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Moslcr et al.

, Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics

Review article

J. Perinat. Med. Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics

2 (1974) 3
K. H. Mosler, F. Linka, W. Dornhf er, J. Ehrhart

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of Wrzburg

(Head: Prof. Dr. med. K. H. WULF)
Department of Experimental Gynecology (Head: Prof. Dr. med. K.

Tocolysis means drug-induced Inhibition of Curriculum vitae

premature or excessive uterine activity [38], KARL HEINZ MOSLER was
Other terms, such s "sedation of the irritated born in Beuthen, Silesia, on
myometrium" or "relaxation of the uterus" have November 5, 1927.
the same meaning; they are, however, not 1954 qualification s a phy-
commonly applied [10, 11, 17, 29]. sician at the University of
At the beginning of the research for new sub- 19541956 hospital appoint- ;
stances with inhibitory effect on the uterus it ments in surgery and medicine.
was postulated that progesterone or newly- 19561960 appointment un-
developed gestagen preparations could inhibit der Prof. Dr. KUSCHINSKY
at the PharmacologicalInstitute
uterine activity. In vitro s well s in vivo ex- of the University of Main^.
periments showed that progesterone, in con- 1960 qualification s a phar- _ .
centrations present during pregnancy [37, 56], macologist.
exerts a synergistic effect on oxytocin and in- From 1960 be worked at the Department of Obstetrics and
creases uterine activity. High concentrations which Gynecology of the University of Wr^burg under Prof. Dr.
SCHWALM. In 1961 be started investigations on tocolysis. 1963
should be applied exclusively for experimental electronic equipment for intensive care and tocography was in-
purposes showed the block inaugurated by stalled. In 1965 be qualified s an Obstetrican and Gynecologist
CSAPO [18]. Together with estrogen, progesterone and habilitated with "Dynamics of Uterine Muscle".
increases the metabolic activity of the uterus. 19661967 Associate Professor at Washington University, St.
Prolonged influence leads to relaxation of the 1968 University lecturer and Head-Physician at the Department
tissue and increased uterine weight. The collagen of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of Wr^burg.
content s well s that of nucleic acids, glycogen, 1969 Chief of Department at the Department of Obstetrics
and lipids is raised. The sensitivity to exogenous and Gynecology ofthe University of Wr^burg, where he established
Irritation, e. g. uterine distension by the growing a laboratory for experimental and clinical Pharmacology of
Gynecology and Obsterics and had started to develop an ultrasonic
fetus, or to drugs, e. g. oxytocin, increases. Due monitoring System since 1966.
to the low solubility in water, the considerable 1971 Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
affinity to serum protein, and a half-life of 15 Fields of interests: Physiology and Pharmacology of uterine
minutes, even the highest possible concentrations activity', labor irregularities, fetal ultrasonic cardiography,
ultrasonic diagnostic, intensive supervision of mother and child
of progesterone cannot be expected to exert a during pregnancy and labor, prevention of premature labor,
sufficient effect on the myometrium [31, 36, 54]. tocolysis.
1. Pharmacology of tocolysis
Cinnamedrine was the first -adrenergic sub- et al. [35] published their findings concerning
stance which, s reported by SCHULTZ in 1940, the relaxant effect on the isolated uterus of the
showed a relaxant effect on the smooth muscle; -adrenergic substance isoxsuprine. First clinical
however, it soon feil into disuse. In 1960 LISH experiences with isoxsuprine were reported by

J. Perinat. Med. 2 (1974)

Moslcr et al, Tocolytic thcrapy in obetetrica

Duvodilon To date no drug which acts exlusively or primrily

Cordilon on the myometrium has been found.
H0-/Jv- CH-CH-NH-CH-CH2-0-^ 1.1 /?-Adrenergics
~~ OH CH3 CH3 ., Tocolytics s such are substances with /?-
Ritodrin(DU21220) adrenergic effect on the myometrium. Among all
the substances tested for their effcctivcness in the
Inhibition of labor, the /9-adrenergics show the
OH CH3 best effect with the lowest rate of side effecte.
Dilotol The effect on the uterus represents only one
component in the total complex of reactions to
adrenergic Irritation. As to the various com-
OH CH3 CH3 ponents of this spectrum, the catechokmines and
Aludrin their derivatives do not show a uniform activity.
OH Two main groups of effects can be characterized.
CH, One can be easily induced by norepinephrine but
not at all or only slightly by use of isoproterenol
The second group is easily induced by isopro-
Alupent terenol, but in most cases not by norepinephrine.
OH In view of this phenomenon, AHLQUIST [1] postul-
ated two types of adrenergic receptors, a and ,
and two types of adrenergic drugs, <x-adrenergic
OH substances (prototype: noradrenalin) and ~
Serotec (Th1165c) adrenergic substances (prototype: isoproterenol).
HO. ,CH3 At present the following pattern of action can be
. _ . -CH-CHrNH-CH HBr described:
<x-receptors: General excitation of the smooth
muscles, in particukr of the vessels; activation of
Fig. l. Tocolytics, /?-adrenergic stimulators. hepatic glycogenolysis.
^,-receptors: Positive inotropic, chronotropic
HENDRICKS et al. [27] and BISHOP et al, [13] in and bathmotropic effects on the heart, rekxation
I960. These publications escaped notice in the
of the intestinal muscles, Stimulation of lipolysis,
German-speaking countries for some time. In
1961 we introduced nylidrin (buphenine, Dik- ^2-receptors: Likewise lytic effecte on the in-
tol), a substance of similar composition which testinal muscles s well s on the smooth muscles
had akeady been tested on humans in Germany of bronchi, muscukr arterioles and uterus;
[17, 38, 55] (Fig. 1), into the treatment of pre- activation of the muscular glycogenoiysis.
mature labor. DAVIS et aL [20] regard the receptors s isoen-
Doses which were eflfective in the Uterus led zymes, According to the pattern of the isoensyme
to considerable side effects. In subsequent the effect of the agonists of one substance group
years new ^sympathomimetics, kst fenoterol varies between different individuals and different
(Th 1165a), were studied experimentally and tissues. At present the /?~receptor is regarded s
therapeutically [17, 29, 38, 40]. Substances with a an integrating component of the adenyl
difFetent mode of action, such s ethyl alcohol cyclase System, the ^-adrenejrgic effect being
[24], spasmolytic agents of the calcium anta- based upon an increase of the intracellular
gonistic type [23, 40, 41] and, recently, prosta- cAMP leveL It is still aot completely clear in
gkndin antagonists were also therapeutically which way cAMP leads to the rekxation of the
tested [29 43], muscle cell and to glycogenolysis, lipolysis and
Moslcr et al., Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics

protein synthesis in the cell [52]. SCHILD [46] Popoverin

and RASMUSSEN et al. [45] postulated calcium s H3C-0,
the main factor for the contracting and relaxant
efFect of sympathomimetics. According to AN-
DERSON et al. [3] the efFect of the -receptor IsoptirP
H3C^/ CH33
Stimulation is reflected by an increased formation
of cAMP; they assume a Stimulation of the cal-
cium accumulation in the microsomal fraction of 0-CH
the smooth muscle. The effect on the muscular
tone s well s on the cAMP level can be prevented
by-blockers [4,5,6].
In search of new -adrenergic substances with
better tolerance and increased effectiveness,
isoxsuprine (Duvadilan), nylidrin (Dilatol)
and other derivatives, such s Ritodrine, or-
ciprenaline (Alupent) and the trial drug Th
1165 a fenoterol (Partusisten) were used ex-
Fig. 2. Spasmolytics.
perimentally and clinically for the Inhibition of
labor [14, 15, 21, 22].
the jff-adrenergic substance was then combined
JUNG confirmed that among the tocolytics
with papaverine (Fig. 2). The combination of
tested, fenoterol, Th 1165 a (Partusisten) shows
these two compounds with their difFerent modes
the best results with the lowest dosage. Since
of action was meant to increase the inhibitory
1968 we have applied Th 1165 a routinely in the
efFect on the uterus, at the same time reducing
treatment of premature labor. Using intravenous
the side-eiFects described above.
drip infusion an immediate tocolytic efFect is
In 1914 PAL [44] discovered the relaxant efFect
obtained which can easily be controlled. In
of papaverine on the smooth muscle. In the
selected cases oral administration of Th 1165 a,
human uterus high doses lead to reduced tone
too, leads to remarkable Inhibition of labor;
and decreased frequency of uterine contractions;
this efFect is obtained within 20 minutes. The
Inhibition, however, is only obtained with the
following side-eiFects were observed in 5% of
highest possible concentrations. Paperverine has
the patients: Restlessness, muscle tremor, sen-
a negative inotropic efFect on the cardiac muscle
sations of warmth and heat, flushing of the face,
and reduces blood pressure by peripheral vaso-
nausea. An increased pulse rate occurs in mother
dilation. These and other side-eiFects elicited by
and child. When intravenous infusion therapy is
the high concentrations required, made the cli-
used, these Symptoms are generally found only
at a dosage of more than 2^g/min. For the
evaluation of possible side efFects on the fetus, the Acetylsolicylic acid (Aspirin Colfarit)
whole spectrum of jS-stimulating changes has to
be considered; i. e. in addition to positive ino-
tropic and chronotropic efFect and vasodilation 0-C-CH
in particular metabolic changes such s glyco-
genolysis and lipolysis must be mentioned [48]. Indomethacin (Amuno)
Seripus sequelae of these side-eiFects have not
been reported [42], -CH 2 -COOH
1.2 Spasmolytics of the papaverine type
Those women treated with Dilatol in our
hospital since 1963 complained above all of an
uncomfortable increase in heart-rate. Therefore Fig. 3. Antipyretics.

J. Perinat. Med. 2 (1974)

Mosler et al., Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics

antagonists. According to FLECKENSTEIN [23],

electromechanic decoupling leads to Inhibition
<D - of the calcium influx through the depolarized
membrane. From in vivo s well s in vitro
^_ 7
experiments it became evident that verapamil
> o
has an inhibitory effect on the Uterus 5 times s
\ o strong s papaverine. Even with an acceptable
300 dosage, however, its effect is inferior to that of
Th 1165 a. Tachycardia following Th 1165 a,
.5-1*200 which some patients regarded s particularly
unpleasant was reduced by simultaneous
to 100 administration of verapamil. As is shown in
_ cu
_ the studies conducted by WEIDINGER and WIST
18th-19th 20th-21th porturition
day of gestotion (rat)
Fig. 4. Growth of the fetus and prostaglandin release in the
pregnant rat (according to AIKEN) during the last 5 days
before delivery.

nical Implementation of such uterine Inhibition

impossible. ; ^ ^\jr^^^
HAAS and HRTFELDER [25] developed verapamil
(Isoptin). Both substances papaverine s Fig. 5. Mechanic and electric activity of the isolated rat
uterus following Stimulation by oxytocin. In high con^
well s verapamil exert a spasmolytic-mus- centrations aspirin exerts a direct inhibitory effect on the
culotropic effect and are regarded s calcium uterine activity.

Fig. 6. In the anesthetized rat AspirinD0 inhibits the oxytocin^induced uterine activity (rectal application) Intra-
venous application of prostaglandin 2 leads to renewed uterine activity.

J. Perinat. Med. 2 (1974)

-,-+-: h --:

0.30 p.m. Colfarit

1.0 g oral

2 p.m.

:.:_ -T-JLHrW.^-^r -L- ' wJlEC-L::: .* V* v :

'. ' " >

rF^i r y"^--.^ --^t!*r -

3 p.m.
Pig. 7. Ultrasonic cardiotocography in human. Colfarit (Aspirin) l g orally, reduces the uterine activity in the
case of premature labor. Slow onset and efFect lasting several hours has been observed.

J,Pcrinat.Mcd.2 (1974)
Mosler et al., Tocolytic therapy in. obstetrics

[53] the metabolic side-effects of the /9-sym- average length of gestation, in the incidence of
pathomimetics are also decreased by verapamil. postmaturity, and in the mean duration of
Prostaglandins are involved in the process of spontaneous labor. .f
uterine contractility [30]. Anti-inflammatory or The possible acting mechanism of Aspirin is
antipyretic agents o the Aspirin or indo- shown in Fig. 8.
methacin type (Fig. 3) reduce uterine activity
by Inhibition of prostaglandin formation and 1.3 Ethyl alcohol
release. VANE [50] demonstrated in animal ex- Ethyl alcohol is recommended for the Inhibition
periments that prostaglandinsynthesis and release of labor by F. FUCHS [24]. He attributes the
can be diminished by Aspirin or indomethacin. labor-inhibiting effect to blocked oxytocin
AIKEN found an increase in PGE and PGF like release in the neurohypophysis. J. HTER
prostaglandins depending upon the length of [28] could confirm known labor-inhibiting and
gestation. Rat uteri during parturition produced basal tone decreasing properties of ethanol in
20 times more PGF-like substances than uteri at the isolated Uterus of rats and mice; ethyl ether
1819 days of gestation (Fig. 4). The distension and halothane are also known to possess these
of the uterine wall by the growing fetus stimulates properties. Therefore a peripheral point of
the process of prostaglandin formation. attack cannot be excluded.
Animal in vitro and in vivo experiments (Figs. With the dosage indicated by F. FUCHS, the blood
5 to 6) led us to evaluate the effect of long-term alcohol level ranges from 0.10 to 0.16%. In
use of Aspirin in the treatment of threatened addition, adequate intake of hfd liquor tenders
premature labor. In clinical trials we were suc- oral treatment possible.
cessful in inhibiting premature uterine contrac-
tions with Aspirin (Fig. 7). In the demonstrated 1.4 Other substances with inhibitory effect on the
case at thrity-eight weeks gestation, Aspirin was uterus
discontinued and spontaneous labor ensued in Progesterone, gestagen, opiates, and benzodiazepine are
48 days. only of historical interest, since an inhibitory effect could
A retrospective survey has been carried out with not be prpved in clinical tests. Relaxin, atropirie, anti-
103 patients [F. FUCHS, personal communication]. histamine, and phenothiazine have also been given without
success for the Inhibition of labor [51].
FUCHS had taken high doses of acetylsalicylic acid Among the Opiates there are likewise no substances which,
for at least the last 6 months of pregnancy and a in a therapeutically acceptable dosage, could sedate the
comparative study with a suitable population has uterus. These substances may prove detrimental in case of
been made. Use of Aspirin was associated with a fetal asphyxia and may lead to hypoventilation, especially
marked and highly significant increase in the in the premature fetus. Librium and Valium are no
labor-inhibiting agents. Their spasmolytic effect is similar
to that of papaverine. With therapeutical dosage intra-
uterine tocometry did not show any labor-inhibiting effect
in humans [7, 8, 9]. In some cases we use benzodiaSepine
acetylsQh'cyc Qdd for psychical sedation s well. If required, analgetics
membrone Prostaglandin should also be given.
iT-permeability t synthetase l Theophylline is not being used for tocolysis since we
have the more effective -adrenergic substances and It was recently shown that the effect of
theophylline on the nonpregnant human uterus is that of
relaxation, independent of the phase of the cycle [16, 19].
Due to toxicity or marked side effects, some substances
with tocolytic properties cannot be used s a routine
measure. Intravenos application of magnesium Sulfate
leads to pronounced reduction in contractioii frequency
and amplitude. However, the required blood level con-
Uterus centration of 8 to 12 mg% is very close to the toxic thre-
Inhibition shold dose [51],
Among the Inhalation anesthetics, ether and Chloroform
Fig, 8, Mechanism of direct action of aspirin on the Uterus. are known to exert an especially strong effect on the uterus.

J^Perinat. Med. 2 (1974)

Mosler et al., Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics

Chloroform is no longer used because of its narrow 2.1 Clinical requirements for tocolysis
therapeutic rnge and the danger of organic lesions.
Although ether shows an excellent relaxant effect it cannot a) Coordinate labor with a frequency of l or
be recommended mainly because of the fact t hat it may lead
to vomiting with danger of aspiration and hypoxia of the
more contractions within 10 minutes (toco-
fetus [28]. graphy, partogram).
The pharmacological and anesthesiological properties of Contractions can often be reduced, by moving
halothane are of value for obstetrics: non-inflammability, the patient into a lateral position. Patients
rapid onset and subsiding of anesthesia without excitation,
Statements regarding pain during contractions
and rapid tocolysis. If general anesthesia is required, e. g.
in case of prolapse of the cord, halothane is the appro- are no reliable criterion for their intensity [28].
priate anesthetic. The following disadvantages are to be
b) The parturient patient must be carrying a live
mentioned: occasional cardiac irregularities and hypo-
ventilation, insufficient relaxation of the striated muscles, fetus.
passage into the fetal circulation with danger of hypoxia
c) Estimated fetal weight below 2500 g, or
[28]. Halothane sensitizes the heart to catecholamines.
Gases of oxytocin-resistant uterine atony have been re- gestation period up to the 37th week.
ported [51].
d) The cervix is dilated not more than 3 cm.
e) The cervix is effaced no more than 50%
2. Clinical conditions required for toco- (pelvic score).

Modern tocolytics are highly effective drugs. 2.2 Relative clinical contraindications
Therefore, tocolysis must be restricted to Hospitals
staffed with obstetricians. Continuous moni- a) Obstetric contraindications
toring and personal observation during treat- Premature rupture of the membranes of the
ment should be possible. The development of lower pole,
efficient Instruments in the last few years for the Temperature above 38C in case of suspected
external control of fetal cardiac activity and intrauterine infection,
uterine activity (phonocardio-tocograph (CTG) Severe hemorrhage in case of placenta praevia,
developed by KAMMACHER [26], ultrasonic- Premature Separation of the placenta,
cardio-tocograph (USCTG) developed by MOS- Cephalo-pelvic-disproportion, and contracted
LER [39]) may be regarded s advantageous to pelvis.
large-scale clinical application of drugs for the b) Medical contraindications with respect to
Inhibition of labor. the fetus
In particular the diagnosis "increased uterine Pathological pattern of the heart rate,
activity" should be confirmed clinically using Confirmed malformations,
tocography. Biliary s well s ureteric and in- Erythroblastosis,
testinal spasms are sometimes mistaken for Polyhydramnios.
premature labor.
In latter years the number of indications for c) Medical contraindications with respect to
tocolysis has increased. This supplemented in- the mother
dication list enables a more exact and therefore Diabetes mellitus which is difficult to stabilize,
more successful determination for tocolysis. A Hyperthyroidism,
reduction in the number of premature deliveries Congenital heart disease; heart lesions, e. g.
may give rise to hopes of a decrease in perinatal fibrillation.
mortality [8, 10, 11, 18, 29, 43]. Initial reports on Owing to the danger of sudden cardiac death,
favorable results obtained with tocolysis are catecholamines should be used very cautiously
tempered with more pessimistic evaluations [34, in cases with coronary sclerosis, hyperthy-
42, 58]. roidism, and severe hypertension. Concurrent
administration of calcium ions increases the
Successful tocolysis requires certain conditions. tendency to ventricular fibrillation [33].

J. Pcrinat. Mcd. 2 (1974)

10 Mosler et al., Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics

In the present article pharmacological contra- restricted to clinical observation or to regulr

indications are mentioned only briefly. A detailed supervision in the outpatient clinic. Additional
description is given in a separate pubcation on measures must be taken to-solve the problem of
the side-effects of /?-adrenergic tocolytics. Drug- premature delivery:
induced Inhibition o premature labor must be 1. Family planning,
preceded by a general medical examination, in-
cluding auscultation of the heart in particular. 2. Adequate prenatal care,
There is almost complete agreement on the cli- 3. Better social condition of the pregnant wo man
nical conditions required for tocolysis; however, 4. Inhibition of premature labor s early s
s to the parameters which are considered relative possible using specific drugs.
contraindications widely differing opinions have
been published. BIENARZ, CIBILS, FUCHS, and On the other hand we approve of prophylactic
LANDESMAN [59] regard premature rupture of the use of tocolytics in the short-term medication,
membranes s a contraindication because of the e. g. after surgical treatment of the uterus in
danger of ascending infection. On the other hand, pregnancy. In addition, short-term tocolysis will
KOEPCKE and SEIDENSCHNUR [32] s well s generally be given to bridge the time until
WEIDINGER and WIEST [53] report on successful delivery in cases of fetal distress. In case of ad-
Inhibition of labor following premature rupture. ministration of -adrenergic substances for several
Without tocolysis rupture leads to spontaneous hours after surgical operations, the development
delivery within 3 days in 60% of all cases. In 8% of intestinal atony must be considered. Therefore
of all cases, the pregnancy is maintained until the we use post-operative tocolysis according to the
end of the gestation period. In the individual case contraction pattern registered by a monitor.
tocolysis may be tried in case of rupture. A The indications for tocolysis listed below will
Prolongation of the gestation period by more subsequently be briefly cpmmented:
than 8 days should be achieved, this to be weighed
against the danger of infection for mother and A. Premature labor with excessive uterine
child. According to our own experience, we activity
regard rupture with considerable loss of amniotic We do not start tocolysis bef ore the 28th week
fluid s a contraindication for tocolysis. of gestation because the -stimulators have
only a weak effect in early pregnancy. JUNG
et al. [29] obtained favourable results in the
3. Indications for tocolysis treatment of imminent abortion with a drip
The main field of application for tocolytics is infusion during the 2nd to 4th month of
in threatened premature labor. Premature deli- pregnancy.
very plays an important part in perinatal mortality
[8, 55]. Countries with a low number of premature B. Regulation of labor sub partu
deliveries have better statistics concerning peri- a) In cases with hyperactivity and hyperkinesis
natal mortality, e. g. Sweden s compared to the (e. g. precipitate labor in case of transverse
USA. Before a treatment is begun, however, we lie, imminent uterine rupture)
have to ask ourselves if it is advantageous to
b) In some forms of hypertensive dystocia and
prevent premature delivery in every case. ZSUSPAN
uncoordinated uterine contraction (in-
points to the increasing number of children with
creased basal tone, uterine tetanus)
disturbances of the central nervous System; he
finds it difficult to determine to what extent c) As an antidote in uterine hyperStimulation
these disturbances can be attributed to prematurity due to oxytocin or prostaglandin (oxytocin
[59]. sensivity test, induction of labor).
In our opinion, prophylactic long-term medi- With strong frequent contractions only incom-
cation is not indicated. "Prophylactic therapy", plete transitory Inhibition canbe obtained [38].
in case of recurrent premature labor, must be Complete Inhibition cannot be achieyed with

,J. Perinat. Med. 2 (1074)

Mosler et al., Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics 11

/S-S}7mpathomimetics. We have been able to G. Gestosis (reduction in blood-pressure, simul-

observe, (s have KOEPCKE and SEIDENSCHNUR taneous Stimulation of the utero-placental
[32]), that after discontinuance of the tocolytic blood-flow, additional infusion of a plasma
therapy an extremely rapid dilation of the cervix expander).
may occur. VAHRSON and SCHWARZ [49] assume an
increased utero-placental blood flow, in view
C. Surgical treatment during pregnancy
of the marked reduction of blood pressure in
on the uterus:
the mother without danger for the child.
Cerclage according to SHIRODKAR or MC
ZAPIOLA [57] reported on angiographical
studies in pregnant women with increased
Myoma enucleation,
risk: ^-Stimulation increases human utero-
placental circulation. This therapy, designed to
Intrafetal transfusion in erythroblastosis.
improve the placental ischemia, is proble-
Other operations : matical in cases already demonstrating alter-
e. g. appendectomy ations of the placenta.
surgical treatment of biliary or renal stones.
D. Obstetric emergency cases 4. Management of threatened premature
Complications involving the umbilical cord, labor
Versions and extractions, We have adopted the following scheme in our
Manual removal of the placenta. clinical management of threatened premature
E. Mild to medium hemorrhage due to
placenta praevia up to the 37th week of A. Bedrest and mild sedation:
gestation For cases in which continuous uterine
The decision whether to apply conservative monitoring has demonstrated only irregulr
methods in case of placenta praevia bleeding premature uterine contractions (prematurity
depends on the individual clinical Situation. in past medical history).
Even with severe bleeding the uterus may be
sedated to prevent further Separation of the B. Combined tocolytic-spasmolytic ad-
placenta until delivery or caesarean section. ministration:
For cases in which continuous uterine moni-
F. Intrauterine asphyxia in the course of toring has demonstrated regulr uterine
labor (so-called "intrauterine reanimation" contractions (prematurity in past medical
until delivery) history).
As a Symptom for fetal hypoxia, marked
deceleration of the chikTs heart-rate may Immediate treatment intravenous
occur during delivery. CALDEYRO-BARCIA et al. Th 1165 a l3 //g/min
[15] s well s MOSLER [40] demonstrated Verapamil 120^g/min
successful intrauterine treatment of the fetus (administered in 500 ml 5% Glucose).
in fetal distress by means of administration of
Long^-term treatment oral
orciprenaline or fenoterol (Th 1165 a), re-
Th 1165 a 3 mg every 46 hours
spectively, to the mother. In the meantime
Verapamil 40 mg every 46 hours.
appropriate measures for completion of par-
turition may be taken. In some cases delivery If there is no sufficient Inhibition of labor,
can be spontaneous. The blood gas analysis Aspirin is given in addition
showed an increase of the pH-value under l g every 6 hours for 26 days orally or
tocolysis [15]J rectally.

Keywords: Alcohol, Aspirin, 0-adrenergics, halothane, premature labor, tocolysis, uterus.

J. Perinat. Med. 2 (1974)

12 Mosler et al., Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics


Tokolytische Therapie in der Geburtshilfe Magnesiumsulfat fhrt zu einer Verminderung der Wehen-
Unter Tokolyse versteht man die medikamentse Hem- frequenz und -Amplitude. Die erforderliche Blutspiegel-
mung vorzeitiger oder berschieender Uterusaktivitt. konzentration liegt jedoch mit 812 mg% sehr nahe an
Progesteron oder inzwischen neuentwickelte Gestagen- der toxischen Grenze.
Prparate knnen die Uterusaktivitt des Menschen nicht ther zeigt am Uterus eine hervorragende relaxierende
berzeugend hemmen. Progesteron-Konzentrationen, die Wirkung, kann aber wegen des postnarkotischen Er-
in der Schwangerschaft vorkommen, knnen sogar sy- brechens mit Aspirationsgefahr nicht generell empfohlen
nergistisch zum Oxytocin wirken und die Uterusaktivitt werden.
steigern. Nur die im Experiment anwendbaren hohen Die ansthesiologischen Eigenschaften von Halthan
Konzentrationen zeigen den von CSAPO inaugurierten sind fr die Geburtshilfe gnstig, da es zu einer schnellen
Block. Bewiesen wurde, da Progesteron zusammen mit Tokolyse fhrt. Als Nachteile gelten Herzirregularitten
strogen die StofFwechselaktivitt des Uterus erhht, es und Atemdepressionen mit bergang in den fetalen Kreis-
steigert den Kollagen- sowie den Nucleinsure-, Glykogen- lauf und der Gefahr der Atemdepression.
und Lipidgehalt. Therapeutisch angewendet kann es
wegen seiner geringen Wasserlslichkeit, der hohen Af- 2. Klinik der Tokolyse
finitt zum Serumprotein und der kurzen Halbwertzeit
Die modernen Tokolytika sind hochwirksame Pharmaka,
auch in hchstmglichen Konzentrationen keinen aus-
deshalb sollte die Tokolyse Kliniken mit rztlicher Ge-
reichenden Effekt erzielen.
burtshilfe vorbehalten bleiben. Eine apparative und per-
sonelle Pauerberwachung whrend der Behandlung
1. \ 'Pharmakologie der Tokolyse sollte mglich sein. Fr die externe Dauerberwachung
Die -adrenergen Substanzen (Fig. 1), kontinuierlich in eignen sich der Phoriokardiotokograph und der ltra-
kleinen Konzentrationen zugefhrt, haben einen guten schallkardiotokograph.
tokolytischen Effekt. ber erste klinische Erfahrungen Die grte Hoffnung auf eine Verringerung der perinatalen
berichteten HENDRICKS und Mitarb. sowie BISHOP und Mortalitt knnte durch die Senkung der Frhgeburten-
Mitarb. Nylidrin (Buphenin, Dilatol) fand bei uns Ein- zahl erzielt werden. Fr eine erfolgreiche Tokolyse sind
gang in die Therapie vorzeitiger Wehen. Ridotrin und einige Voraussetzungen erforderlich:
Partusisten zeigten von den spter untersuchten Sub- 1. Koordinierte Wehenttigkeit mit einer Frequenz von
stanzen die beste Wirkung bei geringer Nebenwirkung. l und mehr Wehen in 10 Minuten.
/8-Blocker heben die Wirkung der /?-Stimulatoren auf.
Spasmolytika vorn Papaverintyp (Fig. 2) knnen hn- 2. Lebender Fet.
lich wie /?-Blocker die Herzwirkung der /?-Stimula- 3. Geschtztes Gewicht des Feten unter 2.500 g bzw.
toren reduzieren, gleichzeitig aber am Uterus syner- Tragzeit bis zur 37. Woche.
gistisch zrn j8-Stimulator wirken. Verapamil (Isoptin) 4. Muttermund bis maximal 3 cm erffnet.
hat einen spasmolytischen, muskulotropen Effekt und
schien fr eine Kombination mit -Stimulatoren geeignet. 5. Zervix weniger als die Hlfte verkrzt.
Verapamil hat eine 5mal strkere uterushemmende Wir- Als relative klinische Kontraindikation gelten: der vor-
kung als Papaverin, kann aber bei geringer Nebenwirkung zeitige Blasensprung, Temperaturen ber 38C bei Ver-
hher dosiert werden. dacht auf intrauterine Infektion, starke Blutungen bei
Die nichtsteroiden, entzndungshemmenden Stoffe Placenta praevia, vorzeitige Plazentalsung sowie Mi-
(Fig. 3) knnen bei lngerer Einwirkung die Uterusakti- verhltnis, z. B. bei engem Becken.
vitt hemmen, sie gelten als Prostaglandinantagonisten Als relative medizinische Kontraindikation von seiten
(Fig. 46). Prostaglandine der Fraktion E2 und F2a gelten des Feten gelten: pathologische Herzfrequenzrnuster ohne
als Mediatoren der Uterusaktivitt. Die Hemmung ihrer Wehen, nachgewiesene Mibildung, Erythroblastose und
Synthese knnte als kausale Therapie bezeichnet werden, Hydramnion mit Verdacht auf Mibildung.
wenn man voraussetzt, da natrliche Prostaglandine zur Als relative medizinische Kontraindikation von seiten
vorzeitigen oder berschieenden Uterusaktivitt fhren. der Mutter haben zu gelten: ein manifester schwer ein-
In einigen Fllen konnte im klinischen Einsatz Acetyl- stellbarer Diabetes mellitus, angeborene Herzkrankheiten,
salicylsure in Form von Colfarit oral oder als Aspirin- kardiale Arrhythmien, Hyperthyreose und schwere Hyper-
Supp. gegeben werden (Fig. 78). Die Dosis betrug bis tonie. Gleichzeitige Gabe von Kalziumionen verstrkt die
maximal 6 g tglich. Wegen der zu erwartenden Neben- Tendenz zum Kammerflimmern.
wirkungen des Aspirins, z. B. auf das Gerinnungssystem
und einer mglichen Kumulation, wurde die Therapie frak-
tioniert, d. h. nach 6 Tagen unterbrochen, und bei erneutem 3. Indikation zur Tokolyse
Einsetzen von Wehen wieder begonnen. 1. Vorzeitige Wehenttigkeit mit drohender Frhgeburt.
thylalkohol kann in Konzentrationen von 1,01,6/00 2. Wehenregulierung bei Hyperaktivitt des Uterus,
die Uterusaktivitt reduzieren. Tetanus uteri,

J. Perinat. Med. 2 (1974)

Mosler et al., Tocolytic therapy in obstctrics 13

Antidot bei berstimulierung mit Oxytocin oder 4. Behandlung der drohenden Frhgehurt
Prostaglandinen. Nach folgenden Richtlinien kann die klinische Behandlung
der drohenden Frhgeburt durchgefhrt werden:
3. Operationen in graviditate
Cerclage a) Bettruhe und leichte Sedierung in Fllen von unregel-
Myomenucleation miger vorzeitiger Uterusaktivitt.
intrafetale Transfusion bei Erythroblastose b) Kombinierte tokolytische und spasmolytische Therapie
andere abdominale Operationen. in Fllen, in welchen die kontinuierliche Uterusaktivitt
in strker werdende, regulre Uterusaktivitt bergeht.
4. Geburtshilfliche Notflle
Nabelschnurvorfall, Die akute Behandlung beginnt intravens mit -S-
Wendung und Extraktion mulatoren, z. B. Th 1165a l3yug/min, zur Vermeidung
Manuelle Plazentalsung von Nebenwirkungen Verapamil 120//g/min in 5%iger
Involutio uteri post partum, Reposition Glucoselsung.
Langzeitbehandlung oral Th 1165 a 35 mg alle A6
5. Schwache bis mittelstarke Placenta-praevia-Blutung Stunden, Verapamil zustzlich 4080 mg alle 48 Stun-
bis zur 37. Gestationswoche. den.
Setzt keine ausreichende Hemmung der Wehenttigkeit ein,
6. Intrauterine Asphyxie in der Austreibungsperiode. dann kann der Versuch unternommen werden, Aspirin l g
alle 6 Stunden fr 2 maximal 6 Tage oral oder rectal zu-
7. Gestose. zufhren.
Schlsselwrter: thylalkohol, Aspirin, /?-Adrenergika, Halothan, Wehen (vorzeitig), Tokolyse.

Therapie tocolytique en obstetrique en meme temps de fa$on synergetique sur Puterus
Par tocolyse on entend l'inhibition medicamenteuse de comme un stimulateur. Le verapamil (isoptin) a un
Pactivite uterine prematuree ou excessive. Le progesterone effet spasmolytique, musculotrope et a semble convenir a
ou les preparations de gestagenes mises au point entre- une combinaison avec les stimulateurs. Le verapamil a un
temps ne peuvent pas inhiber de fagon convaincante effet inhibiteur sur l'uterus 5 fois superieur a celui de la
Pactivite uterine humaine. Les concentrations de pro- papaverine et, en cas d'effet secondaire reduit, son dosage
gesterone qui se produisent dans la grossesse peuvent peut etre encore augmente.
meme avoir un effet synergetique d'oxytocine et accroitre Les agents nonsteroides, inhibitrices des inxamma-
Pactivite uterine. Seulemente les concentrations elevees tions (Fig. 3), peuvent, sous action prolongee, inhiber
applicables en experimentation montrent le bloc inaugure Pactivite de Puterus et ont valeur des antagomstes des
par CS A PO. II a ete prouve que le progesterone avec prostaglandines (Fig. 46). Les prostaglandines de la
Poestrogene augmente Pactivite metabolique de Puterus fraction E2 etF 2 ocsont considerees comme des mediateurs
ainsi que la teneur en collagenes de meme qu'en acide de Pactivite uterine. L'inhibition de leur Synthese pourrait
nucleique, glyogene et lipides. Applique de facon thera- etre qualifiee de therapie causale si on part du fait que les
peutique, il ne peut pas atteindre un effet sffisant meme prostaglandines naturelles conduisent a une activite uterine
sous forme de concentrations maximales en raison de son prematuree ou excessive. Dans quelques cas, on a pu, en
hydrosolubilite reduite, de s grande affinite avec la Intervention clinique, administrer de Pacide acetyle
plasmaproteine, et de s courte periode de demi-valeur. salicylique sous forme de colfarit par voie buccale ou de
suppositoires d'aspirine (Fig. 78). La dose maximale a
ete de 6 g par jour. A cause des effets secondaires probables
1. Pharmacologie de la tocolyse de Paspirine, sur le Systeme de coagulation par exemple, et
Les substances -adrenergiques (Fig. 1), administrees de d'une cumulation eventuelle, la therapie a ete fractionnee,
fagon continue en concentrations faibles ont, un bon effet c. a. d. interrompue aprs 6 jours pour etre recommencee a
tocolytique. HENDRICKS et coll. ainsi que BISHOP et coll. la reprise des douleurs.
ont parles des premieres experiences cliniques. La nylidrine L'alcool ethylique, concentre a 1,01,6/00, peut reduire
(buphenine, dilatol) etait employee chez nous en therapie Pactivite uterine.
pour les douleurs prematurees. Parmi les substances exa- Le sulfate de magnesium provoque une diminution de la
minees par la suite, la ridotrine et les partpsistes se frequence et de Pamplitude des douleurs. Mais la concen-
montrerent les plus efficaces avec un effet secondaire tration du taux sanguin requise etant de 812 mg%, eile
reduit. se trouve tres pres de la limite toxique.
Les agents bloqueurs stoppent Peffet des stimulateurs. L'ether manifeste dans Puterus une excellente action
Des substances spasmoly-figiires (Fig. 2) du type de relaxante, mais ne peut malgre tout pas etre recommande
papaverine peuvent, de fagon similalre aux blockeurs, d'une fagon gnerale cause des vomissements postnar-
reduire l'eifet cardiaque des stimulateurs, mais agir cotiques avec risque d'aspiration.

J.Perinat.Mcd. 2 (1974)
14 Mosler et al., Tocolytic therapy in obstetrics

Les propriotos anesthesiologiques de Fhalothan sont 3. Indications pour la tocolyse

favorables en obstetrique, car il provoque une tocolyse 1. Travail promarur avec risque d'accouchement pre-
rapide. Les inconvonients en sont, toutefois, les irrd- mature. :l
gularites cardiaques et depressions respiratoires avec
passage dans la circulation foetale et danger de depression 2. Rgulation du travail en cas d'hyperactivite de F
respiratoire chez le nouveau-ne. uterus, tetanus uteri,
antidote en cas de Stimulation excessive par oxytocine
2. Aspects cliniques de la tocolyse ou prostaglandines.
Les tocolytica modernes sont des medicaments tres ef- 3. Operation pendant la gravidite,
ficaces; la tocolyse devrait donc etre reservee aux hpitaux cerclage,
dotes d'un Service medical d'obstetrique, avec surveillance myomenucleation,
assuree en permanence pendant le traitment par im transfusion intrafoetale en cas d'erythroblastose,
personnel et des appateils sffisante. Le phonocardio- autres operations abdominales.
tocographe et l'ultrasonocardiotocographe sont recomman- 4. Urgences obstetriques,
des pour la surveillance permanente externe. omphaloproptose,
On peut esperer reduire la mortalite perinatale en premier tropisme et extraction,
lieu en abaissant le nombre des accouchements prematures. placenta incarcerate,
Une tocolyse reussie presuppose: involutio uteri post partum.
1. un travail d'accouchement coordonne avec une fre- 5. Hemorragie placentaire de faible mesosthenique
quence de l plusieurs douleurs par dix minutes; jusqu'a la 37me semaine de gestation.
2. un foetus vivant; 6. Asphyxie intra-uterine dans la periode d'expulsion.
3.'un poids du foetus estime inferieur a 2500 g ou une 7. Gestose.
duree de grossesse n'ayant pas depasse 37 semaines;
4. une ouverture de Forifice de Futerus ne depassant 4. Le traitement clinique de Faccouchement pre-
pas 3 cm; mature
5. un col de Futerus raccourci de moins de la moitie. Le traitement clinique de l'accouchement premature
menagant peut etre applique en accord avec les directives
Les facteurs de contre-indication clinique relative suivantes:
sont: la rupture prematuree des membranes, des tempera- a) Repos au lit et sedation legere dans les cas d'activite
tures superieures a 38C avec suspicion d'infection intra^ uterine prematuree et irreguliere.
uterine, des fortes hemorragies par placenta praevi, le
detachement premature du placenta ainsi qu'une dispro- b) Therapie tocolytique et spasmolytique combinee dans
portion, par ex. en cas d'etroitesse du bassin. les cas ou Factivite uterine continue devient reguliere
Les facteurs de contre-indication medicale relative et plus forte.
chez le foetus sont: Fechantillon de frequence cardiaque Le traitement intensif commence par voie intraveineuse
pathologique en l'absence des douleurs du travail, une avec des stimulateurs, par ex. Th 1165 a l3//g/min,
malformation prouvee, une erythroblastose et une poly- pour prevenir les effets secondaires verpamil 120/^g/min
hydramnie avec suspicion de malformation. dans du glucose 5%.
Les facteurs de contre-indication medicale relative Traitement de longue duree par voie buccale Th 1165a
chez la mere sont: un diabetes mellitus manifeste et 35 mg totes les A-6 heures, avec, en plus, verpamil
difficilement contrlable, des maladies cardiaques con- 4080 mg totes les 48 heures.
genitales, des arrhytmies cardiales, Phyperthyreose et une Si ces traitements ne suffisent pas a inhiber le travail, on
Hypertonie grave. Une administration simultanee de peut essayer d'administrer l g d'aspirine totes les 6 heures
calciumions accroit la tendance de vibrations ventriculaires. pendant 2 maximum 6 jours par voie buccale o rectale.

Mots-cles: tocolyse, travail premature et son traitment, Inhibition du travail, sedatifs uterins, substances stimulateurs
sur Futerus humain, effet de Faspirine sur Futerus humain.


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D-8700 Wrzburg/Germany

J. Perinat. Med. 2 (1974)

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