unobservable, yet so
precise to the point that numerous experiments have been performed to prove their reality.

The Standard Model of Physics has given 19 free parameters that define our universe or
any other universe. Out of 19, 18 of them have been experimentally accountable which are the
Fermion masses, the Higgs Boson, coupling constants and so on. When symmetry breaking
occurs, the original GUT symmetry breaks off in several ways although the number of
parameters remain the same. Each defining a different universe, where the effectiveness of each
parameter differs from that in ours resulting into a world with other laws, other constants, other
dimensions. It was in the 1970s that the journey for the discovery of extra hidden dimensions
began as a part of the string theory. Much of the work of string theory involved figuring out how
the six compact dimension could be or should be shaped. Turns out, there are over 100 trillion
intricately complicated shapes,called the Calabi-Yau manifolds. In string theory, vaccum is
considered as a default state for a system. A vibrating string motions in higher extra dimensions
and there default state is vacuum. Various Calabi-Yau manifold shapes exist, but only one of
them can occur for our universe. This statement is generally followed by an immediate question,
what about the fine tuned selection parameters? Physicist Leonard Susskind proposed a theory,
where vacuua are present in the Calabi-Yau shapes, and the universes are being created or
spawned off from these vacua, and maybe each of these vacua are default stable states for
different universes, and thus a landscape of parallel universes with different constants and fine
tuned parameters that vary from ours, but are stable for them are formed.

In the everyday world, energy is always unalterably fixed; the law of energy
conservation is a cornerstone of classical physics. But, in the quantum microworld, energy can
appear and disappear out of nowhere in a spontaneous and unpredictable fashion.- Paul Davies.
In this bizarre mechanics, energy can be formed by short-lived as well as long-lived virtual
particles from nothing, via random quantum fluctuations, as allowed by the Uncertainty
Principle. The rare long lived particles at a point in spacetime result in parallel universes, having
mass and energy of its own. As for now, we have been triumphant in detecting temperature
fluctuations using the CMB but the road to finding an another universe may not be any easier.


From search of extra dimensions to various levels and species of multiverse, the
development for a breakthrough in the search of parallel universes has been quite a journey. As
we go from one type to another, questions begin popping out: Is our universe unique? Do parallel
universes co-exist? Do parallel universes interact with each other? Do they share the same space
time? , and these are just to name a few. Gigantic number of universes may exist in the same
time, and most of them can be different. These universes might interact with each other, by
exerting repulsive forces on each other which produce quantum phenomenon and subtly affect
each other ( Wiseman, Griffith University). Last year, one of the most historical and momentous
discovery ever, was made in cosmological physics. In 2014, BICEP2 indirectly traced the ripples
in the fabric of spacetime, which was later confirmed in 2016 at the LIGO observatory, USA.
They detected the signals coming directly produced from two colliding black holes , these waves
were called gravitational waves as predicted by Einstein a 100 years back. The multiverse feud
heated up after this news, and it was suggested that if cosmic inflation could occur from a seed
like the Big Bang, then various other universes may be formed from other point like seeds in
such a relatively boundless sweep. For the most part that a multiverse theory, is still seldom
unacceptable because it is unconventional. A complete quantum field theory, may lead to a
Theory of Everything (TOE) and a TOE may lead to the clue of these parallel universes only to
discover that our world is just an underlying wedge of the entire forbidden landscape.

Original concept adapted from:

Tegmark, M. (2003) Parallel Universes. Available at: (Accessed: 6 January 2017).

Image Courtesy:

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