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heck Up 2017

Senior Project C
Along with this cover sheet, please include your approved proposal & all evidence. Make sure evidence
is labeled with date and time and attached in the order presented in your summary.
Name: Reymond Manueli Period: 6 Todays Date: Dec 4, 2016
Topic: The Glocks and the speed pistol
English Teacher: Ms. Smith Social Science Teacher: Mr. Waasted
Grade: _ ___Check-up Approved ___Presentation Approved = ____/50 Points

1. Summary: What have you done this period? Give a detailed description of each hour of time you
spent on the activity.

DATE TIME (from Specific description of Evidence Attached

____ to____) everything you did during this

11/13/16 4:40pm-6:30pm Arrived at Poway Weapons and I took a picture of the gun
1 hour gear with Zak and Ben at 4:40ish we were practicing on.
ad finally gotten inside the range at
5:20 where we started my first
hours of the shooting range. Ben
explained the importance of
keeping in control of the weapon
and demonstrated how it is held or
supposed to be held. There had to
be a wait since there were other
people trying to get into the range
so some time was lost.

6:30:pm-7:30pm The first hour was mostly me Pictures of how to hold

1 hour listening to directions and getting the weapons during an
used to the loud weapons. The instruction and how to
second was getting the basics reload the weapons
down like holding the weapon and safely.
reloading. It was harder than
expected because of the pressure
of holding such weapon. It took me
awhile to get accustomed to the
firearm but I finally got over it but
not all the way.
7:30pm-8:37pm The final hour if I am splitting it Took pictures of the
1 hour right like it was told in the direction grouped shots
although I had started shooting well
into the second hour this was when
they really counted because I had
already enough time to get used to
them as said before. My shots
were not timed but the grouping of
the shots were emphasised. I was
told that they separation should be
no longer that a fists length. This
took me awhile to get down and I
still have a lot of work to do.

11/16/16 3:00pm-4:00pm Today went to go and try out other

1 hour handguns that were available to us.
Two glocks a .40 caliber and a
.9mm. Ben told me to be careful
because of the glocks compact
design well the one we got from the
place as compact that is small but
it packs a punch.a I spent this time
again like the first time i fired a
weapon during this project since I
was not used to this gun.

4:00pm-5:00pm I shot the .40 glock further to get

1 hour comfortable using it, I never got
accurate with it; The kick on the
compact was too much that my
hands began to hurt after a while of
shooting. The distance of the target
was also set further away since I
started to get used to the range
before, This day during the last
hour ben timed my shots. And my
11/21/16 6:00pm-7:00pm I Interviewed Ben and Zak further notes
1 hr. about safety, ben emphasised
more on pulling the trigger which
was actually more confusing in
reality and aiming right. Zak talked
about where not to point the gun.
He talked about the consequences
of using guns in the wrong way that
the shooter must be responsible
for his/her weapon and they must
take care with them with utmost
protection just as they are meant to

12/21/16 3:00pm - 4:00pm I met ben at the shooting range we

1hr registered again ourselves at
3:05pm we got our range number
and went ahead inside the actual
range to set ourselves up. This day
was pretty much the same as
before within the boundaries of
trying to remember everything i've
learned. So I had to dry fire again
for a little this took approximately
15 mins. Then after getting used to
the feeling again it was off for
accuracy once more setting the
target at about 20-35 yards trying
to close my number of landed hits
on the center of mass. That was
what we did for the most part of the
first hour and more the weapon I
was shooting was the Glock .40

12/21/16 4:00pm- 5:00pm The second hour was using other

1hr firearms i forgot what they were, i
think two were glocks and the other
was a marksmanship pistol that
was customized. However this time
Ben had instructed me to shoot
faster and for the time being
disregard my accuracy to see how
fast I fire. After adjusting to the
pistol we would try to shoot fast
and stay accurate with closed shot
groupings. It was rinse and repeat
for every weapon while changing
the range of the target.

12/23/16 2:00pm-3:00pm This day ben and I shot some rifles

1hr I forgot to ask what models were
they. Ben first showed me how to
hold the weapon in different ways
but in the end he explained to me
that it was all about me feeling
comfortable. Preferably I like the
rifle better since it seems easier for
me to handle than the pistols, less
stress on my arms since i can hug
the weapon. I started out with
doing a dry fire session which took
a little more than 5 minutes. Then
proceeded with long conserved
shots trying to be as accurate as
possible. We spent the rest of the
day shooting the weapon like this
focusing more on the accuracy side
of things and getting a feel for the
weapons power. The target was
set at 50 yards then at 75 yards but
at that range it can be hit with
pretty good accuracy.

12/28/12 7pm-8pm The last day was looking at

ammunition and matching them up
based on the gun as well as
knowing what type of ammunition
was at. It was also another pistol
session with the Glocks. But it was
more on the speed shooting and
the accuracy instead of focusing on
one it was trying to blend them
together, It was really hard to do
trying to hit the center of mass as
accurate as possible with close
grouped shots something i need to
keep practicing on. Ben had done it
and he made it look easy but it
wasnt we alternated between the
40 and the compact which was a
real pain to get a hold off after each
round because of its small size.
2. Self-Assessment/Reflection: Did things go as you planned? What did you learn from this
experience? Be specific!

No they did not because I had forgotten to take the right amount of pictures and I had just realized it
now when after doing all of those things. However my total experience this first half has been great
because of my instructors. They had made it really easy for me to learn marksmanship from the time
I started to today. Ive gotten to respect weapons a lot further knowing how they work and the
discipline that is required to handle them. To some who have not fired a weapon it may seem like I
try to glorify them, maybe it's just me but it's not really cliche to say that a great deal of responsibility
come when handling firearms. Because once you are given one to shoot you feel a lot of power,
knowing the end of the barrel the trigger can end something or someone is a feeling I can never
forget. I have learned ways to handle firearms in its sports form, and the combat form which is
surprisingly very different even though both emphasis accuracy and speed. I still have a long way to
go because from a self assessment I can see that I not where I want to be but I am better than
before so that is a good thing.

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